Author Topic: Talented Classes: Original idea  (Read 1997 times)

Offline The-Mage-King

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Talented Classes: Original idea
« on: October 22, 2012, 09:42:57 AM »
So, reposting from Giantitp.

Quote from: TheMageKing@GiantitP
The idea is actually simple- take a page from d20 Modern and Star Wars SAGA, revising 3.5 to remove most of the class bloat and rebalance it..

So far, I've gotten a small framework set up for it- Six classes, named the Warrior, the Mage, the Expert, the Spellsword, the Trickster, and the Rogue.

The first three will be "pure" classes, having full access to the basics of the three subsystems used to differentiate them. The other three....

Well, Spellsword is Gish, Trickster is SkillGish, and Rogue is Skill/Combat.

I'm still trying to think up the subsystems. Considering ToB/Psionics/Something.

Needs more thought, though.


So, having thought about it some, talents would need to be simple, basic, and somewhat flavorful.

I can see Warrior class talents being split into trees based on fighting style.

Power Attack (perhaps merged with using two hands to attack)/Weapon Finesse (maybe merged with einhander)/Archery/TWF/Tank would all need to be assigned as basic ones, with maybe a few others if needed.

For caster-types, I was considering making a set of basic talents that decide what they have access to, and maybe grant access if taken again. Additional talents would expand on these. Note that each school -will- be based on Psionic rules, and adjusted to fit, along with compressed. Conjuration will be strictly summoning and teleporting, for example, and enchantment will have illusion effects folded in.

Now, for the most annoying to figure out of the classes...

The Expert.

Their main gimmick will be skills, and interesting ways of using skills. But they also get to be the most equipment reliant of the classes, since they aren't combatants, and they can't cast.

What I need to do is hammer out the spells list.More on that in another thread.