Author Topic: Army of PCs Against the Giants  (Read 112085 times)

Offline perovskite

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Army of PCs Against the Giants
« on: May 04, 2018, 07:38:17 AM »
I'm almost two years into an Against the Giants campaign using the 2e Against the Giants: Liberation of Geoff module (with 3.5e crunch, and modified geography), and I thought it might be worth posting for all of your amusement/edification/disgust. The idea behind the format for the campaign is that wars involve a lot of people, so the notion of a band of five or six or eight heroes crisscrossing the land doing all the saving seems a tad implausible (also, I like variety). Thus, my one group of players and I are jumping between, let me count...approximately five different parties (they overlap a bit), all of whom are in various parts of Geoff and surrounding countries doing heroic and/or mercenary things.

We run sessions using Google Docs, and so I'll just be copying the transcriptions of what we did, until and unless that becomes cumbersome and offensive. To keep the whole thing organized, I have an all-consuming set of spreadsheets telling me where each party and the major NPCs are on any given day, so that I can avoid continuity errors, and allows for amusing things like one party casually walking past a villain on his way to fight another party two days later. (The fight was played first, so the players knew who this set of PCs was walking past, but their characters had no idea.)

As far as optimization level: for yea, though I am not worthy to sweep the hallways of this hallowed temple of optimization, I am nigh unto a grandmaster compared to everyone else in my group. So it's pretty toned down.

I'll not bore you with a description of every PC in the game just yet, cause there are nearly 30 of them, just the parties.

So, the parties:
The Most Ancient and Original Group- the MAOG was rolled up in the early 90's when we played 1e, and was later updated to 2e and 3.5e. So the characters have existed for 22-24 years or so. The average level is 11, with one being 14 due to a quirk of the 2e to 3e conversion rules. This will be the first time we've used these characters in 3.5e.
Zodhunters- some gangster named Zod (no relation to the Superman villain) stole some stuff from these guys' mom. Average level is 7.
Kat's Krew- Katreana (female elf/Wiz 9/LG) was part of the MAOG, but was at the other end of the continent when the campaign started, so she had to adventure her way to Sterich, and picked up some people while she did. Average level 9.
Dwarven Volunteer Corps- Some of the fluff for this says the various mountain dwarf clans are too busy bickering to bother with all the giants they could ever want to kill, so one character went to recruit some volunteers. Average level 4.
Sephira & Co- Sephira (female halfling/Sor 6/don't remember) worked for Duke Owen of Geoff until she found a book referring to an ancient lammasu, and requested a leave of absence to go see what she can find. (We refluffed the Rainbow Servant prestige class into a Lammasu Servant prestige class for this.) Average level 6. This is presently the active group.
Singletons- There are a couple of PCs not currently in any party at the moment; such characters, or people whose players are not present tend to get used as NPCs. For example, the 14th level guy is effectively an NPC until the rest of his party catches up.

That all I have the battery life for at the moment. We shall see how this goes.

« Last Edit: May 11, 2018, 10:40:50 PM by perovskite »

Offline perovskite

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Re: Army of PCs Against the Giants
« Reply #1 on: May 06, 2018, 12:23:26 AM »
Prologue- Wherein Information Known to the Natives of Gran March, Geoff, Sterich and a few Other Places is Displayed for the Edification of the Player Characters.

A large part of the first section of this post is pulled straight from the Against the Giants fluff information, so copyright WOTC 1999 for that.

This part of the world, the plains east of Geoff, Sterich, and Gran March, has had some trouble with giants for as long as there is recorded history. What had never happened, up until eight years ago, was an organized, coordinated invasion from multiple routes by multiple species of giants, sometimes supported by bombardments of rocks from groups of clouds. (Although that particular detail tends to be included in stories about the invasion with more than a little bit of doubt.) Although the lowlanders fought valiantly, there was simply no way for them to resist the behemoths, who would often kill 20 or 30 humans before being taken down themselves. The giants completely conquered the countries of Geoff and Sterich, and captured a portion of Gran March, but were repelled at the southern end of their advance by the well-organized forces of the Colony of Moffatt.
   Flushed from the amazing success of their attacks, the giants enslaved and survivors they could find and established themselves as the new rulers of Geoff, Sterich, and Gran March. They spend months gorging themselves on crops and livestock, wearing the spoils of defeated lands, and falling into petty disputes. After a few months, what the giants began shipping materiel and the spoils of war back into the mountains, especially silver. The giants’ occupation lasted effectively unchallenged for two years.
   Then, six years ago, the giant-held cities and towns of Sterich began to suffer attacks by forces made up of displaced citizens of Sterich and Geoff, buttressed by mercenaries from Gran March, Moffett, and the Kingdom of Hias. Launched from the Sterichian city of Flen, the vengeful army slowly drove the giants out of the cities of Fitela and Istivin, removing the last holdout in central Sterich four years ago. Using these two cities as a staging ground on the war’s border, the armies were aided by a secondary invasion from Gran March, which pushed the giants and humanoids into the Stark Mounds, and then turned south to join with the forces holding Fitela and Istivin. These combined forces were able to march westward and oust the giants one village at a time, finally freeing the last human settlement in the spring, three years ago.
   Meanwhile, back in Gran March and Geoff, the giants control over that land was bruised five years ago when the soldiers of Gran March and the Knights of the Watch (from Keoland) succeeded in reclaiming the town of Hochoch on Geoff’s extreme eastern border, which had been occupied by orcs, ogres, trolls, and a dozen hill giants. As things stand right now, Hochoch has been “temporarily” annexed by Gran March (along with parts of the Oytwood), and is being used as a base for attacks on giants in Geoff a well as the smuggling of goods into and people out of the Lost Lands. Unfortunately, the allies of Geoff are weary from the fighting in Sterich and in no shape to mount a full offensive. Limited to harassing patrols of humanoids and lightning strikes by small teams of independents, the humans and giants are holding each other in check.
   In the past six months, there have been more sightings of giants in and around the Oytwood and near Hochoch, which has inhibited reconnaissance and raids by the humans somewhat.
   About two months ago, a team of independents new to the area, in coordination with the gnomes of the Stark Mounds, conducted a devastating attack on the fomorians and ogres that lived there, killing or driving them out of the city completely. Unfortunately, no one has the forces to re-occupy Gorna for the time being, so right now the gnomes have set up a number of observation posts in and around the town, and have been rebuilding the outer wall by night.
   There are also rumors that a group of independents conducted a separate raid on one of the hill giant steadings, again killing or driving off a large number of those giants as well, which has severely loosened the giants’ control over the mountains to the west of the Stark Mounds.

Prologue Part Deux
Wherein Information known only to Elves from the Forests of Dimwood is Revealed.

Eight short years ago, like the humans, the western forests of the elves were invaded by the giants, and like the humans, the elves couldn’t withstand the sheer power of the giants. Unlike the humans, the elves each had centuries of training and skill in fieldcraft, and so were able to retreat into the deeper woods with comparatively light losses. The elves lost control of the towns of both Hocholve and Delerion, and have not yet sent scouting parties back to see what happened; no survivor of Hocholve knows enough of what happened to believe anything other than that the giants still control it, and after what happened in Delerion, the elves have tacitly agreed that it should be off limits.
   The only information known by the elves in general about Delerion is that during the giant’s attack, some creature of necromancy and shadow appeared and killed most of the giants and elves in the area; this creature still lives in the town.
   Hocholve was simply overwhelmed; those who evacuated did not see the fate of those who served as rear guard, although the lack of survivors is telling enough.
   Soon after the elves began scouting to the south to see how the humans were faring, and continued to conduct harassing attacks on the giant’s northern flank. Once the giants’ advance was stopped, the elves established embassies with the government-in-exile of Geoff, with Gran March, Sterich, and the gnomes of the Stark Mounds. They’re pretty well informed, but don’t have the numbers to do anything but support the humans’ operations with reconnaissance and ambushes outside the Dim Forests.

Prologue Part Theux (? Whatever)
Where in Stuff known to the Gnomes, but not known to non-Gnomes, becomes known, except to non-Gnomes, because the Gnomes know enough to not let non-Gnomes know what they know.

Several months ago, a small band of powerful adventurers appeared in the giant-afflicted regions of Geoff. It was they, so they said, who raided and torched a very large hill giant steading, and they who allied with Kemp Consum’s gnomes to raid and ultimately drive out, the fomorians and ogres from Gorna. After that battle the adventurers headed back into the mountains to the southwest of Geoff and have not been heard from since.
In the aftermath, the gnomes have set up several small observation posts in and around Gorna, as well as started building gnomes sized storehouses and living quarters, as well as reinforcing the outer walls. They have been careful to make it look like the place is still abandoned, but are approaching the point where they need to start making permanent repairs to the outer walls and gates. As that would reveal their presence, Consum wants to get the backing of at least Duke Owen, so there is a token garrison of humans in place as well.

Offline perovskite

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Re: Army of PCs Against the Giants
« Reply #2 on: May 07, 2018, 01:05:24 AM »
And here we get to the first session, which we played in August of 2016. This group was hijacked by me when the DM could no longer play, which is why it sounds like this starts in the middle. If the blow-by-blow from each session is burdensome or awkward to read, please complain in a reply, and I will switch to summaries of each session. Cyr is a DMPC/NPC; I find it preferable to give suggestions to the party in character.

The Characters (which I, the DM, call the Zodhunters, although they have not named their group in-game)
Yudhisthir- male half-elf ranger 6; Yudhisthir and Arjun are half-brothers
Arjun- male human favored soul 6
Cyr- female human feat rogue 6/chameleon 1; she normally disguises herself as a young man
Phaedra- female aasimar warlock 6
Saluki- male human fighter 2/swashbuckler 3/dervish 2
Thessa- female catfolk bard 6, who doesn't show up for several sessions.

Day 133: The Zod Hunters

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« Last Edit: June 29, 2018, 12:28:41 AM by perovskite »

Offline perovskite

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Re: Army of PCs Against the Giants
« Reply #3 on: May 07, 2018, 10:21:34 PM »
Day 137: The Zod Hunters

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« Last Edit: July 01, 2018, 03:17:13 AM by perovskite »

Offline perovskite

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Re: Army of PCs Against the Giants
« Reply #4 on: May 08, 2018, 09:56:16 PM »
Day 144: The Zod Hunters

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« Last Edit: July 01, 2018, 03:17:34 AM by perovskite »

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Re: Army of PCs Against the Giants
« Reply #5 on: May 09, 2018, 11:46:34 PM »
Day 145: the Zod Hunters

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« Last Edit: July 01, 2018, 03:17:47 AM by perovskite »

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Re: Army of PCs Against the Giants
« Reply #6 on: May 10, 2018, 11:27:02 PM »
Day 146: The Zod Hunters

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« Last Edit: July 01, 2018, 03:18:02 AM by perovskite »

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Re: Army of PCs Against the Giants
« Reply #7 on: May 11, 2018, 10:32:10 PM »
Maybe doing this will make the log a little less fearsome.

Day 147: The Zod Hunters

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« Last Edit: July 01, 2018, 03:18:19 AM by perovskite »

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Re: Army of PCs Against the Giants
« Reply #8 on: May 12, 2018, 11:29:45 PM »
Day 148: The Zod Hunters

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« Last Edit: July 01, 2018, 03:18:34 AM by perovskite »

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Re: Army of PCs Against the Giants
« Reply #9 on: May 13, 2018, 11:27:13 PM »
Day 150: The Zod Hunters

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« Last Edit: July 01, 2018, 03:18:47 AM by perovskite »

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Re: Army of PCs Against the Giants
« Reply #10 on: May 14, 2018, 10:43:15 PM »
Day 150 Part Two: The Zod Hunters

Combat tends to take a long time; normally 6-8 rounds will eat up three hours pretty easily, meaning that's all we do in one session.

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« Last Edit: July 01, 2018, 03:19:01 AM by perovskite »

Offline perovskite

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Re: Army of PCs Against the Giants
« Reply #11 on: May 15, 2018, 10:23:08 PM »
Day 150, Still: The Zod Hunters

This session took place a month after the previous one, due to Yuletide 2016, which is what the first line means.

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« Last Edit: July 01, 2018, 03:19:20 AM by perovskite »

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Re: Army of PCs Against the Giants
« Reply #12 on: May 16, 2018, 10:38:04 PM »
Day 151: The Zod Hunters

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« Last Edit: July 01, 2018, 03:19:36 AM by perovskite »

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Re: Army of PCs Against the Giants
« Reply #13 on: May 17, 2018, 10:14:06 PM »
Day 152: The Zod Hunters

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« Last Edit: July 01, 2018, 03:20:16 AM by perovskite »

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Re: Army of PCs Against the Giants
« Reply #14 on: May 19, 2018, 12:16:33 AM »
Day 154: The Zod Hunters

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« Last Edit: July 01, 2018, 03:20:29 AM by perovskite »

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Re: Army of PCs Against the Giants
« Reply #15 on: May 20, 2018, 01:04:52 AM »
Day 154 Still: The Zod Hunters

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« Last Edit: July 01, 2018, 03:20:46 AM by perovskite »

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Re: Army of PCs Against the Giants
« Reply #16 on: May 21, 2018, 10:08:31 PM »
Day 156: the Zod Hunters

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« Last Edit: July 01, 2018, 03:21:00 AM by perovskite »

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Re: Army of PCs Against the Giants
« Reply #17 on: May 22, 2018, 11:11:48 PM »
Still Day 156: The Zod Hunters

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« Last Edit: July 01, 2018, 03:21:16 AM by perovskite »

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Re: Army of PCs Against the Giants
« Reply #18 on: May 23, 2018, 10:23:24 PM »
Day 159: The Zod Hunters

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« Last Edit: July 01, 2018, 03:21:31 AM by perovskite »

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Re: Army of PCs Against the Giants
« Reply #19 on: May 24, 2018, 10:15:31 PM »
Day 160: The Zod Hunters

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« Last Edit: July 01, 2018, 03:21:41 AM by perovskite »