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Messages - bluephenix

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I usually dump necro and div myself

I think over the long haul enchantment offers more spells you'd want to pick up / learn eventually and most divination spells are relegated to scroll them and see if you'll need them like see invisibility, identify, so on and so forth.

Feels cheap to say it over and over but sleep should still be good at your level

Gaming Advice / Re: [PF] Vital Pummel
« on: May 08, 2015, 02:57:15 AM »
currently trying to figure out if it's worth it to try and pimp out and make engaging a high level Rogue or Barbarian.  Or, whether I should do the clearly superior (and maybe more interesting) thing and play a Alchemist (vivisectionist).   
Depends what you  want really, apart from alchemist, the other 2  classes do what it says on the can. The best barbs get hit every round and even have abilities to let peeps hit them more.. all so that when come their turn they can rip faces off with every hit.

Rogues are more skilljunkies and often I feel people actually want to be playing a ninja when they play rogue, since ninja is more suited to actual sneak and stab from most angles.

On paper Vivisectionist  is one of the sickest  melee chars you can have in the game... but I can't play an alchemist without making him a straight goblin alch and taking as many feats to throw bombs everywhere... as fast as possible lol.

If your looking for something interesting though I'd seriously consider this:

Has all the utility of a rogue plus an alchemist's extracts that if your DM is like me they'll go with the RAI on alchemists and say you count as a spellcaster to qualify for item creation and metamags and so on.

It outskills alot of other classses with that inspiration x and quite frankly studded strike is superior to sneak attack in almost every way since you don't have to meet flanking / flat footed requirements to get it.

A friend of mine played a medieval sherlock with this class recently so I could probably get a working build dropped if interested.

As far as to many choices goes... frankly I feel 3x is far worse for that than path finder. In all honesty I avoid 90% of topics about 3x on this site because despite playing it as my main tabletop for a year and a bit, I barely know what people are talking about with the insane amounts of prestige classses and splat material thats thrown around on here like it got learned in primary school or something.

It likely was with some people I suppose.

Gaming Advice / Re: [PF] Vital Pummel
« on: May 07, 2015, 11:43:15 PM »
I'm kind of a Pathfinder newb, so could you break down the Falcion's damage for me?  I see something like 2d6+13 (6 Str mod = 1.5 for 2 handed, plus weapon enhancement and weapon training).  But, that's still a far cry from the +23 you've got.

Falchion static damage breaks down as follows:
9 (1+1/2 str) +1 weapon enhancement +2 weapon training heavy blades + 2 weapon specialisation falchion +9 (1+1/2 power attack) = +23 on damage.

Pf power attack since it differs;

As for the rest, I can say I understand the sentiment of where alot of what you said comes from. I 99% agree with it as well.
It was likely just my love of these character types that I immediately just used this thread as a chance to show some stuffs.

Also, all my tabletop experience has come from online play and for some reason the groups I end up playing with online always seem mostly to be full of people that can barely build for purpose. As a result whatever medeocre character I build with my own average ish aptitude feels like a rock star. This has probably lessened the feeling like my char's getting shat on.

Homebrew and House Rules (D&D) / Re: Discussion on Vancian Magic
« on: May 06, 2015, 12:02:46 PM »
I'm not sure it really needs much tweaking past 5th ed.
The way fifth edition handles wizards recovery I think is a fair trade off and honestly, as long as you pick your cantrips in that edition carefully, you'll find using them more than most your other spells.

Honestly though, the camping  evry 5 minutes issue is something I solve by giving the group initiative to finish a given task within a certain time frame.
The last time it was solve this riddle or you and everyone else trapped here will be teleported to a random plane of hell by those weird ritualistic lines all over the place.

I think what people have to be careful off is giving low level parties too long a work day, and higher level characters too short a work day. There being afterall a natural progression in difficulty of go rescue my missing pet chicken, then come back and you can stay in my barn for free to  go storm that lodge full of skullcrusher ogres, a drow priestess and about 50 orc slaves.

So in short, let people recover half their levle in spell slots whenever they take light or no strenuous activity  for an hour or more. Make memorized cantrips infinite use and consider upgrading a couple of the offensive ones to D6s+spellcasting ability  istead of D3s. Never understood who in their right mind would pick up ray of frost... even at level 1.

As for save or die spells and the trade off in power at higher levels..., the only suggestion I can give is to limit their use with expensive conponents IF your really keen too. I personally think that wizards becoming god at lvl 20 is only fair for being less than a rat catcher at level 1. If your having some issue with a powerful wizard pretty much carrying the group at higher levels then I believe that is a matter of designign encounters more specifically to pin them down without killing him outright first round.

Gaming Advice / Re: 5E TWF
« on: May 04, 2015, 02:10:49 PM »
The PHB chapter 9 says you can break up your movement even inbetween 2 weapon attacks from the fighter's extra attack class feature but says nothing about TWF and bonus actions other than to say, a bonus action occurs whenever you want during your turn unless the feature granting the bonus action states otherwise.

As you've posted above though, it says you CAN take it when you take your action to attack. This probably refers to the choice whether to make the extra attack or not in the first place, but combine how that with how movement and extra attacks from the fighter feature interact, I'm pretty sure the intention was to let people move inbetween attacks of any kind.

honestly, 5e for the first time, I feel really encourages people to be as flexible as possible and promote fluid gameplay by saying... go with what makes realistic sense, rather than.., nope sorry you only have 1 move action left, you can't open the door AND step inside.

Gaming Advice / Re: [PF] Vital Pummel
« on: May 03, 2015, 07:31:06 PM »
Well then, lets show them some love:
This is a char I built as an  NPC for varius purposes in the current pf game i'm running. math  might be wrong but i love this winter knight concept.

Xand Human (CG), Fighter (thunder striker) /11,
Init: +7, HP: 143
Defence: AC 22, Touch 11, Flat 21, Dr   -3
Fort +9, Ref +4, Will +6 or +9 against fear.
Special: Snow shroud  1D6+9 9 rds.
Offense: Speed 20 ft, space/Reach : 5 ft.
Melee: +16/+11/+6 falchion, +14/+9 buckler-
damage: 2d4+23 15-20x2 falchion, 1D4+9 20x2 buckler.
Special: +1D6 cold steel (sp)

Str 22, dex 13, con 14, wis 14, int 10, cha 15
BAB: +11: CMB +17/+20 with falchion, CMD: 28 or 39 against disarm and grapple
Knowledge (dungeoneering) (Int) +13, Knowledge (engineering) (Int) +13, Survival (wis) +8,

Perception (wis) +13

power attack, cleave, improved initiative, two weapon fighting, Skillfocus (survival),weapon

focus (falchion), eldritch heritage cold steel, weapon specialisation (falchion), toughness,

improved two weapon fighting,, improved critical (falchion), Critical focus, Improved

eldritch heritage snow shroud.
Traits: reactionary, indomitable faith.
Handy haversack, +1 Adamantine full plate, +4 belt of ogres strength, Boots of speed, Cap of

the free thinker, +1 cold iron Falchion, +1 silversheen spiked buckler, weapon cord.

SQ abilities
Bravery, +3 to will saves against fear.
Weapon training heavy blades, + 2 to attacks with heavy blades.
Weapon training close, +1 to attacks with close weapons.
Cold steel (sp), Standard action to touch and gain +1D6 cold damage on weapon or 50

amunition for 4 rds
Snow Shroud (Su): At 9th level, you ignore concealment and Perception penalties in natural

or magical snow, ice, fog, and similar weather conditions. In addition, you can surround

yourself with a cloak of swirling snow for a number of rounds per day equal to your sorcerer

level. This power acts and deals damage as a fire shield (chill shield) that sheds no light.

It provides a 20% miss chance on attacks made against you and grants a bonus on Stealth

checks equal to 1/2 your sorcerer level in snowy or icy areas. You can use this ability once

per day at 9th level, twice per day at 17th, and three times per day at 20th.

Gaming Advice / Re: [PF] Vital Pummel
« on: May 02, 2015, 12:30:36 PM »
"Dear mundane melee fighters, you can't have nice things." 

--Pathfinder Editing Department.

*PF editing department proceeds to wipe their asses with various rules about melee mundanes*

What constitutes a melee mundane? Just a straight fighter?
..., Cos straight fighter if not thunderstriker is probably my 2nd or 3rd favourite class in the game.

Legends of the Heroes / Re: Lady of Beasts - the story of a bhaalspawn
« on: April 23, 2015, 05:58:34 PM »
So... nobody reads this?

Not everybody can read!
I sadly, never played any of the D'n'D based games either, though for campaign journals I do enjoy a touch more detail on the combats. Nothing so detailed as round by round + numbers, but a general how she rolled a couple of numbers of to hit and damage and some hp on the more interesting fights would satisfy.

Gaming Advice / Re: [PF] early PrC entry
« on: April 19, 2015, 07:28:36 AM »
Do you mean the master chymist?

If so, I don't think so, the usual way of using Spell likes to qualify for caster prestige earlier won't really work in this case unless your DM agrees that alchemists are:
1. Spell casters to begin with and 2. Willing to agree that extracts and such count as arcane spells which is what spells default to when they can be cast by both types of spell slingers.

General D&D Discussion / Re: Is D&D 5 better than D&D 3.5?
« on: April 19, 2015, 07:16:53 AM »
Ah i see.
All those points are fair examples though I will say I think the reason GM abducation has become relegated to always become a lengthy discussion / debate is directly related to the fact that earlier editions of dnd were so rules heavy and content wide that a player who's always read up, could usually find some rule in book to deny what the DM wanted to do. Or simply because the DM doesn't know every class, prestige, feat and item by heart, it created this cenario where the player's knowledge base could be so outside the DM's because of all the extra content the DM would end up discussing it anyway.
This always makes people forget the rule stated near the beginning in most of the PHBs i've read that says the DM is god, if you don't like the game, leave.

Now, while a player should always know their shit, I feel like 5es vagueness give me the right as the DM to really be god. I try not to take it overboard and discussing out of session is fine, but this is usually how it goes in game.
Player: can I do this?
Me: No
Player: but Perfect strike says
Me: you can leave, or we'll discuss it after.
Player out of session: "Can my alchemist take arcane strike?"
Me: hold on, let me read on it real quick... &15 mins later*
Player@ well?
Me: RAW no, But the maker on paizo admitted his original intent was to make the class a spellcaster and it makes the fluff less awkward to rangle out so i'll Go with the RAI this time and say yes.

That heartwarming cenario always brings a smirk to my lips but I'm a bit of a troll so thats natural for me. My main group who I run for though know how I run and note down questions in  game to ask afterwards and in turn when I play in a game even when the dm says grappling is  still a move action in pf I don't contradict them cos its his or her game and they can dern run it however they like and if their not open to changes I'd like out of session or their not presenting me with the game I want I drop out.

So... yeah, I'm just a fan of the system that goes, player ask for something, DM decides. end of  story even if DM takes 10 minutes to think about it out of session.

When looking at paladin, I always feel this goes back to differences in alignment.

In my games I've started making it a requirement that my players shove me their background for their characters beforehand and i've openly told them that as very few people in this world know their true nature, thus will be the case for your characters. Ontop I add that god will judge your actions by your objective method and result, not your subjective whims.

 In short, I keep alignments hidden from players until one of them wants to detect or somesuch. I've found it gives players alot more freedom to rp however they want to.

Starting alignment is decided via background story and in the specific case of paladins, I personally don't make them lose any class features unless they fall to nigh the opposite of the morals they proclaim to follow.

General D&D Discussion / Re: Is D&D 5 better than D&D 3.5?
« on: April 18, 2015, 06:20:57 PM »
Personally speaking, 4 > 3 > 5 in terms of structure, but 3 > 5 > 4 in terms of what I'd actually play.  Mainly on the basis of how abundant and exciting the options within that structure are.  That said, given how much DM-adjudication is involved in 5E, I'd only play it with a DM I knew to be relatively compatible.
Could someone give some examples of which rules and portions of 5e structure are more vague than 3.5?
Granted its a simpler system, and the simplicity literally confused me for about an hour after I  read most of the PHB but its well worth it when you can go a session without players interrupting to ask semi-obvious questions or people disputing a rule that doesn't exist anymore.

Personally I prefer 5e to play and DM for when compared with 3.5 and pf and it may very well be my specific group but I personally haven't experienced any real vagueness when playing. Though I'm sure i'll be enlightened as to where that sentiment comes from shortly.

Alot of the time, I'm branded a min-maxer when I'm nothing of the kind. I'm so lazy that i've proclaimed many a time that I'll never play 3x or pf druids cos I can't be bothered to find all the forms I'd want.

What I find is that in a group of 5 players, myself and like, 1 MAYBe 2 other people have actually read the rules and the other 3 are still asking what kind of action total defense is after 4-5 sessions and for some reason the tank/dpr with a polearm rolls a 19 and still doesn't hit, isn't trying to disarm/trip/sunder or do anything different because of "I don't read" symdrome.

Moving on from the rantiness of that... i think what the article misses out commenting on is build choice. In a game like Vampire the mascarade or alot of the old and new world of darkness stuff, there's only a set number of combinations of disciplines / merits / powers one can gain to push their char to what people would think is min / maxing, but in games like 3x I don't even want to think in terms of combinations of numbers  between, classes, races, feats, alone, without tossing in the mayhem of magical  items and such involved.

Ergo, the more choice you have to build something, the wider the probability is that you'll build something that really doesn't work cohesively.

You Break it You Buy it / Re: Free Heighten Spell (3.x)
« on: April 12, 2015, 11:04:09 AM »
ah, Well, even before I saw the shadow craft in this I would've said shadow conjurations

D&D 5e / Re: Quotes from my players after playing 5E
« on: April 09, 2015, 02:24:57 PM »
It depends on the dm, But i recently had my group fight a creature in a pf session that could move after every single successful hit.

Killed 2 party members and it was below AVG CR for their level. All because no one could get their full attacks.

D&D 3.5 and Pathfinder / Re: Kasatha Monk Build
« on: April 09, 2015, 02:08:30 PM »
Only thing not on the guide worth considering I think is:

They dont add the damage, but would save you from taking a keen enchantment, or the improved crit feat.
So, hello merciful bow again I guess.

D&D 3.5 and Pathfinder / Re: Kasatha Monk Build
« on: April 08, 2015, 05:01:15 AM »
I'm not really a power gamer as such, but I've  been playing pf for some 8 ish months now.

If your planning to go human and such as the guide you linked suggests and have similar stats then, I see no reason not to swap out lightning reflexes for bullseye shot

You should still be able to gain mileage out of it even past pin point targeting as pin point says you can't move, but you still have a move action to use for other things.

Also, If I were playing, I'd have a pretty heavy temptation to place a keen enchantment on the bow instead of merciful. I'll leave it to my critics to work out the math, though I'm sure it works out as less. damage Reason i'd do that is so I can free up improved critical to take another feat earlier, or perhaps combat reflexes depending how high dex is.

Gaming Advice / Re: What is a good number of gods for a setting?
« on: April 07, 2015, 07:28:09 AM »
It depends on the setting.
True, a single god cenario always invokes thoughts of inquisitory / very religious society  kind of atmosphere. whereas the jap approach comes of as more casual.

Personally I prefer a mix where there is one really powerful deity that created everything and has alot of the portfolios / domains represented in his worship. but isn't particularly interested in taking anything like action himself ever.

and then ontop of that, allow middlish level demons able to grant spells  and prayers to something like half of their HD, i.e. Succubae. With bonus spells of their patron being spells directly on the succubae's spell list
Then you don't have to really think up ultra unique options of whom to follow and why. When someone reaches the level limit of what spells they can grasp, could be a cool mechanic to have to find a new patron of similar alignment, and run a quest to find said new patron while avoiding the murderous rage from the previous at your betrayal,  yada yada.

Or conversely have the quest to be to find artifacts or magic to power up your patron. / help him, her or it kill its own master and assume greater power for itself, granting you access to higher level spells.

Might've gone on a weird creative rant there... but  there you have it.

D&D 5e / Re: Have they simplified too much?
« on: April 07, 2015, 05:53:40 AM »
What level is your ranger at? I will admit that it's one of the most mechanically simple classes though. Like many things in D&D, it's a case of "just add magic" and it's fun. Or add a different class level or three. Anything really. Rangers can be pretty damn boring.
My experience was a playtest or a preview or whatever, so suffice to say it did not give me a favorable first (well, second or third, but you get the idea) impression of 5E D&D. 

I think part of the issue also is that from what I've read in the PHB, there's a suggestion for the DM to improvise things like combat contests that my DM in anycase doesn't seem to want to do.
What i'm talking about are things like the laymens trip, disarm and so on that would give players that felt trapped in terms of options some more variety. These being the basic, Str athletics vs dex acrobatics kinda checks and I think are different enough from the battle master's own, trip, disarm and such since If I remember rightly, That fighter archetype only has to hit then expend special pooled dice to make stuff happen with occasional saving throws against 8+ proficiency+ dex or some such.

D&D 5e / Re: rogue´s elusive clas feature questions
« on: April 07, 2015, 05:05:17 AM »
Thankfully this isn't 3.5 and the whole host of priority from effects from feats, spells and placing is in large down to the DM to decide on as it should be.

From what you've posted I'd say I'd agree with you. The feature already nullifies any advantage attackers would gain back to normal, so you, or anyone else in the party are free to hit them with effects that would give them disadvantage on rolls affecting you or any other rogue with that class feature.

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