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Messages - IngloriousBastard

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Other RPGs / Rifts Advice
« on: March 04, 2014, 09:02:33 PM »
I know this is more of a D&D forum; however, my wife and I met some people who are running a "Rifts" game.  Does anyone have any advice on what a fun character would be?  I've been looking maybe asking if I could play a Cosmo Knight since they're basically a magical version of a glitterboy that appears to level up well without a big need for character wealth.  Are there other options I can do if this is stricken from the list of OCCs?

Introduce Yourself / Re: Hello
« on: March 01, 2014, 04:59:16 PM »
Posting commencing  :plotting

Min/Max 3.x / Re: What is a good Arcane Warrior (not Duskblade)
« on: March 01, 2014, 01:54:40 PM »
Abjurant Champion - Complete Mage p50
BAB: 5/5 CL: 5/5
Gain bonus from expending spell slots.

Havoc Mage - Miniature's Handbook p20
BAB: 3/5 CL: 3/5
Battle Cast - Lets you cast a spell (max 8) and make a full round attack (unlimited)

Spellsword - Complete Warrior p79
BAB: 10/10 CL: 5/10
Can channel spells through weapon (limited per day), lowers ASF, good first level dip to maintain BAB and CL.

I'm working on converting the data to a tabular format which should help me with some bulk importing from your thread Maat.  Basically, once I'm done everything will be in a nice and pretty tabular format that is easy to maintain.  Since I'm moving all the data into sql tables and then generating output for the forum threads it's going to be a little bit of work.

Fixed my silly/incorrect edits.  Added graphic + theme song :)

I can merge the information if you want.  Probably will be a few days to get the work done since I'm still working on this one.  Also fixed the Blessing of Kord typo.  I like that toon you linked it's very much inline with the threads ;)

Link is Here

This is my first handbook.  It needs a little fleshing out in terms of some of the mental stats, races, temples, and eventually spells.  I'm always open to expanding this since I've not seen a handbook that solely focuses on stat bonuses which are really the bread and butter of D&D.  I've not scoured all sources (yet), but I plan on adding to it little by little.  But it definitely has a good start.

Handbooks / Ways to make a Suave Bastard
« on: February 27, 2014, 09:01:46 PM »

Handbooks / How to Make a Faster Bastard
« on: February 27, 2014, 08:58:41 PM »


Handbooks / Ways to make a Suave Bastard
« on: February 27, 2014, 08:56:35 PM »
This is for those pretty boy bastards who think they can charm their way into killing Nazis, or at least convince the Nazis to kill each other.  :D

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Handbooks / Ways to make a Wiser Bastard
« on: February 27, 2014, 08:56:24 PM »
This is for those Bastards who know better than to fight the Nazis, but still have to anyway.

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Handbooks / Ways to make a Smarter Bastard
« on: February 27, 2014, 08:56:17 PM »
This is for those Bastards that like to outwit them Nazis.

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Handbooks / Ways to make an Unkillable Bastard
« on: February 27, 2014, 08:56:05 PM »
This is how you keep those Nazis from killing you.   :smirk

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Handbooks / Ways to make a Wiry Bastard
« on: February 27, 2014, 08:55:56 PM »
This section encompasses the goodness of being a sneaky Bastard.  Guys that like to get rid Nazis before they even know what hit them.

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Handbooks / Ways to make a Stonger Bastard
« on: February 27, 2014, 08:55:48 PM »
What better way to fight Nazis that to hit them as hard as you can with your weapon of choice.  Personally, I like to hit them upside the head with a Minotaur Greatclub, but it can be a bit more messy than other weapons.

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Hello, this is my first D&D handbook.  What is the art of building a better bastard you may ask?   :huh Well, put quite simply you are looking for ways to increase your primary attributes (Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma) as high as possible as expensively or as cheaply as your resources may allow.  You're going to be up against some major stuff out there, especially from those Nazi scum so you're going to have to find ways to beat them at their own silly game of mastering the world by mastering yourself.

The first thing to building a bastard is that size matters (as far as changing size categories is concerned).  Moving up in size category generally provides bonuses to Strength, Constitution, and Natural Armor while penalizing Dexterity, Hit, and base Armor Class.  Moving down in size category has the opposite effect.

Discussion Link is Here

Change History:
02/27/2014: Version 1.0 - Converted notes from *.txt file to forum.

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Board Business / Re: Can I get access to post handbooks?
« on: February 27, 2014, 07:30:25 AM »
I did that, the current status is approval pending.

Gaming Advice / Re: Familiar: Share Spell Question
« on: February 26, 2014, 11:08:29 PM »
With the "Share Spells" ability you get two choices. 

1.  When you cast the spell on yourself, your familiar can gain the effect of the spell as well.  Here casting the spell produces 2 effects, one for the caster with the caster as the target and the familiar as the target of the other effect.  In this case, you would be able to recall one spell you cast in the last 24 hours, and your familiar would be able to recall one spell it had cast in the last 24 hours. 

2.  When you cast your spell on your familiar, your familiar would be able to recall one spell it had cast in the last 24 hours.  Here casting the spell produces 1 effect that targets the familiar, and the familiar is able to recall one spell it had cast in the last 24 hours.

In either case, the familiar must have cast a spell from it's own mind in order to recall it since the target of each effect is mutually exclusive.

I would consider the ramifications of using this optional rule.  If someone is already using Greater Shadow Conjuration then you have to assume that the Plane of Shadows exists or you just ignore the rule and state that it works anyway.  If you now state that the character can no longer use some core Beguiler spells with a [Shadow] descriptor you really limited their options, and that is something that should have been discussed up front before the character was made so the player had the option to make a different build. 

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