Author Topic: Adeptus Evangelion 2.5  (Read 1653 times)

Offline Tarnish

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Adeptus Evangelion 2.5
« on: July 06, 2013, 12:31:24 AM »
While I'm hardly surprised that this rather niche game hasn't had any major threads that the search function reveals, has anyone had both the pleasure of playing it and the experience with it to offer some advice to the wayward newbie?

In the specific sense, I'm dealing with a set of constraints due to a desire to play a specific character, specifically I'm playing an Angel Hybrid that is almost certainly going to be an AT Tactician. I have lingering suspicions the GM is going to make me Tabbris, so there's that to deal with... As a Manufactured in a relatively standard Angelic Souled Eva, is there anything specific that I really really need to buy if I don't want to land myself in the shitter day 1? My statline is fairly ridiculous, though I don't have any nat 20s I have no single stat above 16 or below 13, which is a statistical improbability to say the least. I'd not like to waste the opportunity to run wild upon the plains of Evangelion, so does anyone have any advice for a wayward hero?