Author Topic: The Valdoran Spellmonk [prestige]  (Read 1391 times)

Offline TheGeometer

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The Valdoran Spellmonk [prestige]
« on: July 15, 2014, 02:20:48 PM »

Each drop of rain is barely felt, but the combined power of countless raindrops over the ages have razed a once-grand stone peak into the feeble hill that lies before you. Be as the rain, and you too shall have more power than the mightiest of mountains.
-Sheru, a master Valdoran Spellmonk

The Valdoran Spellmonks are an order of magic-wielding monks trained by the wisest of the Erudar elders. Their instruction combines the discipline and fighting style of mundane monks with the power and versatility of remnant magic. To an extent, even ordinary monks, with their quick, light blows, embody the core principle of remnant magic: that the combination of small effects can result in true strength. The Valdoran Spellmonks place that principle at the center of their lifestyle and combat techniques.

Races from around the world come to the temple in Valdor to train as monks, though the necessary self-restraint makes the class less appealing to warlike dwarves and orcs than to the comparatively calm elves and humans. Erudari compose the slight majority of monks-in-training; indeed, this class is one of the few cases in which Erudari will train themselves in melee combat.

 Base Attack Bonus: +3
 Remnant Casting: Able to cast remnants from a class list
 Special: Flurry of Blows class feature

Class Skills
The Valdoran Spellmonk's class skills are Balance, Climb, Concentration, Craft, Diplomacy, Escape Artist, Hide, Jump, Knowledge (Arcana), Knowledge (Religion), Listen, Move Silently, Perform, Profession, Sense Motive, Spellcraft, Spot, Swim, Tumble, and Use Magic Device.
Skills Points at Each  Level 4 + int

Hit Dice: d6

Attack Bonus

Flurry of

1st+0+2+2+2Remnant Flurry, Monk Traits5+1 level of existing remnant casting class
2nd+1+3+3+3Perfect Balance6+1 level of existing remnant casting class
3rd+2+3+3+3Mystic Focus7+1 level of existing remnant casting class
4th+3+4+4+4Withstand Pain8--
5th+3+4+4+4Spellmonk's Circlet9+1 level of existing remnant casting class
6th+4+5+5+5Mettle11+1 level of existing remnant casting class
7th+5+5+5+5Interrupt Blow13+1 level of existing remnant casting class
8th+6+6+6+6Remnant Time, Withstand Pain15--
9th+6+6+6+6Aura of Calm17+1 level of existing remnant casting class
10th+7+7+7+7Spellmonk Ascension20+1 level of existing remnant casting class

Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: The Valdoran Spellmonk gains no new proficiency with any weapons or armor.

Casting: At each level not divisible by 4, the Valdoran Spellmonk gains more RP per round, more known remnants or remnant slots, and an increase in caster level (and RP per day, if applicable) as if she had also gained a level in a remnant casting class to which she belonged before adding the prestige class level. She does not, however, gain any other benefit a character taking that class would have gained by taking a level of that remnant casting class. If she had more than one remnant casting class before becoming a Valdoran Spellmonk, she must decide to which class to add each level for the purpose of determining remnants known, remnant slots, RP/turn and/or RP/day.

Remnant Flurry: A Valdoran Spellmonk's Flurry of Blows resembles the remnants she casts. She gains a number of attacks given on the table above, which she can use by making a full-round action. She may divide these attacks as she wishes between any viable targets within her melee range. Then, she makes an attack roll at her highest BAB, and each target determines how many attacks hit it as though the number of attacks on that target were the number of castings in a group of remnants (using their AC to oppose the attack roll, as normal). No modifiers may be added to the damage dice, including the Spellmonk's Strength modifier, and no effects such as the Stunning Fist feat may be applied to any given attack. Like a group of remnants, this ability is affected by damage reduction only after the full damage of all of the attacks that hit have been dealt. This replaces her normal Flurry of Blows ability.

Monk Traits: Add a character's levels in Monk (zero, if the character has none) with her levels in Valdoran Spellmonk to determine her AC and movement speed bonuses.

Perfect Balance: A Valdoran Spellmonk's training focuses on balance, both between magic and physical strength, and within onesself. The 2nd level Valdoran Spellmonk gains +10 to Balance checks and cannot be tripped.

Mystic Focus: At 3rd level, the Valdoran Spellmonk learns to use her remnant magic to contribute to her battle style. As a free action as part of her remnant casting for any given round, she may spend an additional amount of RP divisible by 5. For every 5 RP she expends in this manner, she gains an additional attack during the next use of her Remnant Flurry ability. While multiple uses of this ability on different turns stack to determine the amount of attacks on the next Remnant Flurry, the amount of bonus attacks that can be gained from a Spellmonk's Mystic Focus cannot exceed half her class levels. If she does not use her Remnant Flurry ability within a minute of using this class feature, she gains no extra attacks and the RP is wasted.

Withstand Pain: By 4th level, the Spellmonk's training has focused her body and mind to the extent that she can disregard some of the damage that she gets dealt. She gains DR 1/--, which stacks with any other damage reduction that affects her. This improves to DR 2/-- at level 8.

Spellmonk's Circlet: When the Spellmonk's training is half-complete at 5th level, she must journey to the temple in Valdor, the origin of her martial order. There, she must face a trial to prove herself worthy of continuing to tread the path of the Valdoran Spellmonk, and is awarded a Spellmonk's Circlet (see Remnant Items) upon its completion. The trial may be a physical challenge or a mental obstacle that the character must overcome. For Spellmonks unable to travel to the Valdor temple (or if Valdor does not exist in the character's world), ancient wisdom surfaces in the Spellmonk's mind, allowing her to craft the Circlet for half its cost in gp in only a single day without having to spend XP. She may only make a Spellmonk's Circlet in this manner once. Though Spellmonks must don at least once a Spellmonk's Circlet that they crafted or earned at the Valdor temple in order to take the 6th level of this class, they need not keep the item. Indeed, it is an unfortunate yet common practice for Spellmonks to sell these symbols of their character growth so that they may purchase more powerful items in their place.

Mettle: At 6th level and higher, a Valdoran Spellmonk can resist magical and unusual attacks with great willpower or fortitude. If she makes a successful Will or Fortitude save against an attack that normally would have a lesser effect on a successful save (such as any spell with a saving throw entry of Will half or Fortitude partial), she instead completely negates the effect. An unconscious or sleeping Spellmonk does not gain the benefit of mettle.

Interrupt Blow: Starting at level 7, the Valdoran Spellmonk begins to make use of the fact that other creatures cannot make use of multiple, weaker attacks as well as she. As an immediate action in response to a melee attack aimed at her (before any attack dice are rolled), she may interrupt the attack with a well-timed defensive strike, forcing the attacker to make two smaller attacks instead. Each smaller attack deals half as much damage as the attack would have done without this effect, but each has a separate attack roll, and each is effected by the Spellmonk's DR and energy resistance. Any effects besides damage that would have occured if the original attack had hit take effect once if either or both of the smaller attacks hit.

Remnant Time: By level 8, the Valdoran Spellmonk full understands the potential of the smallest leftover pieces, whether of magic in the case of her casting or of leftover moments of time in combat. On any turn in which she spends a move action that does not change her location, she gains a bonus swift action. She may not gain more than one swift action per turn in this manner.

Aura of Calm: The 9th level Valdoran Spellmonk has so much inner peace and focus that even those around her are deterred from aggression. All creatures within a 10-foot-radius spread of her (including the Spellmonk herself) are immune to fear and unable to enter a rage, frenzy, or similar state of uncontrolled fury. If a creature already in a rage, frenzy, etc. or suffering from fear enters the Aura of Calm, it calms down immediately. This effect is continuous, though it can be suppressed and resumed by the Spellmonk at will as a swift action.

Spellmonk Ascension: At level 10, the Valdoran Spellmonk has reached the height of her abilities. She cannot fail Balance checks, including epic Balance checks to walk on water or cloud. In addition, she gains Improved Evasion and Improved Mettle, which work like the normal versions of those abilities but also halve damage on a failed save.

Live simply and simply live.
-Sheru, on life.
Daily Life: Valdoran Spellmonks spend most of their time in quiet meditation, and prefer peace to warfare, though they will not back down from a fight if it means protecting a person, place, or belief that they value. While some Spellmonks are not averse to collecting items and treasure, most will keep only what they need to effectively overcome obstacles toward their goals; their way of life encourages simplicity over the desire for material objects.
 Notables: Ebryn the Quick was a Valdoran Spellmonk whose exploits have been chronicled in Erudar folklore. She traveled the land, aiding any who sought her help and never asking for anything in return. Legend says that as she struggled in battle against the mightiest of dragons, the gratitude of those she helped suddenly surrounded her, filling the air with magic. Smiling despite her grievous wounds, she pulled the magic from the sky and focused it into the most powerful charm ever cast. The dragon became her trusted friend and ally, and together they spent the rest of their days striking down the forces of evil.
 Organizations: All Valdoran Spellmonks are part of an unnamed martial order based in the forest temple in Valdor. In addition, many join the League of Alborard to support their fellow remnant casters.


Hit Die: d6
Skills Points at Each Level: 4 + int
Casting: The Epic Valdoran Spellmonk continues advancing remnant casting at every level higher than 10th that is not divisible by 4.
Bonus Feats: The Epic Valdoran Spellmonk gains a Bonus Feat every 3 levels higher than 10th.
« Last Edit: February 10, 2015, 11:54:04 PM by TheGeometer »