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Oslecamo's Improved Monster Classes / Re: Children of Zoretha (Zorethian)
« on: February 24, 2020, 05:50:04 PM »
Slightly reduced Nondetection CL bonuses

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Fun Pathfinds
« on: February 10, 2020, 02:00:30 PM »
Cyclical Reincarnation + Racial Heritage = customizable natural werecritters and werebugs

Finally found a way to make a were-jellyfish :-p

Or a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle

I don't follow. At least as far as Racial Heritage feat goes, it requires Humans and only emulates Humanoids.

Gaming Advice / Re: RPG Systems & Death Mechanics
« on: January 16, 2020, 02:39:03 PM »
I really like how FantasyCraft handles death. It has been a while since I have looked at the rules, but if I remember correctly, if a character dies, with DM permission and a plausible story a character can escape death at the cost of one of their prizes (and I believe a hit to Rep?), and come back with some persisting condition and are out for a few game scenes. Altho the system does allow a few of classes to grant free "petty fate" returns which essentially are the weakest conditions you can return with. The game also has dramatic scenes in addition to its standard scenes which follow different rules, and I believe one of them prevents characters from returning with this mechanic.

E6 has Death Flags. Essentially characters cannot die unless they raise their Death Flag, which grants them a 6 Conviction instantly (Conviction is the Action Points analogue of the system, letting them reroll dice or take extra actions a limited number of times per day). It is supposed to be one of those mechanics for more dramatic moments to give the players an extra push at a risk. It probably doesnt work all that well if the PCs cannot be challenged, which can be an issue in a 3.x game.

I usually run E6 with auto crit confirmation, so easy deaths are a concern, but I dont like or use the Death Flag rules. Instead, I added an option to spend 4 Conviction to prevent death for a round:
Spend 4 Conviction: If any damage or effect would result in death, Make a Fort save with DC 10 + twice Character Level of target inflicting the result (If none can be determined, DC 15) to set your HP at 1 point above death, and set any other condition that would normally result in death to a point just before being fatal if applicable (For instance, being reduced to 0 Con would set Con to 1). This effect applies across all such effects or damage sources for a round, but each addition source of death will retroactively increase the DC of the save by 2. This protection ends at the start of the characters next turn. The character is not considered stabilized, and must make checks as normal.
Ive only run it for a few sessions a couple months back, but it seemed to work out well enough.

D&D 3.5 and Pathfinder / Re: Totem Chakra
« on: December 31, 2019, 03:30:07 PM »
The MIC ones are just reprints if the items from MoI as far as I'm aware.

Considering you need MoI to even use Incarnum, if all the items are the same then that is entirely worthless, short of clogging up Magic Item Generation with equipment that the vast majority of characters cannot use.

Board Business / Re: BG-archive triggering antivirus
« on: December 16, 2019, 02:01:42 PM »
Yep reported this on the Discord the other day.
Any pages with links to brilliantgameologists will trigger warnings.
Beyond that though the bg-archives should be themselves safe.

Board Business / Re: 503 errors
« on: November 27, 2019, 08:24:20 PM »

D&D 3.5 and Pathfinder / Re: Shortening Casting Time
« on: November 19, 2019, 04:43:28 AM »
Get it as a Spell-Like Ability. Defaults as a Standard Action unless otherwise noted.

Magic Items do indeed take as long as the spell to cast, per Rules Compendium which is supposed to trump everything else.

D&D 5e / Re: Unearthed Arcana: Alternate Class Features
« on: November 05, 2019, 12:47:56 PM »
That is some nice stuff, if only they would do this more often.
A lot of it does just look like straight upgrades you don't trade anything for?

Oslecamo's Improved Monster Classes / Re: Volibear
« on: November 01, 2019, 01:30:26 PM »
Its going to be sad when the volibear rework is finished.

Stop you are going to make me rant about how shitty Riot is.

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Fun Pathfinds
« on: September 26, 2019, 03:39:14 AM »
Sapphire Ooze is a weird monster.

As a full-round action, a sapphire ooze can transform into wearable armor. This armor can be sized for creatures of the ooze’s size or one size category smaller, and the subject must be willing to wear the ooze as armor. While in its armor form, the ooze cannot take actions other than to use its hero’s infusion ability or to return to its true form as a full-round action. While the shape of the armor created can vary, it always appears to be made of glittering sapphire crystals and provides protection as if it were a mithral breastplate.

While a sapphire ooze is worn, it takes 1d6 points of damage each time its host takes more than 5 points of damage from a single attack; this damage bypasses the sapphire ooze’s damage reduction and immunities. If this damage reduces the ooze to 0 hit points, it immediately reverts to its true form and falls to the ground.

There's got to be a way to abuse this. It's a valid target for spells/class abilities that target armor, though none of them produce that interesting an effect except maybe Revenant Armor which turns the ooze into an animated object for a bit.

Advancing one might have potential. At the very least the increased HP renders the second paragraph much less of an issue. Giving it a level of Scaled Fist (un)Monk means it "adds his Wisdom Charisma bonus (if any) to his AC" and the system uses an armor's AC and the bonus to AC interchargably. That's  a +5 bonus (15 natural charisma, +4 from giving it a class level under the monster advancement rules, +1 from 4 HD) equivalent. Might also make use of Deflect Arrows. Anything else that gives it interesting abilities?

That can actually be a pretty fun reward to hand out, but yeah really weird. That lore for them is very amusing.

Off the top of my head, the damage it takes does not bypass Hardness. I assume it does not count the Hardness Mithral Armor would normally have against that damage, but if you can get Hardness onto the Ooze itself then it can get pretty easy to make it effectively Immune to the damage.

Any passive aura effects could be quite strong on the Sapphire Ooze (can't think of any off the top of my head for PF except for Anti/Paladin Auras though)

It does not seem they can be enchanted though, which is a shame.

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Fun Pathfinds
« on: September 24, 2019, 12:55:56 PM »
My only qualm with that is if the resonance effect would stack with bonuses from other ioun stones, and for that matter multiple applications of itself. It does explicitly stack with the ioun stone it is tied to, but not necessarily others stones or resonant Power applications.

We had a player use the Miasma Sweep maneuver last weekend, using it to travel straight up and avoid an attack. On the way down a few more NPCs with reach weapons were below him (including directly below), and he provoked a few AoOs after the fact  :P

In the case of landing in illegal squares the base rules are sufficient, but is it intended for the fall at the start of the turn to provoke AoOs? I mean it is a 1st level counter that otherwise requires no check beyond the damage and spellcraft ranks to get the distance (not really difficult to get beyond 10ft to avoid an attack from a medium creature), so I imagine it shouldnt be so powerful to avoid the AoOs, but the Counter definitely can be a double-edged sword in certain scenarios.

You made it clear that a monster can't get the same attribute to AC twice.  Can it get two different ability scores to a stat?  If a gestalt monster gets CHA mod to natural armor and CON mod to natural armor does it get both?  If you get the similar "ability score to X" abilities could it give a small bump like when you repeat SR or DR? 

Well Natural Armor bonuses generally don't stack, but a lot of the content here have clauses stating if you have a higher bonus from a different source, you add a +1 instead.

A brief look over of the feats suggests it works as far as I can see.

Ah yes, I think I can fix that.

Alright after 10000 years of putting it off, I went and finished the Son or Zoretha.

Off Topic Fun / Re: Has anyone here seen an alien or an UFO for real?
« on: July 12, 2019, 06:37:37 PM »
I find it interesting that bot posts sparked conversations =P

D&D 3.5 and Pathfinder / Re: Artifacts (Opinions)
« on: June 12, 2019, 12:53:23 PM »
(1) What are your favorite artifacts, and why?
(2) What are your least favorite artifacts, and why?
(3) Are there any books or magazines which give more rules/details on artifacts? 
(4) Are there any online guides, handbooks, or threads about artifacts?

(1) Sphere of Annihilation is a classic.
(2) Deck of Many Things. It makes people dumb, and I feel every amateur DM will nonconsciously throw it into their game just because.
(3) Dont know
(4) I don't think so. Artifacts are especially out of player control so I don't imagine anyone would ever build a quide around them. The only way I know to get a Artifact without the DM handing it over is Artifact Lord Epic Destiny from late 3.5 era Dragon Mag

D&D 3.5 and Pathfinder / Re: Simple question
« on: May 20, 2019, 11:47:04 PM »
Pocket Warlock

Another very valuable non-core feat for low-CR minions: Law Devotion. Activated as a swift action, lasts a full minute (which is longer than most minions live), and gives a whopping +3 to attack rolls. Especially for straightforward melee minions like orcs or warriors this is valuable to have a realistic chance to hit high AC PCs.

(Chaos Devotion is similar, but more swingy as there is a 50:50 chance that the bonus goes to either attack rolls or AC. Still, with a large enough minion group the laws of large numbers should leave at least some with a viable attack bonus every round.)

I can avow I recently did this myself lol

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