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Fun Finds v7.0 - Now with +15% more reposts!

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--- Quote from: Amechra on November 10, 2015, 03:06:43 PM ---An oldie but goodie - Mounted Fury is hilarious, since your mount gets all of the benefits and drawbacks you get from Rage.

All of them.

A fun combo is Strength of the Charger + Mounted Fury = you essentially apply your Con bonus from Rage to your Fortitude saves twice.

--- End quote ---

So I have this on my docket.

Nice first post!

Heeeyyyyy that pic ain't D&D now is it ?!

Fun Find at the end of wotc, Zardnaar was a regular there
all the way back to a month after the forums originally opened.

He has reported (or opined idk) that :  3.0e sold 2x what 3.5e sold
... and that this wasn't known until late '14.  I'm not handy enough
with industry sales data or reporting to verify, but this seems legit.
Can anyone verify this?


--- Quote from: awaken_D_M_golem on November 10, 2015, 05:36:28 PM ---Heeeyyyyy that pic ain't D&D now is it ?!

--- End quote ---

That's obviously an Valenar Elf Eternal Blade with an abberant dragonmark shaped like a triangle.

As for my fun find...Dungeon 145 has a table for things you can find while picking pockets. Combine with luck manipulation of some sort to get some really weird and useful:

- The Private Journal of a well-known countess. It's explicitly incriminating too.
- A doll with a note sticking out. It details the imprisonment of a small child, and has a map on the back.
- A star chart that doesn't match normal cosmology, with DECIPHERABLE COORDINATES.
- Some gloves made from polar bear fur that have spring loaded claws.
- A white dragon scale with the TRUENAME OF A MINOR DEMON on it.
- A lady's hankerchief soaked in fresh, warm blood.
- A relic of a merfolk god.


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