Author Topic: Aundair  (Read 46079 times)

Offline Sohala

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Re: Aundair
« Reply #20 on: November 10, 2011, 05:06:23 PM »
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Satisfied his theory was right, and seeing them already on their heels, Kargos lashed out with his booming voice and sharp axe, chopping right into his target's neck. Against his better judgement, he followed that with a short burst of laughter, hoping to unnerve the Thranites by appearing crazy.

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Out of desperation the levies lash out, each scoring a minor wound.

The elves bring down their flanked target before he can attack again, with the grace born of their race.
"You think I'm talking about breaking the rules?"
"No I'm just trying to figure out how far you want them bent."

[3.5 Base] Mana Mage

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Re: Aundair
« Reply #21 on: November 10, 2011, 05:06:56 PM »
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Taking a deep breath in from his yelling and laughing, Kargos missed his next swing against his foe.

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The elves move about, as to best flank the remaining levy, which has turned pale white. The elves, in a flash of steel promptly bring down the levy as his will breaks, and he attempts to flee.

Tahllia's group isn't killing as fast, but is fairing well.

The trio of elves holding back the mass of levies has lost one of their own, but is not backing down.
"You think I'm talking about breaking the rules?"
"No I'm just trying to figure out how far you want them bent."

[3.5 Base] Mana Mage

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Re: Aundair
« Reply #22 on: November 10, 2011, 05:07:19 PM »
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"Go help Thallia and the other one, I'll go help the line!" Kargos called out as he hustled forward to the slowly failing line, praying to the Host in his head for the battlefield inspiration necessary to win this fight as he fell into the familiar movements of his training, launching an axe blow at the nearest foe.

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The elves run off to aid their commander. In their initial charge they bring down one of the levies.

The swing of your axe takes out the sickle wielding levy, but another just takes his place.

The elves try to hold back the line, but it is all they can do to not be hit.

With the fall of the elf, the levies now have a hole, and they start to move through it, all the while keeping their weapons into motion to the rhythm of their leader's orders. As their weapons swing through the air red sparks trail after and on impact with anything there is a small explosion of fire. One such weapon comes arcing towards Kargos.
"You think I'm talking about breaking the rules?"
"No I'm just trying to figure out how far you want them bent."

[3.5 Base] Mana Mage

Offline Sohala

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Re: Aundair
« Reply #23 on: November 10, 2011, 05:07:41 PM »
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Unprepared for the boiling forth of foes once his axe dropped another soldier, Kargos let another club slip past his defenses. This one bursting into flame when it hit him. With a grimace and another battle yell, the wearying dwarf returned favor with his axe.

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The futility of the levies' attacks is clearly shown by how they hit nothing, not even a shield or bit of armor.

Thallia and half her group quickly dispatch their remaining levy, while the remaining half rush to the brethren’s and Kargos's aid. The latter of which slaying a levy.
"You think I'm talking about breaking the rules?"
"No I'm just trying to figure out how far you want them bent."

[3.5 Base] Mana Mage

Offline Sohala

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Re: Aundair
« Reply #24 on: November 10, 2011, 05:08:11 PM »
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Kargos attempted to set his feet to maintain the offensive push, but was too out of breath from laughing at the sad attempts at flailing their foes exhibited to yell at them again.

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The levies, with the commander pushing them on, continue their pathetic attacks, one of which manages to scorch a nearby elf.

Meanwhile the elves hop about, maneuvering to better surround the quickly dwindling group, all the while slashing away with their blades.
"You think I'm talking about breaking the rules?"
"No I'm just trying to figure out how far you want them bent."

[3.5 Base] Mana Mage

Offline Sohala

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Re: Aundair
« Reply #25 on: November 10, 2011, 05:09:07 PM »
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Kargos blinked as his axe whiffed open air, staring in shock. Oh no! Their incompetence is infectious! I must resist!. He growled a low growl as he tried to fight off whatever superstition was making him miss.

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The levies attacks looks like wheat blowing in the wind, waving about and hitting nothing, meanwhile the elves look like a scythe harvesting the crop, felling three of the levies in but a heartbeat; the leadership of their commander shows though, as the levies appears ready to hold their ground at all costs.
"You think I'm talking about breaking the rules?"
"No I'm just trying to figure out how far you want them bent."

[3.5 Base] Mana Mage

Offline Sohala

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Re: Aundair
« Reply #26 on: November 10, 2011, 05:10:04 PM »
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Realizing he had only one way to fight the infectious incompetance, Kargos let out a mighty battle yell, knocking his opponent's club wide before slashing with his axe a vicious wound, catching that same club on the return and pulling it farther out of line and leaving a giant gaping hole in his doomed foe's defenses.

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Kargos's attack, followed up by the slash from an elvish blade is enough to bring down the levy.

The leader appears to start wavering, but has enough sense to take a step back and launch a bolt in your direction, but ultimately misses.

One of the remaining levies does score a hit on an elf, but it shrugs it off and replies with a biting attack of its own.
"You think I'm talking about breaking the rules?"
"No I'm just trying to figure out how far you want them bent."

[3.5 Base] Mana Mage

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Re: Aundair
« Reply #27 on: November 10, 2011, 05:10:28 PM »
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Feeling his momentum building again, Kargos eyes the leader. Stepping forward, he delivers his axe blow with a mighty cry.

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Kargos's attack strikes the leader, who is quickly struck again from an elven blade. It amazing feat the man is still standing, but he fails to do anything as he screams out in pain.

Meanwhile the rest of the elves continue their dance of death, bringing down another levy, but tragically lose one of their own.
"You think I'm talking about breaking the rules?"
"No I'm just trying to figure out how far you want them bent."

[3.5 Base] Mana Mage

Offline Sohala

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Re: Aundair
« Reply #28 on: November 10, 2011, 05:10:59 PM »
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Feeling his morale rising from the turn of the fight, Kargos pressed the retreating commander will a mighty bellow with each attack, relentlessly battering at the commander trying to press until his defenses broke.

The dwarf's axe blow knocks the crossbow totting human to the ground, silencing him.

The elves make quick work of the remaining humans with precise, coordinated slashes.

With the last of their immediate foes slain, the elves hurried about the field, making sure none would be getting up without divine aid, and checking on their fallen. Meanwhile Tahllia approached you, while keeping a watchful eye on the surrounding conflict. "Well fought dwarf, your axe wa-" She is interrupted as a cry came up from the commander's body. The elf kneeling over the body was holding up a belt with three vials marked with the Seal of Jorasco. Tahllia gave a reply in elvish and quickly went to check on her fallen comrades, while stating, "They are potions of healing, if my brethren yet live, they may save them." There was another elf already kneeling over one of the fallen elves, and he only shook his head when questioned by Tahllia. Moving on to the last one, she puts her ear to his mouth, hope seems to light up her face as she gestures for a vial, "He still breaths, but it is faint." Even with that statement she administers only one vial.

Having finished their grisly work, the other elves return, Tahllia gives them a few quick orders before they pick up the bodies, a pair carrying the still living elf, while the slain one is slung over another shoulder. The last one takes up a guard position as they head back through the lines. "They are taking them to the druids; such brave warriors should be cared for, even in death. But enough talk of dying, shall we go aid another part of our forces?"

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"You think I'm talking about breaking the rules?"
"No I'm just trying to figure out how far you want them bent."

[3.5 Base] Mana Mage

Offline Sohala

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Re: Aundair
« Reply #29 on: November 10, 2011, 05:11:26 PM »
Clashing his axe to his shield, Kargos unconciously gives that dead-in-the-eyes smile, "Yes, let's."

With a nod, she dashes off to the nearest group of tight fighting.

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"You think I'm talking about breaking the rules?"
"No I'm just trying to figure out how far you want them bent."

[3.5 Base] Mana Mage

Offline Sohala

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Re: Aundair
« Reply #30 on: November 10, 2011, 05:11:55 PM »
It was not long before the tide of the battle was shown.

The might of Aundair had crush and scattered the levies of Thrane. The Thrane cavalry, said to be the best troops on the continent and who had been held in reserve, scattered the Wardens of the Woods just as handily. To make matters worse Mishann had fallen in battle, bearly being saved by her brother. It was rumored that Wroann had fallen to an assassin during the battle, when in truth she had merely unsaddled by a stray crossbow bolt from one of her own troops.

With little other choice, the combined Audair-Cyre force retreated south over the Thrane river, having fared better than they could have hoped. Shortly after, the troops of Karrnath arrived, but too late, their quarry had made good time, crossing the sound north of Aruldusk. Once across they reformed at the fortress of Eston, where the queen, having recovered to enough lead again, order the bulk of her standing forces to hold the city, for its key location, the crucial iron and adamantine mines, along with House Cannith’s base of operations.

With these tasks taken care of, Mishann returned to Metrol to oversee the mustering of greater armies.

Fortress of Eston

The race to safety after retreating had been fraught with danger and exhausting, to say the least. The forces of Thrane and Berland had swift scouts, ambushing their foes whenever possible. Casualties were few, but injuries were high, and with each one their quarry slowed. It was too little, too late though; the Audair and Cyre soldiers had finally made it to the sanctuary of Eston.

You pass through the giant steel gates of Eston, all around you there are panting and sweating soldiers of all races and dress. Average citizens are either staring from beside the buildings or attempting to help the tired soldiers. Gnomes hustle about with wands drawn and wearing bloody robes, tending to the most grievous of wounds. One runs up to your recently met companion, Thallia, still by your side. She appears a little worse for wear, having lost her helmet during the Thrane cavalry charge; her hair is hanging loose but is matted with debris and blood. Her armor has numerous dents and a few of the plates are cracked. Still she waves him on, saying, “I will live, there are others who need it more than I.”

The gnome gives a nod and then shuffles over to you, but hesitates before trying to examine you.

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"You think I'm talking about breaking the rules?"
"No I'm just trying to figure out how far you want them bent."

[3.5 Base] Mana Mage

Offline Sohala

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Re: Aundair
« Reply #31 on: November 10, 2011, 05:12:25 PM »
Giving a grin, Kargos waves the gnome on. "Save your resources for the others. My spells and my shield kept me safe enough, what you see is nothing more than flesh-wounds. Most of them probably won't even scar," he finishes with a short bark of laughter as he flakes dried blood from his arms.

"Where are we garrisoned? I've never been to Eston before," Kargos asks, hoping Thallia knows the answer. He keeps his eyes roving, still in the habit of watching for foes sneaking about to ambush.

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"Nor have I. My only other time in Cyre was as an escort to Metrol on the lightning rail." Her voice is full of exhaustion, the strength born of fear slowly ebbing from her. Noticing Kargos's attentive state she tries to reassure him, "There should be no need for that, we are in an allied settlement."
"You think I'm talking about breaking the rules?"
"No I'm just trying to figure out how far you want them bent."

[3.5 Base] Mana Mage

Offline Sohala

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Re: Aundair
« Reply #32 on: November 10, 2011, 05:14:12 PM »
Taking a breath to calm himself slightly, Kargos finally manages to stop looking quite so paranoid. He does, however, take a moment to look around for others he recognizes, hoping to see someone who might have the right amount of rank and authority to provide directions to the two weary soldiers.

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You notice, what appears to be, a captain talking to a volunteer soldier, by the looks of his equipment and those behind him.
"You think I'm talking about breaking the rules?"
"No I'm just trying to figure out how far you want them bent."

[3.5 Base] Mana Mage

Offline Sohala

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Re: Aundair
« Reply #33 on: November 10, 2011, 05:15:06 PM »
Kargos makes a beeline for the officer, snapping to attention and waiting for the Captain to acknowledge him before speaking.

While you are making your way there the captain makes a gesture towards the middle of Eston. The soldier gives a salute and says something before heading to the group behind him. The captain then returns to directing the arriving wounded, that is until he hears you. The captain lets out a sigh and then starts turning, "Yes, what can I help you with?"
"You think I'm talking about breaking the rules?"
"No I'm just trying to figure out how far you want them bent."

[3.5 Base] Mana Mage

Offline Sohala

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Re: Aundair
« Reply #34 on: November 10, 2011, 05:15:31 PM »
"Sir, our unit was scattered during the retreat, where are the Aundairan forces garrisoned?" Kargos looks around at the relative chaos, and adds "Although, I would be more than willing to lend a hand where immediately needed. What wounds I sustained passed my magic have healed already."

He gives you a once before replying, "I would welcome the help, but I wonder what type of magical aid you can give. You don't look like a cleric of any faith that I recognize, and you are clearly not a halfling."
"You think I'm talking about breaking the rules?"
"No I'm just trying to figure out how far you want them bent."

[3.5 Base] Mana Mage

Offline Sohala

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Re: Aundair
« Reply #35 on: November 10, 2011, 05:15:57 PM »
"I fear you misunderstood, Sir. My magic protected me, and I'm fairly hardy in the heat of the moment. What blows got passed my magic I was able to shrug off. Aside from my physical strength, I'm a fair hand at stonework, Sir. I received great praise after my apprenticeship had been completed before joining the army for it, Sir."

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A slight frown takes to the captain's face. "Our supply of craftsmen is probably fine, the town being run by House Cannith. As to your question, they are setting something up in our wood." He points further into the city and then makes a gesture as if making a right turn.
"You think I'm talking about breaking the rules?"
"No I'm just trying to figure out how far you want them bent."

[3.5 Base] Mana Mage

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Re: Aundair
« Reply #36 on: November 10, 2011, 05:16:22 PM »
Kargos snaps a salute befofe turning to head in the direction the officer pointed, waving to Thalia as he goes.

As Kargos is leaving, Thalia is just making it there. With the wave and departure she grabs her legs breathing heavily. The officer gives her a quick look and she makes a weak salute before following after the hearty dwarf.

After a short jog, Kargos gets sight of a stand of trees. There are robed elves scattered around the edge. They have a faintly green glow and are chanting. The effects are subtle but visible; they appear to be encouraging growth. Even has he watches a section becomes walled off with foliage.

There is a small grouping of tents just inside the edge of the trees. Creatures of the woods, among others, are milling about. About this time Thalia manages to catch up. Nearly collapsing in fatigue she is able to wheeze out a quick question, “Must we run everywhere?”
"You think I'm talking about breaking the rules?"
"No I'm just trying to figure out how far you want them bent."

[3.5 Base] Mana Mage

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Re: Aundair
« Reply #37 on: November 10, 2011, 05:17:02 PM »
"Sorry, Thalia, I forget not everyone has a Dwarf's hearty constitution."

Kargos steps to the side of the road for a couple minutes to let Thalia catch her breath without blocking traffic. "Looks like that's our target, let's take a moment to rest in case they send us elsewhere immediately," he says as he fiddles with straps on his gear, and scroll cases.

She leans heavily against a nearby wall, catching her breath. As the minutes pass the elves continue their work. What seemed like simply growth is revealed to be a layering, each elf stimulating different types of vegetation. The last of the elves appears in tune with the trees, as he causes a layer of branches to form on the outside. It then moves onto the next section.
"You think I'm talking about breaking the rules?"
"No I'm just trying to figure out how far you want them bent."

[3.5 Base] Mana Mage

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Re: Aundair
« Reply #38 on: November 10, 2011, 05:17:27 PM »
Seeing Thalia has caught her breath, Kargos begins walking towards the enclosure. "So, what exactly are they doing?" he addresses to his elf companion.
"You think I'm talking about breaking the rules?"
"No I'm just trying to figure out how far you want them bent."

[3.5 Base] Mana Mage

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Re: Aundair
« Reply #39 on: November 27, 2011, 01:33:33 PM »
With a just a hint of smugness she explains, "They are accelerating the growth of the plants and then shaping them into a single interwoven tangle. It looks like we may be staying here."
"You think I'm talking about breaking the rules?"
"No I'm just trying to figure out how far you want them bent."

[3.5 Base] Mana Mage