Author Topic: Epic first game for a bard - for a laugh  (Read 1445 times)

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Epic first game for a bard - for a laugh
« on: August 17, 2013, 08:32:12 AM »
I have to post this since we laughed all night at my character's first foray into the group.

I was asked to make up a character for a group and the game was starting in 15-20 minutes, but I had to play an arcane caster.  I decided bard and Cadence was born.

We were given the task to go defeat a demon prince's general to take down one of his pillars of power.  To do this we needed a boat to travel.  Here comes our newest NPC Dread Pirate Timmons el Grande (he's a gnome).  Smaaaaall problem.  Timmon's ship was taken over by another pirate crew and the crew also took over the town it's housed in.  We paid taxes at the gate and assessed the situation.

The entrance of the docs was guarded by 3 men.  We started discussing and I offered to get their attention.  Oh I did with fascinate.  Rolled a nat 20 perform check.  Here the 3 came.  Played my lute and we questioned them about their boss and what was being loaded on the ship.  I kept playing to keep the spell going.  The boss was in the only tavern in town - drinking and wenching.  I walked with the guys down the street and cast suggestion on them to go quietly into the bar and get drunk so the boss didn't see them.  One failed.  I cast another suggestion on him "Why don't you go on in there and have fun wenching.  No one has to know that you left your post."  He agreed, grabbed both of my hands (so I had to stop playing the lute) and took me inside... aka I was his wench for the wenching... (Gotta love dating the DM :).  BTW, our sorcerer and the ogre barbarian came with me. 

Walking into the tavern, there's a pirate shanty being sang by the whole bar.  Standing on top of the bar is a LARGE sized man with a cutless and a tankard larger than my head twice over.  The pirate that escorted me in shouted, "Hey boss!  Look at the wench I got!"  It was pointed out that I didn't ask the guy to come in quietly...  The boss went silent, then jumped down with his cutlass and cut the guy in 2.  He grinned at me and laughed, "She's my wench now!"

The other end of the party snuck inside the pirate ship and waited for all the cargo to be loaded before making their move.  It didn't take long, but they had control of the boat. 

Back to us.  After talking with everyone, I decided to fascinate and pray suggestion worked on him.  The DM warned me that if my suggestion failed, I may get.. *cough* 'grappled' infront of the entire bar.  I got the fascinate to work.  Now what to suggest.  A few people said things but I went with my own, "I heard that your crew wants to mutiny against you.  They don't like the way you do things.  You need to go and discipline all of them the way you see fit."  (This is a neutral party... we are in it for the loot.)  The roll of the night.  Nat 1 against my suggestion.  Silence for a moment as the DM facepalms then we all start laughing. 

The boss stands up and screams, "Mutineers!!!  I shall have your heads!!"  The bar CLEARS and he grabs his cutlass and runs screaming out the door.  A minute later, we open the door and find 6 dead bodies sprawled around.  We quietly make our way back to the boat and by that point, the boat is fully loaded with over 400k worth of materials (loaded by the pirates), manned by our Dread Pirate Timmons' crew and we head off to another port.

Our DM said we were very lucky and played it in a way he didn't expect, so he rewarded us.  :D