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Topics - Kuroimaken

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Off Topic Fun / Videogame Discussion II: Snake's Revenge
« on: February 13, 2014, 08:03:52 AM »
You know what to do.

For use with Undersong and Greater Insightful strike, mostly.

I was looking for the world record of attacks per round, and how it's done.

Off Topic Fun / Am I an asshole? Seriously?
« on: November 29, 2013, 08:44:37 PM »
Because sometimes I feel like that's all people see me as.

A little background on this.

I have recently gotten into a big argument with a Facebook friend. It was about feminism. More especifically, gay/straight pride. I won't get into particulars, but basically my line of argument was that there's nothing to be proud ABOUT, or rather, shouldn't you have like a dozen things to be proud of before your sexuality even factors into it?

More recently, I posted this picture.

Which was meant to be, at best, sarcastic.

Now here's the thing: I see chivalry as a way of life. A way of life that includes being kind to men AND women alike. Which includes being nice without wanting reward. Which means being a good person, generally, not out of duty, but because one believes it's the right thing to do.

Yet like so many things before it, chivalry has been branded DAH EBULZ by such things as the feminist movement. The mere mention of it as a good thing is apparently grounds for becoming a social pariah. Anything that remotely resembles an alternative to feminist discourse, or at least in the way it's presented, is sexist and therefore evil.

Here's a line from that Facebook friend I mentioned:

"I'm not obligated to tolerate you or anybody I don't want to."

The corollary to that thought being that so is nobody else. Nobody has the obligation of tolerating anybody else. It's meant to be the most basic of common courtesy: as long as what you do doesn't interfere with me in any negative, harassing or annoying fashion, then I have no business interfering with you. Provided, of course, that said interference is not meant to prevent actual harm to you (like by keeping you from shooting yourself or getting run over by a car. And even then one is not obligated to interfere).

I believe that there's no such thing as absolutely evil thought. Similarly, not EVERYTHING that's awful has no good fruit: the same technology that gave us the atom bomb has given us nuclear energy, which while not by any means the cleanest or safest source of energy, it's certainly the only alternative for certain countries that can't exploit naturally occurring phenomena for the same purpose. Similarly, the fact that chivalry arguably arose from a time when sexism was rampant does not make it the spawn of the Devil assfucking Baby Cthulhu.

Everyone seems to DEMAND respect for who they are, while at the same time condemning and belittling everyone that is NOT them for the very same reason - in other words, acting like the EXACT KIND OF BIGOTS THEY RISE AGAINST. I can't believe I'm the only one who thinks this is the case.

I'm sick and tired of being seen as some kind of dumping ground for everyone's social indignation because I don't belong to a "minority". Because I'm "wrong". Because I'm an "asshole", or "the guy who always has to be right".

It's like high school all over again.

Well, it's not like I gotta explain this one to you folks, right?

Gaming Advice / Ted the Enabler. Anybody got it saved?
« on: October 14, 2013, 09:09:28 PM »
Pretty much what it says on the tin. I scarcely remember Factotum and Chameleon being involved but that's pretty much it...


So, the other day, I go on Facebook and read a story about how two authors quit DC Comics after they wouldn't okay part of a storyline that had Batwoman actually getting married to another girl (the character has already been established as homosexual from her inception). For me it was pretty obvious DC Comics was covering its own ass: homosexual relationships are more "tolerated" in the media now, but add the word "marriage" and someone's going to lose their shit. In any case, cue a shitstorm as people from both sides start arguing about the whole thing.

Personally, I think both sides of the discussion had something to consider. Was DC Comics asinine (pragmatical, but asinine) in its decision? Yeah, sure. We're talking about an industry that has, in recent history, tried to be taken seriously with more mature storylines, and part of that includes writing touchy subjects in. Moreover, they actually went out of their way to make an established character (the Green Lantern) gay, and established Batwoman as a lesbian from the start, then backpedaled about her getting married because... what, they'd have to determine whether Gotham City allows for gay marriage? Seriously?

On the other hand, lobbyism is a thing. It feels like every goddamn show, comic and movie nowadays has to have a Jew (or "insert any religion other than catholic" here), a black dude (who is a token character but whom at no point anybody calls a black person except as a means to show that X or Y character is racist), a powerful/successful chick (and woe betide if for ANY. GODDAMN. REASON. she turns to a damsel in distress, wears anything sexy at all, or actually acts like anything but a total frigid bitch) and a gay person (whose sexuality is established early and often, and which often has that as his/her only defining trait). In The Avengers, Samuel L. Jackson was cast as Nick Fury, arguably because he's badass, but who played the character exactly SQUAT like he's in the comics. There is a huge push for comics to show heroines who do not dress sexily, or for characters to come out of the damn closet. Power Girl lost her tit-window in the reboot because of it, and it was a running gag that she'd tear the shit out of anybody who underestimated her over her cleavage. And many of these people probably don't realize that back in the 60's, Superman wanted to date his own cousin, and the Green Lantern wanted to bang a 13-year-old alien.

Of course, people are stupid and see the whole thing as binary, and other people who point out lobbyism actually do so in obnoxious fashions, like calling it the "homosexual dictatorship". The worst part is that they're not completely wrong. However, because it would apparently be "wrong" to not support people with different sexual options in EVERY way, form or fashion, one cannot claim that a given character is a form of pandering.

By this point, a lot of people are probably considering that I'm really a hypocritic homophobe. I can't really blame them, it's part of the whole binary attitude I was just talking about. Personally, I couldn't give any LESS of a shit what two, or three, or a half-dozen people do behind closed doors, so long as that does not imply any imposed change on my life or the way I do things. Which, when I'm told I have to moderate the way I talk about a given subject, sounds like exactly that. (I have a friend who actually asked me to tone that shit down. She's the only exception I willingly make to that rule, because I respect her a lot. Otherwise, I'd tell her to shove it.)

Consider the contradiction: the world out there makes this huge shitstorm about freedom of speech, and "censorship is bad". What they leave out, however, is the subordinate clause "as long as you don't support the less majoritarian side of the discussion". Which is exactly the way it has been for several centuries of human history. It's hypocrisy taken to its logical self-absorbed, rationalized extreme. On that discussion I mentioned, there was this gal who went "someone should totally shut up those homophobic comments and shit". Which is the exact same mentality gay people have fought against for years. It is entirely possible to respect a portion of what makes one person and still not go on fucking parades about it.

I make it a point to explain to people every time that I do not subscribe to a PC way of thinking. That when I call a black person "black" for any reason, it's not to remind her that up until a century or so ago, there were a bunch of assholes that likely made his or her great-great-great-granddaddies do forced labor. That using the black/gay/religion/girl card is NOT okay. It comes up every time: a given dude or dudette claims he or she got fired because of religion/gender/ethnicity/sexuality, goes to court. We could be talking about the laziest asshole on the planet, people are still going to take his or her side, because that's ALL THEY SEE. How about those of us who don't get a card to play? We're supposed to get bent over and fucked by life because, and I quote, "we are privileged, white, straight male pigs?" Because someone else in line is a 'minority'? I'm not saying that kind of asshattery doesn't happen. I'm saying that sometimes, when it DOESN'T happen, someone will cry foul and use whatever they've got at their disposal to make their employer or would-be employer the bad guy. If I were black, or gay, or muslim, I'd actually be seriously fucking offended if someone hired me for anything besides my competence.

This goes for EVERYTHING. You do not eliminate a given form of bigotry by coddling the people who are being screwed over by the bigots, or walking over eggshells around them - that's like saying the bigot is right but you're too chickenshit to take his or her side. I cannot claim to have an answer, but I do know the hypocritical way is not the way to go.

I strive to be true about what I think and what I believe. Does that mean that I have my prejudices? Yeah, probably. But I'm not going to say I don't have them and then try to turn around and justify them. I think black people are awesome runners in general. I think sometimes gay people go a little over the top in their PDAs (which 'straight' people do, too, and often). I think some religions follow a bunch of rules that made a lot of sense two thousand years ago, but which today are just on the WTF side. I'm going to eat my goddamn meat, turn on my fucking AC when it's a billion degrees outside, and I'm going to laugh at off-color jokes that are genuinely funny.

And I will either tell to screw off or pound down whoever says "I can't do that".

Off Topic Fun / Aaaaaaaand I'm depressed again.
« on: July 23, 2013, 12:04:20 PM »
As it seems to happen every so often, I feel morose, lethargic, and hopeless.

I've been struggling aimlessly for months - feels like years now - and I feel like I've been getting absolutely nowhere. I've yet to get a single check off the real estate gig. I feel alone and miserable. I haven't been in a relationship for nearly two years now, haven't tabletop gamed in nearly twice as long. Putting my friends together for us to hang out feels like a herculean task, both for me and for then, because it feels like I'm being the selfish kind of guy who demands they pay tribute in the form of attention to me. I feel tired and lost, and with nothing to show for it.

I don't have specific goals. The closest I've got is putting together enough money to get me a place in the next two years. My mother's having a massive, childish spat with my sister where they haven't been talking to each other in almost a month, and it's quickly deteriorating our relationship.

I feel like I'm running really hard in circles, and each time the hole gets deeper.

I hardly even have the strength to encourage others anymore - which, considering that my stepdad's father is on the ICU right now, people are going to really need me for.

I'm tired of being strong with nothing to show for it. I've got character, sure - but what use is character when everyone that is a lying, cheating bastard is having the time of their lives?

I don't even feel like having the tears to cry this one out. Like my goddamn heart is hollow and blank and barren. Like I don't care about anything anymore, when I know that if I really didn't, I wouldn't be feeling like this.

I know the worst thing I can do is just sit in a corner and feel sorry for myself, but even now I'm just going through the goddamn motions.

I'm not strong at all.

Off Topic Fun / Ask a simple question, Real World Edition.
« on: July 15, 2013, 10:26:03 AM »
I don't think I REALLY need to explain the purpose of this topic, so...

Here's mine:

I've got a computer set up where I'm connected to both the monitor + subwoofer and the TV. If I want sound on the TV, I have to go to the sound settings and switch the output. Then, if I want to listen from the subwoofer, I need to go to sound settings and switch it back.

It's a pain in the ass, though. I want to not need to set it. Any thoughts?


The dwellings of one Vlad Tepes Dracula. While not everyone is familiar with the first two names, the third can give the faintest of heart a swift demise from rumors and imagination alone.

Although, perhaps "dwelling" is a misnomer. The place is a huge fortress. For over 500 years, no one has successfully gone much farther beyond the front gates - and oh how they have tried.

Having been contacted by a number of agents, the group has been summoned to this nefarious locale. The skies above Castlevania are forever kept overcast by the darkest of clouds. The occasional flash lights the sky briefly to illuminate the very death that surrounds the gigantic castle and the winged skeletons and harpies that occasionally float near the towers. The road to the main gate is closely watched by impaled, desiccated, animated corpses commonly known as the Scarecrows - the unfortunate fate of those who dared openly cross Dracula by attempting to invade the fortress. Not quite undead, and not quite alive, the Scarecrows are something in between - a punishment as eternal as evil itself, their souls partially ripped from their bodies so they may retain a sense of agony but never quite regain function. Despite the efforts of many compassionate priests, these poor creatures are unable to gain eternal rest in any way. Their souls cannot be fully ripped from their bodies, and their bodies cannot be permanently destroyed. As the group approaches, the Scarecrows moan towards each other, in something that is neither quite language nor code - merely a form of communication to their masters.

Death itself awaits past the threshold of the gates. Her voice is raspy and drawn-out, echoing slightly off the walls despite her best efforts to keep it to a civil level.

"Ah, our guests arrive. Come - the Master awaits at the audience hall."

Gesturing towards a pathway with its scythe, Death leads the way.

"Please try not to stray far. The local residents of Castlevania cannot tell guests from food if one of their superiors is not nearby."

Well, let's begin with a short history lesson.

Of the Twilight of the Gods

Or, why is the world so fucked up?

In a time long before now, the precise amount of which eludes sentientkind, there were hundreds, thousands of gods. Whimsical and humane in many ways, deities of various parts of the world often actively interfered with the lives of mortals, oftentimes creating trouble for them.

But the Gods had their enemies. Any of a number of reasons had made them come to pass, but the fact remains that all Gods had, on some level, a reason to fight. And not all gods were good - some of them were treacherous and dangerous, which led to their seclusion by their peers. And this seclusion led to a shift in the eternal balance of power between gods and demons, titans, giants and other myriad, powerful creatures.

One day, every imprisoned, sealed, malevolent enemy of the gods was released at once. In the greatest battle the multiverse ever witnessed, entire pantheons were drawn to a single, horrific battlefield in another plane.

The result of the battle is unclear to the murky vision of mortals. Theories abound: some say that god and nemesis alike perished, some say that their souls alone lived on and battle to this day while their rotting aether plagues the world. Some say the battle never ended at all.

What IS known is that from that day forward nothing was ever the same. The collective result of the battle is known as Twilight Fallout, or simply Fallout.

What the Fallout entails is this: every spark of magical power, every spell and every holy sword, every creature was forever tainted by these events. Bodies decay, the soul corrupts, and magic is the lifeblood through which this rot spreads. Because the world is entirely suffused with the essence of magic to begin with, and because everything, living or not, absorbs this to some degree, the entire world is cursed.

Magic and Corruption

Or, why some forms of magic are more fucked up than others

The curse of the Fallout itself is alive, sentient and malevolent. While it arguably cannot be communicated with directly, it clearly has a purpose. However, that purpose is murky at best. Fear seems to be one of its goals, in essence.

Here's how it works. Anything and everything that channels magic to any degree simultaneously channels Fallout. Because magic is widespread and because the Fallout itself is malevolent,  this causes changes on people in several levels, for the worse. The Fallout can, single-handedly, be counted responsible for bringing out the worst in every sentient species known to walk, fly, float, or swim - and very much any non-sentient species too. The process, however, does not work the same for everyone. The corruption is slow for some and quicker for others, as the Fallout connects in mysterious ways to different pieces of itself. The Fallout has, however, forever changed the way each spell is channeled through. No matter how different the method, each form of magic is nothing more than the taming of the madness within. The body fights this, and seeks to reject it, however unwillingly. For this reason, "regular" people (as in anyone who does not consciously or unconsciously use magic) are made instinctively aware of the curse within those who wield it - and are thus instinctively afraid of it. But spellcasters, magical creatures and such do not make that distinction, as they already tap into the curse within, severing this instinctual rejection.

Thus, disguised as he may be, a demon, vampire or any other supernatural creature may not be physically and rationally recognized for what it is, but on an instinctual level, "regular" people know.

The Murder Jewels, the Maidens and the Berserkers

Or, how to fight the fucked up when you're already fucked up

This instinctive property of the 'regulars' to detect and repel magic has led to an unusual tactic by hunters of the supernatural - the pairing of their holy warriors with regular people whose job is to sit on the sidelines and observe the situation. Because those chosen for this purpose are typically female in many cultures, they're known by the commonfolk as Maidens, whereas those who fight alongside them are typically known as Berserkers.

There was a flaw in this system, however - the Maidens typically made easier targets than their counterparts. Worse, some became so terrified by their experiences that they lost their honed instinct - this, when they did not become corrupted themselves in myriad ways.

Enter the Murder Jewels.

Known by many different names (Sakkiseki, Mord Juwel, Homicidium Iocale, to name a few), Murder Jewels are the byproduct of powerful alchemical research into the properties of the Fallout curse. By distilling the essence of that corruption and solidifying it, it became possible to isolate the powers and properties that made one lose their ability to sense the curse without stripping them of said abilities. Further, the Jewels enabled their users to gain more power for their abilities, store their memories within, and they even enabled the creation of magic items - an art that was lost to Fallout because the usual methods simply no longer worked as intended, creating horrible abominations instead of the tools they were meant to be.

And all it cost them was their sanity!

Today, Murder Jewels are commonplace in the world, with varying degrees of purity and potency. The ability to extract and create them from the remains of dead and undead alike (with varying degrees of success) has made possible a number of abilities and research beyond the scope that "pure" magic previously held.

Of course, the Jewels have their downside. While nothing permanent comes from using them as a component in magic item creation (usually anyway...), overusing the empowering ability of a Jewel hastens the effects of Fallout and causes creatures to slowly lose their minds, until they are controlled by the will of the curse itself, often going berserk with power- and bloodlust. Similarly, the process of sealing one's powers and/or memories within a Murder Jewel has a heavy toll, especially if the owner and the Jewel are separated, as it drives them mad, often reducing them to mere husks of their former selves.

Many, particularly those resistant to the effects of Fallout to begin with, find that the benefits outweight the risks...

[D&D 3.5] The Amazing World of Instant Happiness / Character sheets
« on: March 04, 2013, 09:25:05 PM »
You ALSO know what goes here.

[D&D 3.5] The Amazing World of Instant Happiness / The OOC thread
« on: March 04, 2013, 09:24:36 PM »
Seriously, you know what to do here...

This is a test-drive of a rather disturbing world I've conjured up. The very purpose of this campaign is to go where regular D&D doesn't usually go. You know that stuff in the Book of Vile Darkness? Child's play. We're aiming for the disturbing here. Depictions will be as graphic as my twisted sense of dark humor can make them. The stuff Catholic fundies accuse our beloved hobby of fostering? We're going there.

Therefore, my request is that, if you peruse this particular campaign without being a player, be forewarned that this is Red Light Territory. Do not visit before, during, or directly after any meal.

And above all, do not bitch about going too far.

You have been warned.

Play By Post / Kuro's Grim-like Fantasy interest check.
« on: February 28, 2013, 02:45:54 PM »
So, I'm in the mood to test-drive a certain world I've got in my mind.

I need guinea pigs.

The very basics:

The world is grim. Even in the days the sun shines brightest, the sky is grey.

Rule of Cool is in effect.

Some houserules may be in effect - nothing extensive, really.

Anything from 3.5 to Pathfinder is considered pre-approved. Homebrew MAY be approved, as may 3rd-party material, at my discretion.

Gentleman's agreement is in effect: the world itself does not take kindly to overpowered low-level people. Ingenuity is valued more than raw power. Expect shenanigans to be destroyed at their core, not because the DM is a bastard, but because the world is full of dicks.

References will be plentiful, some better hidden than others.

Expect most magic items to end up being cursed somehow, whether created by players or otherwise.

The campaign may end up being a giant fetch quest with occasional pauses for EPIC BATTLE.

Rock and Heavy Metal both exist. Deal with it.

If ye be crazy enough to venture past here, abandon all hope.  :smirk

Homebrew and House Rules (D&D) / The Tier 1 Samurai (an old port)
« on: February 11, 2013, 12:26:03 AM »
OK, since some people in the Overpowered Mundanes versus Overpowered Casters asked for it, here we have the Kuroimaken Samurai.  :p

Yes, it's frontloaded. It's also supposed to be hardcore. REALLY hardcore. And you're supposed to stick to the class. So without further ado...


I'm not treading this path to get to the end. The journey is its own reward. The end is merely a bonus.
(click to show/hide)

Will get started on the weapon styles tomorrow.

Off Topic Fun / Seriously, life? WTF?
« on: October 18, 2012, 05:53:34 PM »
The company I work at is extremely likely to go bankrupt within the next few weeks (if it hasn't already and they happen to be stalling for time). It's not that great of a pay, but it's a great environment to work in, and I've made a number of friends in it. Half the time people seem like chickens with their heads cut off right now, though...

This is compounded by what is essentially a transitional crisis. Facing the facts straight, I have no means to economically support myself right now, even less of an idea of what I WANT to do for a living to begin with, and a resumé mostly made up of nonquantifiables (i.e. good typing, good spelling, good grammar, but no P.H.D.s on anything). I haven't been out with a friend once in the last six weeks. I don't even have the energy or the desire to go out by myself. I feel lonely and miserable, and I'm particularly distraught by the fact that my actual friends, the closest I've had for years, are all branching off in different directions, finding their own paths.

I don't know what I want, can or must do. And the feeling of inaction is the worst. The more I stay still, the worse it gets because it makes me want to break inertia less and less. I'm gaining weight again and I don't have the desire to start a diet.

In short, it's a pretty low tide for me, and to add insult to injury I feel like people are constantly pushing me to perform better.

Legends of the Heroes / Me and my crazy delusions.
« on: August 14, 2012, 09:55:31 AM »
Alright. I've been hit by a few pangs of inspiration over the years. Some of it I've decided to share with all of you poor, unfortunate souls.  :p I'm going to start with my most recent stuff and work my way from there. Feel free to comment, but the moment any of you decides to bash I'm reporting. Ain't I lovely with handling criticism?  :smirk

First, a couple of badass creeds I came up with.

Under the moonlight, my soul burns.
Whiter than the wings of freedom; hotter than the crest of blood.
Before this blaze, let everything become void.
My blade's name is 'Truth'; nothing exists that can break her!

Japanese version:

Gekka de waga tamashii moeteiru.
Jiyuu no hane yori shiroki mono; chi no monshou yori atsuki mono.
Sono honnou no mae ni subete mu ni naritamae.
Waga jin no namae ha 'Shinjitsu'; kowasareru koto wa nashi!

(Alternatively, replace 'Truth' by 'Determination' (kesshin)

This one still requires translation.

In a world where there is no shadows, I am [light].
In a world where there is no despair, I am [hope].
In a world where there is none who is peerless, I am [without equal].
I am limitless.
I am absolute.

And on the next post, a little tale I wrote up.

Off Topic Fun / Yay bouts of full-on depression.
« on: July 30, 2012, 01:19:52 PM »
As fate is wont to do sometimes, my brain is currently devoid of serotonin. I wish it were this simple to rationalize, because then I could get a shot and everything would be better. So here's the bullet point of why Kuro isn't particularly happy right now.

- My friends are growing apart. People I've known since high school and had the best of times with, simply can't seem to find the time to do anything with me anymore. When pussy isn't the reason, other friends are. My last birthday party consisted of inviting 20 people and playing videogames with 4. At alternating times. On that subject, a girl I've considered my friend for a while now has ceased speaking to me for the past three months because her boyfriend is horrifically jealous and hates my guts. I promised her AND myself I'd never make a move on her, on the very simple basis that I know it would be the wrong thing to do, and no one else but the two of us seems to get that.

- I need to start a proper diet, but I just can't be assed to do it. If I only ingested more fiber, preferrably in the form of fruit, I'd probably drop five kg just like that. But there's a nagging part of me that doesn't want to change my incredibly irregular eating habits despite the fact I KNOW it's bad for me. As a result, despite the fact I work out three times a week, I feel like a fat slob.

- I need new friends, but I have no idea where to find someone with the kind of tastes I've got in this city.

- I want to pick up martial arts again, but I simply don't have the time. My old kung-fu teacher gave me the address of someone he trusts to teach me right, but the guy teaches across town. I want something a little closer to home so I can go from work to the dojo and then home again, but I don't trust a lot of the places around here to be serious about what they teach.

- There's a public examination entry thing going on for a job that would give me fucktons of money and ULTIMATE! job security. It was suggested to me by my mom and my shrink. I said I'd do it but I had to do things MY WAY, so it felt like it was my decision and my accomplishment instead of me following in someone else's footsteps. Try as they might, they just can't seem to rein in the nagging that I go for a prep course on the stuff, and half the content of the test itself is stuff I absolutely fucking hate.

I wish I could just punch my problems in the face.

It confuses me as all hell. Basically, cost-wise: suppose you pick a power that consists of using portals. You then pick an array of three separate powers as part of it - do you just pay one extra PP per new power? Do you pay full cost? HOW THE HELL DOES THIS WORK?!

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