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So apparently I had cancer
As some of you may know I recently went in for surgery. I had a small precancerous mass and needed a resection done. It was expected to be fairly routine, and take maybe 2 hours.
I was on the table for 6 and required a blood transfusion. My colon had adhered to my spleen and needed to be separated...and there was a second mass that had gone unnoticed next to the first. It was a carcinoma. I then caught pneumonia. And a violent lunatic went off on a rampage in the ICU and had to be arrested.
Glad to be back :D
Yeouch. Welcome back, Bhu.
My dad had skin cancer once. Just a small bit of surgery to remove the tiny patch that was a problem. It all went well, no issues since, but it was still spooky times. I can only imagine how much worse it must have been for you with something internal, and then for complications on top of that.
Damn! I'm glad it was caught sooner rather than later. I hope your recovery goes well.
Wow, that's some hard stuff to happen.
Glad you're OK ... reroll on the death save succeeds.
--- Quote from: PlzBreakMyCampaign on March 01, 2017, 06:20:37 PM ---
... bhu u should post 4 more times and then just wait until the migration. You're so close to 13337 ...
--- End quote ---
And perfect :hmm timing.
I'm glad you're still alive!
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