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Topics - Girniverse

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This is the discussion thread for my recent writing wizard handbook: A quasi-New, half-Compiled and trying-Everything-included v3.5 Wizard Handbook.

I know it is a huge topic. I was supposed to include as much as I can. However there must be something or some interesting ideas I missed or didn't realize. So I want to hear your comments, criticisms, ideas and so forth. Thanks in advance!

Before the Handbook

Here I want to present a handbook for wizard. Wizard is the Tier 1 class in D&D 3.5. The reason in my opinion is mainly that almost every supplemental book contains more or less resources of wizard. I will try my best to discuss all resources that I have impression or think useful in this thesis.

That I want to put this guide here is because I plan to run a game soon. In process of advancing my NPCs, I was enlightened by many brilliant ideas and discussion in this forum. Besides I myself had some ideas and found most of them were based on some certain spells/feats/class features/etc. acquired or accessed only from wizard or wizard-related prestige classes. It is the origin of such a guide.

In this article, many of ideas has been discussed in other excellent wizard handbooks. That's why it is called half-complied. However I will give some new points of view of old ideas and some new discussions which at least I have never seen from other handbooks. At last, I will as much as possible cover all aspects of wizard including general concepts, class features, races, templates, feats, items, spells, prestige classes, builds, tricks and etc., though it might take months to furnish up. So called Everything-included is this handbook.

About the Handbook

As is written above, this handbook will discuss wizard by eleven parts. First is the general concepts of wizard, mainly about the roles played in a team. Second comes the class features of wizard, including alternative class features in different resources. In the three to six parts, I will try to numerate and discuss most LA+0 and some LA+1/+2 races and templates, and most of commonly useful feats and items. Spells, as the most important component of wizard, will be discussed in the seventh part. Not only wizard/sorcerer spells, spells from other classes will also be considered. In the eighth part, I will list and discuss all prestige classes I think powerful or interesting. Diverse wizard builds will come along with prestige classes in the ninth part. Some of them are mature or powerful, while some of them are just situationally useful or merely considered in my mind not practically tested. Some tricks will be included in the second last part. I won't focus very much on dirty or questionable tricks, since most of them are DM-dependence. Instead useful or smart tips will be discussed in this part. In the last part, some of my immature ideas and miscellanies will be contained to end this handbook.

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Introduce Yourself / Greeting guys
« on: February 20, 2013, 11:59:02 AM »
-Your name: Girniverse
-Your favorite games: D&D 3.5
-Your non gaming hobbies: basketball, skiing, reading
-Where you live, including country, without using abbreviations: US

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