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Board Business / Re: DnD Next board
« on: July 15, 2014, 02:15:43 AM »
Yeah, +1 for a new board.

Ive been looking for it as well, and are about to test it with a few friends. Would be good for it to have its own place.

Min/Max 3.x / Re: [Pathfinder] Building a Necromancer
« on: February 11, 2014, 03:27:41 AM »
Im making a build similiar to this, but were not near enough those levels yet.

Depends on the flavour of the BBEG, but mine is a Cleric 5 (Evangelist for Bard-buffs for my minions) / Agent of the grave 1 (so far). The plan is maybe to go Dread Lich at 15/16 (depends on cash avaliable).

If you like the idea I can come with some of my research.

Not faster than 'char', though, which is what used to be used until about 6 years ago. Thanks certain-unnamed-mmo-that-isn't-Blizzard-produced.
I picked it up playing EQ2 for several years :)
And sorry for those that didnt get it. I though it was close to common knowledge  :-\

I really enjoy mixing up a multitude of classes and PrCs, if it can give me an interesting build. I feel it makes my toon more unique, even tho thats probably some stupid thinking on my hand.

Probably my preference reflects my own personality. Im more of a Jack-of-all-trades in RL, dipping into a bit of this and a bit of that, and I like my toons to do that as well, as long as it makes sense :)

D&D 3.5 and Pathfinder / Re: The Importance of Trained-Only Skills
« on: August 29, 2012, 06:06:05 PM »
Identify as noted in the Skill entry and use doesn't tell you a cow is a cow. It tells you that male cow is a four legged bovine dubbed bos primigenius taurus, also called a bull, with no Damage Deduction, Spell Resistance, or other defensive qualities. It's weakness is sharp objects, mud, water, and long falls. And they cannot see their own feet.

The common knowledge check, DC 10, tells you that you can milk it by squeezing it's nipples. Unless maybe you're not a mammal, do you think a Kobold would look at dangle parts and it wants to know what it would be like to suck on them?
Common knowledge to milk a bull? (You said earlier that the identify said it was a male cow, also called a bull).
Im pretty sure its common knowledge you milk a cow, not a bull ...

D&D 3.5 and Pathfinder / Re: The Importance of Trained-Only Skills
« on: August 29, 2012, 06:02:57 PM »
Or the difference between an ancient undead skeleton and your buddy's ex-wife.
Are you sure there is a difference?

Oh. I see.
Your definition of "not hard" is actually "tailor my entire class build specifically for this one thing at the exclusion of anything else."

Yeah, you're right, I am new to that idea. See the boards I've been reading for the last ten years or so "not hard" is pretty much just that: easily attainable by almost  any character... Y'know... not hard.
Well, this is the minmaxboards ...

Im also new here, but my understanding of «not hard» is that the way is covered in basic strats, books etc, and not having to tweak insanly, or «bend» the rules to do it.
Its not hard to wild shape in D&D. That still doesnt mean its attainable by almost any character :)

D&D 3.5 and Pathfinder / Re: Pathfinder tier system
« on: August 28, 2012, 10:00:52 AM »
I'm doing a similar thing with a summoner.  Playing a human summoner with Racial Heritage: Half Elf along with Fast Learner to get both the extra spell known per level and the 1/4 evolution points and also use the Wild Caller archetype. (Character and his eidolon are a fledgling Tane created by Ng the Many, of the Eldest of the First World in Golarion)
Where have you found extra spell known per level? I have not been able to find any of that stuff. Inquisitor, Oracle and Sorcerer are those I have found that for, but not Summoner.

D&D 3.5 and Pathfinder / Re: I'm a genius so I blow stuff up!
« on: August 19, 2012, 09:47:23 AM »
I did try a mass scale attack once, with hordes of undead against me and a buddy (I was the DM, and a player. We were just playing around with a couple of toons to see how they worked). 60 undead (mix of zombies, ogres, bone dragons weights etc) at once, through a small valley. Kinda fun, especially with some incorperal stuff etc.

In the end, with some summoned creatures, we did kind of mow them down like a scythe does grass, but it was fun. Bookkeeping was hell tho. I had planned to run 2 waves, but as it took well over an hour just to resolve the first wave, we dropped it ...

It is something I would try again, maybe even on a larger scale, but maybe with several more players, and perhaps a couple of DM-helpers to do some bookeeping and rolling while I did the tactics. Could be fun as an endgame to a story or something :)

Min/Max 3.x / Re: My cleric and I are back
« on: August 07, 2012, 08:08:01 PM »
Hmm, not sure if its allowed, but take a look at some prestige classes for the next lvls. Ordained Champion can be worth it to read through, even tho the Smite requires use of turning attempts. A good way to use up the excess you cant spend on persists tho.

Also, your AC seemed kind of low (not that that was your question, but still). Are you stuffing yourself with Shield of Faith and Magic Vestment?

Divine Power is awsome, but you also have Righteous Might and Righteous Wrath(?). Stacking that would also help a lot :) And as others have mentioned, Power Attack! I would go for that over Ancestral Knowledge if you feel you need more damage. (Extended) Greater Magic Weapon would also give you a boost (at 10h you probably dont need to extend it), Also, if you can get a hold of Bead of Karma, you can get them cast as CL14. That would mean +3 from Greater Magic Weapon as well as better AC-buffs :)

If you need better AC/Buffs (as you said you needed to do in-combat healing), Paragnostic Apostle gives you the ability to add +2 AC to all AC-buffs. If you get the Beads, that means +6 Deflection AC, and +5 AC from Magic Vestment, at lvl 10. Yes, Close Wounds is awsome, as its quick, but it doesnt heal much, and if you can pre-buff your team with better AC to take less damage, you could all focus more on damage :)

A shame you couldnt have taken som PrC-lvls when you made the toon (just took a quick look at the earlier post. Didnt read it all through, so forgive me if Im mistaken about something). My opinion of Cleric is at least to go into PrC asap, as you get all the Cleric-stuff anyways :) (Cleric/Ordained Champion/Bone Knight/Paragnostic Apostle was awsome)

Mehh. When I first saw the threadtitle I though someone was beeing a troll, and were wondering why they couldnt power attack with ranged weapons ...

But then, thats what you get for not having english as a primary language ...

D&D 3.5 and Pathfinder / Re: [PF] Inquisitor
« on: August 05, 2012, 05:25:21 PM »
Made long post, managed to press F5, FFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUU!
Trying again ...

Other then people hating Pathfinder in general

That would probably be it, the min/max community in general has a real hatred for pazio and a lot of the pathfinder community.

GitP or the Pazio boards would likley be a better source of advice but they are not really known for their skill at optimising...
Not so much needing advice as reading thoughts on the class. Looking at the opinions of others, and wasting more time reading. Just wondering why there's so little about them here. Even tho people arent especially fond of Pathfinder, there are several threads on other PF-classes.

I havent been at the Pazio boards. Might go take a look, if for nothing else then humoring myself with fanboys-posts.

The inquisitor won't ever 'suck' compared to full casters any more than any other 2/3 casters will.  I think part of the reason that there's little attention to them (aside from the fact that most people here don't like PF) is that they were released in the same book as the Alchemist and the Summoner, two really good classes, and so got ignored somewhat.  An Inquisitor doesn't need much to make them viable either, they're pretty solidly built and there aren't many tricks you can do with their class features. (Unlike combining alchemist archetypes, discoveries and spells to create miniature skin golems, inta-death injections, absolutely abominable melee pounce builds; or dicking about with eidolons)

Inquisitor - take a decent melee tactic and build for it and use your class features as bonuses.  They're pretty solid at intimidation tactics (e.g. take the Cornugon Smash feat)

Planning on doing Cornugon Smash. Other then that, its selfish self-buffing, Improved Critical and Bleeding Critical with a Rapier (thats the plan, but those feats are far away yet, so who knows what happens. Might even go for the Falcata). Other then that, its flanking focus from teamwork feats, as we have a summoner druid that should help me get the flanking benefit most of the time.

Ive taken a look at the Alchemist, and even thos its a bit whacky, it could be some fun. Imo, they could have spent a little more time writing the thing. Some stuff didnt make sense, and were put in just to get some mechanics in order, without it making any sense at all. But but, it wasnt my cup of tea for now :)
From the Tier-list Alchemist is considered same tier as Inquisitor. Not that it says a lot, but ...

The main "problems" with Inquisitor are:
1) They're presented as an archer class, yet in practice are TERRIBLE for it.
2) The religious fluff, domain, HD, saves, BAB, and proficiencies make them look VERY similar to clerics.  Except...they get gimped casting and half the domains and none of the domain spells/slots.  So, the question becomes, "why ever play one over a cleric?"  Which is a valid question to ask of many classes since cleric is so godly (heh, pun), but Inquisitor suffers for being so darn similar.

It's not a bad class by any means.  Melee and/or intimidating, it can do pretty well for itself, and there are a few gems in the spell list.
Hmm, what made you think of them as an archer class other then the picture of them holding a bow? Ive always had a mental image of Inquisitors as melee. Brutes of faith doing the dirty work the clerics doesnt always want to do themself etc.

Yes, very much a cleric-clone in some parts, but more focus on combat (with bane and judgement, as well as teamwork feats) was my thought. When we needed a BigStupidFighter (the other two in the party beeing a lazy witch and a summoner druid), it seemed a nice class to get cleric buffs along with some more melee-buffs for tanking.
In the last campain (3.5) I was a Cleric/Ordained Champion/Bone Knight/Paragnostic Apostle, and I LOVED the toon. Mixing up a weird combo that fit my character was awsome, but with the limited selection of Prestige Classes, and extreme restrictions from my DM (only one trait, no drawbacks, occupation to be considered by him, Core Rulebook with some stuff from Advanced Players Guide allowed, no Ultimate Combat, no Ultimate Magic (at least not yet) etc) made me look at Inquisitor instead of the regular Cleric.

The campain wont ever even get close to lvl 20, so the endgame, GOD-spells etc wont come into play. Cause of that, the Inquisitor seemed a nice choice to go with the others. The druid will probably optimize, but the witch was a waste of space in the beginning at least. Doing Burning Hands, Healing Hex and a crossbow that never once hit as she didnt have Precise Shot wasnt very useful. Not Slumber Hex, Sleep, Color Spray or anything interesting, and she healed the druid that was standing behind his animal compain with a reach weapon rather then me tanking in the front. But, enough rant about dead-weight witches :P

So, in the end, a question. If you look at a campain that might go to lvl 12 or so. Would the Inquisitor maybe be considered T2 for that part? The cleric buffs, spontanious casting with increased spells from Human FCB, and good tanking skills made the toon rather nice at the beginning.

Not that it matters. Having a T3 while the rest of the party is T1 makes me able to optimize/do whatever I want without the DM complaining about me beeing overpowered (hopefully, tho he has already favoured the witch, which is his girlfriend, with better magic gear, while demanding almost 50% more gold for the druids gear, out of no other reason then she not knowing her toon, thus needing much better stuff then she could usually get). (Ok, second attempt to stop ranting about dead-weight witches :P) Anyways, its better to play with a whacky group, then not play at all. :D

D&D 3.5 and Pathfinder / [PF] Inquisitor
« on: August 03, 2012, 06:48:25 PM »
So, Ive hardly found any info on the Pathfinder Inquisitor here. Any special reason for that?1
Im trying it out in a campain we just started, and so far it seems to be doing fine. Yeah, I know it might not cut it in endgame, but Im also pretty sure I wont see endgame in this campain. I'll probably be lucky if we get to 6 or 7, but that remains to be seen.

It got decent armour, cleric-buffs up til 6th spells, and judgements that makes it quite versatile as a meatshield/dps in a three-man campain.
Does anyone have any thoughts on the class? When does it really start to suck compared to the higher tiered classes? So far its right beside/above the druid, and the witch is so far behind, he cant see her even with a good Perception, but this is low level yet.

1 Other then people hating Pathfinder in general

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Being a Shadowcraft Mage at the earliest level
« on: August 03, 2012, 06:22:01 PM »
Player 3: "Hmm, I use Wild Shape twice, at once. I'm now two bears!"
DM: :banghead
D&D: You have two bears. The DM bans Druids.
DM: Make that two beers, and give them both to me, and youre on!

Well, its mostly the same way for me. Also a bit of the same background (billied etc), but instead of wanting the power, I want to know I master the game, and would be able to omtimize.
Yes, I dont need to minmax everything, but optimize most stuff, as long as it makes sense.

In example, my Pathfinder toon atm, an Inquisitor, is human, and not Half-Orc, even tho for the build with intimidation etc, a half-orc would do better. But, within my character, it should be as good as it could be. Why not live up to your potensial?

I love finding small quirks, and exploit/use/have fun with them. A lot of the time its often about reading what others have done, and then change it so that everything fits my style the best. Still, the toon isnt supposed to suck! (Yes, the last group I was in the Rogue opened with a crossbow, with 1d4 attack, then spent the next round putting it away, and drawing one hidden blade, then after that drawing the other hidden blade, and moving forth. Result, after 3 rounds, the rouge had fired one 1d4 bolt, which missed. I could never play like that. It goes against my nature)

One of the most interesting toons Ive played was a Savage Bard/Crusader/Jade Phoenix Mage/Lyric Thaumaturge/Sublime Chord. Figuring that toon out was pure joy, and he kept up with my buddys druid as well :D
He was also riding a Dire Warbeast Battle Mount Badger (yes, that one was maybe a bit sidetracked, but it was damn fun) as he was Gnome, and he didnt want some stupid riding dog!

Im okay with not everyone wanting to omtimize their toons, but they should at least try to not play chaotic stupid (both as alignment and behaviour) during sessions. Basic knowledge about your toon should be expected, and if you can play your toon to some degree, even mundanes can perform decent enough, at least at the levels I have played at. (I started playing D&D last christmas, and havent had a toon in a real group that went past 8)

Imo, why play if you cant play it properly?

Gaming Advice / Re: Scroll: Is It Arcane or Divine?
« on: March 22, 2012, 05:45:48 AM »
Ahh, awsome! Thnaks for the quick reply! :)

PS: I have that avatar of yours as a t-shirt :P

Gaming Advice / Re: Scroll: Is It Arcane or Divine?
« on: March 21, 2012, 06:45:57 PM »
Another question here.
As an Archivist can cooperate with a wizard on making a scroll, can he then make a scroll of a spell that the wizard can cast, as long as the spell exists on some divine level, as a phreak-domain? So, just team up with the local wizzy to get Magic Missile, instead of looking for a Cleric with the Force-domain?

D&D 3.5 and Pathfinder / Re: Recommended WotC books?
« on: March 20, 2012, 05:10:20 AM »
Complete Champion: I like Ordained Champion (melee cleric) and Paragnostic Apostle (divine/arcane caster). As well as some alternate class features (Pool of Healing for Clerics). They also have some nice stuff on organisations :)

Five Nations (Eberron): I also use the Bone Knight-PrC from there. Interesting class for melee clerics, or for Paladins gone bad. Havent read through the rest of the book tho. There's only 24 hours a day :(

Before your next session begins, have a talk as a group. Explain to the people with very modest knowledge of D&D that for the game to flow even somewhat smoothly, they need to have a grasp of the very basics of the game, such attack bonus and initiative that you mentioned. Granted, learning the very basics of D&D is a task in itself, but there is hardly any point in playing if one has no idea what he is doing.

To encourage this, maybe you could strike a deal between the players who have a more comprehensive understanding of the game and the newcomers. Perhaps the more experienced and savvy players could help with learning the rules? In games where I have played with people totally new to the game, we have usually had a first session dedicated entirely to creating characters, explaining the rules, and perhaps running a few mock encounters to see if the players have actually understood how the system works.

Learning the intricacies of the system obviously takes time and some players never become particularly good optimisers for various reasons like not wanting to study copious amounts of books, threads and combinations, but learning the basics does not take too long if the player actually puts his mind to it. So, in other words, I would suggest that you consult the DM, talk with the group, and possibly arrange a session where you go through the basics of the game. Luckily a large chunk of the fundamental rules is available online, so accessing the necessary material should not be too difficult.

Hope that was of some help.
Yeah, some. Thanks :)

The thing is, we have gone through the basics etc. Some of the players just dont spend any time on reading stuff or planning between sessions. They kinda just show up (often a bit late), and then expect to get stuff done, and to get help with everything, so everyone who have actually done some homework gotta spend some of the 4h-session we have 2 times a month fixing other toons, even tho we are at uni every day and could help out outside of sessions. We have all the material (we play 3.5e, so what we couldnt get books for, we got some pdf's, so everyone have all the stuff they need). I'll suggest to the DM to be a bit more strict about getting their stuff together :)

You could try putting together a combat flowchart. Like,

Pick a Target---->Roll to Hit--->Add Attack Bonus--->Add Str (melee) or Dex (Range). If you hit go this way. If you miss go this way.
Yeah, they know the basic stuff, to some degree. But then, a +2 Dex gloves. Does that give +1 or +2 to attack? Does it give +1 or +2 to initiative etc. Every time they have something not written down on a sheet, like a Magic Weapon-buff, or Bless or something, stuff takes 120 sec or more, each roll ...  :banghead

As for building characters for players, some players need it. Some people simply don't have the head for all the mechanics and stuff and get confused. They're not stupid they're just not into the mechanics aspect as much as, say, the roleplaying aspect. We have to help one member a lot when making or upgrading her characters. We list all the options, talk about her character and what she's been doing and her personality and all and work out what to spend points on.
Ahhh, the roleplaying aspect  ;)
What alignment was I again? Ohh yes, chaotic stupid! Let me try to rape the lizardfolk-barmaid in the tavern filled with imperial guards, belonging to the evil regime were trying to spy on, when Im a lvl 3 Hafling Rogue  :shakefist

Rant aside. Im just happy to actually have someone to play with. I started recently, but it was kind of like finding something I have been missing my whole life, and Im just trying to cope with what I have as there arent that many alternatives in my area. It will hopefully get better with later sessions, either with the people learning, or dropping out :)

Gaming Advice / Re: Dice vs Point Buy Probability [3.5]
« on: March 19, 2012, 03:53:55 PM »
My group use the 4d6x6, drop the lowest, and if you get a total of less then +8, redo the whole thing.
Makes stuff still random, but you dont get the really crappy rolls, and is nice for a bunch of noobs (which most of us are).

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