Gaming Discussion > D&D 3.5 and Pathfinder

Iconic Examples?

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As I just mentioned else where.

In light of new forum, I did have another idea. As an addium(sp) to the specific handbooks, why not have a general? Like, how often to we get a charge based barbarian, or assassin rogue, or dragonfire bard crewsader? Call it the iconic 12, single build tailored exactly for that class's focus with some notes on options. It could be an easy answer/resource for an idea of a new class to you or even starting to play D&D. Link to the dedicated handbook for each class would give you detailed options and more complicated builds. Sounds pretty nifty really, I think I'll open a discussion on it later (or tomorrow, like always I'm playing video games and posting at the same time) and see what kind of interest people have as a whole.


So, level by level?

Maybe divide the builds up by how difficult they are to play.

Level by level would make the distinctions unclear. Why not make it every 5 levels or so?

So you have Krusk Barbarian Mook(level 1), Krusk Bear-killer(level 6), Krusk the Sacker of Cities(level 11), Genghiz Krusk(level 16), God-of-war Krusk(level 20).


--- Quote from: veekie on November 08, 2011, 09:19:42 AM ---Level by level would make the distinctions unclear. Why not make it every 5 levels or so?

So you have Krusk Barbarian Mook(level 1), Krusk Bear-killer(level 6), Krusk the Sacker of Cities(level 11), Genghiz Krusk(level 16), God-of-warPimp-Daddy Krusk(level 20).

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--- Quote from: veekie on November 08, 2011, 09:19:42 AM ---Level by level would make the distinctions unclear. Why not make it every 5 levels or so?

So you have Krusk Barbarian Mook(level 1), Krusk Bear-killer(level 6), Krusk the Sacker of Cities(level 11), Genghiz Krusk(level 16), God-of-war Krusk(level 20).

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Level-by-level would help new players.


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