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Messages - Agita

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My first question would be, why do you need such a natural law? This isn't a rethoric question. Do your setting and game require a specific, hard reason why a digital revolution will and can never happen? Note that this is distinct from a reason for why it hasn't happened yet. Most settings don't need such a specific rule because it's unlikely to ever be relevant. If yours does, nailing down exactly why is the first step to figuring out what the hypothetical rule actually has to accomplish.

I'm not well versed enough in physics to know how intrinsically the fundamental forces are tied to electrical resistance.
Very. Not that it has to matter. You are dealing with magic.

Because both I and my players like having a set groundwork to make decisions based on. Invention and creativity are stifled a bit when you have to ask the DM during every downtime "Is lead still 0.41lbs per cubic inch?". I want to prevent a technological revolution, but at the same time I want the players to participate in the Eberron Magitek revolution.

Then my honest advice is to not think too hard about it, say that electronics won't work, and leave the reason vague. Perhaps, recalling that (as other posters have noted) the classical elements are absolutely real things in Eberron, you can decide that the elemental power of electricity just doesn't scale down well enough to enable fine circuitry, but still works fine for things like the levitating lightning rail.

This is my advice because I think if you try to nail down a hard scientific explanation, you are liable to outsmart yourself and end up causing exactly what you're trying to avoid. No such explanation will ultimately hold up under serious scrutiny, and additionally it will be subject to players trying to get around it as real world engineers and scientists try to get around physical limitations all the time.

So, I'd say you're better off not worrying too much about atoms, quantum effects, and all the other small details. Instead, assume there's an underlying set of laws that work out to "as the real world, except where specified otherwise" on the macroscopic scale. The instances where it's specified otherwise are the existence of magic and the impossibility of an electronic revolution. You do probably still want a rough idea of why, such as the example above where elemental lightning just doesn't scale like that, because it tells you something about how your world breaks from the real one and provides a hook, but broad strokes like that will be far more useful than worrying about the details.

Since you want this as an excuse to engage with the magitech revolution without having electronics sitting in the background, my estimate is you weren't that tonally interested in including a lot of quantum-scale technobabble in your game anyway. Perhaps I'm wrong.

My first question would be, why do you need such a natural law? This isn't a rethoric question. Do your setting and game require a specific, hard reason why a digital revolution will and can never happen? Note that this is distinct from a reason for why it hasn't happened yet. Most settings don't need such a specific rule because it's unlikely to ever be relevant. If yours does, nailing down exactly why is the first step to figuring out what the hypothetical rule actually has to accomplish.

I'm not well versed enough in physics to know how intrinsically the fundamental forces are tied to electrical resistance.
Very. Not that it has to matter. You are dealing with magic.

[D&D 5e] The Brightest Light / Gloaming Star, Part 3
« on: March 17, 2017, 04:43:23 PM »
(16:05:06) [GM]: ----------
(16:05:16) [GM]: Miriana and Micah are investigating a suspected cult of the fallen stars at the Crane Knights' request.
(16:05:27) [GM]: After meeting with Ulf Starkheim, Ivan, and Rosa to duscuss the situation, four of them went to investigate the murder of Father Konrad while Ulf agreed to interview Konrad's former congregation.
(16:05:34) [GM]: They found several more books missing than expected, indicating that the thief had not known exactly what book to steal - evidence for a third party. A guard assigned to keep watch of the crime scene told Miriana the authorities, too, suspected a hired killer.
(16:05:44) [GM]: Carefully asking around, Micah and Miriana have found the name and ddress of one Tivadar Mehltal, who supposedly sells poisons to the right people for the right money.
(16:05:53) [GM]: Mehltal's pharmacy is an unassuming shop in Ostend, not too far from the Fair Constable. It is located on the great market street leading west from the main road to the inner city, towards the elven quarter and the bridge to the dwarven district.
(16:05:53) [GM]: Inside is the picture of a respectable business. The owner busies himself talking to a small number of customers while occasionally calling for his apprentice to fetch something.
(16:05:57) [GM]: The trickle of customers is modest but steady, and it seems unlikely Miriana and Micah will be alone with Tivadar Mehltal soon. How will they approach?
(16:12:54) Miriana: Miriana pretends to be examining something nearby, speaking to Micah mentally. <So, how are we going to drag a lead out of Mehltal?>
(16:13:48) Micah_Whiterune: <Go up to him and ask about the poison?>
(16:14:22) Miriana: <What, and pretend I just have an academic interest?>
(16:15:14) Micah_Whiterune: <Why not>
(16:16:18) Miriana: <I don't really know too much about it, but I suppose I could try...>
(16:17:06) Miriana: Miriana shrugs slightly before going to stand in line.
(16:20:36) [GM]: The line, such as it is, is rather informal, as Mehltal chats with several, clearly repeat, customers as he and his apprentice go about various orders, and some remain behind even after their medicine is done. He is a portly, older man, with black hair and beard neatly trimmed, and when he looks at Miriana, he wears an easy smile. "Oh, a new face. Welcome, miss. What can I do for you?"
(16:25:29) Miriana: Miriana lets some of her usual background anxiety creep into her voice. "Oh, um, hello. I'm from the college? I'm doing research for a task one of my instructors set me, researching toxins, and I'm a little stuck, so I was wondering if you could advise me? I'll pay you for your time, of course," she adds quickly.
(16:29:58) [GM]: Mehltal raises an eyebrow in mild surprise. "Well, anything for science, no? I can try. What is it you need to know?"
(16:34:42) Miriana: "Well, they've set me a difficult substance to identify and all I know is it's got a kind of acrid scent and it's fairly lethal if ingested. My father - he's the longer-lived side of the family - works in an apothecary, so I know a little bit about some of the more esoteric ones that elves typically use, and I don't think it's any of them."
(16:34:52) Miriana: "I'm sorry, I realize it's not much to go on," she admits.
(16:39:40) [GM]: "Oh dear. That reminds me of some families of beasts in the Mahr with rather nasty properties. Many poisons tend to be bitter more than acrid. It makes sense elven lore wouldn't have as much on the animals I'm thinking of, since they tend to concentrate on herbs. Has someone at the university eaten the wrong thing?"
(16:44:14) Miriana: "Yes," she lies. "One of the less careful boys didn't wash up after their work, and someone mentioned he'd fished a fly out of his drink with a finger after that, and,'s not a line of work for incautious people."
(16:47:16) [GM]: "Oh, no." Two of the other customers mutter about the unfortunate. "I have antidotes ready for several things, but I would have to know the right one. Shall I send my apprentice with you?"
(16:48:20) Miriana: "Ah, no, um," Miriana falters. "It's, ah, not necessary. He passed not too long after collapsing during the meal."
(16:54:05) [GM]: "Alas. Stars receive his soul. In that case, the ones who would know best are those that worked with the poor lad. It must've been a very strong poison, from what you said, so I can't imagine he would have been working alone."
(16:57:02) Miriana: "He didn't seem to taste anything, so it seems as though it must have been quite potent to work in such a small dose. That's what our working theory is, anyway - the other option is that one of the poor fellow's companions slipped it into his food."
(17:00:53) [GM]: "Perish the thought. For it to be so strong, it was most certainly processed in some way. Perhaps with the help of magic means - it might have passed through the hands of a wizard, then? Certainly, someone higher up would know about the substance, if it was being handled legitimately."
(17:03:48) Miriana: "Oh, hm, that does make some sense. I wasn't considering the possibility that magic had been introduced to the mentioned that these were likely to be bestial poisons?"
(17:04:54) [GM]: "That's my estimate, based on what little I know."
(17:11:08) Miriana: "Interesting...would you mind telling me what sort of creatures would produce that venom? I'll take this back and see if any of my instructors might know about the refinement process."
(17:11:43) Miriana: <Lying,> Miriana reports to Micah. <I mean, we knew that, but he doesn't seem at all concerned about the person he might have killed.>
(17:13:00) Micah_Whiterune: <Send the kitty to check  his stock out?>
(17:14:39) Miriana: <I don't doubt he's got the stuff, but...what does that get us? We want to know who paid him, right?>
(17:15:09) Micah_Whiterune: <That'd  implicate him in a murder. He'd not do that unless he was a fool>
(17:15:47) [GM]: "I am thinking mainly of certain snakes. I will write you a list of names, the university certainly has literature on them. Some kinds of fish have a similar poison, these are the sort of poisoning that I was first thinking of, but their poison is much weaker and less fast-acting. They're easily distinguishable from edible fish, but some fishers are careless. It always pays to have seen the animal you eat whole."
(17:16:12) [GM]: "With hares as well, for example."
(17:16:49) Miriana: <Then what, we find it in his backroom and accuse him?>
(17:19:17) Micah_Whiterune: <Then we take a sample and figure out who improved it>
(17:20:48) Micah_Whiterune: <Unless someone could steal his  ledgers or something>
(17:22:24) Miriana: Miriana nods, fumbling in her pockets for a scrap of paper.
(17:27:32) Miriana: < distracting can you be? Preferably well enough so that I can get back there and search without the apprentice.>
(17:28:08) [GM]: Dutifully, Mehltal writes down a list of common and formal names for several species of water snake.
(17:28:18) Micah_Whiterune: <Well, I could go up to them and start preaching...>
(17:28:45) Miriana: "Thank you, sir," Miriana interjects, offering a few silver so as not to seem insulting.
(17:31:43) Miriana: Once she leaves the shop, she ducks out of sight of the passersby, draws up a faint shimmer in the air with a handwave, and steps through it, disappearing as she does. Time to see what's in the stockroom.
(17:34:24) Micah_Whiterune: Micah give Miriana a moment to give him the signal, takes a swig  of some beer from a waterskin and then heads inside, a faintly alcoholic smelling dwarf priest in full missionary mode.
(17:41:11) [GM]: Micah's presence is only tolerated for so long once he starts proselytizing. Claiming his pharmacy as a faithful establishment, and having no place for beer-smelling loud dwarves, Mehltal and his apprentice attempt to remove him, giving Miriana at least some commotion to slip in the back unnoticed.
(17:42:24) Micah_Whiterune: Micah puts up a fairly noisy, if harmless struggle as the two discover just how hard it is to move a dwarf who's loudly preaching at them.
(17:45:18) [GM]: Miriana, meanwhile, has taken to the alleys and circled around to the backsides of the stores. It takes some time to find the right one, but once there, she finds a locked door just begging for application of some new tools she's acquired... only to find that their use still takes some getting used to.
(17:50:47) [GM]: Through combined effort of master and apprentice, Micah finds himself out on the street, with a threat to call law enforcement on him if he continues to disrupt business. He did buy some time, though, so perhaps Miriana has had luck?
(17:51:05) Miriana: Miriana bites her tongue to keep from swearing, wiping sweat off her hand onto her trouser leg before giving it another go.
(17:51:10) [GM]: She has not. The frustratingly simple lock continues to defy her attempts. What now?
(17:54:51) Miriana: Miriana presses her ear close to the keyhole while she works, picturing the soothing image of simply pointing her wand at the door and blasting the lock off.
(17:57:14) [GM]: Though it is best not to dwell on what it says about her psyche, the brief meditation on exploding locks calms Miriana's hands and emotions enough to figure it out quickly and silently. A relatively simple lock, really.
(17:58:56) [GM]: On the other side of the thankfully quietly swinging door is something like a small waiting room, dark for the lack of a window. In the light coming in through the door, she can make out a lamp and chairs around a table.
(17:59:37) Miriana: Miriana opens the door enough to let Soot in. "Find that poison," she whispers to the cat, giving him a brief scratch behind the ear.
(18:06:14) [GM]: Soot struts into the store with tail held high and begins looking around for the laboratory. He almost finds it, too, according to his mental reports, when he is spotted at the door of a suspicious-smelling room by a fellow of unkind emotional description who is presumably Mehltal's apprentice. "How'd you get in?" The apprentice moves to pick up the cat. "That's no place for animals. Out with you, fellow."
(18:07:16) Miriana: <...give him a bit of a chase,> Miri advises the animal, slipping in herself. This has gone phenomenally wrong.
(18:13:19) [GM]: Soot immediately complies, bolting between the apprentice's legs. The apprentice wheels about, calling, "Oh no, not there," which the cat immediately takes as an indication to go exactly there. Alas, Soot does not get far, as the apprentice proves quicker than expected, and manages to grab him by the scruff of his neck.
(18:13:19) [GM]: This does, however, at least give Miriana enough of an opportunity to slip into the room Soot identified as suspicious without the creak of the door being heard.
(18:14:06) Miriana: Miriana takes a moment to let out a silent sigh before setting about the process of investigation.
(18:16:26) [GM]: She finds herself in the apothecary's lab, where all manner of equipment is arrayed for mixing, boiling, distillation, and even some implements she's sure are for alchemical use. Shelves on two walls of the room are lined with bottles and jars in many shapes and sizes, containing various ingredients and medicines, all neatly labeled. Several cupboards and cabinets hold more sensitive materials.
(18:22:36) Miriana: Miriana moves toward where Soot was looking, scanning around for anything out of the ordinary for an apothecary's use. Most likely, the man does not keep records of his illicit dealings, but something else might suggest suspicion even if she can't find the poison.
(18:26:57) [GM]: A quick glance suggests the open shelves contain only legitimate medicines, and some ingredients that could be toxic if used the wrong way but are unsuspicious as components for medicine. The closed cupboards seem more likely to contain interesting things, and indeed, Miriana finds small, unlabeled clay jars in one of them, several of which smell bitter when opened - and one of which exudes a familiar acrid smell, much more strongly than the traces Soot smelled at the scene of the crime.
(18:28:48) [GM]: much more strongly than the traces Soot smelled at the scene of the crime.
(18:31:05) Miriana: Miriana considers that something to go on. She takes the jar, quietly closes the cupboard, and glances around to see if the way is clear before making her escape.
(18:32:17) [GM]: Soot reports that he's been thrown out the front door, and so the coast is indeed clear for Miriana to make a speedy escape through the back.
(18:35:21) Miriana: Miriana does so, carefully putting the jar in a bag and circling back around to the front. She finds Micah, invisibly giving him a little prod. <Got it! Let's go find somewhere else so they don't see us talking and get suspicious.>
(18:35:49) Micah_Whiterune: Micah ambles off, apparently towards the nearest source of beer
(18:37:00) Miriana: Miriana waits a few streets before finding somewhere to drop her veil and joining the dwarf.
(18:38:31) Micah_Whiterune: Micah quite rapidly becomes a lot less amiably drunk as he looks at the jar, "Think the others might have found something or do we take this to the university to ask what magic can magic this magic?"
(18:39:59) Miriana: "Might want to run it by Ivan and see if he and Rosa have found anything."
(18:40:55) Miriana: "The university would be a good place to check, but it's also possible he refined it himself if he had the complete stuff just sitting around."
(18:45:56) Micah_Whiterune: "Run it by them first then. Not much we can do without raising flags otherwise."
(18:55:11) Micah_Whiterune: "This thing here can't be heated much, is risky to handle, and I think I'll hit the herbalist along the way for something of an antitoxin in case it shows up in another way."
(18:55:21) Micah_Whiterune: "We got enough to start. Lets go."
(18:55:32) Miriana: Miriana nods, gingerly patting the lump in her bag as they head off to find the others. <Really hope we aren't stopped on the way...>
(19:02:03) [GM]: It is evening by the time Micah and Miriana meet the rest of their group again, all five once more congregating in Ulf Starkheim's abode. Rosa and Ivan, who had tried to investigate the vicar general Helena, return with mixed success, while Ulf believes his investigation into the late Father Konrad's congregation has been successful.
(19:02:03) [GM]: "What of your efforts?" Ivan asks.
(19:03:12) Miriana: Miriana produces a jar and sets it on the table. Very, very carefully. "We investigated one Tivadar Mehltal and found this - the same poison the late Father took - in a cabinet in his lab."
(19:03:22) Miriana: "I'd advise against breathing it in."
(19:04:23) Micah_Whiterune: "Unless you're a dwarf or something." Micah grins.
(19:04:37) [GM]: "Very nice. How will it help us find the assassin, or whoever hired them, though? It would certainly help kill them, I suppose."
(19:05:51) Miriana: "It requires a certain level of magical refinement. I'm not certain whether the good alchemist is capable of refining it himself - he certainly would have done so, if he could - but if he isn't, we may have something to go on there."
(19:06:20) Micah_Whiterune: "If you had someone you could ask about this specific poison, then we could arrange a more formal interrogation under compelled truth. Mehltal does not seem innocent, but I imagine you'd have wanted to be consulted before we did something extreme."
(19:07:45) Miriana: "Certainly, he's at least guilty of possessing this poison. So am I, technically, but citizen's aid and all that."
(19:12:00) [GM]: "Hm." Ivan scratches his beard stubble. "Far be it from me to suggest violence, but we could certainly be harsh with the good man. If you know he possesses other poisons, you have a good reason for him not to call the authorities on you."
(19:12:11) [GM]: "And he likely deserves it."
(19:13:17) Micah_Whiterune: "Would need some backup to question him properly."
(19:14:44) [GM]: "That we could certainly provide." Rosa nods gravely.
(19:15:01) Miriana: "Between us, we'd probably be able to manage."
(19:15:03) Micah_Whiterune: "Confront him at home then? I think at his place of business too many would get involved."
(19:17:06) [GM]: Ivan nods. "A good call." Ulf grunts. "I don't condone violence, but do what you must."
(19:17:26) Miriana: "If we're lucky it won't come to that. Just a good scare."
(19:21:12) Micah_Whiterune: "And a bit of divinely enforced honesty."
(19:25:32) [GM]: A decision found, Micah and Miriana now backed up by the other duo go to seek out the apothecary Mehltal in his private home, after sundown. Mehltal answers the insistent knocking on his door dressed in a plain nightgown and holding a small lamp and a book, having clearly been set to turn in for the day.
(19:25:32) [GM]: He regards Miriana and Micah with confusion. "You two are..." Before he can finish his sentence, however, Ivan and Rosa press in, forcing the man to retreat into his house and away from prying eyes with an, "EXcellent evening, mister Mehltal!" from Ivan.
(19:26:47) Miriana: Miriana grins, following them in and closing the door with a snap. "How wonderful to see you again!"
(19:28:18) [GM]: Mehltal's face slowly begins turning red. "What is the meaning of this?"
(19:30:19) Micah_Whiterune: Micah holds up the jar of poison. "That depends on whether you want to tell us who you made this for?"
(19:31:52) [GM]: His eyes narrow with understanding. "I did think it a strange coincidence... I will tell you no such thing. And if you think you can threaten me, you'll regret it should anything happen to me."
(19:34:16) Micah_Whiterune: "Mya, witness the words that pass here, every line set in stone."
(19:35:38) Micah_Whiterune: "Mya, bind the truth, that it may shine through."
(19:39:05) Micah_Whiterune: Micah motions for the others to wait, while he stares down the man, "Now let us wait and see if he has more than empty threats."
(19:41:23) Micah_Whiterune: Once he feels the truth slide into place, binding his speech, Micah motions to continue, "Then I will tell you that we most certainly can threaten you. We can swear under magically binding truth that you were in possession of strong poison, used to slay a priest. Speak, or have your words spoken for  you."
(19:41:45) [GM]: Mehltal's visage darkens, and then keeps darkening when he understands the nature of the spell laid on him. In the same moment, Micah knows Mya's truth is on the room.
(19:42:27) Miriana: Miriana smiles cheerfully.
(19:43:10) [GM]: "There are wiser ways to get me to sell you the material, if that is what you're after. And if you wish revenge, I am only a drop in the bucket."
(19:44:59) Micah_Whiterune_: "The only needs for this poison for me is to learn who is involved in it's creation, transport and it's usage. The dead priest is no acquaintance of mine."
(19:45:01) Miriana: "Much though I'm sure you'll protest, we'd like to know who bought the material from you
(19:47:38) [GM]: "I buy the raw materials from a trusted acquaintance, and from then to its sale I am the only one who lays hands on it. As it ought to be. As for the client, both my own security and my client's depends on me not telling you that."
(19:50:20) Miriana: "I'd imagine your security also depends on the law not knowing you possess a significant quantity of the poison that killed the Father, no? Especially since your client will no doubt notice if you are taken into custody. At best, you could expect imprisonment for many, many years. At worst, well...perhaps you'll recognize the poison that they slip into your gruel?" Miriana shrugs, as though to...
(19:50:24) Miriana: ...say it matters little to her.
(19:56:08) [GM]: The apothecary removes his nightcap to wipe sweat from his brow. "I and my skills are valuable. I am paid very well to keep my silence, and any problems for me are problems for many others. You'll find it difficult and dangerous."
(20:01:37) Miriana: "Then you should have many, many reasons to imagine that your other clients would want you out of prison. Besides, we're not asking you to sell out everyone you've ever sold to, are we? Is this client so dangerous you'd die rather than betray their confidence?"
(20:08:18) [GM]: "You do not understand. You do not understand..." He wipes his brow again, then his face. "I take as much of a risk telling you anything as I take keeping my silence. To my personal safety, and to my reputation. Assure me that this will be the end of the matter, that you'll not just come back with demands when it strikes your fancy, and compensate me for my risk. Then I'll talk."
(20:10:27) Micah_Whiterune_: "You have my word that the source of the information will not come  out without your prior permission, and that the matter of this poison will not be used against you so long as you cooperate."
(20:14:43) [GM]: "And compensation? I was paid fifty golden queens to keep silent as the shadow of a tombstone."
(20:17:21) Miriana_: Miriana gives Rosa an amused look.
(20:22:27) [GM]: Rosa answers Miri's look with a raised eyebrow, then steps forward, places one hand on the apothecary's head, and forces him to turn to look at Miriana directly. It is clear she is not gripping the man's skull lightly. Mehltal makes eye contact, then breaks it. "...The latest purchase, I assume?"
(20:25:07) Miriana_: Miri winks at Rosa. "That sounds correct to me."
(20:26:34) [GM]: "If you go outside the city, to Frederic Menheim's orchard, the client works there as caretaker. Her name is Hristina Balan. She is a repeat customer and well connected."
(20:28:02) Miriana_: "The orchards," Miriana muses. <That does match what the guard suggested.>
(20:28:38) [GM]: "Yes. It produces mostly apples."
(20:34:12) Miriana_: "How charming. Does Miss Balan request the same material each time, or is she discerning?"
(20:34:51) [GM]: "It varies."
(20:40:23) [GM]: ----------

[D&D 5e] The Brightest Light / Gloaming Star, Part 2
« on: March 17, 2017, 06:07:04 AM »
(16:12:35) [GM]: ----------
(16:12:42) [GM]: Miriana and Micah are investigating a suspected cult of the fallen stars at the Crane Knights' request.
(16:12:52) [GM]: The day previous, they met with Ulf Starkheim, a dwarven priest, and Rosa and Ivan, two other adventurers hired by the Crane. They discussed Ulf's suspicions and evidence, and agreed to meet the next day to investigate the home of the murdered Father Konrad, who was among the suspects.
(16:13:02) [GM]: That night, Micah and Miriana burned the midnight oil translating two pages from a book Ivan had liberated when Konrad was still alive. They found they referenced a devil known as Spent Cinder Teide. Potentially damning evidence, but how can it be proven the book belonged to Father Konrad?
(16:13:12) [GM]: Near the next noon, the two meet up with Ivan and Rosa as promised. Father Conrad's house is a simple domicile attached to his church, much like Ulf's, a stocky building with a tall belfry near the edge of the dwarven district. The windows have been provisorily boarded up, and the church looks unattended at first glance save for flowers and candles deposited in mourning at the doors.
(16:13:12) [GM]: A more careful look, however, reveals that a certain man has been pacing around the building for some time, looking casual but staying in sight of the entrances. Likely, in Ivan's opinion, someone watching for perpetrators returning to the scene of the crime, or for vagabonds trying to get a roof over their heads.
(16:13:12) [GM]: The sky is clear and temperatures are rising. The church's interior might hold clues, but the guard is liable to get wrong ideas about anyone trying to investigate. Of course, he himself might know something about the murder.
(16:13:17) [GM]: What to do?
(16:30:22) Miriana: Miriana lets Soot out to stretch his legs for a bit, then gives him a few scratches and requests, politely, that he slip into the Father's house unnoticed and take a quick peek around.
(16:31:01) Miriana: While Soot prowls off, she finds a quiet place out of the way to sit and cast her awareness out of her own body, watching through the cat's eyes.
(16:34:25) [GM]: The otherworldly cat yawns with complete disinterest and fastidiously cleans himself before skulking off. Ivan and Rosa wait patiently as Miriana mentally follows her familiar up to the church's relatively low roof - a blessing in this city - and down the narrow chimney. Luckily, dead men light no fires.
(16:37:30) [GM]: The priest's humble dwelling is little different from Ulf's, save that the furniture is scaled to a human's stature. Through Soot's eyes, Miriana finds the air stale, but his feline nose picks up an almost faded acrid undercurrent, perhaps a last trace of the poison that killed Father Konrad.
(16:37:57) [GM]: There is a bookshelf, and several volumes seem to be missing, likely including the one Ivan stole some pages from.
(16:45:00) [GM]: Soot scours the inside of the room at Miriana's behest, but that is the extent of what he can find. Perhaps that is all there is to find, or perhaps direct investigation is needed. A scratch at the door draws the cat's attention, but the group outside can see that the source of the noise is a stray dog that's scratching at the door.
(16:45:00) Miriana: Miriana nudges Soot to relax for a moment and opens her eyes. "Nothing out of the ordinary, as far as I can see," she reports. "There's a bookshelf with a few empty spots, so someone's almost certainly been through and taken the worst of the lot."
(16:46:48) [GM]: "Hmm."  Ivan massages his chin. "I didn't exactly sample the late Father's entire library, but the only suspicious book I remember was the one I showed you pages from."
(16:47:04) MicahWhiterune: "Kitty smells anything?"
(16:47:54) Miriana: "Do you remember any books missing? I guess it's possible the Father was visited by a thief with a literary bent."
(16:48:34) Miriana: Miri scratches her cheek thoughtfully. "There's something acrid. It's really weak, but it's there. That could have been the poison."
(16:49:49) MicahWhiterune: "Follow it then? Whatever it is I doubt anyone would have noticed it well enough to find where it came from"
(16:50:16) [GM]: "I do not. Strange coincidence for the Father to be robbed between me investigating and his death; and after, a thief would have to have heard of it soon and snuck in. And in either case, why steal a priest's books?"
(16:52:14) Miriana: "I could try seeing where the scent leads. One moment." Miri shuts her eyes again and asks Soot to follow the strange smell, as best he can.
(16:54:54) [GM]: The origin of the scent within the room is a difficult-to-notice stain in the carpet. If one assumes the scent comes from the poison, then the father may have spilled his food or drink on it.
(16:56:50) Miriana: "No, it's just from a stain on the carpet. Possibly where he dropped his poisoned meal."
(16:57:06) MicahWhiterune: "Nothing  else smelling of that?"
(16:57:28) Miriana: "Nothing I could find." Miri turns to Ivan. "Do you think it's worth trying to ask our watchful friend over there a few questions?"
(16:57:46) MicahWhiterune: "Well, he'd need some good persuading."
(16:59:09) [GM]: "He would. I suppose the worst that could happen is arousing his suspicion, but it may be worth trying." Speaking of the watcher, he has been watching the stray dog scratch at the door with disinterest for a while and is now moving to shoo the animal away."
(17:01:27) Miriana: "Hmmm. I'd need a good excuse."
(17:03:25) MicahWhiterune: "Raw unbridled curiosity?"
(17:03:30) MicahWhiterune: "What, it's fact."
(17:10:45) [GM]: [11:07:07] <Miriana> "I mean, I guess that works. I could also just give him a real scare but that wouldn't end well." Miriana gets up and doubles back a street or two, slowly trudging up the road to the church. She does her best to look forlorn and walk slowly, stopping to look down every alleyway and into every nook along the way.
(17:11:14) Miriana: As she wanders closer and pretends to spot the watcher, her face lights up with cautious hope. "Sir? Sir? Have you seen my cat?" she calls out, hurrying over to him.
(17:14:27) [GM]: "Shoo, you damn mutt! The man's dead and buried." The guard stops in his attempts to chase off the stray when Miriana approaches him and regards her with a mix of surprise and mild annoyance before he finishes processing her question. "A cat? Plenty of strays around here, but I haven't taken note of any specific ones. What's it look like?"
(17:17:19) Miriana: "He's black and has little red tufts, and he's very sweet. Not like most cats - a bird once flew up to him and sat down right next to him, and he just sat there and purred." Miriana warms to her role of the obsessed cat owner. "I'm worried sick, he's been gone for a whole day and it's just not like him at all."
(17:19:06) [GM]: "Haven't seen no cat like that. Neither the color nor the pacifism."
(17:19:59) Miriana: "Can you help me look, please, sir? I know he's around here somewhere, I just know it."
(17:22:04) [GM]: "Busy keeping an eye on the church here. Can't get too far away. If a cat like that had been around, I'd have seen it."
(17:25:24) Miriana: "Why do you have to keep an eye on the church? Are you waiting for services?" Miriana eyes the guard suspiciously.
(17:28:53) [GM]: "If only. Priest here's died, have to make sure nobody walks off with anything until the place is sanctified and a new guy comes in. And that no critters shit on the floor until then." The last he says with a meaningful look at the stray dog which, of course, does not understand.
(17:29:34) [GM]: "Old man loved the strays, and they're coming like flies to a heap."
(17:31:19) Miriana: Miriana covers her mouth with her hand. "Oh, I'm so sorry to hear that! I hadn't heard the news." Her eyes brighten. "I wonder if my poor dear ever wandered over this way to see him. How very kind of him, to show compassion to stray animals."
(17:31:52) Miriana: Face starting to hurt from all the feigned emotions, she nudges Soot to start making some noise.
(17:32:56) [GM]: "Meh. You give 'em a finger and they want the hand." He raises an eyebrow at the sudden noise as Soot begins meowing like a lovesick tom shouting his love from the rooftops.
(17:34:01) Miriana: Miriana whips around, astonished. "Soot! Soot, is that you, love?"
(17:38:42) [GM]: After looking around for a few moments, the guard's gaze settles on the one place the mewling clearly comes from, the residence's door. "Not possible."
(17:39:35) Miriana: Miriana runs over to the door, pressing her ear to it. She gives the guard an expectant look.
(17:41:46) [GM]: "I'll be..." The guard shoos Miriana back from the door as he looks for a key on his belt to open it up. The door opens to reveal Soot, during a pause in the literal caterwauling, calmly cleaning his intimate areas, a few paces away from the door. "I'll be somethin', all right."
(17:42:52) Miriana: Miriana lets out a cry of glee, scooping up the cat from his undignified pose and hugging him to her. "There you are! You terrible beast, you gave me such a fright."
(17:45:36) Miriana: "Thank you, sir. I'm so sorry for all the trouble, I don't know how he possibly got in there."
(17:45:47) [GM]: He heaves a mixture of a sigh and an annoyed grunt. "I'll ge-" But Miriana in her feigned exuberance gets ahead of him. "All right, just get the bleeder out. Happy you've found him. However he got in there."
(17:48:50) Miriana: "Thank you so, so much. Here, one moment--" Miriana fumbles Soot one-handed as she pulls a few silvers out of her pocket.
(17:49:33) [GM]: "Well, I didn't-" The guard begins to say, but he seems not about to refuse a few silver pieces.
(17:49:53) Miriana: "Oh, you've more than earned them. I'm very sorry to hear about the poor man." She hesitates. "Was he very old?"
(17:51:03) [GM]: He shrugs. "Old enough to be your father, I'd guess."
(17:51:33) Miriana: "Oh, well...hrm. Sickness, then?"
(17:56:28) [GM]: He closes and locks the door again, which seems to convince the stray dog for good that the Father isn't here to be seen, and it trots off dejectedly. "Suppose there's not that much much harm. Poisoned, he was. They're trying to find who it was, but if y'ask me, it was anarchists. Underminin' the church where the people need it."
(18:00:27) Miriana: "Murdered? But why would someone poison an innocent priest?" Miriana cradles Soot like a small child, probably doing no favors to the cat's demeanor. "When someone preaches nothing but good words to the people...who'd want to deprive them of that?"
(18:02:34) [GM]: "You're tellin' me. Some men just want to watch the world burn. And some'll take money to help them."
(18:06:10) Miriana: "I'll have to drag the furniture in front of the door tonight, I just won't be able to sleep otherwise. But you do know where to look to stop them, yes? No doubt in some sewer lair?"
(18:07:01) [GM]: "Oh, we know some haunts. Easier said than done, but we'll find 'em. No worries."
(18:12:55) Miriana: "Oh, wonderful. Do you...well, I suppose it's silly to ask, but I am quite curious now - will it be safe for you? To capture them, I mean. They're not somewhere dangerous, are they?"
(18:14:04) [GM]: Seemingly somewhat confused by the question, the guard scratches his head. "I suppose they're more dangerous than their whereabouts... and I'm stuck on rear duty, anyway."
(18:16:30) Miriana: "Well, I suppose that's a relief, then." Miriana, floundering a bit, casts wildly around for a better approach.
(18:21:06) Miriana: None immediately springing to mind, she bites her tongue until blood wells up, dissolving into something intangible. When she speaks again, it wafts out toward the hapless guard. "I'm sorry to pry, but...would you mind telling me more about these people, where they are, what's the city doing about them? I'd feel much better knowing what streets I should avoid on the way home..."
(18:27:24) [GM]: The man rubs his beard and answers gruffly, "If you live in a fine part of town, you needn't worry. The poor bits of the foreigners' island and the orchards out of town are what you need to avoid. The first is where they really fester, but the second's where they make their money. You wouldn't think it, but half of them pretend they're perfectly respectable citizens, skim silver and apples off the top, until they decide they don't like you and get violent.
(18:27:24) [GM]: "And when they run into the druids that own some of those orchards, it's best to be inside the wall. Some say they make pacts with weird spirits to help. Heathens, both sides to the last man."
(18:31:13) Miriana: Miriana feigns a shudder. "They sound so sinister and...cult-like, really."
(18:33:44) [GM]: The man nods. "We can be sure it was them, too, because the poison the poor old fool swallowed, that wasn't nothing common. Apparently there's only so many people who could make that. We're looking into those to see who could've sold it out, so no worries, miss."
(18:35:19) Miriana: "That's just dreadful." Miriana bites her lip. "At least it's not common knowledge...I'd hate for people to say that oh, it's an elf poison, must have been those slit-ears who did it." Her bitterness isn't entirely fake this time.
(18:39:22) [GM]: "It isn't, far as I know."
(18:48:53) Miriana_: "Some small favor, then. I'm sorry, that's rude to say when a man's just died, but after a while you start wondering whether people will use it as an excuse to turn on you."
(18:50:11) Miriana_: "I'll leave you be, then. Again, thank you for all your help with poor Soot here. Say goodbye, Soot." She holds the cat up.
(18:51:34) [GM]: Soot meows in a manner disconcertingly imitative of the actual word, and the guard gives him a skeptical look but simply nods to Miriana as she takes her leave.
(18:52:32) Miriana_: Miriana wanders back the way she came, circling around to find Micah, Ivan, and Rosa.
(18:53:50) [GM]: Ivan has sat down cross-legged by a house wall, playing with a little leather ball, while Rosa leans against the same wall next to him. Both look up when Miriana comes back. "A fruitful discussion?"
(18:55:44) Miriana_: "Somewhat. Our friend was kind enough to tell me where the authorities are looking for the culprits, and a few tidbits about the poison." Miriana fills them in on what the guard let slip while he was enspelled, though not that she used magic to squeeze the information out.
(18:57:46) [GM]: Ivan nods. "How open of him. They suspect it was a hired killer, then? I suppose if someone were given instructions to remove a book but didn't know exactly what it looked like, they might take every book that fits the description to be safe. It seems risky to entrust this kind of killing to a third party, though."
(18:59:09) MicahWhiterune: "Maybe they can't visit in person?"
(18:59:29) MicahWhiterune: "Or maybe they  are not good at being quiet". Micah jingles a bit.
(18:59:44) Miriana_: "Desperation, perhaps. Or that, but I'd imagine someone in an organization like this could find proxies."
(19:00:11) [GM]: "Or they don't have the skills to get away with murder. A professional killer is so because he doesn't get caught, I suppose. Still, the pieces seem to fit."
(19:02:07) Miriana_: "The poison seems rare enough that they were confident it would be traced."
(19:03:31) [GM]: "Easier said than done, probably, but worth looking into. We do have more context than they do."
(19:04:10) MicahWhiterune: "If its a rare poison then, a setup?"
(19:04:36) Miriana_: "Maybe. There was some spilled, which could have been deliberate. Hard to tell."
(19:06:08) MicahWhiterune: "If you use a distinctive weapon, then you want it to be recognized, or nothing else works. This is an old human, right? No dwarfly constitution, no magics for warding off poison?"
(19:07:14) Miriana_: "But one in league with a cult and in possession of a text on summoning rituals. He might have had some magic at his fingertips."
(19:08:08) MicahWhiterune: "Anything we know about that poison other than who made it then?"
(19:08:52) Miriana_: "Just the smell, its rarity, and that it apparently isn't made by elves."
(19:09:43) MicahWhiterune: "As if an elf would have one of any real potency"
(19:18:44) Miriana_: "The poison seems like the angle to hunt down. They may be misguided in their suspicion, so if we can confirm or deny that..."
(19:23:01) MicahWhiterune: "Then we have the culprit."
(19:26:20) [GM]: Ivan nods. "Shall we try looking into the vicar general once more in the meantime?"
(19:27:19) [GM]: "Or would you prefer backup?"
(19:27:31) MicahWhiterune: "What's the worst that could happen?"
(19:28:05) [GM]: "A small army of thugs in a dark alley, if you ask the wrong people about the wrong things?"
(19:29:58) MicahWhiterune: "We've asked about worse."
(19:31:02) Miriana_: "I think covering more ground is good in case this is a dead end. We'll manage on our own, probably."
(19:31:56) [GM]: "Very well. Light's speed."
(19:33:12) MicahWhiterune: "Fire's light."
(19:42:30) [GM]: The search is fruitful. Though Miriana and Micah draw suspicious glares at times, with the right tack (for one, careful avoidance of any discussion of the murder that already happened) they find themselves with the name and address of one Tivadar Mehltal, apothecary and hobby alchemist.
(19:42:30) [GM]: Who also, clandestine sources say, makes a tidy side profit selling questionable substances to equally questionable buyers. His pharmacy is located in the large market street of Ostend, not too far away from the Fair Constable.
(19:42:53) [GM]: Will he have answers for the duo, or nothing but more questions?
(19:42:57) [GM]: ----------

[D&D 5e] The Brightest Light / Gloaming Star, Part 1
« on: March 17, 2017, 06:05:56 AM »
(16:18:56) [GM]: ----------
(16:19:02) [GM]: Miriana and Micah have decided to look into the cult Margaretha of the Crane has been trying to investigate. The Crane knight informed them that corruption is suspected to fester in the church's ranks, and showed them a setting-sun symbol supposedly used by the cultists.
(16:19:02) [GM]: They were also asked by Maja, a halfling maidservant of an inner city noble, to expose the supposed dealings of Lady Baehr (née Aur), who the maid believes has bewitched her new husband.
(16:19:02) [GM]: Ulf Starkheim, their contact, is a converted dwarven priest living int he dwarven quarter. On a visit, he decided to arrange a meeting the following night. Thus, with some time to spare, Micah and Miriana are investigating the history of House Aur.
(16:21:19) [GM]: The sun's light is weakened by clouds as the two ask around the inner city. The gossip shares a tenor - speculation on the lady's health, and remarks on her pale skin and quite beautiful figure.A quick glance at records of the church shows that the Aurs are an established lineage native to Sorenwald, going back as far as the records - though these begin only two or three centuries ago.
(16:24:18) [GM]: Additional research reveals patterns: The Aurs are quite happy to intermarry with other families, but don't seem to follow the trend of other houses. Normally, one would marry up as much as possible, or accept large benefits in return for allowing one of lower station to marry into the house.
(16:24:18) [GM]: But House Aur's practices seem haphazard, yet clearly patterned. Miriana and Micah just can't quite put their fingers on the pattern. Many of the family members and relations are quite obscure, in addition.
(16:34:08) [GM]: However much she turns the books, Miriana can't figure out what's wrong. A bit of divine guidance (so claims Micah), however, guides them to someone who reluctantly parts with a bit of gossip they feel many have been withholding.
(16:34:08) [GM]: It is clear why, too - a wild rumor goes that the Aur family descends from the infamous immortal vampire Gulthias, or something similarly sinister. Such an accusation is certainly difficult to utter in polite society.
(16:37:35) MicahWhiterune: "This smells kind of rotten." Micah frowns, "And trees should stay in the ground, not wander around."
(16:37:49) Miriana: Miriana squints. "Was that a pun?"
(16:38:45) MicahWhiterune: "Dead people, dead trees. We should just burn them all."
(16:39:09) Miriana: "It's definitely suspect, agreed, but I think if you burn down the Baehr estate we'll be lucky to just be arrested."
(16:39:48) Miriana: "Although I wouldn't mind taking a look at the lady's home outside the city when we get a chance."
(16:43:07) MicahWhiterune: "Still, what's her agenda. Aside from sucking the good lord dry?"
(16:44:08) Miriana: "I can't figure it out and please never talk about sucking someone dry ever again thank you." Miriana claps her hands over her pointy ears for emphasis.
(16:46:42) MicahWhiterune: "If she doesn't spend much time with him personally, it's most likely  some of his assets. Maybe we could look into what the country home is good for?"
(16:48:18) Miriana: "We could, once things have calmed down with this cult. If that ever happens."
(16:49:38) MicahWhiterune: "Bet you a silver that a cult that has the sun setting is consorting with vampires"
(16:51:27) Miriana: "Done."
(16:54:14) [GM]: At night, the duo finds Ulf Starkheim's church as agreed. The clouds have cleared, revealing the starry sky dominated by an almost-full moon. The church makes a concession to the usual style of architecture in its tall belfry, but is otherwise constructed in a squat dwarven style for the dwarven quarter.
(16:54:14) [GM]: Ulf Starkheim is a dwarf about a decade Micah's junior, his beard kept relatively short and immaculately groomed. He ushers the two heroes into his personal quarters at the back of the church, a simple living space with a bed, table, hearth and little more.
(16:54:25) [GM]: As he is sharing ale with the visitors, two more arrive - those who had already been looking into the case on Margaretha's request. They are Ivan, an unassuming man wearing peasant's clothing and a wry smile, and Rosa, a tall woman with a greatsword at her hip, who lets Ivan introduce her.
(17:00:34) Miriana: Miriana waves hello to the two newcomers.
(17:00:51) [GM]: Ulf serves ale for the two new arrivals, as well, and sits down with a grunt. "So what has Dame Margaretha told you, then? I don't imagine much."
(17:01:23) MicahWhiterune: "Little more than a cult being a problem"
(17:03:06) Miriana: "We heard there had been a poisoning, but not much else."
(17:05:30) [GM]: Ulf nods, as do the two visitors. "Makes sense. Can't be too careful. The walls are thin above ground, after all." Ivan gives an 'if you say so' kind of shrug and continues, "Father Ulf came to the Crane originally based on suspicions, and we tried to confirm those suspicions. He named three individuals, we've started investigating two of them so far. One of those was the poison victim."
(17:08:10) Miriana: "Admittedly I don't know the exact circumstances of the poisoning, but is it possible they might have taken it themselves?"
(17:10:35) [GM]: Ulf nods. "The first one I became suspicious of was Father Konrad. That's the one who died. He was a human priest, leading a church nearby. His sermons were odd. Talking about certain things, shadows, digging up old stories. He started asking people to talk to him in private after mass."
(17:10:35) [GM]: "I happened to notice him messing with an old symbol I didn't recognize and found out it was associated with the Gloaming Star. Not officially forbidden, but deprecated because of that."
(17:11:33) [GM]: "It's the kind of pattern they warn us about in stories." Ulf looks at Micah.
(17:12:32) Miriana: Miriana thinks. "So nothing...overt, but questionable things happening too often to be a coincidence. And then he turns up dead."
(17:13:22) [GM]: Ivan nods. "Yes. However... he only deceased after Rosa and I began investigating him."
(17:13:48) MicahWhiterune: "If they're gone far enough to start sharing it  with their congregation, then have anyone asked their followers?" Micah nods to himself, "Pattern says they're up to something, and he's been cut out."
(17:19:22) [GM]: "I have to admit we've mostly focused on their persons. My friend isn't much of a speaker, and I try to avoid speaking on matters of faith in public. We did shadow Father Konrad and another and searched their homes."
(17:21:03) MicahWhiterune: "Found anything?"
(17:25:39) [GM]: "The other man we looked into, Father Balduin, came into suspicion because he was friends with Father Konrad and has had a number of personal rivals fall sick lately. However, I haven't found anything on him, even after looking twice. I don't believe he's a heretic, only lucky. And an unpleasant person, if you ask me."
(17:26:58) MicahWhiterune: "Hmm, and before recent  events? Did the deceased behave like he  did shortly before death? Something must have happened to change his beliefs or to persuade him to go public with them"
(17:27:06) [GM]: "As for Konrad, I found these." Ivan produces some crumpled papers from his clothes, evidently torn out of a book. "A book forbidden by the church. I can't read it all, but as far as I can tell, it talks about the Gloaming Star Hesperus as well."
(17:27:30) Miriana: "Well, unpleasantness isn't punishable by law, mostly." Miriana perks up as Ivan brings the papers out. "May I take a look?"
(17:29:17) [GM]: "Certainly." The papers contain meticulously neat handwriting, from a time before the printing press. The words on them are written in a language even older than the paper and ink, an archaic form of the common language that would require translation to be fully legible.
(17:30:49) [GM]: Looking at Micah, Ulf grunts. "I'm not sure when I began noticing Konrad's sermons. Certainly, it hasn't been too long. A few months, maybe, less than a year."
(17:32:45) MicahWhiterune: "Did he go anywhere before that?"
(17:34:08) [GM]: "Somewhat over a year ago is when we got a new vicar general in the city, and he'd been in contact with her more often than anyone else I know, as far as I could tell. That's why she was the third on my list of suspects."
(17:35:24) [GM]: Ivan adds, "You might wonder why I tore out a few pages at random. The answer is I didn't want to remove potentially damning from his possession. Or be found with damning evidence on my body. A few pages, I can swallow in a pinch."
(17:35:25) MicahWhiterune: "But you've not investigated her yet, right?
(17:36:03) Miriana: Miriana peers at the pages with great curiosity. "That's...hmm. A very old language indeed."
(17:36:03) [GM]: Ivan shakes his head at that. "We haven't. She's a less public figure and lives in the inner city, so she's harder to gather information on casually or get to privately."
(17:37:06) MicahWhiterune: "Servants?"
(17:38:22) [GM]: "Surprisingly difficult to find."
(17:38:49) MicahWhiterune: "That is unusual."
(17:39:04) [GM]: "I'm sure they're out there, but we concentrated on the low-hanging fruit first. It's been around a week, after all."
(17:39:06) MicahWhiterune: "She'd have a cook, or she'd buy food  at least."
(17:39:35) Miriana: "I can take a look at these and see if I can come up with anything more than your translation has. It might take a little while, though."
(17:40:58) [GM]: "By all means. I know a little something about scripture, but I'm no scholar of language."
(17:41:27) [GM]: "Maybe don't get cuaght with them."
(17:41:37) Miriana: "So you have three main suspects, of whom one's likely just an ass, one's dead, and one's lofty enough to make investigating them difficult," Miri muses while smoothing the papers out.
(17:41:54) Miriana: "Oh, never fear."
(17:46:40) [GM]: "Indeed. Of course, Father Konrad's death is probably being investigated, but it would be by secular authorities. If we assume for a moment that this is conclusive evidence of his guilt and he was involved in a conspiracy, that might be the idea. If he was outed as a heretic, his property would be seized and an inquisition probably called, probably including one of the paladin orders."
(17:46:40) [GM]: "If he is murdered, he dies with his name clean and what happens in Livest stays there. Plus someone can be framed for it, and he can be replaced."
(17:49:24) MicahWhiterune: Micah frowns at this rather questionable way of sorting things out. "Then if anyone bought into his message?"
(17:51:49) Miriana: "That's actually a good point. Do you have the names of anyone he spoke with after services?"
(17:55:14) [GM]: "Good question. I hadn't thought of that." Ivan and Rosa look at Ulf, who grunts in thought. "Let me think. A fair number of them, but if he was trying to recruit, he wouldn't have just talked about heresy the moment they were private. His flock isn't mine, either, so I'd have to ask around."
(17:58:05) MicahWhiterune: "Too  much to hope that none listened to heresy."
(17:59:03) [GM]: Ulf nods. "Likely. The ideal is bright, but the heart is soft."
(17:59:12) Miriana: "Some of them might be able to give us an idea of what he wanted, even if they don't know the exact nature of the teachings."
(18:00:01) [GM]: "True. I will find out starting tomorrow."
(18:05:34) [GM]: "You know," Ivan says with a pensive expression, "I wonder if they've found that book in Father Konrad's dwelling. I'd bet silver they haven't." Rosa rolls her eyes and mimes throwing dice, as if implying he'd bet silver on anything.
(18:08:37) Miriana: "Probably not. I'd offer to look around his dwelling, but I doubt I'd be allowed in."
(18:10:39) [GM]: "Allowed is a strong word. I've been in his living quarters before. I've avoided them the past few days just in case, but I could try again."
(18:11:16) Miriana: "Well, anything incriminating is probably long gone by now, but if you want to take another look tomorrow I'm game."
(18:12:57) [GM]: "I don't relish the opportunity as such, but if you think it might help, certainly."
(18:14:40) Miriana: "It's somewhere to start while the Father here asks around about the flock." Miriana glances at Micah. "We'll meet you tomorrow, then, after I've had a chance to try my hand at translating these?"
(18:15:43) [GM]: "It's a deal."
(18:24:50) [GM]: At night, Micah and Miriana burn the midnight oil at the inn poring over the text. Micah provesperhaps surprisingly helpful, recalling bits and pieces of old dialect from dwarven records.
(18:31:05) [GM]: The text is only two pages out of a book, but it can be inferred that the book as a whole talks about fallen stars. The most complete passage on their fragment is about an obscure divinity known as Spent Cinder Teide, detailing its smoldering soul... and the beginning of rituals to call it, though the full text is cut off.
(18:31:05) [GM]: Certainly, the full text would be damning to possess, but it's doubtful it remains in Father Konrad's place, unless it was hidden well. If he possessed a copy, though, then perhaps other members of the cult do too. And it cannot just have vanished into air.
(18:37:38) MicahWhiterune: "Fallen stars and fires snuffed out. I don't trust this one bit."
(18:39:42) Miriana_: "It does sound pretty bad," Miri agrees.
(18:41:53) MicahWhiterune: "Still, not much we could use to find the culprits. Nothing too hard to get in there."
(18:44:04) Miriana_: "I don't suppose the good Father had a lot of missing blood?"
(18:45:42) MicahWhiterune: "It wasn't said, but if  the ritual was completed, you'd expect a great deal  more fuss to be going on."
(18:47:39) Miriana_: "No sense wasting the blood."
(18:50:41) Miriana_: "It's definitely the kind of thing that no devout man would have, though."
(18:55:22) MicahWhiterune: "Certainly. Can't catch it until they start bleeding someone over a brazier though. Best to start checking  around  for disapperances."
(18:55:48) Miriana_: "And looking into the murder, as best we can."

Board Business / Re: Discussion about board migration
« on: March 02, 2017, 02:34:40 PM »
Update since people have begun wondering:

Stratovarius will be our new gracious overlord. We've worked out a plan of action, in the next few days I'll find the time to type it up and formally send it to Meg. Then we'll hash out the details and a timeline for everything. There's no ETA yet, and there won't be until the plan is essentially finalized and ready to go. At that point, we'll post a big announcement and give everyone forewarning and a rundown of how exactly it all will go down.

Board Business / Re: Discussion about board migration
« on: February 22, 2017, 06:48:25 AM »
If one of you's willing to take on the server hosting and Meg wants to part with it (I'm assuming here that the gameologists already know of the idea through altpersona or someone else, or it would be rather rude to start laying plans) (EDIT: And then I saw Meg's own sticky), I'm in support, for all that's worth, having no IT knowledge that would be useful here. I could volunteer my services to actually write out the concrete plan that gets put together for Meg and everyone to be on the same page.

I'd like to nominate SorO as a mod.  Just because it would be a big "fuck you" to certain other sites with overly zealous moderators.
Speaking in my appointed role as The No Fun Guy, I don't think this is a good reason to appoint someone moderator.

Regarding someone with the trustworthiness and the know-how to grab the files, there's veekie and Prime, who are both computer people and longstanding mods. In veekie's case, I even talk to him regularly still.

Should a more real-time platform to discuss the issue on seem useful, the #mmxgeneral IRC channel still exists.

[D&D 5e] The Brightest Light / Buried Secrets, Part 2
« on: February 20, 2017, 12:34:26 PM »
(16:13:28) [GM]: ----------
(16:13:38) [GM]: Having claimed their reward for slaying the basilisk, Miriana and Micah now seek to gain access to the mysterious underground library, and perhaps to find the original owners of some of the treasures it possessed.
(16:13:38) [GM]: After talking to Margaretha, she agreed to supply Micah with a new weapon, and announced that the best she could find or commission would be delivered to the Fair Constable.
(16:13:38) [GM]: Investigating the crack found in the city sewers, Miriana found a small but promising library of arcane lore, and its mad, mutated librarian. The nothic has demanded power in return for access to the library's secrets, and does not seem to care how she gains physical access.
(16:13:38) [GM]: As far as the found treasures, avenues of research present themselves:
(16:13:38) [GM]: The two magical items, a revealing lantern and a red fire-gem, were doubtlessly taken into the sewers with intent to use them, so the two unfortunate statues they saw from afar might have formerly been their owners.
(16:13:38) [GM]: Assorted jewelry likely ended up in the sewers from rich inhabitants of the inner city, as the system does not extend below the wealthy outskirts. Students that frequent inner Livest might have seen them, or perhaps the former constable, who Mariya Blinsky is familiar with.
(16:13:38) [GM]: The straw puppet is clearly connected to druids in some fashion, but who might make such a crude doll with real human hair? The rumored Turtleback sisters, perhaps?
(16:13:38) [GM]: The strange bone dice might belong to an eccentric gambler, or perhaps a mystic or fortune-teller. Such a character is likely to be known in the less savory outer districts.
(16:13:38) [GM]: Finally, the set of earrings presumably belongs to an elf, and exotic as they are, not just any.
(16:13:38) [GM]: Left to their own devices, Micah and Miriana are faced with the question: where next?
(16:17:23) Miriana: Miriana looks over the strange little treasure hoard, having cleaned and mended the bits and pieces as best she could. "Well, I suppose we could always take it all to a pawn shop, but..."
(16:19:33) Micah_Whiterune: "The puppet and the druids should be an easy contact point I think, though they would just mutter some crap and be all mysterious."
(16:21:44) Miriana: "They do love their mystique. I guess you don't get to be a secret society without it." Miriana bounces the wedding ring in her hand. "This wouldn't be too hard to track down, I think? There can't have been too many weddings on the day we arrived."
(16:22:50) Micah_Whiterune: "Should be common knowledge. Let's start with that then. "
(16:23:15) Miriana: "It'll be a nice break from creepy witches and whatnot," Miri agrees.
(16:25:21) Micah_Whiterune: "Not that we're ever going to be free of either..." Micah looks about, "So, ask a priest, constable or a gosip?"
(16:25:25) Micah_Whiterune: *gossip
(16:36:13) Miriana: "Mmm. The priests would be the ones to ask, certainly. They're more likely to have a record than not if the couple could afford a good ring."
(16:36:21) Miriana: "Should we pay the church a visit?"
(16:37:18) Micah_Whiterune: "As long as they are sensible people."
(16:39:06) Miriana: "No way to know that in advance, but let's give it a shot anyway." Miriana bundles the rest of the goods away.
(16:40:14) [GM]: Though splendid from a distance, up close the inner city feels like a world of its own compared to the outer districts. Its wealth is evident in every inch of pavement and building, well-maintained roads leading between lavishly decorated stone towers, many even connected by bridges and high passages.
(16:40:14) [GM]: It seems almost larger on the inside than on the outside, as every turn and side street reveals more tall buildings and the mind boggles at how so much stone can fit in a constrained space. The architecture is dominated by verticality; tall narrow windows, steep roofs, looming grotesques. Every building stretches upwards to touch the sky: A testament to piety, or hubris?
(16:43:38) [GM]: Livest's central cathedral is dedicated to the Skymother herself, its massive doors facing east on a plaza sporting a central sundial and astronomical clock. After the cold spell of the past week, the afternoon is sunny and sweltry. There is currently no mass, so a curate named PArsifal is quickly found who may be able to give insight.
(16:44:27) Micah_Whiterune: "Hmph, certainly well built, if impractical amount of effort for the use of it."
(16:46:50) Miriana: Miriana waves hello to the curate. "Good afternoon! I hope we aren't distracting you from your duties; I had a question I was wondering if you could help me with."
(16:48:24) [GM]: "That is what the church is for, miss. My name is Parsifal. How can I aid you?" The curate smiles warmly, and expression that his crow's feet betray comes easily to him. A wispy beard frames his face, and his square-cut hair is on the verge of graying.
(16:51:35) Miriana: "It's a strange question, but I'm trying to find out who married on a particular day. We found a wedding band, you see, and the date was engraved into it without any names to look for."
(16:54:57) [GM]: "Ah, returning lost property? A worthy goal. May I see?" Reading the date on the ring, Parsifal the curate nods without even having to look up the date. "Ahh, I believe I remember this. A wedding was conducted in this very cathedral, late in the afternoon. The weds were Lady Aur and Lord Baehr."
(16:57:12) Micah_Whiterune: "Anything happen to them lately?"
(16:58:28) [GM]: "Nothing that I know of. The Lady Aur, Lady Baehr now, isn't in the best of health and resides outside the city walls, but Lord Baehr has a residence not too far away."
(17:02:19) Miriana: Miriana frowns thoughtfully. "Well, easy enough to find him, I imagine. Thank you very kindly for the help, sir."
(17:04:31) [GM]: "You do the stars' work" Parsifal winks. "I'm sure Lord Baehr would be happier to visit his wife with the ring than without. No mortal is perfect."
(17:06:40) Micah_Whiterune: "Well...the lady tends to get rather upset for being careless with something like that. Many an urgent commission results."
(17:09:55) Miriana: Miriana blinks rapidly before realizing what the curate actually meant.
(17:11:51) [GM]: Lord Baehr's residence is a stately apartement occupying the second and third floors of a six-story building somewhat nearby, yet tricky to find through the maze of streets even with Parsifal's directions.
(17:11:51) [GM]: A crest depicting a stylized bear stands proudly above the door, which is answered by what at first appears to be a child but on a second glance is a halfling maidservant, looking up at the visitors with some apprehension. "Good afternoon, sir and madam. Are you expected?"
(17:14:56) Micah_Whiterune: "Not expected, but tell him we found a ring please."
(17:18:04) [GM]: "Ah! Please, come in." The maidservant lets Micah and Miriana into a lavishly furnished vestibule and has a whispered conversation with a manservant, another halfling, who nods eagerly and goes to fetch the lord while the maid asks if the guests would like anything to drink.
(17:21:07) Micah_Whiterune: "Beer please." Micah stomps his way in, giving the halflings a curious look.
(17:21:27) Miriana: Miriana isn't quite sure what would be a gauche request. "Nothing for me, thank you."
(17:23:39) [GM]: "I'm afraid the closest we have to a beer would be elven wine. It's locally made and effervescent."
(17:24:18) Micah_Whiterune: Micah raises an eyebrow, "Sure, lets try that."
(17:26:37) [GM]: The elven wine, made from honey, is stronger than an ale or beer, but lacks any hint of bitterness. Instead it is sweet, sparkling, and scented with flowers. Not long after, a tall, gaunt man in fine home clothing comes into the room with quick, striding steps, followed by the manservant, who practially has to run to keep up.
(17:26:37) [GM]: Lord Baehr looks excited. "Is it true? Have you found my ring?"
(17:27:36) Micah_Whiterune: Micah takes a long slow sip, considering the novelty of the flavor while leaving the excited lord to Miriana.
(17:29:08) Miriana: Miriana nods, producing the wedding ring from her pocket. "At least, I believe we have."
(17:33:02) [GM]: "Ha! Indeed!" Lord Baehr crosses the room in two strides and stops himself short of all but snatching it out of Miriana's hands, accepting it carefully to inspec thte gem and inscription. "Certainly! This is it! Ah, I'd feared I might never see it again."
(17:33:54) [GM]: While Miriana is distracted by the exuberant Lord Baehr, Micah happens to catch a glance of the halfling maidservant slipping a small square of paper or similar into her pocket.
(17:34:59) Micah_Whiterune: Micah gives Miriana a strange look, but doesn't mention anything.
(17:35:19) Miriana: "With a basilisk sitting on it, you might well not have for some time," Miriana remarks cheerfully. "It must have fallen down a grate somewhere."
(17:37:24) [GM]: Lord Baehr laughs. "You jest! But I was quite on the verge of despair. Such a token of love isn't simply replacable. My carelessness will be the death of me, someday. I must reward you, of course!"
(17:37:27) Miriana: At Micah's look, Miri sends a thought his way. <What? Is something on my face?>
(17:38:18) Micah_Whiterune: <Just the maid stuffing paper into your pocket.>
(17:40:22) Miriana: Miriana's not quite sure what to make of that. <Huh. Why wouldn't she just...never mind.>
(17:42:26) Miriana: Out loud, she says, "We're quite glad to see the ring back with its rightful owner." Neutral enough that it doesn't risk offending but also, hopefully, doesn't turn down the proffered reward.
(17:49:00) [GM]: "Heaven is deep in debt, with all the eternal reward promised after death. I might as well lighten the burden. Orazio!" He thinks briefly, then flashes the manservant a hand with five fingers outstretched, who nods and hurries off, only to return with a small box containing five large platinum coins minted with the emperor's counterfeit.
(17:50:39) Micah_Whiterune: Micah absentmindedly combs his beard as he looks at the rather substantial sum of money.
(17:52:44) Miriana: Miriana inclines her head respectfully. "It's very kind of you, milord. Thank you."
(17:56:04) [GM]: "It may have a value in craftsmanship, but to me it is priceless. This is but a crude approximation of my gratitude."
(17:56:56) Micah_Whiterune: "I'm certain the missus would be much relieved. Is she well?"
(17:59:05) [GM]: "Oh, as well as can be. A little frail, she is, but the gossipmongers underestimate her health. To tell you the truth, she also simply dislikes the city. Too cramped. Alas, I have work to do here."
(18:00:29) Micah_Whiterune: "Unfortunate, but such is life." Micah, considering that her health is well enough, declines to comment further about newlyweds living apart, especially after the man had handed them a fairly large sum of money.
(18:02:02) Miriana: "There's something to be said for more pastoral surroundings," Miriana agrees. "But I suppose we can't help our duties."
(18:04:19) [GM]: "And speaking of, I must be away soon. I cannot thank you enough."
(18:05:50) Micah_Whiterune: Micah nods, "Oh rest assured, it's well enough for us."
(18:06:31) Miriana: "Hopefully we've brought you a pleasant distraction from them, at least."
(18:09:15) [GM]: "Oh, indeed. Please, feel free to finish your drink. I must away. Thank you, and farewell!"
(18:09:51) Micah_Whiterune: Micah has every intention of finishing his drink, so this was already assumed as he goes through the somewhat  too flowery, but otherwise pleasant beverage.
(18:11:38) Miriana: While Micah does so, Miri waits for an opportune moment without their host before slipping a hand into her pocket and surreptitiously reading the...note? faking a yawn and raising her hand to her mouth.
(18:13:14) [GM]: The note... is written in the halfling language, which uses the common script but is not mutually intelligible, save that it seems to concern the Lady Baehr.
(18:16:28) Miriana: Miriana rolls her eyes as she pockets the note again. Well, one way around that, at least. <Was writing the note in Halfling to make sure Lord Baehr didn't read it?> she asks the maid curiously, lips unmoving.
(18:19:09) [GM]: The maid, who Miriana recalls Lord Baehr called Maja at some point, jumps, nearly dropping the short broom she was carrying. She looks around to see Miriana and puts a finger on her lips with an expression of mild panic.
(18:20:18) Miriana: Miriana meets her gaze with an expression of bland confusion and continues, reassuringly. <Don't worry, no one can hear us. It's more like thinking than talking.>
(18:21:45) [GM]: She stares back with a little confusion before figuring it out and replying, <Oh... Yes, I suppose it was.>
(18:23:47) Miriana: <Go ahead and take your time with that drink,> Miri prompts Micah before returning to Maja. <I'm afraid I don't speak it, but it must be important if you wanted to get a message to me that badly.>
(18:27:26) [GM]: The maidservant stands there silently for a moment before returning to work, or the pretension thereof, and replying as she does. <I don't speak any other languages. I thought someone who couldn't read it might be motivated to find out what it says, if they suddenly found a note in their pocket.>
(18:28:31) Miriana: <Well, you were certainly right. What does it say, then?>
(18:28:33) [GM]: <The Lady Aur has bewitched Lord Baehr. She drinks his blood and breath, most the servants suspect it.>
(18:30:06) Miriana: <She...drinks his blood and breath?> Miriana is suddenly intensely curious. <He seemed vital enough when he was here.>
(18:33:00) [GM]: <You know how someone who hasn't slept in too long might become energetic, start laughing at all things?>
(18:33:42) Miriana: <...Yes,> Miriana admits. She happens to be quite familiar with the sensation.
(18:42:28) Miriana_: <It's...certainly a bold claim. Are you absolutely sure it isn't just marital problems bubbling up?>
(18:45:50) [GM]: <Positive! He's not the only one. But no one in the Lord's circles would believe a word, if we went to them, and neither would the priests. Hence, pleading with strangers.>
(18:48:40) Miriana_: Miriana drums her fingers on her leg while she thinks at Micah instead. <She claims the Lady has been drinking the breath and blood of the Lord, and more besides.>
(18:59:05) Micah_Whiterune: <Check if the Lady's been anywhere like sacred ground.>
(19:00:41) Miriana_: <Besides the church?> Miriana turns back to Maja. <She lives out of the city, right? But she was in the church for their wedding. Does she have other odd habits?>
(19:05:43) [GM]: <She leaves the mansion as little as possible, citing poor health, but she's just fine at home. Every so often a servant disappears or has to leave, but the Lord doesn't take note.>
(19:07:11) Miriana_: <Mhm. I suppose if he were bewitched, he wouldn't. Has she always seemed like this, or did something about her change?>
(19:09:32) [GM]: <She seemed lovely enough when the Lord was courting her, but he took to her strangely. I barely saw her before they were wed, but I'd imagine she was already like that.>
(19:15:08) Miriana_: Miriana relays this to Micah. <It's certainly concerning...and she seems convinced.>
(19:16:35) Micah_Whiterune: <Not a vampire or even one of the living dead I believe. More likely some spellcaster if what she said is right. Her actions match someone relying upon magical guises and who is wary of extended scrutiny from the public.>
(19:17:57) Miriana_: To Maja, she replies <Where would you recommend we begin? Just walking into her estate sounds unwise.>
(19:20:30) Miriana_: <Come to think of it, what sort of family does she come from?>
(19:21:54) [GM]: <If only I knew. My only idea was to turn to strangers, who might set an investigation in motion. If her deeds could be proven, by finding traces of her witchery, or of her victims... I believe the Aurs are minor nobility, from elsewhere. Marrying into Lord Baehr's family for prestige.>
(19:22:58) Miriana_: <Do they have city holdings? Or is the Lady the only one of her family around?>
(19:25:19) [GM]: <I believe it's just her, and a supposed aunt and several servants she brought with her. The Aurs are from Sorenwald, I'm told.>
(19:31:32) Miriana_: Miriana nods thoughtfully. <I don't know that we'll be able to put a stop to it ourselves, but we'll look for evidence, at least.>
(19:32:28) [GM]: <That is all I ask. Thank you so much.>
(19:33:25) Miriana_: <In the meantime, be careful. I'd say slip away if you can, but it might not be safe.>
(19:33:46) [GM]: <I wouldn't dare leave the Lord or Orazio alone.>
(19:35:34) Miriana_: <You're a brave woman.> Miriana offers her a smile before turning to Micah. "Almost done?"
(19:38:14) Micah_Whiterune: Micah polishes off the last of it, "It's, pleasantly not as elven as it's name."
(19:39:36) Miriana: "Is that what you say when people ask why you put up with me?"
(19:40:20) Miriana: "In any case, we should be leaving, I think. Thank Lord Baehr for his hospitality, if you would be so kind, and take care."
(19:40:54) [GM]: "I will. Heaven shine your way."
(19:41:02) [GM]: ----------

Board Business / Re: Halp?
« on: February 19, 2017, 05:33:14 AM »
Haven't managed to get in touch since, so I took the liberty of setting astralInferno's post count to 2. See if that fixes the issue. If not, the problem is somewhere else and I'll need to bug Prime harder.

[D&D 5e] The Brightest Light / Buried Secrets, Part 1
« on: February 17, 2017, 07:06:08 AM »
(16:06:33) [GM]: ----------
(16:06:43) [GM]: Having slain the basilisk of Livest, Miriana and Micah are looking to collect their due reward and investigate some of the mysteries they found in the sewers.
(16:06:43) [GM]: Having discovered a population of kobolds living in the sewers, Micah and Miriana promised to plead their case to the Crane Knights in exchange for their help.
(16:06:43) [GM]: They slew the basilisk after a pitched and chaotic battle and found it had horded riches and trinkets, all of which must have once belonged to someone.
(16:06:43) [GM]: And they found a crack leading to an underground library beneath the university of Livest, which is not known to have any underground libraries.
(16:07:04) [GM]: After they've rested and licked their wounds, the two budding heroes of Livest are personally visited by Margaretha at the Fair Constable, who pays a round for the common room and a second for them. Mariya Blinsky treats the knight with great respect, mingled with her usual casually maternal manner.
(16:07:04) [GM]: With broken-off horns of the petrified basilisk serving as proof of their kill, Margaretha cheers exuberantly. She congratulates and commends their valor and moves immediately to asking about their rewards. "You've done all of Livest a service. I can't expect any amount of gratitude to compensate you for the danger, so name your prize. Altair is generous."
(16:16:58) Miriana: Miriana hums thoughtfully. "Ah, hmm..." Her dearest wish is one the Crane Knights likely can't just grant, after all.
(16:17:54) Micah_Whiterune: "Well...I don't suppose you got a good substitute for this?" Micah hefts the rather sorely abused hammer, having been subject to unspeakable things in the sewer and then the crust baked on.
(16:19:43) [GM]: "A weapon?" Margaretha's eyebrows raise, perhaps in surprise at the apparent modesty of the request. "You'll have the finest I can get from out armory or commission from a smith."
(16:20:49) Micah_Whiterune: "We're travelers, see. Weapon's more practical than gold, land or titles, and this poor lad just isn't going to last long."
(16:22:09) Miriana: "It's a lot harder to come by food honestly with a weapon, though," Miriana points out.
(16:22:41) Micah_Whiterune: "Bah, find a boar. Use it on the head. Got a roast."
(16:23:02) [GM]: "Ah, makes sense. I'll find one and have it delivered as soon as possible." Margaretha nods and laughs. "Travelers, then. Where to, if I may ask?"
(16:26:48) Miriana: "Well, ah, I didn't really set out with much of a destination in mind," she admits. "I mentioned before that I have a younger sister who's ill. Camelia. Nothing conventional has worked so far, so I left home looking for an unconventional answer."
(16:27:23) Micah_Whiterune: "And I'm babysitting, while I get to a fire-mountain. Got an aunt to drop into it."
(16:28:29) [GM]: "Ah." Margaretha's face shows compassion, and she is about to add something when she blinks at Micah's remark. "I'm sorry?"
(16:28:41) Miriana: Miriana can't help but snicker at that.
(16:28:51) Micah_Whiterune: "Traditional funeral rites. Got to go the distance."
(16:28:56) [GM]: "Oh."
(16:30:10) Micah_Whiterune: He pats the sealed urn, "Much as I love her, I think everyone would be happier if she didn't come back to wander around, see."
(16:34:31) [GM]: "Certainly." She considers for a moment. "It may be presumptuous of me to ask this when you have your own business to attend to, but..." She leans over her drink, and lowers her voice. "I told you of the second problem we face, when we met. Could you keep an eye out, while you're still in the city? It might get worse before it gets better."
(16:36:31) Micah_Whiterune: "Certainly. Not my area of expertise though. Unless there's something to hammer."
(16:37:38) Micah_Whiterune: "And of the Kobold people we encountered in the sewers who aided in finding the Basilisk?"
(16:39:20) [GM]: "Someone was poisoned yesterday, you see." Changing tracks to the kobolds, she nods. "I vaguely know of them. What of them?"
(16:40:50) Micah_Whiterune: "Perhaps, if you had them formally working for you as patrols and under your protection...they could  head off another sewer wildlife problem before it gets out of control. They can see in the dark and fit where most people can't down there."
(16:41:24) Micah_Whiterune: "They knew about the basilisk long before people did, but just suffered  it's predations unnoticed."
(16:43:28) [GM]: "Hm. Perhaps, but that's out of my hands, for the same reason I couldn't just go down there personally. As far as I know, they're quietly tolerated and maintain the sewers in return."
(16:45:52) Micah_Whiterune: "Well, see if you can pass word up. A little payment, a little food and you would probably see a lot less vermin and thefts going around. Did you know smugglers and other riffraff were hanging around below too? Easily dealt with, if people knew."
(16:48:56) [GM]: "Difficult. Many know kobolds to worship some dark god, so it's always been found easier to leave it an open secret." Margaretha is clearly ambivalent.
(16:49:54) Miriana: "Riffraff, you know anything about the Turtleback sisters? The kobolds mentioned them and seemed fairly terrified, although I will admit that's not a high bar to step over."
(16:51:12) Micah_Whiterune: "It may be more accurate to say that the kobolds try to avert the attentions of said deities more than anything else. "
(16:51:46) [GM]: "Ah!..." She leans back and slaps her forehead. "Yes, I completely forgot to warn you... I'm sorry. They're an urban legend of sorts. People say they live in the sewers, or maybe in the river, and attribute them any number of things between vandalism and terroism."
(16:53:59) Miriana: "No harm done, thankfully." Miriana touches her cheek where a bit of acid had splattered during the skirmish with the salamandra. "We found a very odd junction in the tunnel full of pieces of art that would spit acid at anyone who passed without defacing them. Too elaborate a setup for the kobolds, certainly."
(16:55:11) [GM]: "That sounds pointless and horrendous."
(16:55:26) Micah_Whiterune: "Eh, acid doesn't work too good on dwarf."
(16:56:21) Miriana: "Very much so," Miriana agrees. "I don't think anyone especially sane would go to the trouble, urban legend or no."
(16:58:12) [GM]: "Indeed. Hm." Conflicted, she bites a nail in consideration.
(17:06:26) Micah_Whiterune: "As for dark gods, I don't think the kobolds should actually be resistant to conversion efforts. They give offerings for fear of punishment, and gain no blessings. They have witnessed the power of Lady Mya's protection first hand, and the serpents vanquished."
(17:11:40) Miriana: Miriana considers. "They've certainly seen us pull off a minor miracle. Well, maybe not seen, with the blindfolds and all, but the point still stands. A compassionate deity would be a breath of fresh, offal-free air to them."
(17:16:18) [GM]: "...I'll have to bicker some more with the city in any case, so I'll bring it up for consideration. I can't make promises about the city's decision nor the kobolds' faith, but you speak sense."
(17:20:32) Miriana: "It's appreciated. We'll keep an eye out for your other problem as well, of course - are there symbols or signs they commonly use?"
(17:20:51) Micah_Whiterune: "Well, I pray you have fortune finding open  minds there, then."
(17:25:34) [GM]: "Not to advertise themselves, openly, of course, but here's one we're fairly sure about." Margaretha casts a look over both shoulders before dipping a finger in her wine and drawing a circle on the table, the half facing her filled in. After a few seconds, she quickly wipes it away.
(17:25:34) [GM]: "It's meant to represent the setting sun and beginning night, I assume. Should you want to look deeper, talk to Ulf Starkheim. He lives in the dwarven quarter."
(17:26:21) Micah_Whiterune: "We'll see about it."
(17:26:44) Miriana: Miriana nods somberly.
(17:28:47) [GM]: "Thank you. A messenger will reach you as soon as I've found something fitting for your request." Margaretha nods with a broad smile, and excuses herself, tipping the hostess generously, who rewards the still seated duo for the generous guest with a third round of drink.
(17:32:19) Miriana: Miriana considers the latest cup with interest. "So, are you as curious about that library as I am?"
(17:34:44) Micah_Whiterune: "More with how the crack works at all." Micah slurps up a mouthful. "Doesn't seem natural, all that damp not getting in. And all those flowers."
(17:35:56) Miriana: "All the more reason to investigate, right?"
(17:36:08) Micah_Whiterune: "Naturally."
(17:37:33) Miriana: "We'll need...a rope, I think. And maybe some smelt for a bribe."
(17:38:06) Micah_Whiterune: "Shouldn't cost  too much for some rope."
(17:43:28) [GM]: Anew, Micah and Miriana descend into the sewers. With some help from the kobolds, they manage to find a different way and evade another so-called toll station to find the crack, with its candle-light spilling out and flowers blooming still around it counter to reason. It doesn't seem quite large enough for an adult person to fit through. Not easily, in any case.
(17:44:57) Miriana: "I wonder if I could find some sort of spell to get down there more easily?" Miriana shrugs, producing Soot from thin air. "Oh well. We've got the next best thing for it, at least."
(17:45:29) [GM]: The pitch-black and red cat meows with indifference.
(17:46:00) Micah_Whiterune: "Good luck kitty"
(17:48:09) [GM]: Soot answers with another meow, which somehow sounds more indifferent than the first, as he regards the crack skeptically before slinking inside and dropping silently onto a bookshelf. Sniffing around, he quickly stalks out of view.
(17:48:43) Miriana: Miriana blocks out her own senses to look through her familiar's instead.
(17:54:36) [GM]: Through the otherworldly cat's eyes, ears, and nose, the library is peaceful, deafeningly silent, and reeks of dust and magic. It is not large except by Soot's standards, but from the disinterested glances the cat casts at several books, it makes up for quantity in quality. Suits of armor, apparently decorative, line the walls as if standing guard.
(17:54:36) [GM]: The library appears otherwise deserted, until Soot finds the librarian.
(17:58:05) [GM]: There, clambering between two bookshelves, is a stunted figure that couldn't properly be called man or monster. Its silhouette appears basically human, but its arms are too long, its legs too short, its posture too stooped. It is covered in a ruddy hide, and its hands and feet are talons, but what makes the hairs of both familiar and master stand on end is the single, oversized eye it bears.
(18:00:47) [GM]: Balefully yellow-green all through, it glints with intelligence and madness, and its engorged pupil feels like a swallowing hole, even without eye contact.
(18:04:52) [GM]: Miriana guesses this creature to have once been human, tormented and transformed by obsession and insight - its eye is the symbol of that, and can lay bare secrets and rot flesh off bone, but never find what it craves.
(18:12:10) Miriana: Miriana considers, then pulls Soot back into the safety of the cat's extradimensional pocket and sits back to let her own senses return.
(18:14:24) Micah_Whiterune: "Well?"
(18:15:21) Miriana: "It's occupied," she reports to Micah. "A nothic - they used to be human before their obsession with magical secrets got them cursed. Twisted into something with one giant eye, can make things rot with a glare, can see right through your secrets...not a very good thing to find."
(18:16:49) Micah_Whiterune: "Hmm, so someone gone missing from the university topside then."
(18:18:07) Miriana: "Maybe they shut them in? I don't think we're going to get lucky sneaking in again, anyway. Not when its face is one big eyeball."
(18:18:40) Miriana: "We'd have to find a way to bargain with it or see what we can find upstairs."
(18:18:41) Micah_Whiterune: "Pass a message down? Can you contact it mentally?"
(18:19:19) Miriana: "I have to see it, which means luring it over somehow."
(18:19:54) Miriana: "I guess I could make a distraction and see if that works..."
(18:20:58) Micah_Whiterune: "Well, it's very perceptive, so...drop one of the flowers in? It'd see that soon enough."
(18:21:41) Miriana: Miriana experimentally picks one of the blossoms and lets it fall gently through the hole in the tunnel.
(18:26:57) [GM]: Though it takes a while for anything to happen, there is eventually a series of clacking sounds, like someone hitting their teeth together, and the creature clambers onto a bookshelf in view of the crack as it spots the dropped flower. It regards the flower with apparent puzzlement and looks around, then up, fixing its gaze on the crack in the ceiling.
(18:26:57) [GM]: Has it seen her? It does not seem to be reacting to her presence.
(18:28:01) Miriana: Miriana decides not to bank on the chance that she's remaining stealthy. <Hello there,> comes a wary but friendly thought. <Are you the librarian of this collection?>
(18:30:18) [GM]: Though clearly alive, the nothic has no lips, so that its visage is frozen in a skeleton's grin, causing it to appear quite amused at the communication. It blinks once, slowly, and grinds its teeth in what appears to be thought, looking around. <Where?> comes the answer in a cracked mental voice.
(18:31:19) Miriana: <Up,> she prompts, hoping this isn't a mistake. <What is this place?>
(18:34:12) [GM]: The nothic looks up, and seems to spot Miriana now. It reacts by clacking its teeth together in a rythm reminiscent of a cackling laugh. <Place of knowledge. Magic. Ancient power. Dreams."
(18:35:28) Miriana: <And you are its keeper, then.> Miriana tilts her head fractionally to the side. <How came you here?>
(18:36:58) [GM]: The creature mirrors her movement. <I am the most fit. And you found a crack.>
(18:40:44) Miriana: <I did,> she agrees. <And if you are the most fit, then you are the one from whom I should seek permission to visit and search this place.>
(18:42:43) [GM]: Again, it repeatedly clicks its teeth. Then, it raises one oversized talon-hand and makes a grabbing motion with the palm facing upward. <Knowledge for power. You give magic, I give secrets.>
(18:44:30) Miriana: Miriana makes the thought-equivalent of a hmm. She shoots Micah a thought in the meantime. <It wants magic in return for the knowledge.>
(18:45:42) Micah_Whiterune: <That seems reasonable enough,, if the knowledge is good.>
(18:47:02) Micah_Whiterune: <Ask how you may visit? This hole doesn't exactly fit, even if you dieted>
(18:47:30) Miriana: <It looks pretty solid from what I saw of the books.> To the nothic, she responds, <And if I do? This crack is enough to speak through, but not for me to enter.>
(18:49:33) [GM]: The nothic answers with mental indifference. <Your issue. Lose weight. Use front door.>
(18:50:45) Miriana: Miriana enjoys a vivid mental image of the nothic's eye exploding in tongues of flame.
(18:52:19) Miriana: <And where is the front door?> she asks with forced politeness.
(18:55:35) [GM]: She is answered by the intrusive mental image of a tall building, its facade decorated with a large astronomical clock above the tall gate - the building where the faculties of the university of Livest meet. Then thoughts of descending to a basement, past a hidden door down a flight of stairs and then into this library.
(19:00:12) Miriana: <Perfect. I'll figure out what we'll bring you in trade, then. See you soon.> Lacing a little too much sweetness into the parting thought, she pulls back from the crack, glowering.
(19:01:28) [GM]: The last Miriana gets over the mental link is an expression of darkly excited interest before she breaks contact.
(19:03:45) [GM]: ----------

Board Business / Re: Halp?
« on: February 14, 2017, 08:14:04 AM »
Trying to get a hold of Prime to confirm whether there's a problem or the poster skipped making one of their first posts (and authorize them in any case). Looking at astralInferno's profile, they only have one of the requisite first two posts; have they tried posting in the "I agree" thread as well and found the post button missing there too?

Board Business / Re: Possible trouble
« on: February 05, 2017, 04:45:39 AM »
I've never had that happen before. What exactly was the context for this, where and what was the link?

[D&D 5e] The Brightest Light / The King of Serpents, Part 4
« on: January 21, 2017, 07:18:48 AM »
(16:16:34) [GM]: ----------
(16:16:39) [GM]: A festering evil lurks in the sewers of Livest, and Micah and Miriana have agreed to slay it.
(16:16:50) [GM]: After stumbling into a nest of snakes and being forced to retreat, the two caught a glimpse of the basilisk on their second expedition when they were forced to fight off its mutated minions in the middle of a tollstation-trap laid by the mysterious Turtleback sisters.
(16:16:54) [GM]: After escaping wounded, but with their lives, they found a crack opening into an unknown subterranean library, and a band of small, reptilian kobolds preparing to make a sacrifice to the basilisk.
(16:17:04) [GM]: Apparently, the kobolds' presence is quietly tolerated by the city's government so long as they stay out of sight and help in the sewer canals' maintenance. But after the basilisk appeared, they gave in to fatalism, believing it to be sent by their dark bound god, and thought to placate it rather than ask for help in the belief it would eventually devour the city and rule over them whatever they did.
(16:18:20) [GM]: However, the kobolds have been persuaded to show Miriana and Micah to what they believe to be the basilisk's lair. Somewhere the beast lurks, but perhaps they can gain the advantage on it. The two statues they saw, likely victims of the beast, also remain where they are, frozen in their last moments. What will Micah and Miriana do?
(16:21:18) Miriana: Miriana clicks her tongue thoughtfully. "Well. How many ways in and out of the lair are there?"
(16:22:38) [GM]: "Just one. Hollowed out end of branch tunnel."
(16:24:48) MicahWhiterune: "Secure, but also difficult to escape if you are in there." Micah grins, "Especially if it gets nice and hot while you're trapped inside."
(16:30:24) Miriana: "This is why you're clanking even more than usual, huh?"
(16:31:16) MicahWhiterune: "It's a time honored cure for vermin."
(16:37:36) [GM]: Begrudgingly and with their share of second thoughts about the fire, the kobolds guide Micah and Miriana in the wake of their sacrifice, a pig carcass they must have stolen somewhere and dragged all the way down here.
(16:39:49) [GM]: Their route takes them down a main tunnel, then up another and takes a sharp turn back down a third where the basilisk's stench is especially bad. All the while slithering sounds accompany them, coming down every other tunnel along with splashes and scratching.
(16:40:41) [GM]: A sound like a sharp intake of breath sounds through the tunnel, then a splash, and the basilisk's smell abruptly recedes in intensity.
(16:41:31) MicahWhiterune: Micah gives the kobolds a questioning look.
(16:43:03) Miriana: <Keep an eye on the water, I suppose?> Miri shifts uneasily.
(16:43:46) MicahWhiterune: <Keep an eye away from the water more like. Basilisk.>
(16:46:07) [GM]: "God's beast knows we are here." The blind kobold's statement carries less a tone of understanding and more of pessimism.
(16:46:49) MicahWhiterune: "Lead on." Micah toys with the sack of fuel. "Doesn't change a thing."
(16:48:26) Miriana: Miriana nods, drawing her wand to keep it ready in the hand that isn't holding her staff.
(16:50:29) [GM]: Splashing and scratching follows the group as they make their way down the corridors for minutes, the basilisk's smell fading and growing periodically. Snakes become more common the farther they go, and the kobolds placate them with bits of meat or fish thrown at them.
(16:50:29) [GM]: At last, Micah and Miriana are guided in the wake of the pig, past turns and branches, to a corridor where discarded snake eggs outnumber grains of dust, and the blindfolded one points down at a particular passage. "There."
(16:52:37) MicahWhiterune: Micah meanwhile, takes a moment to shove a bag of fuel up the pig, glances at Miriana, then advances, shield raised, ears perked. <Get the poison cure ready. You'll need it>
(16:54:40) Miriana: <No need to tell me twice. We're close enough now to make use of it.> Miriana digs out the little leaf flask Blumstein gave her and tips the contents back.
(16:55:27) [GM]: The water here is properly infested, and the snakes stir, as if reacting to something, but they do not seem intent on attacking the group. Yet?
(16:57:16) MicahWhiterune: Micah meanwhile, drops a packet of fuel as he walks from here, spaced evenly to where the burning oil  would reach the next sack if it burst.
(17:04:17) [GM]: As Micah begins his own preparations, the kobolds leave the pig carcass where it is at the entrance to the lair and then strike a retreat. The blinded one hesitates, perhaps considering whether to stick around or not.
(17:05:17) MicahWhiterune: "Go, no need for you to die here."
(17:06:38) [GM]: The blinded one does not need to be told twice, and immediately follows behind the other kobolds without taking off the blindfold. It seems he can literally navigate the tunnels blindly.
(17:08:58) [GM]: The tunnel leading to the basilisk's lair branches off the main canal at an angle, then bends at a right angle towards itself, only to bend again before reaching a crudely hollowed-out basin at the end of some thirty more feet of tunnel. water dribbles from holes all along the tunnel, carrying waste into the sewer.
(17:11:36) [GM]: The lair at the end of the tunnel is a dismal, half-submerged room littered with filth, discarded snake eggs of strange sizes and shapes, and limestone statues of animals and several kobolds. The way it's been hollowed out is clearly not good for the stone's structural integrity, but it ought to hold for a good while. In the middle of the filthy water, a small glittering pile sticks out above the liquid's surface.
(17:15:26) Miriana: Miriana squints at the pile of treasures. <That looks suspicious, no?>
(17:15:39) [GM]: It's a sight Micah's dwarven eyes would recognize anywhere: Gold. Though filthy, several coins and miscellaneous objects, presumably scrounged together far and wide, lie crudely hoarded together in one spot, tipped by a lost gem and what looks like a golden lantern.
(17:16:03) MicahWhiterune: <Definitely real gold.>
(17:19:18) Miriana: <And maybe part of a real trap, if this thing is smart enough to mess with us like it has.>
(17:19:50) MicahWhiterune: <But. Gold>
(17:20:56) Miriana: <If you freeze into a statue with your hand outstretched toward the treasure pile, I'm not dragging you back through a mile of sewer tunnels.>
(17:22:45) [GM]: As if on cue, the snakes outside the tunnel - the lair itself, and the last feet of tunnel, were notably free of them - stir and hiss in unison again, and a heavy breathing sound can be heard briefly.
(17:23:20) MicahWhiterune: <Very well> Micah glances at the water, then starts scattering oil bags to float on the water, keeping a space free near themselves and the gold.
(17:24:19) MicahWhiterune: "Mya, Earthmother. Let your voice be heard." Micah prays softly under his breath as divine power sinks into the ground and begins churning the water.
(17:26:34) [GM]: Tremors fill the cavern, echoing loudly within and outside, and shaking the water's surface, which splashes against their shins.
(17:27:05) Miriana: Miriana drifts behind Micah and his mirrored shield, eyes flickering back toward the tunnel.
(17:28:24) [GM]: The coins rattle and slide deeper into the filthy water as the pile loses cohesion, but nothing else stirs within the beast's lair. Outside, there is a splashing sound, followed by another and scratching and dragging. Soon after, the stench coming down the tunnel intensifies to barely tolerable levels, but the basilisk does not appear.
(17:28:53) [GM]: When the tremors stop, heavy breathing can be heard down the tunnel. It lurks.
(17:30:05) Miriana: Miri breathes shallowly. <It feels like it's toying with us.>
(17:31:20) MicahWhiterune: Micah raises his shield, and stands ready, listening intently with torch in his other hand  and a bag of fuel hidden behind the shield.
(17:33:17) Miriana: Miriana considers, then taps her lips with her wand and flicks it toward the tunnel bend. Her mouth opens but no words come out; instead, the sound of sloshing footsteps comes from nearby.
(17:33:24) [GM]: The duo wait, but even still the king of serpents fails to appear. In the king's place, however, the sound of dozens of bodies scraping along the ground echoes down the tunnel, and a mass of smaller snakes comes into view turning around the bend, slithering towards Miriana and Micah.
(17:38:14) MicahWhiterune: "More of the same old." Micah simply maintains his orientation, and then "Lady Mya, please sear this filth from the world."
(17:51:10) [GM]: Several snakes burn under Mya's sacred flame, and many of the smaller ones scatter. The reptiles here are all misshappen in some way, some oddly fat, some flat entirely, many having vestigial legs or wings. The largest, however, has pitch-black scales and two heads, one broad and flaring and the other long and thin like an arrow, and rears up, hissing with twin voices as it splashes into the water of the lair. Directly behind it follows a wave of foul air.
(17:51:21) [GM]: The basilisk itself lurks at the edge of vision, around the corner.
(17:58:09) [GM]: The lesser snakes hiss in a chorus as if singing praises while the twin-headed snake swims and slithers around the duo, rearing its heads up and hissing as a threat, before lunging without warning at Micah!
(18:01:52) MicahWhiterune: Micah, shield focused on keeping the reflection of the basilisk in place, takes a nasty bite.
(18:03:33) Miriana: Miriana waves her wand to seemingly no visible effect, unless one were looking at the two-headed snake's reflection in the mirrored shield tie itself into knots briefly. Her next spell, however, is quite visible: A blast of white energy aimed at the head that just bit Micah.
(18:08:46) [GM]: The blast goes wide and impacts the broken wall just above the entrance to the lair, but the twin-headed snake takes notice. As the narrow head's fangs sink into Micah's gauntlet, his shield arm distracted by attempting to keep the shield aimed at the tunnel while also defending himself, the creature's body continues to wind and slither, and its broad head twists to bite at Miriana.
(18:24:57) MicahWhiterune: "Mother of Life, restore thy vitality to this weak flesh." Micah  keeps his shield steadfastly directed forward, the torch kept ready to light the firebomb as he awaits the king of serpents, <Miriana, get back, you're too difficult to heal>
(18:31:20) [GM]: Mya's gentle care heals the stinging wound in Micah's hand just in time for both to see the king itself appear past the corner. A foul wind precedes it, filling the lair with yet unprecedented stench as its head appears in the flickering light of the torch, a beaked face with skin pulled taut against the skull, crowned with horns around a white spot on its top.
(18:31:20) [GM]: A long neck trails behind the basilisk's head, and it crawls forward around the corner like a snake as broad as a man and twice as long, six legs dragging it further forward. The beast beholds the scene in its lair and hisses.
(18:32:08) [GM]: Though within range of the fire-trap now, its eyes are not yet close enough to see their whites. But even from here, the weight of its gaze can be felt.
(18:33:25) MicahWhiterune: Micah lights the fuel blob and then slings it at the beast. Whatever happens it's going to BURN.
(18:33:33) MicahWhiterune: "MYA BLESS THIS FURNACE!"
(18:37:53) [GM]: The ball of fire falls short of the basilisk, but it is no matter. It splashes onto the floor of the tunnel and ignites a bag of fuel lying there, causing it to burst and ignite the next, and so on, and soon the entire stretch of tunnel from the lair to the bend is in flames, with the basilisk in it and the two heroes on the far end.
(18:38:13) MicahWhiterune: Micah waves cheerily at the snake.
(18:39:48) [GM]: The twin-headed snake takes advantage of Micah's throw to lunge and bite at him again before it has realized what just happened.
(18:41:13) [GM]: The fire's blazing light, however, soon catches up to it, and it rears and slithers around Micah as the dwarf swats its attack away, placing him between itself and the burning corridor.
(18:41:27) Miriana: Miriana winces at the bright flash of light, sloshing back deeper into the lair while the snake is getting itself tangled in Micah's armor and isn't focusing on her.
(18:43:06) [GM]: Miriana's retreat goes almost unnoticed by the snake, which redoubles its focus on the dwarf and turns its second head on him as well, biting in a mad frenzy.
(18:47:50) MicahWhiterune: Micah pulls out his hammer, grimaces and sets to work clobbering the double headed snake while the fire distracts the basilisk.
(18:52:10) [GM]: The basilisk hisses and screams, drowning out the clamor of battle and echoing through the lair, as it splashes water and retreats. The water only succeeds in spreading more of the burning oil, some of it flowing into the lair, and the beast retreats again awaqy from the corner.
(18:55:10) Miriana: Safely away from the fray, Miriana stabs forward with the wand and sends another spear of light streaking at the thinner of the serpent heads.
(18:55:15) [GM]: The twin-headed snake is still on Micah, but the chaos and fire distract it from biting him meaningfully. The chorus of lesser snakes hiss in pain and confusion as the fire leaks into the lair, scattering like a panicked crowd.
(18:58:29) [GM]: The broader head, however, finds purchase on a chink in Micah's armor even as Miriana's renewed blast sails past it, biting deep.
(19:03:03) MicahWhiterune: Micah doggedly holds to his defense as a warm red glow surrounds him, the seeming heat of a forgefire even as the fire spreads through the lair.
(19:08:56) [GM]: The twin-snake is undeterred in its attempts to kill Micah faster than he can heal, its efforts spurred by the frenzy of a beast that sees fire, as the lesser snakes are cooked alive around it.
(19:10:43) Miriana: Swearing, Miriana tries her shot a third time as she splashes through the water away from the approaching flames. Damn dwarves and their fire.
(19:13:06) [GM]: The blast strikes the narrow head squarely just as the other head lunges and bites at Micah!
(19:15:33) MicahWhiterune: Micah, figuring  the flames were getting too hot for him, retreated to the space he left in the fuel, where the gold is, "Fire is life!"
(19:18:31) [GM]: The twin-headed snake is burned by the floating flames as Micah and Miriana retreat and succumbs to reptilian panic, fleeing away from the fire towards the deepest end of the lair, where there is nowhere else to run.
(19:25:00) Miriana: Miriana covers her mouth with her sleeve, blasting at the burning creature again as it slithers away.
(19:26:51) MicahWhiterune: Close to his gold and surrounded by flame, Micah is particularly motivated, "BURN SERPENTS! BURN IN MYA'S NAME!"
(19:27:57) [GM]: With more room and time to aim, Miriana's blast strikes the serpent where its narrow head meets the neck and blasts it apart with a bloom of crimson flame, leaving the narrow head hanging from its neck by a flap of skin and muscle.
(19:28:40) Miriana: A little giddy from inhaling smoke and adrenaline, Miriana giggles at the sight.
(19:30:26) [GM]: Mya's fire burns the other head as the earthly flames blaze around the lair. Their fuel should be spent soon enough, but for now they burn.
(19:33:20) Miriana: Still laughing, Miriana turns her wand on the remaining head and conjures another lance of light, flames lapping at her feet.
(19:35:32) MicahWhiterune: "Blaze  bright, burn hot, in the forge be remade!" The flames simply flare up as Micah channels more divine light through them.
(19:36:26) [GM]: Her aim is thrown off by the swimming of the air above the flames and the swimming of her head in the heat and smoke, but the now one-headed snake whips around with a mad hiss like a demonpossessed beast, or like one that wishes only to not die alone, and charges again at the duo.
(19:40:37) Miriana: Miriana waits until it bounces off Micah's armor again, draws her arm back, and lunges forward like a fencer, casting her spell as she does so.
(19:43:08) [GM]: Even still, the flames have blurred her thoughts and vision, and her blast once again goes wide.
(19:44:24) MicahWhiterune: Micah grimaces, as he raises the shield, burning black as he chants. "Lady of life, revoke thy gift to this beast. Give it the mercy of an ending."
(19:44:26) MicahWhiterune: Then he strikes.
(19:48:13) [GM]: His hand strikes the serpent's snout just as it is throws open its maw to bite at him again, with the world in flames around them, and ignites the foul beast's scales. The black fire peels back the snake's same-colored flesh and burns its head to a skull in moments, before continuing its work with the rest of its body.
(19:48:13) [GM]: A moment of silence permeates the lair once the flames finally spend their fuel and gutter out at the same time as Mya's fire finishes its work.
(19:48:40) [GM]: Then, the basilisk's hissing breath can be heard again from the darkness of the tunnel.
(19:49:30) Miriana: Miriana watches the snake burn to death, panting, before hearing the basilisk approaching. She wearily turns to Micah. <Not too late to run. I can keep it from seeing you, at least.>
(19:50:47) MicahWhiterune: <It's on the way out. We have more room to blast it in this chamber before it reaches us.>
(19:51:36) Miriana: Miriana nods, stepping behind Micah to give him a quick hug. "It's been nice knowing you."
(19:51:44) Miriana: She levels her wand at the mouth of the tunnel.
(19:52:07) MicahWhiterune: Micah orients his shield at the entrance "At least  we'll be rich"
(19:55:56) [GM]: The sound of the basilisk dragging itself along the ground and through the water comes closer, as do its breath and stench. The sounds stop for a tense moment, stretching on for a second heartbeat, and in the last second Miriana realizes - the beast is just around the corner, poised to startle them, draw their eyes, and cover the distance quickly.
(19:56:38) Miriana: A thought of alarm and warning wings its way toward Micah.
(19:58:05) MicahWhiterune: Micah reflexively raises the shield, giving it a perfect image of itself.
(19:59:08) Miriana: Miriana flinches away but has the presence of mind to point the wand in its general direction, cursing it.
(20:00:20) [GM]: In the time it takes the thought to reach Micah and the dwarf to raise his shield, the basilisk lunges, appearing on the tunnel wall opposite the lair's entrance and leaping forward like a coiled spring, while hissing with the volume of a death scream, its maw open wide and misshappen feathers flaring.
(20:03:11) [GM]: In a single leap, it stands at the lair's mouth, a threat impossible to ignore. And then, it catches its reflection in Micah's shield. It stops where it is, as if mesmerized, staring at the shield with intensity enough to make one fear it might burn a hole in it.
(20:04:28) MicahWhiterune: "Mya burn my foe!" Micah locks his eyes on the back of his shield. The gods need no not see to strike.
(20:07:15) [GM]: The king of serpents bristles, feathers and spines standing up as the holy flame burns them. It rears up to a man's height, half its body still on the ground, and raises two of its stubby legs as if to shield its face from a terrible view, but they do not reach.
(20:08:05) Miriana: Miriana, eyes screwed shut, fires her killing spell indiscriminately in the direction of the hissing, praying inwardly that the hex and the mirrored shield will do their jobs.
(20:12:41) [GM]: The spell, this time, hits home. A flower of pale flame blossoms on the white spot between its horns, and the basilisk's head rocks back from its mirror image, screaming. It rears up further, and then its scream dies as it goes rigid, mismatched patches of feather and scale becoming brittle and petrified.
(20:12:46) [GM]: After an agonizingly long yet short time, what remains is a tall statue of an unnatural monster, its six legs clawing motionlessly at air as if clutching for purchase or release.
(20:13:57) [GM]: The rest is silence. Even the distant hissing of snakes dies.
(20:14:36) Miriana: Miriana holds stock-still, still pointing the wand at the basilisk. Ever so slowly, she opens her eyes and peeks at the thing.
(20:14:54) MicahWhiterune: Micah very slowly lifts the shield, paying close attention to the gold
(20:16:33) Miriana: Upon seeing the statue of the basilisk, Miriana laughs in relief. Her legs abruptly give out from under her and she collapses onto the pile of treasures, wiping smoke and sweat off her face.
(20:17:05) MicahWhiterune: "Guess it worked."
(20:17:25) [GM]: The basilisk's true form, now seen for the first time up close in peace rather than the chaos of battle at a distance, is of a misshappen serpent covered in irregular patches of scales, feathers, and spines, its crown of horns shattered around what is now a hole in its head. Six short, irregular legs hang in the air, frozen in agonized spasms, most of its bulk reared up.
(20:18:49) MicahWhiterune: "Man, no wonder it turned to stone. Who could see that ugly mug and  live with itself?"
(20:18:54) Miriana: "Wasn't so tough, huh? That knight probably just couldn't be bothered to lug the mirror down here." Miri's hands are nevertheless shaking as she calls Soot out, cradling the cat in her lap and stroking its head.
(20:20:53) [GM]: The otherworldly cat offers no comment and allows the petting with nary a response, openly displaying its supreme lack of concern for the petrified monster.
(20:20:53) MicahWhiterune: "The fire helped."
(20:21:08) [GM]: ----------

[D&D 5e] The Brightest Light / The King of Serpents, Part 3
« on: January 14, 2017, 11:50:26 AM »
(16:15:12) [GM]: ----------
(16:15:17) [GM]: A festering evil lurks in the sewers of Livest, and Micah and Miriana have agreed to slay it.
(16:15:22) [GM]: Margaretha of the Crane Knights, who helped them learn more of the beeping bride's properties, also told them of the basilisk's presence and asked them to help slay it. After being nearly overwhelmed by a nest of snakes on their first expedition, they caught just a glimpse of the beast on the next day. But the sewers of Livest seem to hold more secrets still, besides the basilisk.
(16:15:40) [GM]: There was the enigmatic Turtlebacks' toll station, where rotting art attempted to mutilate them until it was defaced. And now, Miriana and Micah stand before a crack in the sewer floor, surrounded by dawn-red flowers that have no business growing in this otherwise lightless place. The warm light of chandeliers spills out of the crack, and it is wide enough to see shelves of books from above.
(16:28:41) [GM]: Micah has never seen this sort of flower before... and neither has Miriana. She does not believe them to be native to the region. The flowers and leaves are of fair size, about as large as the palm of her hand, making their presence here even more of a mystery.
(16:30:05) MicahWhiterune: "Any idea if they're poisonous?" Micah reaches down to pull out a couple, roots and all.
(16:32:14) Miriana: "I don't know, don't eat them," is Miriana's automatic response. "...huh. They're not native to the area, though."
(16:32:47) MicahWhiterune: "I don't put strange plants into my mouth, Miri. What if they grow blades and cut their way out?"
(16:33:23) MicahWhiterune: He stuffs a handful into a pocket on his pack, with a bit of the dirt, the flower itself cheerfully peering out.
(16:33:42) [GM]: The crack, meanwhile, appears to have been present for a while. It may have occured naturally or accidentally at first, but has certainly been widened intentionally from this side since. It is perhaps not quite large enough for a person to fit through, but that may be the goal.
(16:33:47) Miriana: "I'd say that's just the dwarf in you talking, but after our last forest outing I'm not discounting the idea."
(16:36:13) Miriana: "Here, scoot over." Miriana crouches down, pressing close to the crack in the floor to see if she can make out the titles of some of the books.
(16:36:52) MicahWhiterune: Micah makes way, keeping ears peeled for sounds resembling flowers or reptiles trying to kill him.
(16:41:25) [GM]: If Micah's sense of orientation serves him, they ought to be near the part of the inner city the university buildings are situated in. Miriana has heard of an extensive library attached to the university, but nothing of a deep basement level to it. The sewer is filled with the sounds of flowing filthy water and occasional scratching or crawling sounds in the distance. Down one of the other canals, louder murmurs and the sound of something heavy being dragged along the ground can be heard.
(16:42:58) [GM]: Though she cannot make out any specific titles - many books seem to be written in foreign languages from what she can see of them, and some re missing inscriptions altogether - the books appear universally old and quite valuable, bound in fine materials and well-preserved.
(16:45:13) Miriana: "This looks like an incredible library. No wonder someone would want to break in."
(16:54:49) MicahWhiterune: "Not a good way to. Water's a good way to ruin  them all"
(16:55:41) Miriana: "The rubble would also be a bit of a giveaway if someone came down here."
(16:56:02) MicahWhiterune: "But I hear something. Come on.  Books don't walk off on their own." Micah sets off after the dragging noise. Torch in his shield hand and oil in the other.
(16:57:35) Miriana: "Ahhh....fine." Miriana takes one last longing glance at the shelves before following.
(17:01:09) [GM]: As the pair race closer, past the intersection they came from with the two humanoid shapes that still haven't moved now to their left, the murmurs resolve into small barking voices and then stop, as does the dragging sound, when another intersection appears in the light of Micah's torch. There is the silence of tense listening, broken by a single voice, barking in an authoritative and questioning tone.
(17:08:15) Miriana: Miriana clears her throat. "What?" she asks loudly to the empty intersection, hoping to sound just as authoritative.
(17:12:05) [GM]: A hiss echoes around the intersection, answered by a chorus of hisses in return, and then a multitude of splashing and scrabbling sounds as the sources of the noise presumably scramble for cover.
(17:13:00) MicahWhiterune: Micah clomps forward, raising his torch, "Kobolds. Any of ya speak <Dwarf>?"
(17:13:04) Miriana: <Well, that didn't work,> Miriana remarks mentally to Micah.
(17:20:02) [GM]: There is silence for a while, then a series of barks from a small creature Miriana and Micah hadn't noticed peering around the corner just ahead of them. It is shorter than a halfling and reptilian, though its face shows almost canine expressiveness. In the light of the torch, several of the creatures, covered in mottled orange scales, pop out to peer suspiciously around the corner.
(17:20:02) [GM]: They are followed by one who may be their leader, if only for being dressed in more than a loincloth, its eyes covered by a blindfold with crude approximations of struck-through eyes stitched in it.
(17:20:39) [GM]: The blindfolded one speaks up in broken dwarven language, saying, "You, engineers?"
(17:22:24) MicahWhiterune: "<Basilisk slayer. Worker of steel.>" Micah gives the kobold a curious look. Refreshing to meet them without having an entire hold worth of loot to  watch over.
(17:25:53) [GM]: "Basilisk, cannot be killed. Scales like stone. Cannot get close. Sent to rule."
(17:26:16) Miriana: Miriana is curious as well, but doesn't contribute to the conversation just yet. She leans on her staff, listening intently.
(17:27:03) MicahWhiterune: "<Burns fine>"
(17:29:13) [GM]: "Fire, bad! Smoke. We offer, sacrifice. Submit to basilisk. You leave, better."
(17:30:56) MicahWhiterune: "<You tell me where to find it. We kill basilisk, or basilisk kill us. Either way works for you.>"
(17:34:39) [GM]: A murmur goes through the kobolds. They seem conflicted. Micah vaguely recalls that kobolds he's heard of worship an imprisoned dark god. The blindfolded kobold said the basilisk was 'sent' to rule - perhaps they believe it is sent by that god?
(17:35:35) MicahWhiterune: "<If it truly  is sent to rule, then it will triumph if that is the will of the gods>"
(17:44:33) [GM]: The kobolds look uneasy, but their presumably leader speaks once again after a pause. "...Moves around. Always patrol. Its resting place, this way. Many servants. No help." The kobold gestures down the intersection rather unhelpfully.
(17:45:05) MicahWhiterune: "It's not in it's lair at the moment? But the serpents are?"
(17:47:21) [GM]: "Often. Always returns. Gathers things."
(17:47:53) MicahWhiterune: "Things?"
(17:50:05) [GM]: "Coins. Objects. Magic light, from killed intruders. Hoards them."
(17:50:39) MicahWhiterune: "Other intruders? We aren't the only ones poking around, are we?"
(17:52:24) Miriana: <Ask them what they know about the Turtlebacks,> Miriana prompts Micah telepathically. <I need to keep looking aloof and mysterious.>
(17:52:34) [GM]: "No. Two humans, earlier. Fell to basilisk."
(17:54:51) MicahWhiterune: <I need some way to describe those idiots in halfway mangled dwarf>
(17:57:52) Miriana: <I guess I could just ask them myself. And *ruin* the mystique.> Miriana straightens up somewhat, reaching out to the blindfolded kobold's mind. <Who set the traps out, further back in the sewers? Who left that art there to be torn apart?>
(18:03:00) [GM]: The blindfolded kobold startles and flinches, and the reply comes more in concepts than in words. First, the slightly fearful question of who or what the voice in the kobold's head is.
(18:03:52) Miriana: Miriana sends the mental impression of a mysterious (and ever so slightly sinister) smile, replying that there are stranger things than dwarves and serpents in these tunnels.
(18:07:25) [GM]: And right she is, for the imagery she sees in reply is such a thing. She gets a mental picture of two skeletally gaunt figures, with skin like a drowning victim's, naked forms covered by wet hair, underwater plants, or both, covered in sores and scars, with faces barely recognizable as female. The Turtleback sisters.
(18:11:07) Miriana: Miriana grimaces, passing the gruesome imagery onto Micah with a quick explanation.
(18:11:34) MicahWhiterune: <Check if the victims match?>
(18:12:20) Miriana: <Could, if we go back down that way. Right number, at least.>
(18:14:30) MicahWhiterune: "And what of the basilisk's servants. Do they also spare you for offerings?"
(18:15:42) [GM]: "Mostly. Extra offerings for them. Then hide and run."
(18:16:45) MicahWhiterune: "Then they do not truly spare you. Only starve you before you run out of offerings, then you will be next."
(18:19:22) [GM]: "That time, we leave."
(18:21:33) MicahWhiterune: "Then you will lose little if you lead us to it's lair while it hunts, then gain a little headstart should it be victorious. We know some who will be able to support you in finding less hungry lands."
(18:22:04) MicahWhiterune: "Spend your treasures to seek safety, rather than to just slow down death by a day"
(18:22:47) [GM]: "Know who?"
(18:35:00) MicahWhiterune: "Crane Knights. Humans with steel. They keep their word if given, and they will want help knowing  what lies under the city. Help they can use to set you up with a better living, if you stay, or with food and guides if you leave."
(18:38:14) [GM]: "What of city?"
(18:39:55) MicahWhiterune: "City prefers not to have snakes in their underwear. You help city keep snakes out, they pay you for living under"
(18:42:55) [GM]: "Now, tolerated. Do not like attention." The kobold seems to consider. "Help with basilisk, for help with Turtlebacks."
(18:44:46) MicahWhiterune: "If you would show us the way to them. And I can still introduce you  to the knights. They are decent people for humans. Works better than if someone mistakes you lot for monsters."
(18:46:10) [GM]: The blindfolded kobold makes a deliberating noise. "fine."
(18:46:57) MicahWhiterune: Micah offers a hand, after stuffing the bag of fuel he had been holding back onto his belt, "Deal."
(18:47:29) Miriana: <They can't see your hand,> Miri points out helpfully.
(18:47:59) MicahWhiterune: <Shush>
(18:50:20) [GM]: A clicking remark from another kobold prompts the blindfolded one to warily peer out of the blindfold by raising it with a finger. The kobold approaches Micah suspiciously and, after some hesitation, takes the offered hand.
(18:54:18) [GM]: ----------

[D&D 5e] The Brightest Light / The King of Serpents, Part 2
« on: January 06, 2017, 05:50:43 PM »
(16:19:01) [GM]: A festering evil lurks in the sewers of Livest, and Micah and Miriana have agreed to slay it.
(16:19:07) [GM]: In seeking out Thamior Nowak the constable to learn more about the weeping bride's properties, they met also Margaretha of the Crane Knights, who told them of the basilisk lurking beneath the city. On their first expedition, they were surprised and nearly overwhelmed by a massive nest of poisonous snakes. Though they did manage to eradicate the beasts, they were forced to retreat, recover, and resupply.
(16:19:30) [GM]: The weather has, if anything, gotten worse overnight, and the morning clouds threaten rain, the sun unseen somewhere beyond them. The day begins with a small commotion in the district of Ostend. It seems that in the early morning, the day's first fishers caught and killed a snake in the river.
(16:19:39) [GM]: River snakes are rare enough, but what made this beast the immediate talk of the town was its unusual size, as long as one of the fishers, and its possession of two strange, vestigial legs.
(16:19:49) [GM]: Surely, the basilisk does not sleep, but the past day still sits sore in Miriana and Micah's bones. What will they do?
(16:22:05) MicahWhiterune: Micah knows very well what he does, for the  bulging sack of fuel is soon divided into smaller bulging sacks of fuel, for when some serpents need to be reforged into more useful ashes.
(16:23:47) Miriana: Miriana's preparations aren't so volatile, but she does make a point of acquiring a sturdy yew walking stick, the memory of what felt like scores of missed curses still fresh in her head.
(16:30:03) MicahWhiterune: Finally, Micah acquires a torch, the better to light fires with, and  to draw attacks onto  himself than Miriana.
(16:37:10) [GM]: Later in the day, the clouds have made good on their promise of rain. As if to wash away the filth of mortal souls, water pours on the streets and roofs of Livest. When Micah and Miriana once again arrive at their entrance to the sewers in the late afternoon, they find the flow of water has intensified , and so has the stench. Both the smell of waste and the basilisk's foreign reeks seem stronger under the rain.
(16:38:21) MicahWhiterune: "I look forward to burning all of this shit."
(16:38:47) Miriana: Miriana trudges glumly along, hood pulled up over her head. "Not much will burn in this weather."
(16:39:37) [GM]: Discarded eggs still float downstream, but they seem fewer in number than yesterday. Several among them, however, are of worrying size once identified as single eggs and not clusters thereof.
(16:39:56) MicahWhiterune: "Oh Mya. More of those."
(16:40:58) Miriana: "I was hoping a day or so wouldn't be such a long time to wait...ugh."
(16:41:58) [GM]: Retracing their steps from yesterday proves easy enough, as the canal they followed only branched near where they found the nest of snakes. After exploring the vicinity of their run-in, thankfully bereft of snakes this time, they find a large gathering of shapes in the darkness, near a T-intersection.
(16:42:38) [GM]: The shapes turn out to be objects of art, lining the tunnel in no small number on both sides, going either way perpendicular to the canal they came from. Without exception, they appear beautiful and valuable, art that lifts the spirit, but they lie discarded in the damp sewer. Statues are covered in mold and refuse, paintings rotten, metal objects tarnished. Some appear to have been deliberately defaced.
(16:43:00) [GM]: Among the collection, however, are a select few pristine pieces. They appear new, and beautiful even in this dismal resting place. Writing on the wall catches Micah and Miriana's attention, just before the grotesque gallery. It is a poem carved into the masonry as if by a knife on wood, irregular letters spelling out,
(16:43:00) [GM]: "Odious beauty, odious hope/Hope and beauty are the toll/Be it yours or be it theirs"
(16:43:00) [GM]: Beneath it, in the same hand, is carved, "The Turtlebacks' toll."
(16:45:12) MicahWhiterune: "Who are these Turtlebacks and why didn''t they get eaten by snakes?"
(16:45:58) Miriana: "What's all this? 'Hope and beauty'...? It sounds like someone wants us to bring art in order to pass."
(16:50:47) MicahWhiterune: Micah pokes at the metalwork, "Depends on their standards then."
(16:53:57) [GM]: On a quick look around, the statues appear to be just statues; they pose in ways that are to be expected of fine art, where poses are still recognizable. All of the pieces gathered down here must have once been fine indeed; a small fortune is rotting in oblivion. Those pieces that have been defaced seem to have been treated in the most deliberately cruel manner; beautiful
(16:53:57) [GM]: faces and forms slashed, smiles crudely redrawn into snarls, filigree brutally smashed.
(16:54:36) [GM]: Among all them, those few pristine ones stand out like beacons, two one way and one the other.
(16:55:46) Miriana: "Someone's been down here recently. Leaving new offerings for these people to wreck, it seems..."
(16:56:41) MicahWhiterune: "Criminal waste of good craftsmanship." Micah nudges the ones in better condition to consider how portable they might be.
(16:57:58) Miriana: Miriana glances up and down the tunnel, a little nervously. "Someone thought it was wiser than risking the alternative, at least."
(16:59:32) [GM]: One of them is a beautiful marble statue of a man in motion, poised to turn around and face some unseen entity, likely to be too unwieldy to take home. The others are a painting of a happy wedding scene and an intricate armillary sphere of metal and colored glass, as much art as instrument. As he inspects the closest one, the painting, however, Micah suddenly hears a wild, malicious hiss very nearby.
(17:00:20) MicahWhiterune: Micah swivels his mirror shield to face it as he grabs for one of the firebags.
(17:03:19) [GM]: The hiss came from right in front of him, and his reflexive raising of the shield stops a sudden stream of acid from hitting his face, much of it splashing off his shield. Some stray liquid splashes past, hitting the skin of his brow and arms to produce smoke and a sensation like burning coals on his skin.
(17:03:48) [GM]: Was it just his imagination, or did the happy wedding scene on the painting seem to twist into rage and snarls for a split second?
(17:07:03) MicahWhiterune: "What shot THAT? Stung a bit." Micah juggles the bag of incendiary as he exchanges a glance with Miriana.
(17:07:36) Miriana: Miriana looks around warily. "Did you touch anything? Maybe they're rigged up to traps..."
(17:08:13) MicahWhiterune: "Painting went ugly for a moment."
(17:09:46) Miriana: "Probably not a trap, then. I wonder if that happens if we try to pass without leaving any art..."
(17:11:13) MicahWhiterune: "Well, it's either set it on fire or..." He walks over and tips the painting over with his shield facing downwards.
(17:12:56) Miriana: "Well, mm. I don't know where we'd get anything this fancy on short notice."
(17:14:31) [GM]: The painting tips and falls over face first, its wooden frame banging against the stone floor inches from the water canal flowing in the middle of the tunnel. Nothing seems to happen.
(17:14:48) [GM]: As Miriana and Micah ponder the eerie collection, the stench in the background intensifies gradually, and rapid splashes, scratching and rasping come down the left-hand path, the one with the intact painting and statue.
(17:17:37) MicahWhiterune: Micah interposes himself between the noise and Miriana, then approaches, having left the sack of oil on the floor near the painting earlier and drawn his hammer.
(17:17:47) Miriana: Miriana glances down at Micah. "Um. We could run...?"
(17:19:12) [GM]: And then, loud, raspy breathing, far down the same direction. Red points like glowing embers appear in the distance, moving erratically, as Micah approaches, past the painting, when he hears another sudden hiss right in his vicinity!
(17:19:38) MicahWhiterune: Micah pivots his shield towards the noise again, "Next time we come down the walls would be snakes"
(17:21:28) [GM]: Acid again splashes against his shield. This time, the hiss and stream seemed to come from the other wall, and he finds his shield facing the intact statue, looking into the space above his head with an expression of steady determination.
(17:24:24) [GM]: Miriana, having been looking down the tunnel, caught a glimpse of the youth's expression twisted into craven brutality for a fraction of a heartbeat as a stream of acid materialized out of thin air and shot towards Micah's face from the statue.
(17:24:33) [GM]: The distant embers seem to approach in the darkness as the breathing continues, and a soft, unpleasantly warm and wet cloud of overwhelming stench hits Micah and soon after Miriana.
(17:25:37) Miriana: "This seems like the time to r-!" is all she manages to get out before the stench hits and she gags horribly.
(17:27:25) [GM]: As the distant embers approach, they resolve in the duo's vision as strange hybrids of snake, lizard, and glowing coal, elongated beasts the thickness and length of Miriana's arms, crawling on four oddly-placed and malformed freet, patches of their hides glowing red. Still the breathing and scratching continues, and it does not seem to come from them.
(17:29:04) [GM]: Their strange appendages and misplaced forms remind of the story Micah and Miriana heard that morning about the strangely mutated snake caught by fishers.
(17:30:03) MicahWhiterune: Micah faces the creatures, "Miri, if ya can't aim, just set the packet on fire and throw it in their general direction"
(17:30:27) Miriana: "With what?" she chokes, but she reluctantly stands her ground well behind Micah.
(17:32:12) MicahWhiterune: "Just yank the tinderbox, it's sticking out of my pack."
(17:36:00) [GM]: For several eternal heartbeats, Micah and Miriana feel a baleful stare upon them, and imagine they can see the beast's eye down the canal where the sound of breathing comes from. But after those moments, the sound of breathing, scratching, and splashing steps resume and draw farther away.
(17:36:00) [GM]: The two glowing serpents, however, hiss and crawl along the floor of the tunnel on either side of the filth water. Steam rises with a hiss where their legs touch water, and they stop several paces from Micah and belch gobs of fire at the dwarf in unison, briefly lighting the tunnel and giving the duo a glimpse of mismatched feathers and scales in the distance.
(17:38:44) [GM]: <MicahWhiterune> "Or, ya know, them bastards are already on fire..."
(17:41:00) [GM]: One of the globs splashes harmlessly against his shield, but the other flies above and scorches him where the acid already caused damage, multiplying the burning sensation to the point of agony.
(17:42:45) MicahWhiterune: Micah grunts as he takes the hit, but evinces no other reaction to the burns
(17:43:55) Miriana: Miriana, of the belief that if it's already on fire more fire won't make its life that much more miserable, instead draws her wand and points a wavering hand in the direction of a serpent, light gathering at the wandtip before spearing out.
(17:46:46) [GM]: The magic blast strikes the ember-serpent's belly as it rears up, rocking its head backwards with a start. It hisses angrily in Miriana's direction.
(17:55:17) MicahWhiterune: "Mya, I beseech thy forge-hammer. Pound the  cinders to ash!"
(17:56:03) MicahWhiterune: Micah advances and swings his hammer at the wounded serpent even as a massive spectral hammer descends.
(17:59:18) [GM]: Another stream of acid grazes Micah as he moves past the statue, but it is insignificant compared to the burns he already has. Mya's hammer, a mirror of Micah's own, appears shining in mid-air and pummels the serpent Miriana shot, though the physical hammer's swing goes wide.
(18:00:02) [GM]: With the dwarf advancing on them, the ember-snakes hiss and turn on Micah, lunging and biting at his arms and face.
(18:02:13) [GM]: One catches only the chains around his forearm, but the other manages to bite through the gauntlet of his hammer-arm, inflicting searing pain that leaves smoke rising from the gauntlet's leather.
(18:04:57) Miriana: Miriana squints through the chaos - steam and smoke alongside the bile rising in her throat - and shoots another blast at the same creature while it is assaulted by Mya's hammer.
(18:09:20) Miriana: She moves backwards quickly, remembering the last time she was attacked by snakes in these tunnels, but she gives the intact art as wide a berth as she can manage.
(18:15:35) [GM]: Sure enough, a thick squirt of acid springs out of thin air in the vicinity of the sphere, which appears for a moment to be tarnished and broken, showing foreign constellations opposing the true ones, aimed straight for Miriana's face. For her distance and caution, only a droplet falls on her skin, stinging like a hot needle. Skin-melting acid, the kind one might torture people with.
(18:15:53) MicahWhiterune: Micah meanwhile, pauses in his swinging to refocus upon his accumulating wounds, "Mya, lend me the light of life, to burn this wounds from my flesh."
(18:19:54) [GM]: The snakes weave warily around the spectral hammer that moves of its own volition, buying Micah time to heal his own wounds with a touch. Soon after, however, they are again on him, and bite with their red-hot fangs.
(18:20:54) MicahWhiterune: Micah wedges shield and hammer into open maws, halting their  assault.
(18:24:15) Miriana: Scrubbing the acid off her face with her sleeve, Miriana sends another burst of light somewhat haphazardly over Micah's shoulder.
(18:30:28) MicahWhiterune: Micah, wounds dealt with, keeps on swinging and swinging, mortal and divine hammer alike.
(18:35:41) [GM]: The blow of Mya's hammer rocks the serpent, putting its head right in the path of Micah's own blow. The mortal hammer connects with a spray of blood, and the snake falls limp into the water with a hiss of steam. Even as its twin falls, the other bites again and again at the threatening dwarf.
(18:38:12) Miriana: Encouraged by the sight, Miriana jabs her wand forward at the remaining serpent, another flash lighting the tunnel ever so briefly.
(18:41:00) MicahWhiterune: Micah, enlivened by the previous success, hammers it hard from opposite directions.
(18:42:22) [GM]: A blast of light hits the burning serpent, followed by Mya's and Micah's hammers pummeling it every which way. Hissing, the beast turns to flee.
(18:44:08) Miriana: Miriana spits to clear her mouth out and fires a parting shot in the fleeing monster's direction.
(18:46:16) [GM]: Although her stomach has stopped pushing for revolution against its owner, A trace of sickness and the beast's movement work to make her shot miss anyway.
(18:47:23) MicahWhiterune: Micah rushes forward, pressing the attack.
(18:48:55) MicahWhiterune: It takes some brutal pounding, but the serpent had no chance in the end, of getting away.
(18:50:19) MicahWhiterune: "What was those things?" Micah rubs the sore spots the lingering acid and fire burns itched at.
(18:51:38) Miriana: "Dead, now, but I hate the thought of those things popping out into the river."
(18:58:07) Miriana: Experimentally, Miriana hefts her staff and brings it down onto the armillary sphere a few times. Once the delicate orbits are bent and ruined, she experimentally walks by, one arm in front of her face.
(18:59:36) [GM]: The metal bends and glass shatters, spilling shards onto the floor and in the water. The armillary sphere, undoubtedly once beautiful in the light of the sun, lies miserably ruined and broken, but when Miriana walks past it once again, no acid assaults her.
(18:59:50) MicahWhiterune is now known as veekie
(19:01:50) Miriana: Miriana peeks over her sleeve, smiling at having solved the puzzle. "There we are. Looks like your kind of problem solving is what we need here!"
(19:02:07) Miriana: "Though I dearly wish I'd thought of that earlier." She rubs at the small acid burn on her face.
(19:05:33) veekie: "Pity. That was some fine metalwork." Micah rights the painting. "This is just paint, on the other hand."
(19:06:37) Miriana: "Well, let's worry about the basilisk first. ...Was that it before, watching us?"
(19:06:40) [GM]: The painting's face is smeared in dirt from contact with the floor, some of the paint scratched. Perhaps it could be restored?
(19:07:21) Miriana: Idly, Miriana reaches into the armillary sphere and breaks one of the smaller, shinier pieces off to tuck away into a pocket.
(19:08:56) veekie: "It retreated before I saw anything. Must have been two of its bigger snakes there."
(19:09:29) veekie is now known as MicahWhiterune
(19:09:57) Miriana: "Let's hope there's not much more of those." Miriana inspects Micah's face. "Alright to keep going, or do we need to double back?"
(19:11:40) MicahWhiterune: "No more than a scratch, though my stronger miracles are exhausted. It would have found even uglier snakes next time."
(19:19:45) [GM]: And so Micah says, but as he moves again, the statue releaces another stream of acid, that this time hits him full on, without the chance to raise his shield, almost as if the enchantment itself had a sense of humor.
(19:21:03) MicahWhiterune: "Aaghbll"
(19:22:37) MicahWhiterune: Micah, no longer giving  a damn about the quality of the stonework, grabs his hammer in a two handed swing straight into it's hip area.
(19:22:42) Miriana: Miriana jumps back in alarm. "Oh!"
(19:24:33) [GM]: Stone cracks under Micah's hammer and shatters under a second blow, leaving the sculpted youth in motion with a sad broken hip to jar his dynamic.
(19:26:48) MicahWhiterune: "Maybe just a bit of time to catch my breath before we go after that again." Micah kicks at  some of the rubble.
(19:27:40) Miriana: Miriana nods. "That sounds wise."
(19:28:25) Miriana: "I'm not gonna try to fix the painting until we're in a little better shape, though."
(19:30:55) MicahWhiterune: Micah more or less dumps it on her, "Take it then."
(19:31:46) Miriana: "Not with me! You want me to carry this thing through the sewers?"
(19:32:51) MicahWhiterune: "Could just roll it up."
(19:33:58) Miriana: "I guess," Miriana grouses, turning the painting around and pulling out a dagger. "Stupid sensible suggestions..."
(19:39:09) [GM]: With a damaged painting rolled up and stowed, Micah and Miriana stop to catch their breaths before moving further on. They already glimpsed the basilisk, presumably, in the distant darkness of the canal ahead, but the sewers are a maze that riddles the ground beneath the inner city, and once in the maze the path is no longer so straight and without branches.
(19:40:32) [GM]: After wandering through seemingly identical passages, guided mostly by Micah's sense for the stone construction, they find a crossed intersection unlike the others. If the dwarf's stone-cunning does not mislead him, they must be somewhere beneath the eastern inner city. Ahead, the two see a pair of unmoving humanoid figures standing in the darkness. The basilisk's stench seems strongest down this canal.
(19:40:32) [GM]: The passage to the left, however, has a warm glow, as of fire, breaking through the floor a good distance down, and Miriana spies what appear to be red flowers growing near that light, in a sewer of all places. To the right, meanwhile, they hear scratching claws and raspy murmurs.
(19:46:54) Miriana: Miriana frowns deeply, tapping Micah's shoulder and pointing toward the left passage.
(19:49:57) MicahWhiterune: Micah nods, leading  the way.
(19:50:59) [GM]: The flowers are bright orange-red like the morning sun, in five individual petals surrounding the stem, surrounded by vibrant green, round leaves. Why such flowers would be growing in a lightless sewer is anyone's guess. They surround a crack in the ground, where wall meets stone floor, through which the light of chandeliers spills upwards.
(19:52:44) [GM]: The crack seems partly natural, but intentionally widened. Peering through, Miriana and Micah see a large, dimly lit room, lined with, as far as they can tell, bookshelves. Was not the university situated in the east of the inner city?
(19:53:11) [GM]: ----------

[D&D 5e] The Brightest Light / The King of Serpents, Part 1
« on: December 30, 2016, 03:32:46 PM »
(16:12:02) [GM]: ----------
(16:12:09) [GM]: A festering evil lurks in the sewers of Livest, and Micah and Miriana have agreed to slay it.
(16:12:16) [GM]: In seeking out Thamior Nowak the constable to learn more about the weeping bride's properties, they learned of the nature of Keohtom's ointment, the theriac which can be made from it; though it likely cannot help Camelia by itself, perhaps the working principle could be adapted. They met also Margaretha of the Crane Knights, who confided in them two crises and asked for their help.
(16:12:40) [GM]: The mythical basilisk is a monster that rarely appears, but it must have hatched somewhere. As king of serpents, it will gather snakes and reptilians about it, many species of which are to be found around Livest, several of them poisonous. A mirror may turn its petrifying gaze back on the monster, and its remains are said to have great value.
(16:12:48) [GM]: The weather is cold for the season, and clouds cover the sky as if the city were hiding its shame from the gods. Going to meet the basilisk unprepared is dangerous, but so is tarrying, for the kingdom of serpents grows in ignorance. What will Miriana and Micah do?
(16:18:25) MicahWhiterune: Micah, on his part, goes to acquire a portable forging set. He had spent far too long without the tools of his trade, having  left in somewhat of a hurry. This, along with some rivets,a few small steel ingots and a tiny lump of silver, would do to help deal with the basilisk.
(16:20:12) Miriana: Miriana uses this as an excuse to break off from her companion and go through the market street, picking up the inks she was looking for along with a small brazier and some particular herbs to burn.
(16:30:22) Miriana: While Micah is off forging, Miriana carries her new purchases back to her room, where she spends a few hours meticulously transcribing Viktor's scroll into the odd notation used by her book. Afterwards, she puts her pack together and lugs the brazier out to somewhere secluded in the woods, the better to perform her next ritual alone.
(16:30:51) MicahWhiterune: Micah then sets to work, pounding the bright orange ingot of steel flat , shifting and cursing slightly(followed by apologies to Mya for the swearing), to deal with the smaller than accustomed forge, as he converted  the metal to a  thin sheet, with simple hooks as clips for his shield.
(16:32:57) MicahWhiterune: Then he set to it with a scouring stone, grinding away the imperfections of the hammer blows, reducing the rough steel to a dull gleam, before much  more carefully, heating the shield to a dull red and then rolling the silver over it, letting the brighter  metal bond to the steel without wastage, and then a final sanding, to take it to a gleam.
(16:50:03) [GM]: The entrance from which the basilisk's stench was first reported and is still strongest, overlaying the smell of refuse, is a grated exit where filth water flows out into the river Mahr, east of the inner city on the southern shore, near where a tributary enters the Mahr.
(16:50:03) [GM]: Micah arrives carrying his quickly mirrored shield, while Miriana has a pitch-black cat with vivid red tufts of fur at its ears' tips in tow. Her new companion expresses immediate displeasure at the destination, hanging on to the half-elf and refusing to go near the water.
(16:51:10) [GM]: With some trying, it turns out that the masonry holding the grate has been damaged in places so that the grate almost swings outwards like a door on hinges. This is unlikely to be an intended feature of construction. As the duo ponder this, many irregular shapes drift by in the water coming out. Among them, a large, soft clump of drab grey and white bumps against Micah's leg.
(16:57:25) veekie: Micah prods it  with his hammer, preoccupied with the odd masonry.
(16:58:36) Miriana: "What's this now?" Miriana shifts the cat a little higher up in her arms, peering closely.
(16:59:05) [GM]: The odd lump separates with little resistance, drifting lightly on the water. It is a clump of many of the same white shapes drifting out of the sewer that got caught on each other - eggs, on closer inspection. Hatched snake eggs. Dozens of them.
(16:59:57) MicahWhiterune: "Mya, your fire cleanse this bane upon the land!" Divine flame lances into the cluster.
(17:00:34) Miriana: Miriana leans back very quickly before her nose gets singed off. "Hey! A little warning, please!"
(17:01:01) [GM]: The discarded eggs burn easily int he water, giving off a sickly light.
(17:03:10) MicahWhiterune: "Not chancing  those getting out. There must be more. Urgh."
(17:03:43) MicahWhiterune: "Someone's been coming down here often enough to hack some holes into the walls."
(17:04:08) Miriana: "They tend to gather reptiles around them, so...pretty likely, yes." Miriana squints at the grating. "This was intentional?"
(17:04:48) MicahWhiterune: "Stone doesn't  rot into ugly hinges like that on it's own."
(17:05:42) Miriana: "Someone really wanted secrecy, then."
(17:07:16) MicahWhiterune: "Keep going and keep your eyes peeled."
(17:08:11) Miriana: "Well...ah, fine." Miriana hesitates, then squeezes through the opening and into the sewer.
(17:09:18) MicahWhiterune: Micah trudges onwards glumly.
(17:12:55) Miriana: Miriana sets the cat down on a dry patch of stone and gives it a little mental nudge. <Go walk a little ways ahead of us, dear, and keep an eye out. I'll clean you up after.>
(17:14:23) [GM]: The sewer canal is narrow and low - Micah can walk upright, but Miriana must crouch. The already poor daylight from outside fades to near nothing as go deeper, leaving them in a world of black and white. Mercifully, the canal eventually leads into a larger tunnel where Miriana can walk upright an. The cat mentally emotes pure glumness and fastidiously avoids the filthy water while traipsing ahead.
(17:22:57) [GM]: Some time passes in silence but for the flow of water, slowly and carefuly moving forward while looking and listening for danger. The basilisk's smell wafts down the tunnel allk the while, a difficult to place reek that overlays the smell of excretion with death and blood.
(17:22:57) [GM]: Spent egg shells still drift by in great numbers, but the creatures that left them are nowhere to be seen - until the group finds themselves near an intersection of this tunnel into another, and Micah feels resistance against his legs.
(17:23:33) [GM]: There writhe masses of snakes, unseen until now in the colorless darkness, their thin bodies hidden by the water.
(17:25:28) [GM]: The swarm of snakes hisses angrily as one beast with a hundred voices, writhin around Micah's legs.
(17:25:49) MicahWhiterune: "Oh for Mya's sake..."
(17:33:32) [GM]: Many small mouths find their way past his armor and through the clothing beneath, stinging him with a thousand pinpricks. Poison enters his blood, but is barely felt.
(17:34:58) Miriana: Miriana draws her wand at about the same time that the cat bolts away from the snakes, even before her mental prompting. She hesitates briefly before blasting at the thick mass of serpents between his feet.
(17:37:33) [GM]: A spear of pale light shoots from Miriana's wand and hits the water with a loud splash, but between aiming to avoid hitting Micah and the difficulty of distinguishing the snakes from the water they writhe in, her shot hits only refuse.
(17:39:26) [GM]: The snakes begin creeping up Micah's body to cover his waist, biting where they find purchase, but purchase is scarce on his armor.
(17:40:34) MicahWhiterune: Micah swats and kicks off the serpents as he raises his hammer high, causing divine  radiance  to pierce all around him, "Mya burn these impurities away from the earth!"
(17:41:53) [GM]: The evil-minded beasts seem to almost feel the holy light coming, and swiftly drop off his body or slither away from the flames only to resume their attack immediately after they fade.
(17:43:14) MicahWhiterune: Micah stares at the unholy beasts, appalled.
(17:43:54) Miriana: Miriana hesitates, then sketches a symbol in midair with the tip of her wand to curse the creatures before jabbing her wand through its center and hurling another jet of light at the thickest mass.
(17:47:22) [GM]: Her shot this time is on point, illuminating the darkness with a spray of gore and scarlet fire as Micah's side is temporarily freed from the beasts. Even still, the others swarm to fill the opening and crawl towards his neck and face.
(17:50:37) MicahWhiterune: Micah just keeps tossing them off before they so much as strike a spark. "As the flames of the forge cleanse the metal of impurities, so too do they cleanse this serpents from thy servant!" Another flare blazes out.
(17:53:32) [GM]: Again, the snakes drop off Micah and crawl away from the light, though this time they hesitate to attack him again, writhing uncertainly at his feet.
(17:54:32) Miriana: Miriana squints down the length of the wand, bringing it down in a slashing arc this time to blast a thick knot of snakes away from where they're regrouping at Micah's feet.
(17:58:28) [GM]: The renewed blast cuts into the mass of snakes and water, killing many and spreading their remains over the walls. The remainder of the swarm hesitates for a moment - then drops away from the near unassailable Micah and flows like a stream towards Miriana, following the afterimage of her wand's light..
(18:01:41) MicahWhiterune: Micah swats at them as they pass.
(18:02:21) [GM]: The snakes avoid his swing like splashing water, and are on Miriana in an eyeblink, crawling and biting at her legs.
(18:03:10) Miriana: Miriana hops in place, doing an ungainly dance that incorporates a lot of stomping.
(18:04:11) MicahWhiterune: "Begone, foul creatures, and in Mya's name stop dodging!"
(18:06:02) [GM]: This time, the snakes are less swift to react, and several crawling up Miriana's clothes and trying to find skin are incinerated.
(18:07:15) Miriana: "Again! Warning!" Miriana grits her teeth as she send a streak of white light haphazardly into the water at her own feet.
(18:09:29) [GM]: The snakes' assault throws her aim off into a splash of water. At last, several snakes find her sleeves as she gesticulates to cast and throw them off, and she feels teeth like needles sinking into her wrists.
(18:15:36) MicahWhiterune: "Oh no you don't! From the darkness you come, to the darkness you return. All life is Mya's gift, and this I revoke!" Micah raises the now black shield and sweeps it through the cluster of serpents.
(18:20:10) Miriana: Miriana waits until the snakes scatter from the shield before snapping her wand down vigorously, tearing a stray snake loose from its grasp on her wrist as she hurls more witchlight into the stinging mass.
(18:23:02) [GM]: Once again her aim is off and the snakes move around the blast like water. Distant concern and a suggestion to cut losses and leave echo in Miriana's mind from the cat she summoned just earlier today.
(18:23:37) [GM]: The snakes, meanwhile, show no intention of letting up, and continue their advance towards Miriana's throat even as she continues shaking them off.
(18:25:17) [GM]: And amid her struggles, several finally reach it. What feels like a thousand fangs sink into her throat, and poison burns in her veins.
(18:28:02) MicahWhiterune: "The light of life blazes eternal!" Micah lashes forth with twinned scarlet and crimson light at Miriana's position.
(18:29:46) [GM]: The snakes momentarily flee the light once again, leaving Miriana some room to get back up as Micah's healing word closes the wounds on her neck.
(18:32:21) Miriana: Miriana lashes out with the wand to buy herself a little breathing room as she clambers to her feet, light whip-cracking out at the snakes.
(18:35:39) [GM]: Snakes drop off Miriana as she rises again unexpectedly. The beasts, uncomprehending, attempt to retake their prey in a frenzy.
(18:38:13) MicahWhiterune: "Light of Life, Hope of Salvation. Deliver us from these foul serpents!"
(18:40:51) [GM]: Once more, Miriana feels poisonous bites, followed by Micah's magic keeping her on her feet, somehow.
(18:40:59) Miriana: Miriana, through a haze of poison and pain, wills the cat to come back and distract the snakes for Micah. Somehow having managed to hang on to her wand, she casts another spell at the hateful things.
(18:44:47) Miriana: With the curse she placed renewed and the arrival of something furry to grab their attention, she fires one more, last-ditch spear of light.
(18:46:12) [GM]: With an emotion of resignation at the back of Miriana's mind, a black shape darts out of the darkness to land on her and pull enough snakes off her arm and shoulders to let her aim properly for just a second.
(18:48:32) [GM]: The otherworldly cat drops off Miriana with several snakes in tow, and confused by the sudden interruption, what little remains of the swarm falls upon the intruder.
(18:51:40) MicahWhiterune: "Mya light this noble beast's sacrifice!"
(18:56:09) [GM]: Mya's fire lights the cat's body as the remaining snakes coil around it, and they go up in smokeless light, no more to poison this world. Darkness and silence returns to the sewer.
(18:58:37) Miriana: Miriana pants, rubbing at her throat where the fang wounds are only partially closed up from Micah's healing. "Oh....poor thing. I'll bring you right back once we get out of here," she frets.
(19:01:16) MicahWhiterune: Micah looks tiredly at  the mess, laying hands on Miriana, "Mya scour this poison from her wounds."
(19:07:41) [GM]: Nowhere to go but forward or back up in defeat, the tunnel ahead leads into another larger one yet, this one allowing for both to stand straight and walk on either side of the water, rather than wade through the city's waste.
(19:10:56) Miriana: Miriana sighs in relief before glancing back up the tunnel. "That was a mess."
(19:11:21) MicahWhiterune: Micah peers further into the darkness, "Think we should back up a bit and get everything in order. Too big a gamble to press on in this state? That poor cat."
(19:12:23) Miriana: "I wouldn't say no. I don't think Margaretha would begrudge us an extra day to lick our wounds, considering all this."
(19:16:31) MicahWhiterune: "Only reasonable enough. And I'm going to buy some oil."
(19:18:40) Miriana: "...oh dear."
(19:20:08) MicahWhiterune: "Lets go. Next time they won't be able to dodge."
(19:22:17) [GM]: Weakened and beaten, the two heroes of Ostend retreat from the sewers to return with new resolve and new preparation. The serpent king's court may be growing, but at least they killed many snakes. Their beds at the inn sound more inviting than they have since arriving in Livest.
(19:23:18) [GM]: It is afternoon, but still the sky is overcast.
(19:25:26) Miriana: Miriana goes, once again, back to market to buy fresh herbs and charcoal for her ritual - though not before she magically wipes away all the grime and blood from the sewer excursion and seals up the punctures and tears in her outfit with a touch.
(19:27:06) MicahWhiterune: Micah, before splitting up, prods her to do the same for him. Witchcraft can be surprisingly convenient.
(19:29:55) MicahWhiterune: He then heads for the fuel parts of  the market, aiming to buy several large skins of oil, lime, and charcoal, as he simultaneously attempts to stick the bill on their employer.
(19:33:21) Miriana: Upon reflection, Miriana stops by the fishmonger on her way out to the secluded spot she found earlier and buys a fish to offer to the creature by way of apology.
(19:37:04) [GM]: As Miriana and Micah return to Ostend to make their purchases, Micah finds merchants willing to sell on credit so long as they know they can send the bill to the Fair Constable should the Crane Knights reject it. Miriana's as yet nameless familiar fills the back of her head with glum, wordless thoughts as it tears into the offering.
(19:37:52) [GM]: When they return to the inn to regroup and consider their steps tomorrow, the innkeep Mariya is present to greet them with a warm smile and warm supper.
(19:39:28) MicahWhiterune: Micah, after some consideration, leaves his purchases secured outside. Bringing that much oil and coal chunks inside is asking for trouble when the surroundings aren't damp rock.
(19:47:31) [GM]: With a victory by the breadth of a hair, Micah and Miriana retreat to lick their wounds and rest. Night falls as if pressing into the opening of their retreat, and the basilisk yet lurks beneath.
(19:47:36) [GM]: ----------

[D&D 5e] The Brightest Light / Re: Micah's Stash (Objects and treasures)
« on: December 28, 2016, 06:35:58 AM »
Keoghtom's ointment

A darkly shimmering, honey-like panacea, to be applied topically or swallowed. It is a theriac, a poison that kills other poisons, being composed of a myriad dangerous substances in minute amounts bound together by the nectar of a weeping bride. For this reason and because if its scarcity, elven herbalists guard its secret recipe closely. If not everyone in need can receive, after all, it must be carefully considered who will.

As there is no poison that causes aging, this tonic is incapable of helping Camelia. But perhaps its purpose can be adapted; after all, to rage against age and death is in the human nature. All one need do is distill the ravages of time itself.

[D&D 5e] The Brightest Light / Re: Familiar Faces (NPCs and factions)
« on: December 28, 2016, 06:27:48 AM »
Pious Guardians of Always Loving Altair and the Crane's Oath (Crane Knights)

Youngest and least orthodox of the great paladin orders, though its roots predate the human church as it is today. Its founding saint, who came to be known as Always Loving Altair, was said to descend directly from the god-hero Corellon Larethian, whom the elves yet mourn.

Originally an order that recruited from converted elves and their half-elven and human descendants, its syncretism and simple message of beauty and hope helped it grow in rural regions where old religions and druidic circles still hold sway. Where wilderness and darkness are always a few steps' distance away, a simple affirmation may be the difference between holding out and succumbing.
Kindle the light. Shelter the light. Be the light.

[D&D 5e] The Brightest Light / Familiar Faces (NPCs and factions)
« on: December 28, 2016, 06:27:38 AM »
Mariya Blinsky, the innkeep

Owner of the Fair Constable inn in the Ostend district. Formerly a wandering hunter and archer, retired due to a debilitating injury. A longstanding friend of the former constable's family, she stepped up in the face of mutual tragedy and settled down where he could not bear to stay.

It is precisely when smiles are hard to come by that a smile is most valuable, and should therefore be given freely. So believes Mariya Blinsky.

[D&D 5e] The Brightest Light / Re: Miriana's Black Book (Lore and monsters)
« on: December 28, 2016, 06:25:44 AM »

The king of serpents, an infamous monster that has appeared to haunt the shadows throughout history. Its gaze turns to brittle limestone all it beholds, and the stench of its breath alone can kill. Few reliable accounts exist of its true appearance; showing it a mirror to turn its stare on itself is said to be the safest means of destroying it.

A basilisk hatches from a neglected egg laid by a rooster, so stories say. It is a festering evil that grows in the shadows of neglect until it becomes unstoppable. As it grows, the king assembles its court, and unnatural reptiles herald its advent.


Accursed wizard, twisted in mind and body by its all-consuming obsession. The rotting gaze of its single eye lays bare bones and secrets alike. Its craving for knowledge, power, and magic remains, but the aim of its ambitions has long vanished together with its former self, leaving nothing but insatiable want.

Desperate mages are easily tempted to seek trade with a nothic; magical baubles for secrets. The University of Livest secretly employs one as librarian for its restricted books, ostensibly as a reminder to never lose sight of what is truly important. However, a nothic's insight and experience have far more practical applications as well.

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