Author Topic: Epicure [3.5 base]  (Read 12122 times)

Offline sirpercival

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Epicure [3.5 base]
« on: October 02, 2016, 06:54:58 AM »

We turn now to Meladina Vorell. It's a name I'm sure you've heard many times, in countless tellings and re-tellings in your local tavern. You're picturing it now, aren't you? It's a night like any other -- just like this one, perhaps:

You see the flickering firelight reflect off the seamed and leathery faces of the old-timers who nurse their dented mugs of Widow Fenton's dark, creamy ale; the rough-hewn stones that give back the soot-stained warmth they accumulated while spending a weary day supporting the ceiling of dark, heavy beams.

The small evening crowd sits in rapt silence, hanging on every word of the bard's melodic voice as he navigates through a well-worn tale of adventure and betrayal, love and deceit.  Through cracks in the shuttered window, crickets stir, singing a sibilant accompaniment to the soft throb of lute strings.

The bard's story winds to its inevitable conclusion, and as everyone pauses to reflect, the words come from a shadow in the back. "Tell us one about Meladina Vorell," someone calls, and the request echoes from the other listeners, "Yes!" "Lady Vorell!" "The Night Lady!" "Void-Eater!"

*What can the storyteller do but comply?

But this is not that sort of story. We speak now not of the Night Lady's many legends and accomplishments, but of her origins, her training. For did you know that the **Void-Eater** is one of many with the same strange skills? The most well-known, to be sure, but far from the first, and certainly not the last.

So let us begin... but not at the beginning. Yes, we will get to her origins, and soon. We will touch on it all, in due time, don't fret. Just let me tell it in my own way, and I will paint you a picture of what it means to be what she was: the Night Lady. An eater of magic.

An Epicure.

The true gourmet, like the true artist, is one of the unhappiest creatures existent. His trouble comes from so seldom finding what he constantly seeks: perfection.

Ludwig Bemelmans

“Sorcery is a sword without a hilt. There is no safe way to grasp it.”

George R.R. Martin

Mela can't quite manage to keep the smug smile off her face as she stares at the dumbstruck fool. Not that she can blame him - in his shoes (pointy purple slippers, silk if she isn't mistaken), she'd be surprised too.

"B- but sire," the applicant begins, desperation leaking into his voice, "I don't know what happened! Please, let me try once more, I beg you!"

The king leans back on his throne, an uncomfortable-looking thing with a hard seat of polished wood. His temper is fraying, and Mela can see thunderheads building behind his eyes. "Ryzbeck-"

"Ryzbeck the Mystical," the fool interjects, then falters as he realizes his blunder, his thin mustache seeming to wilt under the force of the King Reginald's glare. After a long moment full of seething tension, the king manages to croak a few words through gritted and creaking teeth. "This is your final chance, Ryzbeck. As of right now, the well of my patience for your incompetence has dried up."

The alleged "wizard" nods hurriedly, his expression a mixture of relief at not being dungeon-bound quite yet, and terror at the prospect looming over him. He rolls up his sleeves, gathers what tattered scraps of courage and focus he can muster, and begins a new incantation. Mela is ready, and breathes in soft and deep just as the magic begins to take shape in Ryzbeck's trembling hands.

She almost feels bad for him - the fool actually has some skill, but it's his bad luck (or bad decision) to be here in court today, applying for the same position as she is. But quickly, any shreds of pity she might have felt are washed away as her throat and abdomen grow comfortably warm. She feels sated near to bursting with the power - Ryzbeck must have been pulling out all the stops for this one, hoping to turn around his fading fortunes. Ah well, life can be funny and tragic in equal measure.

The spell sputters and dies between Ryzbeck's fingers, and he collapses to his knees, hands hiding a face suddenly streaked with sweat and tears. He can't even manage a single word as the king waves a hand, and a surly guard drags him across the polished marble towards a side door. The king shifts on the unforgiving seat, his mood growing even blacker. Mela isn't worried, though. She has a plan.

King Reginald scans the room, his eyes as hard and cold as the floor. He alights on Mel, and she steps forward and gives a graceful curtsey in his direction. She speaks before he has a chance to work himself into a rage, careful to modulate her tone so she sounds a bit older. "Your majesty, I am Meladina Vorell. I am here to fill the position your criers were advertising."

The king leans back, eyeing Mela up and down. She's grown used to such male attention over the past year. Though it took her much longer than her friends back home, Mela has finally grown into her height, and the way she fills out the subtle curves of the black velvet dress is quite pleasing. She's slim enough that the dress needs to be quite tight to produce said curves, leaving little (but just enough) to the imagination. Her features, always rather sharp, she would call "striking", especially with her black tresses teased into luxury and excess, pinned up on one side with an obsidian butterfly.

Mela's confidence, buoyed by the magic that fills her (if she's being honest, the neckline on her dress certainly doesn't hurt), seem to distract the king somewhat, and he clears his throat, trying to regain control of the conversation. "Aren't you a bit... young... to be a sorceress? I have no desire for another court toady, girl. I'm looking for a magus I can send out to do my bidding. Deal with rabid manticores, ferret out traitors, that sort of thing. Are you sure a lovely young thing like yourself is interested in that kind of work?"

Mela keeps her smile fixed in place, and she keeps her gaze steady. He's playing the "concerned uncle", and it makes her loathe him, just a little bit. But that's the game, and she always wins. "Of course, your majesty. The criers were clear about that, when I asked. I didn't come here to waste your time, or mine. By your leave, if I may demonstrate my abilities?"

She doesn't wait for permission, but instead raises her hand with a sharp movement, and the air between Mela and the throne pulses and vibrates beyond the edge of hearing, growling like the flight of a thousand hornets directly at the king, seated directly in front of her. Nearby guards shout and try to rush towards Mela, and Reginald recoils instinctively before it, whatever it is, reaches him.

With a sharp *crack*, the ancient wooden slab which makes up the seat of the gilded throne snaps in half, tearing free from the throne's frame and dumping His Royal Hiney onto the dais with a bellow. He staggers to his feet, face purpling as he opens his mouth to roar at her, but she takes a half step forward, locking him in place with her gaze, and murmurs "Ahm well.. what a shame about the throne. You'll probably have to replace the seat. Too bad it was an irreplaceable antique, instead of, say... something cushioned?"

The king halts and stares at Mela, holding up a hand to stay the guards. His tirade fizzles in his mouth. Then, he looks back at the shattered remains of the throne's seat, and begins to chuckle. "I see, Lady Vorell. How careless of you... I would suggest that you work on your control while traveling, as I can't have someone bearing my seal be so cavalier with other peoples' property." He gestures to a nearby clerk, who shakes herself out of a stupefied reverie and hurries over with important documents.

Mela allows her smile to broaden and fully occupy her face. The sweetness of victory is only slightly marred by a transient surge of emptiness which suffuses her -- just like male interest, she's grown used to this by now, too.

A foot, confined in a sturdy, secondhand leather shoe, taps the hard-packed dirt of the farmyard. "I don't get it. You're saying I can do... what, exactly?" Mel scratches the back of her head, pulling strands of fine, dark hair from her tight braid, and scrunches up her smudged face in consternation, creasing the youthful smoothness with frustrated wrinkles.

The man smiles and lifts his hands palm-up, attempting to placate the 8-year-old girl in front of him. "Right now, not much. Until you get some serious training, you've got the one basic trick. It's a doozy, though." He ignores the chicken pecking curiously at his boot, and it gives up when it realizes that the travel-stained thing isn't a piece of corn.

"So," Mel muses, chewing her lower lip, "I can, what... *eat* magic?"

The man beams at her, amusement and delight playing across his face in equal measure. "That's an excellent description, actually. You probably feel a little less hungry than you did earlier, don't you?" When she nods, he points at her abdomen, holding her gaze. "That's because your belly is holding some magic."

Mel makes a face, and wraps her arms around her thin frame, as if to protect her from invasive sorcery. The homespun of her colorless shirt is rough against the inside of her forearms, and she latches onto the mild abrasion as a light in the darkness. She has no idea what to think of this man.

First he shows up at her farm, trying to sell her parents a pair of ancient donkeys. She doesn't like him at all, and as she watches him, she notices a weird sparkle around his mouth and throat while he speaks. She can't suppress a quiet gasp, and the sparkle disappears at the same time her belly grows all warm and full. The man is really surprised, then he just *gives* her parents the donkeys, as long as he can talk to her alone. Then, this whole bizarre tale about her having special powers, that she absorbed the magic he was trying to use.

Her eyes narrow in sudden suspicion. "You're a crook. You were trying to, I dunno, *charm* my parents, or something, so they'd buy your stupid donkeys. Why should I trust you?"

The man doesn't seem bothered by her accusations, and just shrugs and keeps on grinning. "Because I know someone that can train you, that does what you can do. And she'll pay me quite a bit for finding a student with your talents, far more than I would've gotten for those beasts. It's pure self-interest."

Mel relaxes slightly. His explanation makes sense, so her mind wanders back to the warmth she feels, and the vanishing sparkle. She can feel the excitement starting to build. She'll be able to get away from this stupid farm, will learn how to do... something. "So once I get this training, what will I be able to do? Will I be able to charm people too?"

The crook laughs. "Most assuredly, and a lot of other stuff besides. I have no idea what the full extent of your abilities will be - I can't do what you do. What I *do* know is that you'll be able to absorb - sorry, 'eat' - magic that wizards and paladins and other magical folk try to use around you, and then you can store that magic up like a camel stores water, and use it to do all kinds of amazing spells yourself."

The little girl stares at him wide-eyed, imagining herself as a sorceress. She can't wait to begin her training, can't wait until she's so powerful, even her older brothers will have to do what she says. "Okay! I want to go with you, I want to get trained. I just have one question."

The man claps his hands and rubs them together, business-like but for the ever-present smile. "Excellent! I thought you'd say that. Ask your question, and we can get on the road."

Mel hesitates, suddenly shy. "Well, I was just wondering... what's a camel?"

"Please, Lady, p-please - won't you show mercy?" Gerald Ashblow, victor of a hundred and one duels, veteran soldier, and leader of the mercenary band called the Kingswood Killers, huddles beneath his tower shield, blood leaking from a shallow scalp wound. His sword lies 10 feet away - might as well be a mile, for all the good it'll do him. He tenses as he hears her footfalls crunch and splinter on the debris scattered around, and takes a quick peek around the battered steel edge.

Lady Vorell stalks forward, stepping around fallen bodies still smoking and twitching. Though her face is an expressionless mask, her eyes burn with a depth of fury the man has never seen. Her hands at her sides are clenched into fists, white-knuckled, and beginning to glow and shimmer with the power she's absorbed. She pauses for a moment to kick the corpse of the enemy warlock directly in the face with a reinforced boot, and his head snaps back and lolls. Shards of broken teeth and sluggish, cooling blood spatter up onto her black traveling dress, already soot-stained and torn from the confrontation. This accomplished, she turns back toward Gerald, and he hides his face again, praying to any god who might be listening that the shield can protect him.

He hears a few more steps - she must be close, now - and then nothing. A moment later, Lady Vorell speaks, and the calm in her voice chills him to the bone, despite the roaring bonfire 20 feet away.

"Mercy?" She gives a humorless chuckle. "I've shown mercy in the past. When I was a girl, I always thought everyone was good. I gave the benefit of the doubt whenever I had the chance. I even sobbed for hours, the first time I ended a life with my power. I swore I would only do so again under the most dire circumstances." She takes another step closer, and Gerald tenses, wondering if she's close enough for him to thrust the shield backwards and knock her out.

"I won't kill you," she whispers, and he freezes, hope coming alive like a candle flame in his chest. "No," she continues, voice growing louder, "I won't kill you, even though your men ambushed my friends, murdered them in their sleep. Even though you left them lying there like slaughtered calves. You don't deserve that much mercy."

Suddenly, Gerald feels himself tip the shield away from himself, and it clatters to the ground. He can do nothing but tremble in terror as his muscles disobey, and he finds himself standing to face the Lady. Her eyes are terrible, and despite the grey streaks in her hair, the lines of age in her face, Gerald is struck by an incongruous thought: *How beautiful she is. I would have worshipped this woman.*

Then she turns, and his body turns to mirror hers. They takes two steps, and reach to the ground, her hand closing on nothing. His hand, however, closes on the hilt of his sword. They both straighten, and he gasps, tears leaking from his eyes to draw rivulets on his dirty cheeks. Lady Vorell bends her arm at the elbow and rotates her wrist, and Gerald feels the sword's edge part the soft leather of his breeches and come to rest against his inner thigh. His stomach is a hollow pit of horror and disbelief. If only he'd forgotten to sharpen his sword - his father's sword, given to him on his Naming Day. If only he hadn't taken the contract, or had been careless with his men and attacked during the day.

Lady Vorell stares at him, face hollow. Gerald opens his mouth to speak, but before he can get out a word, her arm snaps inward. He feels a sharp pain, sees the ground rushing at him, and hears the crackle of the fire become fuzzy and indistinct.

Then, all is dark.

Meladina crouches at the corner of the passageway, struggling to breathe quietly, to stand absolutely still. Her mind races for the twentieth time, but comes up empty yet again. She is stuck here, her back pressed to the pitted stone, while the emaciated dragon prowls the cavern behind her. She knows that her previous attack deafened the feral creature, but she doesn't know what other senses it might have, and its eyesight is still perfectly good.

That attack also drained her to the absolute dregs of her stored magic, less than she'd had in years. She'd been counting on the dragon to use its own sorcery against her, which would have replenished her store and given her plenty to work with, but the thing was so far gone that it was relying entirely on tooth and claw, of which it had far too many for her to feel comfortable. At this point, there wasn't anything to do... but pray.

"Great Mother", she whispers, then tenses, listening. The dragon's breathing and scraping movements don't change, and she relaxes the tiniest bit. It's still deaf. "Great Mother," she starts again, and then pauses, continuing, "and any other deities who might be listening... and friendly... I know I haven't spoken to you much. I've gone along with Cedric a few times to all the temples he visits, and I gave an offering at each one - that has to count for something, right? I didn't even complain about doing it, either. So, if one of you is listening, and feeling rather generous... please, please please please, help me out, here. I can't promise to suddenly become devout, we both know that, but I will absolutely promise to send all my desparate prayers and thanks your way forever after. Please. Thank you."

Suddenly her eye spies a glimmer of gold in the moonlight, at the base of the wall a few feet to her left. Heart in her throat, Meladina inches her way towards it, trying to move as little as possible. Her fingertips brush against it, and she can feel the shape: it's a thin metal rod about a foot long, etched with intricate, flowing designs. She can also feel the power thrumming through it. A wand! Her eyes flood with relieved tears. She's saved.

She whispers, "Thank you," choking back a sob. She concentrates for a moment, and can feel the magic draining from the wand into her core, warming and filling her in that comforting way she's learned to love so much. She slowly rises from her crouch, leather creaking, thighs and knees aching, and after taking a moment to gather her thoughts, she leaps around the corner.

The dragon is stunned at her sudden appearance, and pauses, one taloned foot hanging in midair. Meladina gathers green energy into her hands, and she can see it reflect off the dull white metal of the creature's scales. She flings the energy, and it splits into three coherent spheres, each of which slams into the dragon's body with an acrid sizzle.

Mel stands nervously in the center of the room as Amandine paces slowly around her, eyes narrow, lips pursed. She's not wearing anything but a simple shift, and there's a draft which chills her arms and bare ankles into gooseflesh.

Amandine stops directly in front of her, and sighs expansively, waving bejeweled fingers with a vague gesture at a small pile of cushions. When she speaks, her voice is a rich, throaty contralto. "Alright, girl, you can sit. We have much to discuss."

Mel grabs one of the cushions and drops onto it without ceremony, grateful for the chance to sit. She crosses her ankles awkwardly, and looks at the floor. She's not sure what to expect from this woman; when she left her farm with Magnus, she wasn't expecting to have to journey for 3 years, all the way to the other side of the world, to start her training. Still, she's here now, and she's determined to make a good impression. She lifts her gaze to Amandine, who is watching her with a mixture of amusement and bemusement.

"You're a bit young to qualify for my tutelage, but Magnus tells me that you're ready, and he and I go back a long ways." Amandine's lips curve into a slow smile, and Mel blushes when she realizes what her teacher means. She can't help but stare at the low-cut dress of the finest red silk, which shows off Amandine's slim curves, or the jewels, the immaculate makeup. The woman is a true beauty, and knows it. When Magnus had seen her, his jaw had dropped, and Amandine had laughed and given him a hug. Now Mel wonders whether Amandine had dressed so finely just to impress Magnus, or if she always looked like this.

"So I'm wondering... did anything strange happen to your mother before you were born? When she was pregnant with you?" Amandine's dulcet voice pulls Mel from her reverie, and she blinks for a moment, trying to think.

"Um... no, I don't - no, wait! Yes, I remember. Just before I was born, there was a pestilence that killed a bunch of people on the neighboring farms. My mother caught it while she was pregnant, and my father gave everything he had, all of their savings, to pay an acolyte of the Great Mother from the nearest town to come and heal her."

Amandine nods, as if she expected this. "As I suspected. You were nourished by magic while you were in the womb, and your body developed a taste for it. That's why you instinctively consumed Magnus's spell when he tried to charm your parents."

Mel nods. "That makes sense." She leans forward, excitement suffusing her tone. "So, you're really going to teach me? To be an Ep- Eppy-" she stumbles over the unfamiliar word.

Amandine laughs. "Epicure. Oh yes, child, I will teach you. You'll learn the flavors of magic in its many forms, and all the wonderful things you can do with it once you've consumed its essence. You will learn to savor each spell, each morsel of magic that passes your lips, and eventually, you may never need any other kind of nourishment."

The dress is uncomfortably tight on Mela's ribs, and she shifts surreptitiously, trying to force it into a more comfortable position. "I don't understand why I have to do this, Ama. Who cares about other Epicures? You already know how to do everything, and you're teaching me, so why does it matter?"

Amandine sighs, exasperated, and brushes Mela's hair back from her forehead. "Stop squirming, darling. Mela, I love you, but you're being dense." She steps in front of Mela, holding her gaze. "It's not just that he's any other Epicure. It's that he's a dwarven Epicure. You know how rare they are. Dwarves don't usually have the force of personality to overpower a spellcaster's natural control over the magic they create. Elves, gnomes, and halfings, sure, but a dwarf? You know how exciting this is."

Mela gives a noncommittal grunt, and tries again in vain to shift the dress. "Maybe we'll get lucky, and he'll bring along his apprentice Epicures... the orc, and the gnoll. And the zombie."

Amandine stares at her for a moment, then collapses against the wall, laughing so hard that she can't hold herself up. Mela smiles, and tries to chuckle, but winces as the corset digs into her ribs.

Other Classes
The room is silent as Meladina steps in behind Cedric. Three men stare at her with undisguised curiosity. The human, swathed in battered leather, leans back from the arrows whose fletching he's been checking. "Who's this now, Ced? You bring us something fun to play with?"

Meladina steps forward and gives a tiny curtsey and a forced smile. "You must be Ric. I'm the newest member of your troupe. My name is Meladina."

Ric returns a scowl. "Ah, sh- I mean, sorry, Lady. I didn't mean to insult you like that-"

Meladina laughs, and the room relaxes. "It's fine."

Cedric gently lays a heavy, gauntleted hand on Meladina's shoulder. "She's fresh off the king's business, and I think we're lucky to have her. She's an Epicure."

Ric and the half-elf raise their eyebrows, but the elf in the corner grimaces and pushes a thick tome under the travel sack he's packing. "Oh, just great. Good thinking, Cedric, just typical paladin. How am I supposed to cast spells when she's standing right next to me, gobbling them up?"

Meladina gives the elf a wickedly friendly smile. "Don't worry, wizard, I won't bite." She snaps her teeth at him, and he jumps. The other men all laugh, and the elf's frown deepens. She gives him a placating gesture. "I mean it. I'll only consume your spells if we both agree it's the right thing to do. Like, if you finish the day with some extra. I've worked with a spellcaster before, and I know how to control it. I'm going to focus on stopping my enemies from casting, not my friends."

The elf shakes his head and turns away. "We'll see, I guess."

The half-elf jumps to his feet and sweeps a grandiose bow, spoiled only by the pair of daggers in his hands. "Welcome aboard, Lady Meladina. We're glad to have you."

"You see," Amandine murmurs as their carriage pulls up to the palace gates, "you are indeed exactly the kind of person the king wants for this task. Sure, in terms of raw firepower or versatility, a wizard likely has the edge on you, and for physical durability or group augmentation, a cleric is probably also better. But you have a few attributes that make you a better fit for the kinds of situations you'd face working for His Majesty."

Instead of paying full attention, Mela has been gawking out the carriage window at the imposing edifice of white stone as they approached. Pigeons perch on the battlements, where resigned guards on patrol half-heartedly shoo them away. They return almost immediately. The heavy doors of iron-reinforced wood creak open, and the carriage rolls through. She smooths the rich black velvet of the dress Amandine gave her as a graduation present, and turns back to find her teacher watching her with a raised eyebrow.

Mela flushes and rifles through her vague memories of the conversation. "Uh... yeah... oh! Right. What... attributes are those?"

Amandine rolls her eyes, but a smile plays over her lips. "Paying attention now?" Mela nods with enthusiasm, and she sighs. "Well, first of all, unlike those reclusive bookworms, you know how to talk to people and make them like you, trust you, even adore you. That kind of thing can be very handy in a pinch. Also, you have more supernatural lasting power, since you can absorb more magic from your enemies during a confrontation."

Mela squirms slightly. "Ama, I know all this already." Her teacher leans forward and pats her hand. "I know you do, Mela. I'm just trying to calm your nerves."

The young woman tosses her hair back over her shoulder, and shoots Amandine a haughty look through lowered eyelids. "Calm my nerves? Dear teacher, here's what will happen. I'm going to walk into the throne room, and all those silly courtiers and fops are going to fall all over themselves to worship at my feet."

Amandine smiles proudly. "That's my girl."

Cedric sips his wine, listening to an orchestra of crickets and cicadas echo through the cool night. A harvest moon looms just above the horizon, throwing soft orange light over the two figures seated on the balcony, and in the ruddy illumination, Dina seems almost young again. She catches him looking, but her days of blushing at his stares are long past.

"Cedric, love, what are you thinking about?"

What had he been thinking about? Time, thought, and memory seem to slip away from him more and more with every passing year. "Just basking in your reflected glory, my heart. I hope you won't begrudge me a bit of indulgent nostalgia."

Dina laughs, the same musical laugh that caged his heart so long ago. "You always were a poet as much as a paladin. It seems in your dotage, the former is harder to retire from than the latter."

He leans forward, then, and brushes from her face a curl of silver hair, turned fiery in the moonlight. He kisses her with comfortable familiarity. "For you, always a poet."

After a time of silent stargazing, he murmurs, "There is a question I had. For all the time we've known each other, every quest we ever completed, I never understood why they called you 'Void-Eater'. I get all the rest of the names - "

"All of them?" she teases, but he waves it away.

"You know what I mean. Where did that one come from?"

She purses her lips, and considers the question. "If I recall... it came from a legend, far to the east, past the Dead Reaches. One of those exotic ancient civilizations had tales of fearsome practitioners called 'Void-Eaters', who consumed the vital spirit of all manner of supernatural creatures. Sucked the life right out of them. It's kind of grim, actually. Never my favorite epithet."

Cedric grins at her, an expression surprising for its youthfulness on so worn a face. He strokes her hair again. "Ah, but you see, my heart, no one gets to choose their own infamy, not even you."

She punches him lightly in the shoulder, and he laughs, long and hard. After a minute, she can't maintain the scowl, and joins him. The moon's light shades to silver as it rises, shimmering, into the ocean of stars.

Game Rule Information
Epicures have the following game statistics.
Abilities: Charisma and Constitution are the primary ability scores for an Epicure. Strength and Dexterity are important for an Epicure focusing on combat, and Intelligence is important for several of an Epicure's skills.
Alignment: Any.
Hit Die: d8
Starting Age: As bard.
Starting Gold: As bard.

Class Skills
The Epicure's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Bluff (Cha), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Decipher Script (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Disguise (Cha), Gather Information (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (Arcana, Religion, Nature) (Int), Profession (Wis), Spellcraft (Int), and Use Magic Device (Cha).

Skill Points at First Level: (4 + Int modifier) x 4
Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 4 + Int modifier

Table 1: The Epicure





1st +0        +2 +0+2 Connoisseur, consume, digestion (intrinsic), relish
2nd  +1        +3 +0+3 Gourmand
3rd +2        +3 +1+3 Savor (1st)
4th  +3        +4 +1+4 Moxie
5th +3        +4 +1+4 Repast
6th  +4        +5 +2+5 Absorb Aura, savor (2nd)
7th +5        +5 +2+5 Gourmand
8th  +6/+1     +6 +2+6 Digestion (enhanced)
9th +6/+1     +6 +3+6 Savor (3rd)
10th +7/+2     +7 +3+7 Assumption, greater relish
11th+8/+3     +7 +3+7 Excellent moxie
12th +9/+4     +8 +4+8 Gourmand, savor (4th)
13th+9/+4     +8 +4+8 Feast
14th +10/+5/   +9 +4+9 Digestion (delicious)
15th+11/+6/+1 +9 +5+9 Savor (5th)
16th +12/+7/+2 +10+5+10 Improved Connoisseur
17th+12/+7/+2 +10+5+10 Gourmand
18th +13/+8/+3 +11+6+11 Savor (6th), superior moxie
19th+14/+9/+4 +11+6+11 Piquancy
20th +15/+10/+5+12+6+12 Ascension, digestion (sublime)

Class Features
All of the following are class features of the Epicure.

Weapon and Armor Proficiencies
An Epicure is proficient with light armor and shields (but not tower shields). She is also proficient with simple weapons, as well as a single martial weapon, chosen when she enters this class.

Connoisseur (Su)
An Epicure quickly gains a taste for a particular flavor of spell, and can always identify it. She chooses a single school of magic. Whenever the Epicure is within a range of 10 feet times her Charisma modifier of a spell or similar magical effect of that school, she becomes aware of it. She does not gain any information about the magical aura's strength, direction, or source, only of its presence. This ability is triggered both by existing magical effects, and by spells or spell-like abilities as they are being cast or activated.

Her chosen school also affects the Flavors that the Epicure learns through her Digestion ability, as well as other class features, as described below.

Consume (Su)
An Epicure's signature ability is the capacity to consume spells and other magical effects, absorbing the energy for her own use. At will, she may attempt to consume a spell or spell-like ability as it is being cast by readying a standard action to do so, similar to a counterspell attempt. When readying an action to consume, she must select an opponent to whom she has line of sight and effect as the target.

Once the target casts a spell or activates a spell-like ability, she makes a Consume check (1d20 + her Epicure level + her Charisma modifier), using her readied standard action, against a DC of 10 + the spell's level + the spell's caster level. She need not identify the spell first. Whether or not the Consume check is successful, the opponent is aware of the attempt.

If the Consume check is successful, she consumes the spell, and it has no effect. Instead, she absorbs and stores 2 Gustation Points (GP) per level of the spell (0th-level spells count as 1/2 level for this purpose). Use the spell's level, not the level of the slot it was cast from, to determine the amount of GP absorbed. If the Consume check is unsuccessful, the spell functions as normal.

At any time, the Epicure may have a total number of GP stored equal to her Epicure level + her Constitution modifier. If she absorbs GP beyond this amount, the excess are lost. In addition, whenever an Epicure sleeps for 8 hours, she absorbs enough ambient magical energy to grant her a number of stored GP equal to her Charisma modifier (up to her normal maximum). The Epicure may use her stored GP to activate other class abilities, as described below.

Digestion (Sp)
An Epicure exhibits a measure of mastery over the magical energies she consumes, and gains a number of spell-like abilities (henceforth called Flavors) which she can use by spending Gustation Points. The Epicure automatically learns the Intrinsic Flavor associated with the school of magic which she chose for her Connoisseur ability, and learns an additional flavor of her choice from the list of Intrinsic Flavors described below at 1st level and every level thereafter. See Epicurean Digestion, below, for more details on learning and using Flavors, as well as Flavor lists and descriptions of the individual Flavors.

At 8th level, the Epicure can begin learning Flavors from the list of Enhanced Flavors, and automatically learns the Enhanced Flavor associated with her chosen school in addition to the Flavor she would normally learn by gaining a level. At 14th level, she may learn Flavors from the list of Delicious Flavors, and automatically learns the Delicious Flavor associated with her chosen school in addition to the Flavor she would normally learn by gaining a level. At 20th level, she may learn Flavors from the list of Sublime Flavors, and automatically learns the Sublime Flavor associated with her chosen school in addition to the Flavor she would normally learn by gaining a level.

This ability also grants an Epicure the ability to create magic items almost as a spellcaster would. She may use her Epicure level in place of a caster level to qualify for Item Creation feats, and to determine the caster level of any item she crafts. In addition, when creating an item, she may make a Use Magic Device check to satisfy the requirement of a particular spell, the DC of which is  15 + the required spell's level.

Relish (Su)
An Epicure relishes all magic she absorbs, whether or not she uses it to produce Flavors. At any time as an immediate action, an Epicure may spend 1 of her stored GP to gain one of the following benefits. Multiple uses of this ability do not stack.
  • Temporary hp equal to her Charisma bonus (minimum 1), which last until used. Gaining this benefit erases any remaining temporary hp from a previous activation this ability.
  • A +1 luck bonus on the next d20 roll she makes before the beginning of her next turn.
  • A luck bonus equal to her Charisma bonus (minimum +1) to the next damage roll she makes before the beginning of her next turn.

At 2nd level, and every 5 Epicure levels thereafter, an Epicure gains a bonus feat from the list of Epicurean Feats, described in the section below titled Epicurean Extras.

Savor (Sp)
Beginning at 3rd level, an Epicure learns to savor and remember the magic she consumes. At will, the Epicure can replicate ("savor") the most recent spell of 1st level or lower that she consumed, as a spell-like ability. Activating this ability requires an amount of time equal to the casting time of the spell. The Epicure must also spend 2 GP per the level of the spell (0th-level spells count as 1/2 level), but if the spell is of her chosen school, it costs 1 GP less (to a minimum of 0 GP for a 0th-level spell of her chosen school). The DC of the savored spell (if applicable) is 10 + the spell's level + her Charisma modifier, and it has a caster level equal to her Epicure level. The effects of the savored spell are determined by the Epicure's stats and abilities, not the original caster's.

Use a spell's level, not the level of the slot it was cast from, to determine whether or not it can be savored. Consuming a spell of a higher level than 1st does not change the spell she can produce with this ability; however, whenever she consumes a new spell of 1st level or lower, the spell she replicates with this ability becomes the newly-consumed (and savored) spell. Every 3 levels after 3rd, the maximum level spell that the Epicure can savor increases by 1 (to 2nd at 6th level, 3rd at 9th level, and so on).

Moxie (Ex)
An Epicure of 4th level or higher has a certain *je ne sais quoi* which comes from absorbing magical energy for sustenance. As long as she has at least 1 Gustation point stored, she gains an insight bonus equal to her Charisma modifier on Fortitude, Reflex, or Will saves (her choice). She may change which type of save receives this bonus by spending 1 minute in concentration.

Repast (Su)
At 5th level, an Epicure enjoys sharing the magical meals of her allies. Whenever an ally successfully casts a spell or uses a spell-like ability, the Epicure can spend an immediate action to absorb 1 GP per level of the spell (she absorbs no GP with this ability from 0th-level spells). The ally's spell is not consumed by this ability, and functions as normal. The Epicure must have line of sight and effect to the ally to use this ability.

Absorb Aura (Su)
Upon reaching 6th level, an Epicure  can attempt to dispel and consume a nearby ongoing spell or similar magical effect as a standard action. This functions as a targeted dispel magic, except as follows. The range of this ability is touch, so it requires a successful melee touch attack if used on unwilling subjects. This ability only affects the most powerful spell (the one with the highest caster level). The Epicure makes a Consume check against the spell's Consume DC, rather than a dispel check, and does not automatically succeed against her own spells. If successful, the spell is dispelled, and she gains Gustation Points and other effects as though the spell had been cast and she had consumed it.

An Epicure can also use this ability to dispel and consume area and effect spells. To do this, she must be within reach of the spell's area or its effect. Unlike an area dispel magic, this dispels the entirety of an area spell even if she is too far away to reach the spell's point of origin. Unless the spell creates an effect with a defined Armor Class, the Epicure need not make a touch attack.

Unlike dispel magic, this ability cannot suppress magic items; however, it can still dispel spells applied to them.

Assumption (Su)
At 10th level, an Epicure has learned to become what she eats. As a full-round action, may spend all her stored Gustation points to transform into a being of pure magic. She remains in this form for 1 round per Gustation point spent, to a maximum number of rounds equal to her Constitution bonus (minimum 1 round). She may revert back to her normal form as a standard action at any point during this time, but does not regain Gustation points if she ends the effect early. Any additional Gustation points beyond her Constitution modifier are spent with no effect on the duration. If she consumes a spell effect with her Consume ability while this ability is in effect, she may not activate it again until the duration is complete, at which point it would require another full-round action to activate.

While this ability is active, an Epicure gains the incorporeal subtype. Her armor grants her no armor bonus, and she cannot make weapon attacks with her held weapons while in this form.However, she can make a single incorporeal touch attack as a standard action, which deals 1d8 damage + her Charisma modifier. She gains a bonus on attacks and damage with this touch attack equal to twice the number of Gustation points she spent on this effect.

In addition, whenever an Epicure in this form spends an entire round within the area of the same non-instantaneous spell effect (which must have an area of effect rather than being targeted), she heals a number of hit points equal to the spell's level at the beginning of her next turn. She need not spend any actions to gain this benefit, only to remain within the same spell's area for the entire round.

Greater Relish (Su)
Beginning at 10th level, an Epicure takes even more pleasure in the magic on which she subsists. The benefits granted by her Relish abilities improve as follows:
  • The amount of temporary hp she gains increases to her Charisma bonus + her Constitution bonus (minimum 1).
  • The luck bonus to her next d20 roll becomes equal to her Charisma bonus (minimum +1).
  • The luck bonus to damage applies to all attacks she makes until the beginning of her next turn.

Excellent Moxie (Ex)
An Epicure of 11th level or higher is even more of a go-getter, and can apply the bonus from her Moxie ability to two kinds of save instead of one.

Feast (Su)
At 13th level, an Epicure's enjoyment of her magical meals grants benefits to her allies as well. Whenever an Epicure activates her Relish ability, she may choose any number of allies within a range of 10 feet times her Constitution modifier to receive the same benefit she does. The GP cost of the ability increases by 1 for every ally she chooses.

Piquancy (Su)
Upon reaching 16th level, an Epicure finds the flavor of her chosen school particularly sharp and appetizing. Whenever she consumes a spell of the chosen school, she gains double the normal amount of GP.

Superior Moxie (Ex)
An Epicure of 18th level or higher is simply the most motivated, sassy individual there is, and applies the bonus from her Moxie ability to all saves.

Improved Connoisseur (Su)
An Epicure who achieves 19th level has broadened her palate, and finds more flavors of magic to her liking. She chooses two additional schools of magic other than her chosen flavor. She gains all benefits of her Connoisseur and Piquancy abilities, as well as the GP reduction of the Savor ability, with the chosen schools.

In addition, if and when the Epicure gains access to Sublime Flavors at 20th level, she automatically learns the Sublime Flavors associated with all three chosen schools; however, she does not automatically learn Flavors from earlier lists from the two newly-chosen schools.

Ascension (Su)
At 20th level, an Epicure's body is irrevocably altered by all the magic she has consumed. She may activate or deactivate her Assumption ability at will as a swift action, and does not spend Gustation points to do so. The bonus to attack and damage for her incorporeal touch attack is equal to the number of Gustation points she has stored, and she may use her incorporeal touch attack in place of an attack as part of any attack or full attack action (i.e., if her Base Attack Bonus is +15/+10/+5, she can make 3 incorporeal touch attacks as part of a full attack action as normal).

Also, each round that she heals from remaining inside a spell effect's area, she heals an additional number of hit points equal to her Constitution bonus (minimum 0).
« Last Edit: October 10, 2016, 09:06:49 AM by sirpercival »
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Re: Epicure [3.5 base]
« Reply #1 on: October 02, 2016, 06:58:51 AM »
Epicurean Digestion
The Flavors detailed below can be learned by an Epicure who has access to Flavors of the appropriate type. The Epicure may use any of the Flavors she knows at any time as a spell-like ability, by spending the appropriate amount of stored Gustation points. The level of a Flavor is equal to half its cost in GP (rounded down, minimum 0th level), and the caster level is equal to the Epicure's class level. A Flavor which allows a save has a DC equal to 10 + 1/2 caster level + her Charisma modifier. Each Flavor has an associated school, and the Flavor counts as an effect of that school (with any appropriate descriptors), with all consequences therein (e.g., the *Illustration* Flavor is a mind-affecting effect). Any of these effects which has a duration longer than instantaneous may be dismissed by spending a swift action.

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Flavor Descriptions
Each Flavor entry indicates the school associated with that Flavor, the type of Flavor (Intrinsic, Enhanced, Delicious, or Sublime), the cost of that Flavor in Gustation points, the activation time of the Flavor, and the duration. Most Flavors have a duration which is dependent on the Epicure's Charisma or Constitution modifier. These are marked as {time unit}/Cha or {time unit}/Con, respectively, and have a minimum duration of 1 time unit.

Cost:15 GP
Activation Time:1 standard action

The Epicure frees a target from all effects which would hinder it, as per the *freedom* spell.

Cost:7 GP
Activation Time:1 full-round action
Duration:1 minute/Con

The Epicure emits an aura which hedges out a particular category of creature. The aura is a spherical emanation with a radius of 5 feet per caster level.

When the Epicure activates this aura, she chooses one of the following categories: air, chaotic, earth, evil, fire, good, lawful, plants, water, or vermin. All creatures inside the aura gain a benefit similar to the *protection from evil* spell, but applying against creatures of the chosen type or subtype. In addition, she may designate a number of creatures inside the aura equal to her Charisma modifier to also gain the benefit of the *nondetection* spell, but only against creatures of the chosen type or subtype, for as long as they remain inside the aura.

Cost:1 GP
Activation Time:1 standard action
Duration:1 minute/Con

The Epicure grants a target she touches a deflection bonus to armor class equal to her Charisma modifier.

Cost:12 GP
Activation Time:1 full-round action
Duration:1 minute/Con

The Epicure fills an area with an effect chosen from the following list of spells: antiplant shell, antilife shell, forbiddance, guards and wards, or mage's private sanctum. The affected area is an emanation with a radius of 10 feet times her Charisma bonus (minimum 10 feet), centered on a square within 10 feet per Epicure level.

Cost:6 GP
Activation Time:1 full-round action

The Epicure conjures nourishing food and drink. Any creature who eats the food and imbibes the drink is sated as if eating a full meal, and gains the benefit of one of the following spells, chosen by the Epicure when activating this ability (and using the caster level for this ability): cure serious wounds, neutralize poison, remove blindness/deafness, or remove disease. A creature who benefits from this ability cannot do so again for 24 hours.

Cost:2 GP (see text)
Activation Time:1 standard action
Duration:1 round/Con

The Epicure summons a single Small air, earth, fire, or water elemental (her choice) into a square within 30 feet. The elemental remains under her control for the duration. When activating this ability, she may spend an additional Gustation point to grant the summoned elemental an additional ability, determined by its type as shown in the table below. If this Flavor is used again while a previous activation is still in effect, any elementals remaining from the previous activation vanish.

The Epicure may summon 1 additional elemental for every 4 Epicure levels by increasing the GP cost by 1 for each elemental after the first. All elementals from a single activation of this ability are of the same type, and the Epicure may choose whether to grant the additional ability for each elemental individually (and must pay the additional GP cost for each elemental which is granted the ability).

If the Epicure has access to Enhanced Flavors, she may double the GP cost to summon Medium elementals instead. If she has access to Delicious Flavors, she may multiply the GP cost by 4 to summon Large elementals instead. If she has access to Sublime Flavors, she may multiply the GP cost by 8 to summon Huge elementals instead.

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Cost:10 GP
Activation Time:1 full-round action

The Epicure duplicates the effects of the teleport spell. She may affect a number of additional creatures equal to her Constitution modifier, and the maximum distance is 100 miles times her Charisma modifier.

Cost:19 GP
Activation Time:1 standard action
Duration:1 minute/Con

The Epicure selects a number of allies up to her Charisma modifier within 30 feet. Once the targets have been selected, at any time, she may cause any number of the chosen targets to teleport to squares adjacent to any of the other chosen targets whom she can see, even if she does not have line of effect or sight to the targets being teleported. This teleportation functions at any range once the ability has been activated. She may do this a maximum of once per round over the duration of the effect, by spending an immediate action.

Cost:14 GP
Activation Time:10 minutes
Duration:See text

Over the course of the 10 minute activation time, the Epicure duplicates the effect of either the contact other plane, stone tell, or legend lore spell (her choice). In the latter case, she may only attempt to divine information about an object or person which is at hand, but the activation time is always 10 minutes.

Cost:8 GP
Activation Time:1 standard action
Duration:1 minutes/Con

The Epicure grants an ally incredible perceptive powers with a touch. When activating this ability, she chooses a number of visual or auditory enhancements from the list below no greater than her Charisma modifier.
  • Observe magical auras as per the detect magic spell
  • Detect a single alignment as per the detect chaos/evil/good/law spell (each alignment counts as 1 enhancement)
  • Understand spoken or written speech as per the comprehend languages spell
  • Communicate with animals or plants as per the speak with animals  or speak with plants spell (each counts as 1 enhancement)
  • Identify traps as per the find traps spell
  • Observe invisible objects or creatures as per the see invisibility spell
  • Monitor a number of allies equal to the Epicure's Charisma modifier as per the status spell

Cost:2 GP
Activation Time:1 immediate action

The Epicure grants an ally she touches an insight bonus to a single d20 roll equal to her Charisma modifier. Once a given creature has received the benefit of this ability, it may not benefit from it again until 10 minutes has passed; reduce this time limit by a number of minutes equal to the Epicure's Constitution modifier, to a limit of 1 minute.

Cost:16 GP
Activation Time:10 minutes
Duration:Instantaneous and 1 hour/Cha

The Epicure determines the exact location of a single object or creature, as per the discern location spell. Once she has done so, if she wishes, she may then immediately begin to scry on that location as per the greater scrying spell, for a number of hours equal to her Charisma modifier. When scrying, the Epicure's detection Flavor (if used on herself) functions reliably through the sensor.

Cost:3 GP
Activation Time:1 full-round action
Duration:1 minute/Con

The Epicure emits an aura of friendliness, a spherical emanation with a radius of 5 feet per caster level. Any creature within the aura when it activates, or that enters the aura once it is active, must make a Will save or be charmed (as the charm monster spell) while it remains inside the area of the aura. A successful save renders the creature immune to the effects of this ability for 24 hours. An affected creature that leaves the area of the aura is no longer affected, and makes a new Will save each time it re-enters (until it succeeds).

Cost:11 GP
Activation Time:1 full-round action
Duration:1 round/Con

The Epicure invests part of her absorbed power into an ally with a touch. When activating this ability, she chooses one of the enhancements from the list below to grant to the target, who gains the benefit for a number of rounds equal to her Constitution modifier.
  • The subject's Base Attack Bonus becomes equal to its Hit Dice, it gains temporary hit points equal to the Epicure's Constitution modifier, and it gains a morale bonus to Strength equal to the Epicure's Charisma modifier.
  • The Epicure transfers one of her Digestion abilities to the subject, who gains 10 temporary Gustation points to spend on the transferred ability. The Epicure cannot use the transferred ability until this effect ends, at which point any of the temporary Gustation points are lost with no effect.
  • As an immediate action at will, the subject can end all invisibility effects within a range of 10 feet times the Epicure's Charisma modifier.
  • As a full-round action at will, the subject can send a message of 25 words or less in length to any creature it knows, as per the sending spell.

Cost:18 GP
Activation Time:1 full-round action
Duration:1 minute/Con

The Epicure attempts to control the actions of a number of humanoid creatures up to her Constitution modifier, within a range 10 feet times her Charisma modifier. Each of the targets must make a Will save or be affected as if by the dominate person spell for the duration. On a successful save, a target must make a second Will save or be held as per the hold person spell for the same duration.

When initially activating this ability, the Epicure gives the same instructions to all dominated creatures. She may then alter those instructions on a target-by-target basis by spending a move action each time. She may receive sensory input from one creature dominated by this ability at a time, by spending a standard action as normal. (See the *dominate person* spell description for details on creating and changing instructions, and receiving sensory input.)

If the Epicure activates this ability a second time while some number of targets remain affected (either held or dominated), the previous effect ends, releasing all previous targets. The Epicure may choose new targets for the new activation as normal, or may attempt to re-dominate a previous target with its previous instructions (which may be different than the instructions for any new targets) by granting it a new Will save with a +4 bonus.

Cost:17 GP
Activation Time:1 standard action
Duration:1 minute/Con

The Epicure creates a zone in which she has control over her surroundings. She creates a stationary, impenetrable sphere which (as per the resilient sphere spell) with a radius of 5 feet times her Charisma modifier, centered on herself.

Inside the sphere, objects and creatures weigh 1/16th of their normal weight, and the Epicure can telekinetically control them by concentrating, as per the *telekinesis* spell. Each round, she can influence a number of creatures or objects inside the sphere no greater than her Constitution modifier, to a maximum total weight (of all affected targets, as modified by the effects of the spell) of 5000 lbs.

Cost:5 GP
Activation Time:1 standard action
Duration:1 round/Con

The Epicure forces a single target within 30 feet to make a Will save. On a failed save, the target may only take the same type of action each round that the Epicure takes. This effect begins on the Epicure's next turn. For example, if the Epicure moves and makes a single attack, the target may also move and attack (with no restrictions on movement direction, attack method, etc. other than normal), but if the Epicure takes no actions on her turn, the target may not take any actions on its next turn either.

Cost:7 GP
Activation Time:1 standard action

The Epicure fills a cylinder with energy. The cylinder is 10 feet in radius and up to 50 feet high, originating at a point within 20 feet times her Constitution modifier. Creatures within the area of effect take a number of d8s of the appropriate type of energy damage equal to her Charisma modifier, and may make a Reflex save for half damage. The energy type she chooses has an additional effect, as shown on the table below, and applies the appropriate descriptor to this ability.

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Cost:2 GP
Activation Time:1 standard action

The Epicure produces a volley of energy missiles to strike her opponents. She evokes 1 missile, plus one additional missile per three caster levels, to a maximum number of missiles equal to her Constitution modifier. She may attempt to strike a different target within 30 feet with each missile, which requires a ranged touch attack and does 1d8 damage + her Charisma modifier on a successful hit.

When activating this ability, an Epicure chooses an energy type for the missiles, which has the effect shown in the list below. She may choose a different energy type each time she activates this ability, and all missiles from a given activation deal damage of the chosen type and gain the chosen type descriptor.

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Cost:9 GP
Activation Time:1 full-round action
Duration:1 minute/Con

The Epicure implants a suggestion in the mind of all creatures within 10 feet times her Charisma modifier who fail a Will save, as per the suggestion spell. All affected creatures receive the same suggestion. If she wishes, she may exclude up to one creature per Epicure level from this effect.

Cost:6 GP
Activation Time:1 swift action
Duration:1 round/Con

The Epicure creates a quasi-real mirror image of herself, which moves and shifts in her same space, blurring her outline. Any creature attempting to attack the Epicure suffers a 50% miss chance, and even creatures benefitting from the true sight spell must make a Will save to negate the miss chance. In addition, each round, the first time during her turn that the Epicure makes an attack roll, she may make a second attack of the same type against the same target, as her duplicate lashes out in the same way.

Cost:2 GP
Activation Time:1 standard action
Duration:See text.

The Epicure creates an illusory effect. She may create either a visual (as per the *silent image* spell) or auditory (as per the ghost sound or ventriloquism spells) illusion, which lasts as long as she concentrates, up to a maximum number of rounds equal to her Constitution modifier. The illusion has a range of 10 feet per caster level, and can affect a number of 10-foot cubes equal to her Charisma modifier.

If the Epicure chooses to make a visual illusion altering her own appearance (as per the disguise self spell), she gains a +10 bonus to the Disguise check, and the effect instead lasts for 10 minutes times her Constitution modifier, with no need for concentration.

Cost:16 GP
Activation Time:1 minute
Duration:1 hour/Con

The Epicure disguises the location and identities of herself and her allies. She chooses a number of allies no greater than her Charisma modifier, within a range of 5 feet per Epicure level. For the duration, whenever any creature attempts to scry or use other divination magic against any of the targets, they see, hear, or discover only what the Epicure wishes them to observe, chosen when she activates this ability. The desired illusions must be stated in general terms. Scrutiny with natural senses or direct observation reveals only the visual appearance (and associated other sensory information) that the Epicure chooses for each target, though the targets' surroundings change as appropriate based on their actual environments when observed directly.

Cost:13 GP
Activation Time:10 minutes
Duration:See text

The Epicure enters a magical dream trance. For the duration of this dream state, the Epicure's body becomes invisible (as per the greater invisibility spell) and incorporeal, and her mind travels to that of a target she can identify with no uncertainty (by name or some other method). She may bring a number of willing allies with her up to her Constitution modifier, who also enter the dream trance and become invisible and incorporeal for the duration.

The process of travel takes 1 minute per mile of distance between the Epicure and the target. When her mind arrives, if the target is awake, the Epicure may choose to end the dream state, or wait until the target is asleep or unconscious. As soon as the target is asleep, she has three options:
  • The Epicure (or one of her accompanying allies) may speak a message of any length into the subject's dream, at which point the trance ends and the Epicure's mind (and the minds of her allies, if applicable) returns to her own body. The communication is one-way only, and the Epicure cannot learn any information from the subject's mind (other than that the subject is currently sleeping). The subject recalls the message (and the messenger) perfectly upon waking.
  • The Epicure may send the subject a hideous and unsettling dream, as per the nightmare spell. Once she has made this decision, her mind (and the minds of her allies, if applicable) returns to her own body and the trance ends.
  • The Epicure may attempt to physically transport herself (and any accompanying allies) to a square (or squares) adjacent to the subject. This requires a caster level check vs a DC equal to the number of miles in physical distance between her and the subject (rounded down, minimum 1) + 2 times the number of allies (including her) attempting to travel. She gains a bonus to this check equal to her Charisma modifier. If the check fails, the trance ends and all travelers return to their bodies and awaken. The subject is unaware of the attempt unless the Epicure chooses to make them aware. If the check succeeds, the Epicure (and any accompanying allies) vanishes from her original location and appears adjacent to the target. If there is not enough room to accomodate all travelers, they are shunted to the nearest open space, receiving damage as per the dimension door spell. In addition, all travelers, as well as the subject, wake from the trance immediately.

Cost:1 GP
Activation Time:1 standard action
Duration:1 round/Con or 1 round (see text)

The Epicure makes a ranged touch attack against any target within 30 feet. If she is successful, the target becomes sickened for a number of rounds equal to her Constitution modifier. A successful Fortitude save reduces the duration of the effect to 1 round.

Cost:19 GP
Activation Time:1 swift action
Duration:See text.

As a swift action, the Epicure animates a number of corpses no greater than her Charisma modifier, all of which are within 30 feet. Each corpse is animated under her control as a standard ghast, but with a number of Hit Dice equal to the Epicure's Constitution modifier. These undead last (remaining under the Epicure's control) until they are destroyed, or the Epicure ends this effect. If the Epicure uses this ability again while any undead remain from a previous activation, the remaining undead are immediately destroyed and crumble to dust.

This ability counts as both animate dead and create undead for the purposes of effects and abilities that enhance undead creation.

Cost:13 GP
Activation Time:1 standard action

The Epicure attempts to snuff out the life of nearby living creatures. She chooses a number of targets no greater than her Charisma modifier, each of whom has no more Hit Dice than her Constitution modifier. Each target must make a Fortitude save or immediately die. On a successful save, a target instead takes 1d4 necrotic damage per Epicure level.

Cost:5 GP
Activation Time:1 immediate action
Duration:1 minute/Con

In response to a successful melee attack that deals damage to her, the Epicure forces the attacking creature to make a Fortitude or Will save (see below) or suffer an effect from the following table, chosen by the Epicure when she activates this ability. The effect lasts for a number of minutes equal to her Constitution modifier, or until the subject gains the benefit of a break enchantment, remove curse, or similar spell. A single target may be affected by this ability multiple times, as long as the Epicure selects a different effect each time (unless otherwise noted in the table).

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Cost:1 GP
Activation Time:1 standard action
Duration:1 minute/Con

The Epicure grants a target she touches a +2 enhancement bonus to a single ability score. This benefit increases by +2 for every 5 caster levels after 1st (to a maximum bonus equal to her Charisma modifier). A given creature cannot benefit from this Flavor more than once at a time.

Cost:10 GP
Activation Time:1 standard action
Duration:1 minute/Con

The Epicure grants an ally a semblance of the form and powers of another creature with a touch. She chooses the totem creature and benefits from the table below when activating this ability, and the transformation lasts for a number of minutes equal to her Constitution modifier. Multiple applications of this ability do not stack; a second use on a creature who is already affected supersedes the original use.

Upon transformation, the target looks like a hybrid between their original form and their totem creature, with specific details left up to the Epicure's imagination (where appropriate for the totem). The target gains the [Augmented] subtype, and is subject to any spell which affects creatures of either its original type, or the type of the totem creature. For example, a dwarf (type Humanoid) granted the Bear totem (type Animal) is a valid target for both the hold person and hold animal spells.

Each of the totems shown below grants a bonus equal to the Epicure's Charisma modifier to a primary ability score, and a bonus equal to half her Charisma modifier (rounded down, minimum +0) to up to two secondary ability scores. If the Epicure is benefiting from this ability (granted either by herself or another Epicure), she uses her Charisma and Constitution modifiers before the transformation to determine the ability score bonuses and duration, respectively. Changes to the target's size due to this ability do not alter the target's ability scores, only the target's melee reach, as well as size bonuses to attacks, armor class, and skills.

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Cost:20 GP
Activation Time:1 standard action

The Epicure brings herself and her allies into a temporary state of temporal acceleration. She chooses a number of allies no greater than her Charisma bonus, within a range of 5 feet times her Constitution bonus (minimum 5 feet). Time seems to halt for everyone and everywhere apart from the chosen targets, who have the ability to take limited actions before time resumes. The allies can communicate with each other normally while accelerated, and can take a single action, which is limited to the following options:
  • Move up to their speed using any movement mode they have
  • Use an Ex ability which requires no more than a standard action and doesn't affect any creatures that are not similarly accelerated.
  • Make a ranged attack with a weapon that requires ammunition (such as a sling or a bow). The attack resolves once this effect ends.
  • Use a skill which requires no more than a standard action and doesn't affect any creatures or objects that are not similarly accelerated.
  • Activate a magic item which is neither spell completion nor spell trigger, requires no more than a standard action to activate, and doesn't affect any creatures or objects that are not similarly accelerated.

Cost:4 GP
Activation Time:1 standard action
Duration:1 round/Con

The Epicure grants an ally an additional movement mode with a touch. The ally gains a burrow, swim, fly (with average maneuverability), or climb speed of 5 feet times her Charisma bonus (minimum 5 feet).

Cost:See text
Activation Time:1 standard action (see text)
Duration:1 hour/Con (see text)

An Epicure which has learned this Flavor can summon a familiar in the same manner as a sorcerer or wizard. As with a sorcerer or wizard, obtaining a familiar takes 24 hours and uses up magic materials worth 100 gp. Her familiar's abilities that depend on her arcane caster class level use her Epicure level instead. The Epicure can use Flavors in place of spells to make use of her familiar's Share Spells and Deliver Touch Spells abilities.

Whenever the Epicure uses this Flavor, she chooses one of the following benefits, spending the indicated amount of GP and touching her familiar. Multiple uses of this Flavor to grant the same benefit do not stack.
  • The familiar gains a +2 competence bonus on saves, attack rolls, and melee damage rolls, as well as a +2 dodge bonus to Armor Class. (2 GP)
  • The Epicure can hide the familiar in an extradimensional pocket, freeing it or returning it to the pocket as a free action, as per the familiar pocket spell. (1 GP)
  • The familiar gains 2d8 temporary hit points and a +2 enhancement bonus to its natural armor. It also has a 25% chance to avoid extra damage from sneak attacks or critical hits (although such attacks still deal normal damage if successful). Temporary hit points gained in this fashion last for up to 1 hour. (3 gp)
  • The familiar can use one of the Epicure's known Flavors, using the Epicure's stats and abilities to determine the effects of the Flavor. The Epicure cannot use the granted Flavor until the duration ends or the familiar uses the granted Flavor, at which point this effect ends. (10 GP + the GP cost of the granted Flavor)
« Last Edit: October 10, 2016, 09:36:04 AM by sirpercival »
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Re: Epicure [3.5 base]
« Reply #2 on: October 02, 2016, 11:54:16 AM »
Welcome back to homebrewing!

I'll review this after i've had some food and am feeling more cerebral.

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Re: Epicure [3.5 base]
« Reply #3 on: October 02, 2016, 12:04:56 PM »
Epicurean Extras
Every Epicure is different, despite the similarities in training and abilities. Contained herein are several character options to help you customize your Epicure. Inclusion of any of these options in your game, like everything else in this document, is subject to DM approval.

Epicurean Feats
A given Epicure may only learn one [Consumer] feat.

Adaptive Consumer [Consumer]
You are not particularly choosy about the spells you consume.

Prerequisites: Consume class feature, Spot 3 ranks
Benefit: When readying an action to consume, you need not specify a target. You can target any single creature to whom you have line of sight and effect, as soon as you notice them casting (or activating a spell-like ability), until the beginning of your next turn.

Ambient Sustenance
You constantly absorb the magic suffusing your environment.

Prerequisites: Consume class feature, Cha 13
Benefit: You unconsciously consume the ambient magic of your surroundings. Every hour in which you do not spend any Gustation Points, you gain 1 stored Gustation Point. Time spent in an antimagic field or null magic zone does not count toward this effect.
Note: This stacks with the normal recovery of Gustation Points from 8 hours sleep, as detailed in the Consume class feature description.

Digest Charge
You can absorb magic directly from a charged magical item.

Prerequisites: Absorb Aura class feature, Use Magic Device 8 ranks
Benefit: When you activate a charged item that produces a spell effect, and has an activation time of 1 standard action or longer, you can choose to consume the spell produced as part of the same action. You automatically succeed on your Consume check to consume the spell. As long as you use this ability to consume the spell produced, you can use this ability to activate items that you normally lack the prerequisites to use.
Note: You cannot use this ability to drain charges which replenish at the end of each day, only those which are permanently lost when used.

Discerning Consumer [Consumer]
You are careful about what magic you consume.

Prerequisites: Consume class feature, Spellcraft 6 ranks
Benefit: When attempting to use your Consume class feature, you may make a Spellcraft check to identify the spell you are consuming. If you succeed, you gain a +4 insight bonus to the Consume check.

Essential Nourishment
Your body feeds off of the magic you store.

Prerequisites: Consume class feature, Con 13
Benefit: You draw nourishment from your store of energy, replacing any need for outside contributions. Whenever you have at least one Gustation point stored, you do not need to eat, sleep, or breathe.

Expanded Inclination
Your body is more efficient at storing magical energy than other Epicures.

Prerequisites: Consume class feature, Con 15
Benefit: The maximum number of stored Gustation Points you can have at any time is increased by 3.
Special: You can select this feat multiple times. Its effects stack.

Formulate Recipe [Item Creation]
You have learned to record the Flavors you know as Recipes: written descriptions of your own recollections about the taste of the magic. The user of a Recipe you have created gains the ability to use a Flavor you know.

Prerequisites: Digestion class feature, Spellcraft 4 ranks
Benefit: You can record the knowledge of any Flavor you know into a Recipe. The market price of a Recipe is equal to the sum of your Charisma and Constitution bonuses x 1/2 the Gustation Point cost (rounded down, minimum 1) x 50 gp. You must spend 1/25 of this market price in XP and use materials costing 1/2 the market price. Formulating a Recipe takes one day for each 1,000 gp of its market price, and you must spend the GP cost of the Flavor each day you spend crafting. Like a potion or scroll, a Recipe can be used only once. See the section on Epicurean Recipes, below, for more details.

You've consumed so much magic of a particular school that you gain more facility when wielding it yourself.

Prerequisites: Connoisseur class feature, Digestion class feature
Benefit: You gain an additional benefit when using the Intrinsic Flavor from your chosen school, as described in the table below.

(click to show/hide)

Replenish Charge
You can use your stored magic to recharge a magical item.

Prerequisites: Digest Charge, Savor class feature, Use Magic Device 12 ranks
Benefit: By holding a magic item which has charges, you may spend a full-round action to replenish one of the magic item's spent charges. To do so, you must spend a number of Gustation points equal to three times the level of the spell stored in the item. If the item's charges can be spent on more than one spell (such as a staff), use the highest-level spell that the item can produce.
Note: You cannot use this ability on an item which already has the maximum amount of charges (such as a wand with 50 charges remaining). However, you may use it to replenish a charge on an item whose charges automatically replenish once a day.

Surreptitious Consumer [Consumer]
You nibble at an opponent's magic without them noticing.

Prerequisites: Consume class feature, Sleight of Hand 3 ranks
Benefit: Whenever you successfully consume an opponent's spell or spell-like effect, the opponent must make a Spot check opposed by your Sleight of Hand check to realize what has happened. If the opponent's Spot check fails, they only know that their spell failed to take effect, and gain no other information.

Voracous Consumer [Consumer]
Your appetite for magic is beyond compare, and you let nothing distract you from it.

Prerequisites: Consume class feature, Concentration 6 ranks
Benefit: If you do nothing else in the same round that you ready an action to consume, you gain 1 additional GP per spell level if you successfully consume.

Epicurean Items
Described here are a few magical items which enhance, synergize with, or defend against an Epicure's abilities.

Epicurean Crystal
A matte black orb the size of a river stone, which seems to absorb all light that shines upon it.

Price: 2,000 gp (least); 8,000 gp (lesser); 32,000 gp (greater)
Body Slot: -- (weapon crystal)
Caster Level: 9th
Aura: Moderate; necromancy
Activation: Swift (mental)

An epicurean crystal can absorb magic in a mockery of an Epicure's power. Once per day, any spell or spell-like ability can be cast into the crystal to charge it. The crystal absorbs the spell (which has no other effect) automatically, storing the energy for later use.

Once the crystal has been charged, the wielder of the attached weapon may then spend a swift action to activate the crystal, gaining an insight bonus to attack and damage rolls with the attached weapon equal to twice the level of the absorbed spell (0th-level spells count as 1/2 level for this purpose) for 1 round. This crystal may be activated a number of times per day equal to the level of the absorbed spell (minimum 1).

Least: A least epicurean crystal can absorb a spell of up to 3rd level.
Lesser: A lesser epicurean crystal can absorb a spell of up to 6th level.
Greater: A greater epicurean crystal can absorb a spell of up to 9th level.

Cost to create: 1,000 gp, 80 xp, 2 days (least); 4,000 gp, 320 xp, 8 days (lesser); 16,000 gp, 1,280 xp, 32 days (greater).
Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms & Armor, consumptive field

Abnegation Ward
A shield with this enchantment is mirror-bright, seeming to glow (without shedding any actual illumination) in the presence of magic.

Price: 1,000 gp
Body Slot: Held
Caster Level: 5th
Aura: Faint, abjuration
Activation: --

Abnegation ward is a property which can be applied to any shield. Whenever the wielder of an abnegation ward shield casts a spell or uses a spell-like ability, increase the DC for Spellcraft checks to identify the spell, dispel checks to counterspell the spell, and Consume checks to consume the spell by +5.

Cost to create: 500 gp, 40 xp, 1 day
Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms & Armor, nondetection

Belt of Capacity
A tooled leather belt, studded with iron rivets.

Price: 11,000 gp
Body Slot: Waist
Caster Level: 8th
Aura: Moderate, evocation
Activation: See text (mental)

By spending 10 minutes in concentration, an Epicure can transfer any number of her stored Gustation Points to a belt of capacity she is wearing, up to her Constitution modifier.

At any time thereafter, she may spend a swift action to recover all of the transferred Gustation Points into her own stored pool. If this transfer would increase the amount of GP she is storing above her normal maximum, the excess are lost. Transferring Gustation Points into a belt of capacity causes any GP already stored in the item to be lost with no effect. An Epicure may only recover Gustation Points she stored in the belt of capacity herself.

Cost to create: 5,500 gp, 440 xp, 11 days
Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, imbue with spell ability

Connoisseur's Ring
A ring of 8 strands of braided metal, each a slightly different color.

Price: 5,000 gp
Body Slot: Ring
Caster Level: 1st
Aura: Faint, divination
Activation: See text.

A character who wears this ring may use *detect magic* as a spell-like ability at will. In addition, if the wearer is an Epicure with the Connoisseur and Consume class features, whenever an opponent casts a spell of her chosen school within 120 feet of her, she may attempt to consume the spell even if she has not readied an action to do so. This consume action takes the place of her next turn. She may not use this ability when flat-footed, and never more than once per round.

Cost to create: 2,500 gp, 200 xp, 5 days
Prerequisites: Forge Ring, Improved Initiative, detect magic*.

Famine Mask
A beautiful, elegant golden masquerade mask, which draws the eye of all creatures, making them ravenous.

Price: 8,000 gp
Body Slot: Face
Caster Level: 6th
Aura: Moderate, enchantment
Activation: Standard (mental)

Once per day, the wearer of a famine mask can activate it to cause any creature viewing it to become extremely hungry, as if starved. This is a mind-affecting compulsion effect, which does not allow a save.

Each round the mask is active, any creature other than the wearer who can see the mask must make a Constitution check (DC 15) or suffer 1d6 points of nonlethal damage. As long as the mask remains active, this nonlethal damage cannot be healed or recovered (not even by magic that restores hit point damage). In addition, a creature that has taken nonlethal damage from this effect is fatigued. The effect ends after 10 rounds (or when dismissed by the wearer as a swift action), at which point affected creatures are no longer fatigued, and the nonlethal damage can be healed normally.

A famine mask has an additional effect on an Epicure (or any other creature storing Gustation Points). Each round that such a creature can see an active famine mask, it cannot use its Consume ability, and loses 1d6 of its stored Gustation Points (if any), with no save. This effect functions even if the creature makes its Constitution check to prevent nonlethal damage and fatigue.

Cost to create: 4,000 gp, 320 xp, 8 days
Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, a spell of at least 2nd level fom the Compulsion subschool.

Insipid Cloak
A gossamer, dull grey cloak that seems to fade if it's observed for too long.

Price: 2,500 gp
Body Slot: Shoulders
Caster Level: 3rd
Aura: Faint, illusion
Activation: Swift (mental)

Three times per day, an insipid cloak can be activated to alter the next spell or spell-like ability produced by the wearer in the same round, removing many of the identifying markings of magic from it. A spell which has been so altered counts as having no school or subschool, for the purposes of any effect or ability which have specific effects based on school or subschool. Any effects of the spell or spell-like ability due to its school or subschool remain unchanged.

For example, an altered spell from the Enchantment school is still a mind-affecting effect and can be blocked by mind blank, but a gnome would not receive a +2 racial bonus on saves against it. Similarly, a creature under the effects of a detect magic spell automatically fails any Spellcraft check to determine the school of an altered spell, and a specialist Evoker would not gain a +2 to Spellcraft checks to identify an altered Evocation spell.

An altered spell counts as having no school for the purposes of an Epicure's Connoisseur, Savor, and Piquancy abilities.

Cost to create: 1,250 gp, 100 xp, 3 days
Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, magic aura, creator must have 6 ranks in Spellcraft

Rod of the Esurient Steed
A rod of hardened leather and braided horsehair, carved with an interlocking horseshoe design.

Price: 10,000 gp
Body Slot: Held
Caster Level: 5th
Aura: Faint, conjuration
Activation: Standard (manipulation and command)

A rod of the esurient steed functions as a +1 club at all times. In addition, once per day, a wielder can speak the command word and throw the rod to the ground, where it transforms into a quasi-real horse. The horse functions as per the phantom steed spell cast by a sorcerer of 5th level, and lasts for 5 hours before transforming back into the rod.

Once the *rod* has been activated, if the rider has any stored Gustation Points, she may spend some amount of them as an immediate action to increase the caster level of the phantom steed, but only for the purposes of determining its movement abilities (the duration, hit points, speed, and carrying capacity of the steed remain unchanged). Increasing the caster level in this way costs 1 GP per increased level (i.e., raising the caster level from 5 to 14 costs 18 GP), and lasts for 1 minute each time. Multiple increases do not stack, with only the largest increase in effect at any given time.

Cost to create: 5,000 gp, 400 xp, 10 days
Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms & Armor, Craft Rod, phantom steed

Totem Charm Bracelet
A silver bracelet, bearing 16 small clay charms in the shape of various creatures.

Price: 27,000 gp
Body Slot: Arms
Caster Level: 12th
Aura: Strong, transmutation
Activation: Standard (command)

A totem charm bracelet is a collection of 16 small charms, each of which can be activated to grant the user the benefit of one totem from the Totem ability. The bracelet contains one charm for each totem, and each charm may only be used once before becoming inert and nonmagical. The effect grants benefits as if the Epicure's Charisma and Constitution modifier were both +5.

Cost to create: 13,500 gp, 1080 xp, 27 days
Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, a spell of at least 4th level fom the Polymorph subschool.

Epicurean Recipes
A Recipe is an Epicurean Flavor encoded in written form. A Flavor formlated into a Recipe can be used only once, as the medium (parchment, vellum, etc.) crumbles to dust when the Flavor is used. Using a Recipe is basically like using a Flavor.

Physical Description
A Recipe is a piece of parchment, papyrus, or some other flexible writing surface of very high quality, about 200 mm wide and 300 mm long. Each Recipe holds only one Flavor. A typical Recipe formulated on paper has AC 9, 1 hit point, hardness 0, and a break DC of 8.

Recipes are usually stored rolled into a scroll case, to protect them from wrinkling, damage, and the elements. A Recip bears a faint aroma, tanatalizing but undefinable, based on the associated school of the Flavor recorded therein.

To use a Recipe, a creature must read the Flavor description written on it, a process similar to reading a scroll; however, a Recipe can be used by any creature which can read the language.

If the reader does not know the language,  Decipher Script check, DC 10 + the Flavor's GP cost), can be used to identify the Flavor. Then, a successful Spellcraft check (DC 15 + Flavor's GP cost) can decipher the Recipe for later activation. Deciphering a Recipe in this fashion to does not activate the Flavor; a creature can do this in advance so that it may activate the Recipe later, at its convenience. The *read magic* spell allows a creature to automatically decipher a Recipe.

Activating the Recipe requires reading it, which requires a standard action. The character must be able to see the writing, and read it or have deciphere it beforehand. Using a Recipe is just like activating a spell-like ability.

Effect of the Flavor
A Flavor read from a Recipe works just like it had been used by the Epicure who formulated it. The Flavor’s caster level is always the minimum level required to learn the Flavor for the character who formulated the Recipe (1st for an Intrinsic Flavor, 8th for an Enhanced Flavor, 14th for a Delicious Flavor, and 20th for a Sublime Flavor). The Charisma and Constitution bonuses for a Recipe are each +1 by default, but Recipes are usually formulated with higher bonuses.

Once the Flavor has been activated, the Recipe crumbles to dust.

Creating Recipes
To create a recipe, you must know the Formulate Recipe feat, and the Flavor you are formulating. The market price of a Recipe is equal to the sum of the creator's Charisma and Constitution bonuses (minimum 1) x the GP cost of the Flavor x 50 gp. You must spend 1/25 of this market price in XP and use materials costing 1/2 the market price, and must spend the GP cost of the Flavor each day you spend crafting. Formulating a Recipe takes one day for each 1,000 gp of its market price.
« Last Edit: October 10, 2016, 09:35:00 AM by sirpercival »
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Re: Epicure [3.5 base]
« Reply #4 on: October 02, 2016, 09:55:44 PM »
I'm on the fence about the images.  I had to open them in new tabs to be able to read them.  They do look nice though.

I don't see any issues with the class from first read through from a balance perspective.   The main issue that I have with it is my issues with counterspelling in general, you ready a standard action and then hope that you get to be effective and don't just waste your turn.

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Re: Epicure [3.5 base]
« Reply #5 on: October 02, 2016, 09:58:23 PM »
I'm on the fence about the images.  I had to open them in new tabs to be able to read them.
Same here.

They look like they're from a very pretty book, but sadly that book is too far away for me to actually read the words on it.  :-\

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Re: Epicure [3.5 base]
« Reply #6 on: October 02, 2016, 10:16:01 PM »
Using story in place of the pre-class fluff info is charming. Points for style, there.

As for the class, I'm less aware of the balance point, though I feel like the GP need to decay when in excess, to stave off the effects of farming off the invokers and such.
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Re: Epicure [3.5 base]
« Reply #7 on: October 02, 2016, 10:24:31 PM »
I'm on the fence about the images.  I had to open them in new tabs to be able to read them.
Same here.

They look like they're from a very pretty book, but sadly that book is too far away for me to actually read the words on it.  :-\
I shrunk the images in the bbcode, actually, because the native size is too big for my screen. I'll make 'em bigger, let me know if they need more zoomage.

I don't see any issues with the class from first read through from a balance perspective.   The main issue that I have with it is my issues with counterspelling in general, you ready a standard action and then hope that you get to be effective and don't just waste your turn.
Yeah, but really, it's not that hard to get access to at-will SLAs, which means you should probably start each encounter w/ a stock of GP. The actual in-combat Consume, w/ it's counterspelling effect, is likely to be used much less often, in special circumstances.

Using story in place of the pre-class fluff info is charming. Points for style, there.
Thank you :) I liked the idea.

As for the class, I'm less aware of the balance point, though I feel like the GP need to decay when in excess, to stave off the effects of farming off the invokers and such.
Really, it's a question of how much of a problem it is having essentially unlimited GP out of combat. I tried to scale things appropriately where that'd be okay, but I'm willing to hear dissenting opinions.
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Re: Epicure [3.5 base]
« Reply #8 on: October 02, 2016, 10:26:06 PM »
If activating a magic item spell effect counts toward Consume, then you can get at-will mage hand for 900 gp.
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Re: Epicure [3.5 base]
« Reply #9 on: October 03, 2016, 12:51:50 AM »
Haven't read through the class yet, but from the discussion here I have some comments about the out of combat GP recovery. If you're assuming that at-will SLAs are available in the party for out of combat recharge (which isn't frequently the case), then you should allow the full recharge naturally to make use of this primary class feature. It makes no difference to players with that support network, and otherwise players without SLAs in the party are hosed.

Base classes with at-will SLAs:
- Paladin
- Dragon Shaman 3rd (blue, brass, copper, and silver dragon totems only)
- Spirit Shaman 3rd
- Warlock
- Binder (some pacts only)
- Incarnate

Did I miss any? I think there are also some soulmelds that other meldshapers can use with SLAs, but I don't recall any offhand that you'd actually want to shape in and of themselves. Truenamers might also count; I'm not familiar enough with their mechanics.

Now, onto actually reading the class itself.

- Split out the ability to convert GP to temp hp into a separate ability for clarity.
- The counterspelling ability is functionally useless at 1st/2nd level. 0-level spells are such nonissues in combat (aside from Fell Drain Sonic Snap and the like), spending an action for a ~70% chance to negate one if the guy you're targeting decides to cast one can't possibly ever be a good choice. Doubly so since it's a readied action, meaning you also move down in the initiative order to just before the spellcaster if they do try to cast a spell, so you might be losing an extra half a turn on top of that.
- At 1st level, all you can do is a pathetic counterspell and get a few temporary hit points (either Cha mod/2 per day, or 1 + Con mod per encounter, depending on if you have a SLA battery).

- Will look at the ability options later.
- The example incorrectly refers to Enchanting (should be Enchantment).

- Nice, although nothing amazing compared to other classes. The Marshal gets a party-wide version at level 1. The Paladin gets the 18th level version from level 2.

Absorb Aura
- What's the time required for spells without time unit-based durations, such as Concentration and Permanent?
- If this was fixed at a single standard action, this might actually be useful.

Digestion Effects
- Conjurative Champion means that at level 2, you can be summoning 3 CR 1 creatures every encounter if you have a GP battery. This sort of power seems like it shouldn't be available until 3rd- or 4th-level.
- Durations should have a minimum of 1 unit (in the case of 0 or negative Charisma/Constitution modifiers).
- Evocative Excitation should change the formula to 1 missile + 1/3 levels, or be minimum 1, or something like that so as to have an effect at 1st- and 2nd-level. Additionally, the Force, Negative, and Positive energy options incorrectly imply that other attacks forms cannot hit incorporeal creatures (all attacks can hit incorporeal creatures, they just have a 50% or 100% chance to ignore the damage from most corporeal sources).
- Illusionary Illustration incorrectly says Illustration as the school (should be Illusion).
- Not looking at the 8th-level and higher effects right now.

From what I've seen so far (up through level 7), this is a Tier 5 class. Can do one or two things reasonably well in an environment specifically set up to support it, otherwise is mediocre across the board. No, the counterspelling doesn't save it, because as mentioned it's still got a lot of issues. There's a reason almost nobody ever bothers to counterspell unless it's an immediate action.

At level 1, you're an Aristocrat (the NPC class) with a few temporary hit points instead of better proficiencies. At level 2 through 7, you're better than the Adept in terms of longevity, but certainly not in versatility (and again, only in a party setup that has multiple at-will SLAs or spells from items available for you to recharge from and let you change your last eaten school to something that lets you use the Digestion you want).

Finally, the pre-class sections might make for a great "day in the life" section for the class, but they're not so good at actually describing the class itself. I got the impression you were trying to write a short story instead of a homebrew class.

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Re: Epicure [3.5 base]
« Reply #10 on: October 03, 2016, 10:49:48 AM »
I'm on the fence about the images.  I had to open them in new tabs to be able to read them.
Same here.

They look like they're from a very pretty book, but sadly that book is too far away for me to actually read the words on it.  :-\
I shrunk the images in the bbcode, actually, because the native size is too big for my screen. I'll make 'em bigger, let me know if they need more zoomage.

They could use a little more, they're readable now but I have to lean forward.

I don't see any issues with the class from first read through from a balance perspective.   The main issue that I have with it is my issues with counterspelling in general, you ready a standard action and then hope that you get to be effective and don't just waste your turn.
Yeah, but really, it's not that hard to get access to at-will SLAs, which means you should probably start each encounter w/ a stock of GP. The actual in-combat Consume, w/ it's counterspelling effect, is likely to be used much less often, in special circumstances.

That's a good point.  As long as you're balanced around that expectation it should be okay.

As for the class, I'm less aware of the balance point, though I feel like the GP need to decay when in excess, to stave off the effects of farming off the invokers and such.
Really, it's a question of how much of a problem it is having essentially unlimited GP out of combat. I tried to scale things appropriately where that'd be okay, but I'm willing to hear dissenting opinions.

The question there is, how much out of combat utility does the class have when it comes to spending GP? (I don't have time to comb through the Digestion abilities.

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Re: Epicure [3.5 base]
« Reply #11 on: October 03, 2016, 11:04:10 AM »
I'm on the fence about the images.  I had to open them in new tabs to be able to read them.
Same here.

They look like they're from a very pretty book, but sadly that book is too far away for me to actually read the words on it.  :-\
I shrunk the images in the bbcode, actually, because the native size is too big for my screen. I'll make 'em bigger, let me know if they need more zoomage.

They could use a little more, they're readable now but I have to lean forward.
Haha, I actually forgot to change it. I've now officially increased the width from 600px to 800px, so hopefully it'll be easier.

Garryl, I'm going to respond to you in a separate, dedicated post.

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Re: Epicure [3.5 base]
« Reply #12 on: October 03, 2016, 11:15:49 AM »
Haven't read through the class yet, but from the discussion here I have some comments about the out of combat GP recovery. If you're assuming that at-will SLAs are available in the party for out of combat recharge (which isn't frequently the case), then you should allow the full recharge naturally to make use of this primary class feature. It makes no difference to players with that support network, and otherwise players without SLAs in the party are hosed.
You get partial recharge naturally, and a slow full recharge with a feat. Hopefully that's sufficient? It'll need to be revisited, probably, based on the discussions below.

Now, onto actually reading the class itself.

- Split out the ability to convert GP to temp hp into a separate ability for clarity.
- The counterspelling ability is functionally useless at 1st/2nd level. 0-level spells are such nonissues in combat (aside from Fell Drain Sonic Snap and the like), spending an action for a ~70% chance to negate one if the guy you're targeting decides to cast one can't possibly ever be a good choice. Doubly so since it's a readied action, meaning you also move down in the initiative order to just before the spellcaster if they do try to cast a spell, so you might be losing an extra half a turn on top of that.
- At 1st level, all you can do is a pathetic counterspell and get a few temporary hit points (either Cha mod/2 per day, or 1 + Con mod per encounter, depending on if you have a SLA battery).
Good calls, all. I'll see about adding some more functionality in addition to temp hp. One option would be to convert Digestion into a progression where you learn 2 abilities at 1st level and another one at each other level, with tiered access to the learnable lists based on what's currently here. That would smooth out the power growth, and at least make 1st level a little more bearable.

- Will look at the ability options later.
- The example incorrectly refers to Enchanting (should be Enchantment).
All the ones for the Enchantment school are named "Enchanting", which is why I did this.

- Nice, although nothing amazing compared to other classes. The Marshal gets a party-wide version at level 1. The Paladin gets the 18th level version from level 2.
Both of those make their respective class used almost exclusively for dips. I thought spreading it out might make that less likely while still giving you some good benefits (which are also situationally adaptable).

Absorb Aura
- What's the time required for spells without time unit-based durations, such as Concentration and Permanent?
- If this was fixed at a single standard action, this might actually be useful.
OK, I guess a Consume check isn't much different than a dispel check. It's just unlimited dispels then vs existing effects. Is that OP?

Digestion Effects
- Conjurative Champion means that at level 2, you can be summoning 3 CR 1 creatures every encounter if you have a GP battery. This sort of power seems like it shouldn't be available until 3rd- or 4th-level.
I'll smooth out the progression of how many elementals you can summon. And that may also make the ability scale better to higher levels.

- Durations should have a minimum of 1 unit (in the case of 0 or negative Charisma/Constitution modifiers).
- Evocative Excitation should change the formula to 1 missile + 1/3 levels, or be minimum 1, or something like that so as to have an effect at 1st- and 2nd-level.
Damn, can't believe I forgot those!

Additionally, the Force, Negative, and Positive energy options incorrectly imply that other attacks forms cannot hit incorporeal creatures (all attacks can hit incorporeal creatures, they just have a 50% or 100% chance to ignore the damage from most corporeal sources).
I'll clarify.

- Illusionary Illustration incorrectly says Illustration as the school (should be Illusion).
Thanks, will fix.

- Not looking at the 8th-level and higher effects right now.

From what I've seen so far (up through level 7), this is a Tier 5 class. Can do one or two things reasonably well in an environment specifically set up to support it, otherwise is mediocre across the board. No, the counterspelling doesn't save it, because as mentioned it's still got a lot of issues. There's a reason almost nobody ever bothers to counterspell unless it's an immediate action.

At level 1, you're an Aristocrat (the NPC class) with a few temporary hit points instead of better proficiencies. At level 2 through 7, you're better than the Adept in terms of longevity, but certainly not in versatility (and again, only in a party setup that has multiple at-will SLAs or spells from items available for you to recharge from and let you change your last eaten school to something that lets you use the Digestion you want).
If I change the progression to "pick your ability", I can probably get rid of the last eaten school thing. It originally was "have eaten in the last 24h" but that would have required way too much tracking.

Finally, the pre-class sections might make for a great "day in the life" section for the class, but they're not so good at actually describing the class itself. I got the impression you were trying to write a short story instead of a homebrew class.
I was absolutely going for something more like a short story. However, I made a point of including everything I would have said in a non-prose blurb in the actual prose. The information density is a lot lower because of the fluff's actual length, but the information content should be basically the same.

On a side note, I was really hoping for this kind of feedback, because I felt really rusty and unsure about balance after having taken such a long hiatus from homebrew. So... thanks :D
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Re: Epicure [3.5 base]
« Reply #13 on: October 03, 2016, 11:33:19 AM »
To be fair I'm on my big work monitors now so it looked bigger.  :p

Increased image sizes look fine (but I am on my big work monitors so I can't speak for anyone else or me at home).

I'll let you and Garryl hash this out before giving more in depth input, everything is subject to change right now.

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Re: Epicure [3.5 base]
« Reply #14 on: October 03, 2016, 11:57:40 AM »
To be fair I'm on my big work monitors now so it looked bigger.  :p

Increased image sizes look fine (but I am on my big work monitors so I can't speak for anyone else or me at home).

I'll let you and Garryl hash this out before giving more in depth input, everything is subject to change right now.

Good call -- Garryl, hold off as well. I'm giving a thorough overhaul to many of the class features, writing some new ones, and renaming several things, in light of our discussion.
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Re: Epicure [3.5 base]
« Reply #15 on: October 03, 2016, 01:48:31 PM »
To be fair I'm on my big work monitors now so it looked bigger.  :p

Increased image sizes look fine (but I am on my big work monitors so I can't speak for anyone else or me at home).

I'll let you and Garryl hash this out before giving more in depth input, everything is subject to change right now.

Good call -- Garryl, hold off as well. I'm giving a thorough overhaul to many of the class features, writing some new ones, and renaming several things, in light of our discussion.

While you were gone I became pretty good at reviewing homebrew and did it a lot for Strat and Garryl.  I look forward to going in depth into this system once you're done.

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Re: Epicure [3.5 base]
« Reply #16 on: October 03, 2016, 05:47:17 PM »
OK, overhaul done. Let me know what you think!
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Re: Epicure [3.5 base]
« Reply #17 on: October 03, 2016, 06:43:13 PM »
- Didn't think of it last time, but you should explain what a Consume check is in the standard notation for defining a roll (such as with Dispel Magic). For Consume, it would be something like: "she makes a Consume check (1d20 + her Epicure level + her Charisma modifier) against a DC of ..."
- There are only two metamagics that I know of that actually modify the spell's level (Heighten Spell and Sanctum Spell). Did you mean to refer to the level of the spell slot used (or that would be used, in the case of SLAs and other spells and spell equivalents that aren't cast from spell slots)? The wording might be tricky if you want to account for non-metamagic effects that modify a spell's level, and avoid double dipping with Heighten Spell.

- Temporary hit points and the damage bonus should be based on the Charisma bonus (not modifier) and be minimum 1.

- See comments about Consume and metamagic.
- I'd like to see the scaling evened out, at 1 spell level per 3 class levels rather than 2 spell levels per 6 class levels.

Absorb Aura:
- It's intended for this to only remove emanations, right? That is, not spells that affects specific subjects, summoning spells and most conjurations, etc.?

Greater Relish:
- Temporary hit points and the bonuses should be based on the Charisma and/or Constitution bonuses (not modifiers) and be minimum 1.

- Duration should be minimum 1 round (and probably also change the wording to Con bonus instead of modifier).

- Additional healing should be based on Con bonus ie: minimum +0) rather than modifier.

Just skimming the feats and items. Not touching the new digestions yet.

- Digest Charge: Do consider that staves may use varying amounts of charges to produce each spell. How about instead something like: "When you activate a charged item that produces a spell effect as a standard action or longer, you can choose to consume the spell produced as part of the action. You automatically succeed on your Consume check. You can use this ability to activate items and consume spells that you normally lack the prerequisites to use."

- Epicurean Artifice crafting rules: Either bake this into the class as a class feature, or put this into the items' prerequisites (ie: "Either Craft Magic Arms and Armor and consumptive field, or Consume class feature and Use Magic Device 8 ranks," or something like that.)
- Epicurean Weapon: Potent if it works, but very unreliable and very, very expensive. Overpriced.
- Starvation Ward: Nonsensical. There is no caster level check to oppose Consume checks. Also, absurdly situational.
- Belt of Capacity: Is there any limit to the GP a single belt can store at once? The only limit stated is how many you can put in with 10 minutes' concentration. Can you use GP that someone else has put into the belt?
- Enticing Mask: Hyper situational.
- Insipid Cloak: Way overpowered! For 2500 gp/spell, ignore many of the important common immunities. Go charm some undead or necromance some constructs. Completely ignore Mind Blank and Death Ward.
- Gustave Rations: 800 gp for Con mod in GP once. Weren't you talking earlier about the Hand of the Mage giving unlimited GP for 900 gp?

By the way, one problem with using images instead of text? You can't embed links. All of those purple links you've got in there are just eyesores to us readers.

Another problem? No quoting!

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Re: Epicure [3.5 base]
« Reply #18 on: October 03, 2016, 07:26:39 PM »
Garryl, I'll respond to these probably tomorrow, but I wanted to say that for the most part the Flavors are unchanged, I just renamed and reorganized them. But I did try to fix Champion, so hopefully it works better.
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Re: Epicure [3.5 base]
« Reply #19 on: October 04, 2016, 09:46:20 AM »
- Didn't think of it last time, but you should explain what a Consume check is in the standard notation for defining a roll (such as with Dispel Magic). For Consume, it would be something like: "she makes a Consume check (1d20 + her Epicure level + her Charisma modifier) against a DC of ..."
- There are only two metamagics that I know of that actually modify the spell's level (Heighten Spell and Sanctum Spell). Did you mean to refer to the level of the spell slot used (or that would be used, in the case of SLAs and other spells and spell equivalents that aren't cast from spell slots)? The wording might be tricky if you want to account for non-metamagic effects that modify a spell's level, and avoid double dipping with Heighten Spell.
I'll clarify that I mean spell level, not the slot it's cast from.

- Temporary hit points and the damage bonus should be based on the Charisma bonus (not modifier) and be minimum 1.
Greater Relish:
- Temporary hit points and the bonuses should be based on the Charisma and/or Constitution bonuses (not modifiers) and be minimum 1.
- Duration should be minimum 1 round (and probably also change the wording to Con bonus instead of modifier).
- Additional healing should be based on Con bonus ie: minimum +0) rather than modifier.
I'll change a bunch of stuff to bonus instead of modifier, and add in minima.

- See comments about Consume and metamagic.
- I'd like to see the scaling evened out, at 1 spell level per 3 class levels rather than 2 spell levels per 6 class levels.
Works for me.

Absorb Aura:
- It's intended for this to only remove emanations, right? That is, not spells that affects specific subjects, summoning spells and most conjurations, etc.?
Nope, I was using "aura" in the more general sense of "enduring magical effect". I used that particular term b/c of the alliteration. I can change it if you think it's confusing.

- Digest Charge: Do consider that staves may use varying amounts of charges to produce each spell. How about instead something like: "When you activate a charged item that produces a spell effect as a standard action or longer, you can choose to consume the spell produced as part of the action. You automatically succeed on your Consume check. You can use this ability to activate items and consume spells that you normally lack the prerequisites to use."
I like this wording better, and shall steal the products of your brain accordingly. As per usual ;)

- Epicurean Artifice crafting rules: Either bake this into the class as a class feature, or put this into the items' prerequisites (ie: "Either Craft Magic Arms and Armor and consumptive field, or Consume class feature and Use Magic Device 8 ranks," or something like that.)
Should I make it an actual class feature, or just put it in a sidebar in the class description instead of in the crafting section? I don't like the item prereq version, it feels clunky. Why do you think it doesn't work here?

- Epicurean Weapon: Potent if it works, but very unreliable and very, very expensive. Overpriced.
OK I'll reduce the cost. Maybe make it a weapon crystal?
- Starvation Ward: Nonsensical. There is no caster level check to oppose Consume checks. Also, absurdly situational.
Lol ok I'll come up with some other abjuration item.

- Belt of Capacity: Is there any limit to the GP a single belt can store at once? The only limit stated is how many you can put in with 10 minutes' concentration. Can you use GP that someone else has put into the belt?
There's no limit to how much it can store, but if you try to store more it overwrites so the limit is still in place. And no, you can't use someone else's GP. I'll try to clean up the wording and clarify both of these.

- Enticing Mask: Hyper situational.
Yeah... I just couldn't think of a more interesting enchantment item that was still thematic. Should I reduce the cost because of how niche it is?

- Insipid Cloak: Way overpowered! For 2500 gp/spell, ignore many of the important common immunities. Go charm some undead or necromance some constructs. Completely ignore Mind Blank and Death Ward.
Hahaha that wasn't quite what I meant, but I'm not sure exactly what I did mean or how to make that clear. I'll work on it.

- Gustave Rations: 800 gp for Con mod in GP once. Weren't you talking earlier about the Hand of the Mage giving unlimited GP for 900 gp?
Yeah, I was. So, we need a different conjuration item. Thoughts?

By the way, one problem with using images instead of text? You can't embed links. All of those purple links you've got in there are just eyesores to us readers.
Once it's tightened up sufficiently, I'll put a link to a pdf where the links will actually work. The links are just to d20srd pages, anyway.

Another problem? No quoting!
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