Author Topic: Chapter One: Stranger Things Have Happened  (Read 38419 times)

Offline Bozwevial

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Chapter One: Stranger Things Have Happened
« on: February 13, 2012, 10:42:49 PM »
Miles from the nearest inhabited town stands the mansion of the Marquise Sarai du Alhazred. Formerly an entirely charming mansion, the building now causes the eyes of the unaccustomed observer to water slightly--angles seem subtly wrong, lines seem impossibly straight or bent, and even colors appear strange. However, few people these days find the sight of the manor alarming--indeed, apart from the rare angry mob, only the inhabitants of the manor ever see it at all.

The cold season has arrived, and last night's snow has left the surrounding landscape an immaculate off-white. The sun is well above the horizon now; reflected light would nearly blind someone standing at one of the mansion's windows. For now, the grounds are silent. Inside, however, the mansion's peculiar inhabitants are stirring...

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A nearly-naked red-scaled man with bulging muscles curses, and hurls a bowl across the kitchen at a servant and yells "I said I wanted DRY oats! What are you trying to do, kill me?" As he speaks, a gout of steam pours out of his open mouth from sores that can be seen forming inside of it. He goes to a cupboard, and begins eating raw, dry oats from a ceramic pot, pouring them directly into this gaping, fanged mouth. The wounds that previously formed can be seen to slowly close while he eats.

All of a sudden, the room seems to be a little more... cheerful.

"Now, Urglmek, be reasonable. Next time, just put the bowl on the table nicely. It is hard to get help for this place, you know.
She smiles, flashing too sharp teeth. Her eyes glint with a light not all-together sane.

She turns to the servant, and says, in a charming yet slightly off voice,
"Now, Marie, remember not to put water on Urglmek's food. At all. After all, it is pretty much the same as if someone was to, oh I don't know, put arsenic in yours? Not that you have anything to worry about."
A light chuckle comes from nowhere, and Sarai takes a seat.
"Did everyone sleep well?"

Kyrish stands at the window in his room, looking outside and contemplating the peaceful unspoiled snow.  Upon hearing Urglmek yell, he sighs.  Why do his companions have to be so uncouth?

A hole appears in the wall of the kitchen a minute later and Kyrish walks through it, his bearing regal and erect.  The gold thread in his well tailored robes and cloak glint in the light, as does the gold thread in his headband and the gold filigree that adorns his bracers.  As the wall returns to its normal state of being, Kyrish looks at Urglmek through his gold rimmed spectacles and says, "For once can't we have a peaceful morning?  Do you not realize that you disturbed a time of quiet contemplation for me?"

Not waiting for a response, he looks around to see if there is anything worthy of a man of his stature to eat in this place.

Overcome by the aura of peacefulness, Urglmek regains his composure and says "I apologize for the disturbance, but I thought knowledge of my... condition... should be common knowledge by now."

"You must remember though, that Marie is new. Remember Tim? If you hadn't... Well, good morning Kyrish, I hope Urglmek's outburst hasn't disturbed you too much."

Sarai looks towards Marie, and gestures.

"Tea, if you can find any."

Kyrish shakes his head and sits down, ignoring those around him.  One would think that there would be some decent food in this place, but instead it seems that all he gets for breakfast is gruel.  How common!

Quietly using his powers of Truespeak, Kyrish turns his gruel from bland to delicious making it at least tastes like it deserves to be served to royalty. 

Autpek absentmindedly wanders into the kitchen, his attention focused on tweaking an unfinished clockwork device with a screwdriver. Trailing him is a small, floating metal orb about the size of a pumpkin. Oblivious to the commotion that just occurred, he pulls a stool up to the closest available surface area and sets down his work to look at it more closely. Studying it intensely, Autpek looks to where two tiny gears have shifted, becoming misaligned.

"Artoo, could you hold this for a sec? I need to adjust gears 17 and 36. Yeah, just hold it right there."

The orb floats over and extends a small metal claw to grasp the clock, emitting a short "beep broop" when it has it firmly grasped. Autpek holds his screwdriver up to the clock. The screwdriver emits a whirring noise for a moment as the gears shift ever so slightly back into alignment. Satisfied with his work, Autpek looks up at the scene around him.

"Hey guys. When did you get down here?"

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"I just so happened to come in. Marie, please get Autpek something to eat."

Sarai sighs, and turns to Marie,

"And can I also have that tea I asked for? If I have to ask again, I might get a little cross."

Sarai smiles, but it isn't a particularly pleasant smile this time.

Breakfast, one of those times that was more than a little annoying to Enna; she preferred to eat closer to sunset, and to not hang around those morsels getting some odd satisfaction from gruel, thank you very much. Still, it was best to stick close to her charge and benefactor, so ...

The ghoul paces near to the kitchen, holding a terrified chicken that she pets absently, claws raking through its feathers. She casts glances in, sniffing the air, taking in the busy and odd scents wafting from that place.

Marie pales, scurrying off and returning quickly with tea for her mistress and a bowl of gruel for Autpek.

His head buried in clockwork once more, Autpek fails to notice the gruel sitting next to him for a good long minute. When he finally looks up he mumbles, "Thanks Tim."

"Broodip bip whrrrrr."

"Really? When did that happen?"

"Bzit beep beep. Click wooeee."

"Oh, right. Sorry, thanks Marie."

Kyrish glances over at Enna.  In a somewhat derogatory tone he asks, "Are you going to eat that or are you adopting things again?"

"It is not filling, to eat a creature so much smaller than a man."

Her champagne-tinted, goggled gaze pauses to rest on Kyrish, and her claws lay more still in the feathers.

"Thank you Marie. Now everyone, please play nice. Remember what happened last week with Tim... I distinctly remember it wasn't just Urglmek's fault..."

She takes a sip of the tea, and signals her enjoyment to Marie.

"Quite excellent, thank you."

"Of course not. How was I supposed to know his overalls were so flammable?"

Marie, who had drifted off into the kitchen, lets out a scream, which is shortly followed by the sound of shattering glass and then, almost as an afterthought, a quiet thump.

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Kyrish speaks up absentmindedly.  "Marie, if you start breaking things you might end up like Tim.  We wouldn't want that now would we?"

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Urglmek immediately says "I didn't do it! I didn't do it! You saw, I was nowhere near her!" and then begins running towards the kitchen.

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Enna quickly frees the chicken, letting it flutter to the ground, and strides swiftly to Sarai's side.

"They seem to be shouting about something outside. What happened to Marie?" Her gaze follows Urglmek, and claw rests on the handle of her morningstar. Though her tone is one of concern, she seems to be fighting a grin.
Homebrew Compendiums: D&D 3.5 4e/PF
IRC: #mmxgeneral on Rizon

Offline Bozwevial

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Re: Chapter One: Stranger Things Have Happened
« Reply #1 on: February 13, 2012, 10:46:57 PM »
Urglmek dashes into the kitchen to discover Marie sprawled on the floor, unconscious. An arrow is still quivering at head-height in a cupboard nearby, and broken glass litters the counter. The window from which the glass came looks out onto the snow-covered garden--and a crowd of angry looking people holding torches, bows, and other unpleasant-looking implements of violence.

Urglmek says sarcastically "Oh great! It's an angry mob of peasants! Want me to go scare them off, or would you prefer someone more diplomatic to deal with this?"

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"Marie, are you alright?"

Sarai comes into the kitchen at a rapid yet stately walk, and looks at Marie, then out the window:


And then, turning to Urglmek, and calling back to Enna, Autpek, and Kyrish:

"Looks like we have a little problem here! I personally thin we should scare them off. I'll help, but you do the honors, this once."

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Sarai, suddenly straightens, and the world around her... snaps.

Distance has little meaning, and neither does scale.

Sarai looks like she's listening to someone very far away while doing this. Very far away.

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Hearing the loud crash of glass snaps Autpek out of his reverie of tinkering. Quickly stuffing his clockwork widget and sonic screwdriver into a pocket, he rushes over to the kitchen behind Urglmek and Sarai. Thinking better of making a witty quip that would probably sound much better in his head, Autpek just surveys the situation and nods in agreement.

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Panicked shouts come from the crowd as space rapidly loses any semblance of normality. The mob wavers, threatening to dissolve, but a loud voice cuts across the babble. "STOP! You cowards step out of line and I'll gut you myself."

Kyrish sighs and pushes his chair back from the table, stands up, and joins everyone in the kitchen.  In a loud, commanding voice he yells at the mob.  "Tell us what you want."

A heavily-armored man with a blue tabard pushes his way to the front of the mob, a torch in one hand and a large mace in the other. "Surrender yourselves and any who have consorted with you if you wish judgment to be swift and merciful."

Urglmek steps through the broken window and says "Judgement for what, exactly? And who are you to judge us?" as he begins to glide slowly down towards the crowd.

"I am the wrath of Saint Cuthbert, and you are held in judgment for being tainted by unnatural powers." The man speaks with conviction, piercing gaze never wavering.

On glimpsing the scene outside, Enna immediately turns about, heading to exit to outside by a side door and stealthily approach the the garden.

Kyrish laughs condescendingly.  "And what unnatural power tainted me exactly?  Do you even have any idea what you're talking about, or are you here because of the rumors that abound about this place?  Do you even know who any of us are?"

Urglmek returns the man's glare, and says "I cannot speak for the others, but you are right at least about me. I was born of no mother. I was spawned in the creation pits of Bertold the Black, Mage-King of Sunnabar, and my entire being pulses with unnatural power. And if you're still standing there in 6 seconds, I am going to rip your limbs off, and stuff them with your body into a shallow grave. If you have any last prayers to your god, you should say them now. Any of you others that want to live to see another dawn should turn and flee."

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"Very well. I shall not be unreasonable; the fewer souls are imperiled the better." The St. Cuthbertite thrusts his torch into the hands of a nearby man and strides into the crowd. He returns shortly dragging a hogtied man before him, roughly tossing the man to the ground. "This man was found approaching your domain earlier and refused to identify himself or divulge his business. Surrender yourselves and he will be released if found innocent; refuse, and I shall send him to the last judgment this instant." The crowd ripples with a murmur, glancing about uneasily.

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To his companions Kyrish says, "It seems we have an Inquisition on our hands." 

Urglmek says "Time's up, for you. The rest of you better be gone before this guy's corpse hits the ground, if you want to live." and drops on the man, trying to knock him away from the prone figure.

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The armored man grunts in surprise as Urglmek drops onto him, shoving him back through the crowd, which starts to scatter and break apart. He quickly regains his balance, lips peeling back from his teeth in an angry grimace.

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Homebrew Compendiums: D&D 3.5 4e/PF
IRC: #mmxgeneral on Rizon

Offline Bozwevial

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Re: Chapter One: Stranger Things Have Happened
« Reply #2 on: February 13, 2012, 10:49:40 PM »
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Urglmek says "You know, you must have some really big juevos to come in here like you did, knowing what you'd probably be facing, given the rumors about this place. And from what I see, without a speck of magic on your entire body! I almost admire you. That takes some dedication. Or a real special case of insanity. It'll almost be a shame to kill you."

Initiative results:
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Urglmek decides that rescuing the guy who was coming to see them might be a priority, and so picks him up off the ground and begins flying back towards the keep.

He says to the man "Don't struggle against me if you want to live."

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The bound man peers up at Urglmek in confusion but offers no resistance. The St. Cuthbertite calls up, "Fleeing my sword will not save you from the Cudgel. Law impose itself on this wretched house!" A burst of blue-white energy spreads out from the window in a perfect cubical shape.

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Autpek shoots a volley of icy blasts at the St. Cuthbertite and says, "Sir, you need to calm down and explain yourself properly. I could understand if you had legitimate grievances and dealt with them in a respectable manner, but this whole 'holier than thou art a sinner so burn' attitude really does not make your case. Why don't you take some time to think, maybe chill for a bit? And yes, I know that sounds corny and cliche, but I've been dying to say it ever since I made this thing."

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Edit: Fixed a couple of numbers. I forgot to remove a +1 to saves vs. illusions from X-Ray losing energy.

Two of the icy blasts strike the Cuthbertite, hampering his movement. He flinches slightly.

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"Aiyee! That hurt, you bastard!"

Suddenly, Sarai seems to become far more interesting to look on, though no-one can explain exactly why; she looks as if she was the most beautiful person those in the crowd had ever seen.

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"And as for you, Cuthbertite."

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*Will saves everyone.*

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Urglmek says "Flee? I'm rescuing this poor bastard you were going to "judge"... And you and I aren't as different as you think, Cuthbertite."

Most of the crowd, including the Cuthbertite, go slack-jawed, staring entranced at Sarai. Those who aren't mesmerized start to run, dropping their makeshift weapons and tripping over themselves in panic.

Enna decides to bide her time, lingering in hiding and rubbing an oil of keen edge upon her morningstar's head.

Kyrish starts to speak gibberish.

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Kyrish's words seem to resonate and penetrate the confusion. To his eyes, the remnants of the crowd, except for the Cuthbertite, glow blue. Simultaneously, a slick substance seems to seep from somewhere underneath the crowd, tripping up a few fleeing members of the mob.

R2 will continue to scan the battlefield to see what spell effects are around. Here are a few Spellcraft checks, if you need.

Autpek will ready an action to freeze Cuthbert or anyone who does anything threatening towards us (assuming that he knows and recognizes Entrancing Presence's and Battered Resolve's effects). If that readied action will break it, he'll just grab a wand of lesser vigor from his handy haversack ring and offer to try and make it work on anyone who needs healing (UMD +13, so a 70% chance to make a wand work).

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Sarai harrumphs over the fact that she didn't get everyone, and attempts to use her powers again... In a flash, her interesting visage seems a little less so, and she quickly employs several more tricks

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The compelling aura around Sarai snaps, leaving the last dregs of the mob free to run screaming in terror. The Cuthbertite snaps out of his daze an instant before his eyes slip momentarily out of focus. He backs away as best he can with Autpek's ice hindering his footsteps, weapon held unsteadily before him. "You remain alive for now. Begone from this place before Cuthbert's wrath returns in its full might if you wish to continue your tainted existence."
Homebrew Compendiums: D&D 3.5 4e/PF
IRC: #mmxgeneral on Rizon

Offline Bozwevial

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Re: Chapter One: Stranger Things Have Happened
« Reply #3 on: February 13, 2012, 10:52:53 PM »
"Yeah! And stay out! Now go away or, uh... I dunno, maybe I'll taunt you a second time or something."

Autpek turns towards the people still in the manor as the Cuthbertite backs away.

"Is everyone alright? And who's the new guy? Hi, I'm Autpek."

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The hostage stares in awe at Sarai, mouth slightly agape. The question doesn't seem to register with him. Nearby, Marie stirs feebly, shifting amidst the broken glass.

Sarai smiles at the hostage, momentarily forgetting her sharpened teeth.

"Well, hello my friend. Why were you being held hostage by that... impolite man? And do you need anything?"

Noticing Marie's stirring, she looks up and comments, to no-one in particular,

"Someone please check on Marie, and can you please try to stop her from being too frightened by the whole 'the world is broken' effect and the small-scale destruction? The poor luv might get a sock from waking up to all this."

The hostage sits up as best he can with the ropes around his wrists and ankles. "I'm...Ja--Jacob, milady. I was coming to deliver a parcel to you, but I ran into those lunatics on the edge of the estate."

Seeing the intruder backing away, Kyrish smirks to himself.  He softly whispers in Truespeak, instilling fear in the Cuthbertite.  He then waves a hand dismissively and loud enough for the Cuthbertite to hear says, "Shoo."

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The Cuthbertite lets out a small cry before turning and fleeing, chunks of the lawn flying up from under his heels.

"Parcel? I don't guess you still have it on you, do you?" Urglmek smirks.

"Actually, I do. I'd get it out for you, but..." He shrugs expressively, indicating the ropes.

"Oh, I'll get that"

Sarai moves to Jacob, and reaches down to untie the ropes.

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Jacob stands shakily, rubbing his chafed wrists. "Thank you very much, milady. And you as well, sir, for my rescue." He inclines his head politely toward Urglmek before rummaging in a pocket of his coat for a small, cloth-covered parcel, handing it to Sarai. "Nothing but trouble ever since I woke up with that thing sitting on my bedside table, a splitting headache, and a voice in my head telling me who to give it to."

"Thank you for delivering this, luv; probably something rather important"

Sarai accepts the package and opens it carefully.

Kyrish nods in a self-satisfied manner, then turns and walks back inside to finish his breakfast.

The package contains a small, ornate scrollcase with a map of the country. It's a familiar sight, except for a crudely-drawn gaping mouth in the center in a dark green ink. The mouth is rimmed with fangs, and the whole thing seems to glisten wetly, though the ink is quite dry to the touch.

Autpek heads over/teleports/moonwalks to where Marie is. When the world breaks like this, the fastest way from point A to point B is rarely the most stately. He reaches down to help Marie get up.

Marie shakily rises to her feet, clinging to Autpek tightly for support.

"So, I hope the package was worth the little bit of trouble we had?" Jacob peers curiously at the thing in Sarai's hands.

"I'd assume so. Marie, luv, are you quite alright?

This seems to be a map of some sort."

Marie nods wordlessly, though her grip on Autpek only tightens.

"A map? Well, apart from the inkblot in the middle, it looks ordinary map. Can't be, though, or else there wouldn't have been such a fuss about this." Jacob rubs his temples idly.

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"Are you alright, Marie? It looks like you fainted when the arrow flew in. It didn't hit you, I hope? Do you want to sit down or something?"

"Um, so what's the big fuss about with that paper?"

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Homebrew Compendiums: D&D 3.5 4e/PF
IRC: #mmxgeneral on Rizon

Offline Bozwevial

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Re: Chapter One: Stranger Things Have Happened
« Reply #4 on: February 13, 2012, 10:56:25 PM »
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Autpek leads Marie off to the kitchen, slightly hampered by the girl's unwillingness to let go. Meanwhile, R2 floats over to the map, hovering just behind Sarai's shoulder to examine it.

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"Well, let's go check this place out. Someone went to a lot of trouble to send us this damned thing, cryptic as it is..."

"I concur. But we simply can't leave Marie like this. It is truly shocking to have this happen in your first week, I would assume."

Sarai turns and smiles at Marie (ooc: Who I presume is about to start shuddering whenever I perform ANY gesture towards her, due to Sarai's sharpened teeth and glittering eyes. Oh well.), and then glances down at Jacob.

"By the way, you are free to go. I'll send another letter to the town council and to St. Cuthbert's church asking them to please stop doing this kind of thing. It simply ruins the lawn."

Sarai stops for a moment, and then asks,

"By the way, why did they bring you here lashed together, luv? They usually reserve that one for the crazies"

Marie gives Sarai a feeble smile before tottering out of the room.

Jacob shrugs. "Search me. He seemed pretty eager to do it, though. Nutty zealots, all of them. That church is a dying breed, you mark my words."

Urglmek shakes his head and says to Jacob "As long as there are desperate people looking to band together and blame some poor, hapless sods for their troubles, that church will have plenty of business..."

Kyrish finishes his breakfast, ignoring the others as he pondered the mark in the middle of the map and what it might signify.

To Jacob, he says "Hmm... you say when you woke up to find the package unexpectedly in your room, you had a headache and heard a voice telling you where to take it? That sounds like a spell of some kind..."

Urglmek scans Jacob for magical emanations.
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"Hmm... no lingering auras... Jacob, where were you when you woke up with this strange package and headache? And do you have any blank spots in your memories from around that time?"

"I was at home, sleeping where I normally do., that day was the same as any other."

"You sure? You seemed about to say something else."

After waiting for his reply, Urglmek follows up with "Do you know anything about this area on the map where this... mouth... is drawn?"

"Just thinking. This is the most trouble I've had since the cattle stopped giving milk.

I'm not a geographer, so not a lot. All I do know is that it's a lot of mud and dirt, and not good dirt either. Can't imagine why anyone would want to life out there."

"Well, I don't have any more questions for you. Do you have a family to get back to? Is it anywhere near where we're going? If so, you're welcome to travel with us for protection, I guess...

And let me give you a few coins for your troubles."

Urglmek pulls out a coin purse from somewhere (you probably don't want to know where a man wearing a loincloth keeps his coinpurse), and hands Jacob a few gold pieces.

"I think I'll just make my own way back, thank you much. I've had enough excitement today." Jacob nods politely before taking the gold and heading for the door.

Urglmek goes to prepare his things... and then realizes he doesn't have any. So he just waits impatiently near the door, as if he's ready to start out on the journey immediately.

"Are we going somewhere, then? Let me pack a travel bag."

Kyrish looks up at the others.  "Oh, we're leaving now are we?  Let me go prepare my belongings."  He then starts speaking words of power, creating doors within solid walls in order to reach his room.
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IRC: #mmxgeneral on Rizon

Offline Bozwevial

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Re: Chapter One: Stranger Things Have Happened
« Reply #5 on: February 13, 2012, 10:59:02 PM »
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"Everyone, start off without me. I simply must find Marie, and have the luvie help me pack."

Sarai pauses for a moment, before continuing,

"Do you think she would like to come?"

The journey takes the better part of two weeks, since your progress is slowed by the onset of winter. About a day away, small jagged shapes appear on the horizon. As you travel closer, you can see that they’re large curved rock spires rising hundreds of feet into the air, pointing inward to the center of a massive crater.

You reach the crater’s edge early in the morning. Quite a few tents are set up on the lip, and a few dwarves are wandering around the camp.

Urglmek says "Woah, look at that! I'm going to sneak over and peek over the edge. I'll try to stay out of sight to avoid spooking those dwarves, if someone more... presentable... wants to talk to them."
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Kyrish responds with, "I can talk to them.  I can talk to anyone after all."

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Curious, Urglmek tosses a largish rock over the side, and listens to see if he can hear it land.

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Ah, Kyrish, Dearie, would you like my help with speaking with the dwarves?

Marie, this looks like a good place to put down our bags.

Sarai stands near the edge of the crater, holding a small parasol over her shoulder.

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Kyrish nods to Sarai.  "Of course madam."  He follows her.

A few of the dwarves, upon spotting Sarai and Kyrish, hold a hasty whispered conversation before one of them walks over hesitantly.

"Er...'m sorry to bother you, m'lady, but this is a dangerous place," he mumbles, glancing back at his partner desperately.

"And we're rather dangerous people", Sarai says, with a pleasant smile (which, coincidently, she remembered to not show her teeth while performing. Razor teeth are so embarassing), "So it balances out.

So, what are you doing here? You must be terribly brave to work in such a dangerous place."

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The dwarf relaxes slightly at the flattery, though he still appears rather nervous.

"Oh, 'm just a geologic surveyor," he says, flapping a hand at the giant crater. "I've been testing samples of the rock and examining the walls for stability. It's really unbelievable how the last fellow who came through here missed all of this." He shakes his head. "Well, not the hole. That opened up very recently, of course, but if the samples I've taken so far are any indication, this could be a very major discovery."

The large, red, scaled, insanely-muscled man, who had been perching inconspicuously on a rock at the edge of the crater, leaps over next to the dwarf and says "Do tell? Other than the fact than it seems bottomless, what is so interesting about this discovery?"

Sarai's new friend doesn't quite manage to jump a foot into the air, but it's a close thing. After he settles down a bit, he wheezes, "The...the deposits. Trace amounts of practically every metal I've ever heard of in a single square foot, and a few I had to look up." The thought seems to bolster him. "A goldmine? I'd never set foot in one again if you gave me a crew and a year working on this thing." He glares darkly off into the distance past Urglmek. "But of course the scum over there wouldn't hear of it."

"And whyever not? If this is such a great find, why not explore it?"
Homebrew Compendiums: D&D 3.5 4e/PF
IRC: #mmxgeneral on Rizon

Offline Bozwevial

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Re: Chapter One: Stranger Things Have Happened
« Reply #6 on: February 14, 2012, 12:02:01 AM »
The dwarf jerks a dirt-encrusted thumb over his shoulder. "The drow came up not long after the hole opened. They're claiming that their territorial rights extend all the way to the surface, and they brought a whole delegation with them. Smarmy elf who's in charge says they've got an army down there to back it up, and I believe it."
Homebrew Compendiums: D&D 3.5 4e/PF
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Re: Chapter One: Stranger Things Have Happened
« Reply #7 on: February 14, 2012, 12:15:21 AM »
"Ah, the old "smarmy elf" problem; we've all been there before."

Sarai stops for a moment to shake her head, as if to indicate that, contrary to whatever anyone else might say, she dealt with smarmy elves all the time.

"Maybe I can help talk that elf into letting you into that excellent find, if you wouldn't mind?"

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"There is happiness for those who accept their fate, there is glory for those that defy it."

"Now that everyone's so happy, this is probably a good time to tell you I ate your parents."

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Re: Chapter One: Stranger Things Have Happened
« Reply #8 on: February 14, 2012, 12:29:20 AM »
Urglmek says in a gentle, hesitant voice, uncharacteristic of what you might expect from someone who looks like him "Should we ask him about the note?"
I don't pee messages into the snow often , but when I do , it's in Cyrillic with Fake Viagra.  Stay frosty my friends.

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Re: Chapter One: Stranger Things Have Happened
« Reply #9 on: February 19, 2012, 02:40:08 AM »
A nervous frown briefly creases the surveyor's grimy face, and his eyes flicker back in the direction of the hypothetical smarmy elves. "Er...maybe that wouldn't be..." He trails off for a few seconds. "Maybe you could talk to my boss instead?"
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Re: Chapter One: Stranger Things Have Happened
« Reply #10 on: February 19, 2012, 12:36:39 PM »
"That sounds acceptable; lead on, my good man."
"There is happiness for those who accept their fate, there is glory for those that defy it."

"Now that everyone's so happy, this is probably a good time to tell you I ate your parents."

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Re: Chapter One: Stranger Things Have Happened
« Reply #11 on: February 20, 2012, 03:47:00 PM »
The more talkative of the pair leads everyone on a roundabout path through the tents ringing the crater lip, eventually stopping outside a very large purple tent with a pair of guards stationed at the entrance. Your escort murmurs something to one of the guards, who nods and pulls back the tent flap, allowing the group inside.

There's an antechamber here, with two more guards outside another tent flap. Without too much fuss, the dwarf who brought you here disappears into the next section, motioning to everyone else to wait here.

There are a few muffled noises from the adjacent chamber. One of the guards eyes Urglmek warily, while the other gives everyone a bright cheery smile and a wave.
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Re: Chapter One: Stranger Things Have Happened
« Reply #12 on: February 23, 2012, 12:20:06 AM »
Urglmek adjusts his rose-colored monocle, and looks down his nose at the guard eyeballing him.
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Re: Chapter One: Stranger Things Have Happened
« Reply #13 on: February 23, 2012, 12:24:06 AM »
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Re: Chapter One: Stranger Things Have Happened
« Reply #14 on: March 12, 2012, 03:15:10 AM »
The tent flap peels back, admitting the group into the main part of the tent. Though huge, the room is mostly empty, with most of the furnishings pushed back against the wall of the tent to make room for a large round table, covered in books of all shapes and sizes. Leaning on the table is a peculiar-looking female dwarf. She looks a little bit stretched out, as though a giant had taken hold of her head and feet and tugged until she was taller and thinner than most dwarves, but her clothes fit her well.

She inclines her head politely upon catching sight of the group. "I was told we had visitors. Kaytiss Ilvena, lead thaumaturgist and metallurgist of the Thrivenian Kingdom."
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Re: Chapter One: Stranger Things Have Happened
« Reply #15 on: March 17, 2012, 10:26:36 PM »
"Sarai Eire, Marquise du Alhazred, at you service; I've heard that you have an issue with a few... difficult characters?"

Sarai, having swept her way into the tent, puts on her politest face; it's almost like those present can ignore the small chuckle that just came from over in the corner of the tent, or the fact that a slight eldritch tune begins to play through the tent. And the whole fact that everyone's hair and eyes are turning a muddy brown as the color is slowly drained from them, and how everyone, Sarai included, seem to be half-skipping while they walk? Completely ignorable.

"I'll stand, if you wouldn't mind; I think better on my feat."

She flashes a smile, so pretty that you can almost ignore the serrated teeth...

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"Marie, luvy, why don't you come in as well? It's much nicer in here for a young lady such as yourself, I would think."
« Last Edit: March 17, 2012, 10:28:17 PM by Amechra »
"There is happiness for those who accept their fate, there is glory for those that defy it."

"Now that everyone's so happy, this is probably a good time to tell you I ate your parents."

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Re: Chapter One: Stranger Things Have Happened
« Reply #16 on: March 20, 2012, 01:10:08 AM »
"A pleasure to meet you, Marquise." Kaytiss sways momentarily, looking a bit dazed as the bizarre eldritch forces roll over her.

"We have had a bit of difficulty with the drow. Of course, a little trouble with the drow is worth half a dozen spats with the local wildlife, but I'm getting ahead of myself. Might I be introduced to your companions?"

Marie edges into the room, trying to stay hidden behind Urglmek.
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Re: Chapter One: Stranger Things Have Happened
« Reply #17 on: March 20, 2012, 10:19:35 AM »
The giant red, scaled man says in a throaty voice "I am Urglmek, spawn of the brood pits of the Mage-lord Agamemnon... and now... house guest of the Marquise." he finishes in a bit less confident tone than he started with.
I don't pee messages into the snow often , but when I do , it's in Cyrillic with Fake Viagra.  Stay frosty my friends.

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Re: Chapter One: Stranger Things Have Happened
« Reply #18 on: March 23, 2012, 12:34:54 AM »
A smile flickers across the woman's face, vanishing almost instantly as she regains her composure. "A pleasure, Urglmek. Perhaps you would answer a few questions about the Mage-Lord's pits later for my records?"
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Re: Chapter One: Stranger Things Have Happened
« Reply #19 on: March 23, 2012, 09:21:27 AM »
Looking vaguely surprised Urglmek somewhat meekly says "Uhm... sure."
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« Last Edit: March 23, 2012, 09:25:02 AM by phaedrusxy »
I don't pee messages into the snow often , but when I do , it's in Cyrillic with Fake Viagra.  Stay frosty my friends.