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Topics - Wereling

Pages: [1]
Introduce Yourself / Greetings and salutations
« on: October 02, 2012, 05:09:06 PM »
-Your name
Nate. Can call me either that or the handle.
-Your favorite games
I'm a long time 3.5 player. I've recently moved into Pathfinder, and for the most part I've found it satisfying. In non D20 systems, I am part of a long (at this posting 9 year) on-and-off Supers game that is currently run in a highly modified house version of Silver Age Sentinels, which is itself based on the Tri-Stat DX system.
-Your non gaming hobbies
When I'm not being lazy, I write. I like to go shooting (as in firearms). I used to play tabeltop wargames, but haven't done so in quite some time. I also podcast at
-Where you live, including country, without using abbreviations
I live in Keene, New Hampshire in the United States.
-What other communities you belong to meetups, message boards etc
I sometimes lurk the Giant in the Playground forums. For a long time I was on the old Classic Battletech forums, but that went away with my lapse from tabletop wargaming.
-Your twitter, facebook or G+ handle
I can be followed on Twitter at I am on G+ here: I have a Facebook account, but I generally only use it to talk to family and close friends.

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