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List of extra BBCode tags + formatting options


This thread will contain information on any of the extra BBCode tags that have been added to the forum.
Info on the basic tags can be found here.

Individual Threads
Dice roller
Advanced tables
Stickied posts within threads

Advanced Tables


Where standard tables use the structure

--- Code: ---[table]

--- End code ---
Advanced tables use

--- Code: ---[table2]

--- End code ---

Also supported are [cellspan=WIDTH] and [cellspan2=HEIGHT] in place of [cell], which allow a cell to span multiple columns or rows respectively.


Using [row2] tags in place of [row] tags will cause that row to be a different colour. Alternating between [row] and [row2] allows you to replicate book-style formatting. The post templates for classes and prestige classes (see the "Please choose..." box when posting) include tables with this formatting applied. You can also set colours manually, using [row=COLOR] or [cell=COLOR] - standard HTML colour rules apply, so red and #336699 are both valid formats.

You can pass styles to the table, using [table2=STYLE] - the currently available styles are

* border (draws borders around every cell)
* orange (changes the default colours of [row] and [row2] to different shades of orange)
* rows (draws a horizontal line above each row)
* collapse (removes gaps between cells; used to improve the appearance of nested tables.)Example tables (using alternating row/row2 tags)
(click to show/hide)ABCDA1B1C1D1AB2C2D2A3B3C3D3A4B4C4D4
--- Code: ---[table2]
--- End code ---
(click to show/hide)ABCDA1B1C1D1AB2C2D2A3B3C3D3A4B4C4D4
--- Code: ---[table2=border]
--- End code ---
(click to show/hide)ABCDA1B1C1D1AB2C2D2A3B3C3D3A4B4C4D4
--- Code: ---[table2=orange]
--- End code ---
(click to show/hide)ABCDA1B1C1D1AB2C2D2A3B3C3D3A4B4C4D4
--- Code: ---[table2=rows]
--- End code ---


If you use the [tablesort] tag in place of [table2], the headings of the table will become links; click on one to sort the entries by that column, and click again to reverse the order. This also bolds the first row of the table automatically. [tablesort] supports all the same styles as [table2]; note that row colours remain with their rows as they're sorted, so trying to use alternating row colours doesn't work very well (as can been below).

Also note that because it's based on Javascript, [tablesort] will not display properly in the Preview window, appearing as if you had used [table2].

(click to show/hide)ABCDA1B14duckA2B22puddingA3B33emuA4B41laugh
--- Code: ---[tablesort]
--- End code ---

Dice Roller
See main thread

Use this tag to make any text after an image wrap around it. The image on the right is contained in [float=right] tags (i.e. [float=right][img]URL[/img][float]), and float=left is also possible. You can insert float tags with the green U-arrows in the editor.

[highlight=red]Text[/highlight] produces Text. Black highlights can be used as pseudo-spoilers like so, requiring people to select them to read them.

Spoilers can be inserted through the "Insert Spoiler" button in the editor. A spoiler can contain any kind of content, including other spoilers, and it's considered polite to use them for walls of text, off-topic points or, well, things that are spoilers.
(click to show/hide)Contents here.
--- Code: ---[spoiler]Contents here.[/spoiler]
--- End code ---
(click to show/hide)Contents here.
--- Code: ---[spoiler=Label here]Contents here.[/spoiler]
--- End code ---

Sticky a Post Within a Thread
Within a thread you've started, if one of your replies has (Continued) at the start of the Subject field, it will be stickied underneath the OP. This works everywhere on the boards, but you can't sticky a post in someone else's thread.


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