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Topics - GrimoireM

Pages: [1]
Introduce Yourself / Hello everyone?
« on: August 09, 2012, 08:49:12 AM »
I'm new, uhh, whee?

I still haven't found a group to play D&D with, but I often browse the optimizer boards for inspiration on character builds. I was initially attracted to it from the sheer amount of customization you can put in. I've mainly enjoyed various light role-playing videogames as I grew up, from Tales of Phantasia to Golden Sun to Tactics Ogre to Ragnarok Online and anything that catches my interest along the way. Outside of videogames I don't have much in the form of hobbies, though I enjoy the occasional card or board game with family, and sketch, or grab a book when the feeling calls. Movies aren't my thing, but we have an extensive library of both DVDs and books.

Since the recent move across Canada (Alberta to Nova Scotia to be more specific) I've been a bit of a shut in, with only coworkers and online contacts as my social outlet. I'm finding newspaper delivery uplifting, despite it being a dying industry. Running around and getting away with near vandalism (sometimes the papers hit the doors or ground too hard) makes for an interesting experience. The job won't last, but at least I have university in September. I was accepted into Bachelor of Computer Science, and plan to take co-op too. Worst case scenario I'll at least be able to go independent while flipping burgers, as I'll have the coding know how and discipline I require to actually pull it off.

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