Author Topic: The Arch-Magician [prestige]  (Read 1574 times)

Offline TheGeometer

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The Arch-Magician [prestige]
« on: July 19, 2014, 02:17:38 PM »

My magic surrounds you, invisible, in the air you breathe. Your magic is outnumbered and outmatched; I’ve won this battle before it has even begun.
-Arkhos, an Arch-Magician

The Arch-Magician is the ultimate prestige class for any remnant caster who wishes to maximize the power and versatility of her magic. Arch-Magicians generally forgo all physical combat, but their undivided dedication to the magical arts is reflected in the powerful abilities they are able to bring forth.

Arch-Magicians are remnant casters first, and any other identity is secondary. Thus, they rarely come from any background other than uninterrupted study in remnant magic. Despite the name that this class is commonly given, Remnant Mages and Divine Shards take it as often as Magicians.

Skills: Spellcraft 15
Remnant Casting: Able to cast remnants at caster level 10 or greater from a class list
Feats: Any 2 metaremnant feats

Class Skills
The Arch-Magician's class skills are Concentration, Craft, Decipher Script, Knowledge (all skills, taken individually), Profession, Spellcraft, and Use Magic Device.
Skills Points at Each  Level 2 + int

Hit Dice: d4

Attack Bonus


1st+0+0+0+2High Remnant Magic+1 level of existing remnant casting class
2nd+1+0+0+3High Remnant Magic+1 level of existing remnant casting class
3rd+1+1+1+3High Remnant Magic+1 level of existing remnant casting class
4th+2+1+1+4High Remnant Magic+1 level of existing remnant casting class
5th+2+1+1+4High Remnant Magic+1 level of existing remnant casting class

Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: The Arch-Magician gains no new proficiency with any weapons or armor.

Casting: At each level the Arch-Magician gains more RP per round, more known remnants or remnant slots, and an increase in caster level (and RP per day, if applicable) as if she had also gained a level in a remnant casting class to which she belonged before adding the prestige class level. She does not, however, gain any other benefit a character taking that class would have gained by taking a level of that remnant casting class. If she had more than one remnant casting class before becoming a Arch-Magician, she must decide to which class to add each level for the purpose of determining remnants known, remnant slots, RP/turn and/or RP/day.

High Remnant Magic: At each level, the Arch-Magician learns an ancient secret of magic that makes her casting more powerful or versatile. She may choose one of the following options each time she gains this class feature, but cannot choose the same option more than once unless it states otherwise.
  • Arcane Knowledge: An Arch-Magician who selects this option learns hidden secrets that strengthen her magic against arcane creatures. She gains the ability to affect constructs and oozes with mind-affecting remnants and affect dragons and elementals with energy against which they are normally immune. She also gains +1 CL for her remnants against these creature types, as well as against magical beasts and aberrations.
  • Divine Knowledge: An Arch-Magician who selects this option learns ancient lore that strengthen her magic against divine creatures. She gains the ability to affect plants, undead, and vermin with mind-affecting remnants. She also gains +1 CL for her remnants against these creature types, as well as against animals, fey, and outsiders.
  • Metaremnant Surge: An Arch-Magician who selects this option obtains fleeting, yet devastating, magical prowess. Once per day per 5 caster levels, she may apply one of her metaremnant feats to a group of remnants without increasing the RP cost of that group. If she wishes to apply more than one metaremnant feat to that group, she must either pay the additional RP cost of all subsequent feats or use additional uses of this ability.
  • Remnant Storm: An Arch-Magician who selects this option learns how to direct the remnants around her without even knowing what type of spells they came from; casting blindly like this is dangerous, but could potentially be powerful. Once per round, as part of her normal remnant casting for the round, she may expend at least 10 RP and then produce an effect from the table for the Rod of Wonder, as determined by a d% roll. She adds 1 to the saving throw, if any, for every 10 RP she expends on this ability. Treat the caster's pointing hand as the rod for the purpose of determining the properties of the resultant effect.
  • Self-Sustaining Remnants: An Arch-Magician who selects this option gains the ability to cast remnants in such a way that they autonomously absorb surrounding remnants to fuel themselves. The total number of RP that she loses per turn due to sustained remnants is reduced by 5 (minimum 1 RP per sustained group) after the effects of feats.
  • Spellform: The Arch-Magician can learn a Spellform (one of the spell-like abilities from a Spellform Feat) as a kind of High Remnant Magic. She may gain this option multiple times, choosing a Spellform that she does not yet know each time. This option is available even when not playing with standard rules for Spellforms (though a DM may specifically ban this option separately).
  • Temporal Transfer: An Arch-Magician who selects this option gains another use for her underused actions. Since remnant magic takes a miniscule amount of time to cast, Arch-Magicians are often left with spare time in battle, while their allies could spend that time much more effectively. Through a small ritual that takes a full-round action, usable at will, she may grant an ally within 60 feet an extra move action during the ally's next turn.
  • Versatile Casting: An Arch-Magician who selects this option is much more likely to have the right remnant to cast when the moment requires it. Once per day, she may select a remnant from one of her class lists, even one that she doesn't know, and learn it for the remainder of that day only. She may cast it at will from the class corresponding to the class list she chooses at any point during the day, even if she doesn't normally learn remnants (as in the case of the Divine Shard). Once she has chosen a remnant to temporarily learn, she cannot change her selection until the following day.

Even I have not fully mastered magic. The full comprehension of this mysterious entity is too valuable to deserve any less than the devotion of my entire being
-Arkhos, on studying magic.
Daily Life: Arch-Magicians are respected somewhat more than other casters of remnant magic, largely because their magical abilities are undisputable, though not fully understood by the wizarding community. Their devotion to studying the magical arts also earns them some respect, so other magic-users don't know what to make of them.
 Notables: Alborard the Sage eventually became a powerful Arch-Magician, though he lived in an age before that term, or, indeed, "Remnant Mage," was known even to the obscure extent it is now. Many of the most famous remnant casters became Arch-Magicians at the peak of their power.
 Organizations: Arch-Magicians can be found in the League of Alborard, in adventuring parties, and in secluded libraries in solitude.


Hit Die: d4
Skills Points at Each Level: 2 + int
Casting: The Epic Arch-Magician continues advancing remnant casting at every level higher than 10th.
Bonus Feats: The Epic Arch-Magician gains a Bonus Feat every 5 levels higher than 10th.
« Last Edit: August 28, 2021, 06:08:59 PM by TheGeometer »