Gaming Discussion > Min/Max 3.x

Daily Feats for Everyone

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Did you ever feel jealous of the Chameleon and his snazzy daily bonus feat? Well don’t be, they had to take a feat and be of a certain race. That daily bonus feat is worth the cost, so let’s expand this tactic to the warriors and spellcasters.

First step is to pick a class with the following rider tacked onto the description for the bonus feat: "If she already has that feat, she may choose a different one." This was a common sentence in the Miniatures Handbook and shows up in various (prestige) classes and races. I’ve summarized my finds here:

(click to show/hide)ClassLevelFeatTypeAnimal Lord (Ape)6BrachiationAnimal Lord (Bear)6Improved GrappleFighterAnimal Lord (Bird)6Flyby AttackAnimal Lord (Cat)6Lightning ReflexesAnimal Lord (Horse)6TrampleFighterAnimal Lord (Shark)6Improved CriticalFighterAnimal Lord (Snake)6Improved InitiativeFighterAnimal Lord (Wolf)6Improved TripFighterCombat Trapsmith2Skill FocusDragon Samurai8Blind-FightFighterDruid (ACF)4Strong StomachFavored Soul (ACF)3DragontouchedFavored Soul3Weapon FocusFighterFavored Soul12Weapon SpecializationFighterFrostblood Half-OrcEnduranceFrostblood OrcEnduranceHand of the Winged Master1Draconic SensesDraconicHand of the Winged Master3Dragonfire StrikeDraconicHealer2Skill FocusHolt Warden9Timeless BodyClass FeatureMalconvoker3Skill FocusMarshal1Skill FocusMoonspeaker7Improved Natural AttackShifterOrdained Champion2DiehardPact-bound Adept3Eschew MaterialsSwift Wing2Draconic SensesDraconicTactical Soldier2SidestepWarmage7Sudden EmpowerMetamagic?Warmage10Sudden EnlargeMetamagic?Warmage15Sudden WidenMetamagic?Warmage20Sudden MaximizeMetamagic?Honorable Mentions: Knight of Veluna(9), Legenday Captain(1)

   Warmage had notably poor editing when copied over from Miniatures Handbook to Complete Arcane. They added the restriction of Metamagic feats and forgot to print Sudden Enlarge. I'd like to ignore this printing if not for the spell list. Original source arguments might give this class some relief, but don’t count on it as Sidestep should also be a fighter feat.

   Two common feats show up quite often, the problematic Focus feats; Skill & Weapon. Each specialty is a separate feat that needs to be duplicated exactly. Weapon Focus has affiliations, classes, feats, and weapons that can loosen these limitations. Skill Focus has no such redemption and is technically useless. In both cases, its worth asking your DM if just the Focus feat is enough.

   Next, we need to acquire the bonus feat on a temporary basis. Everybody can solve this by spending money on items and potions of substitute domain, heroics, and alter self. Others have covered this topic exhaustively, so look over these wonderful resources.

Handbook of the Exotic Practice of Feat Binding
Spells that save you from taking feats or investing skill points
3.5 Forms for Alter Self

(click to show/hide)AffiliationScoreFeatNotesBlackwheel Company24FighterBlackwheel Company30Favored in House, LeadershipBloodbound of the Red Ring4Exotic Weapon ProficiencyFighterCabal of Shadows30LeadershipCairn's Keepers30LeadershipCovenant of Light30LeadershipCrimson Codex30LeadershipFirst Scroll26DragontouchedDraconicGolden Helm15Craft Magic Arms & ArmorItem CreationLand of Honor16Quick DrawFighter; only when drawing katanaWar Domain30Apply single weapon feat to weapon classWintervein Dwarves15Weapon Focus*2FighterWintervein Dwarves30Improved Critical*2Fighter
   Lastly, lets talk about how to tailor your bonus feats to be more useful. Favored Soul’s ACF eliminates one bonus feat and adds another, leaving the language about choosing another feat intact. This is a helpful little example when one brings in the tactic of the Dark Chaos Shuffle. This allows you to fine tune your class bonus feat to something which has a more easily accessible feat for duplication in your build.

interesting... care to give a step by step of how you are thinking the process will work swapping out a feat - for those who do not want to look up all the moving parts themselves?

Lets call some attention to a special case; Spellscale’s blood quickening. Everyday, they can choose Astilabor (for Eschew Materials) and gain a daily feat via Pact-bound Adept.

Hope my editing helps. Later I'd like to summarize from yours and other threads, if alter self doesn't drive me insane.

I mean, when it comes to this sort of chicanery, just use Alter Self to turn into a Human for the bonus feat. You'll need to ask your GM if he'll allow that, I reckon, but that also goes for the stunts that you are attempting.

Frankly, I'd be inclined to read that the text that gives you a substitute feat if you already possess the feat it was going to give only applies upon the level-up. After that, you are stuck with the feat you obtained, and if you get the same feat more than once, tough cookies. Better hope you have a way to retrain feats.

Most people don't like to play that way, since the downside is a human using alter self risks cascade failure after losing his bonus feat.

Table rules are always table rules.


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