Author Topic: 1,067,212 attacks in a single action  (Read 22557 times)

Offline EjoThims

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1,067,212 attacks in a single action
« on: November 14, 2011, 07:46:25 PM »
Okay, I'm back to this.

My goal is to generate the most individual, granted attacks in a single action (full round in this case, but still, only one action used). No manuevers, no multi-pouncing, no fusion, no infinites, no arbitrary numbers, no extra actions, no clone or cohort attacks. Just one character making as many granted attacks as I can squeeze into one single action.

The idea is for a Dragonwrought Kobold to use her Psion Cohort and his Red Wizard Cohort to True Mind Switch with a heavily templated beast.

The Psion creates a Dorje of Metamorphosis, Greater, which the Kobold will be able to use after a few (or several, whatever) tries with UPD. We turn into a Barghest, then feed until we have at least two extra HD. This will be useful later.

By using Circle Magic the Red Wizard gets his CL up to a minimum of 25 (Lizzipede's HD). He then uses Mental Pinnacle to turn it all to ML, and the Psion manifests Metaconcert so that his True Mind Switch power has access to the raised ML.

The Lizzipede is summoned with a CL 22 scroll of Gate (it's an outsider after all!). If Gate calling templated, non-unique creatures works, it is ordered to fail it's save. If a unique creature must be called, an Elder Evil worshipping soulless brain sucking Dragonwrought Kobold/Illithid should be tempting enough for it to show. In this case, in the round before the scroll is used, the Metaconcert casts Linked My Light and True Mind Switch. After the sroll is used and the Lizzipede appears, the True Mind Switch is manifested, and the high ML assures it will bypass the Will Save.

True Mind Switch is then cast again on the Kobold/Illithid, putting her in the Lizzipede's body.

Lizardfolk Templates:
(click to show/hide)

Tauric Creature:
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Tauric Creature Templates:
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And it looks, a little something like this:
(click to show/hide)

The Lizzipede also only has 25 HD and no SR, so some complications are removed.

Once in the body of the Lizzipede, the Kobold has 8 arms, 12 heads with 12 bite attacks. She receives a casting of Girallon's Blessing from the mage for 2 more, totaling 10. Normally these would all only be able to make off-hand attacks, however, Superior Multiweapon fighting makes as many arms as you have heads capable of making attacks as if they were your mainhand. However, the Wizard casts Trait Removal (from Serpent Kingdoms) to take the Superior Multi-weapon fighting EX ability away from her. Normally this would be a bad thing... But since she has Perfect Two-weapon fighting as a Dragonwrought Kobold, this is in fact a good thing.

A very good thing.

He then does the Embrace/Shun the Dark Chaos feat shuffle on her to swap out the TWF feat tree for MWF, since she now qualifies with multiple arms. If she uses an 'Added Tail' graft from Serpent Kingdoms, she can shuffle one of her Vile Feats to Prehensile Tail from Savage Species (since the Added Tail has a grapple attack).

Once adding the Tail Graft, the Kobold/Illithid/Lizzipede uses a dorje of Astral Seed (bought) until it works, then lets her cohorts kill her body. The extra HD from feeding as a Barghest is lost, but our new body is our new body, and we can kill the pre-mindswitch body without issues (and do other stuff as well).

She then shuffles two more feats into EWP (Eagle's Claw) and Eagle's Fury, then makes her main hand Crescent Knife an aptitude weapon to gain the benefits of these feats.

And Perfect Multiweapon fighting is very interesting, in that it allows us to make as many attacks with each off-hand weapon as we do with our primary.

With Bloodstorm Blade, we can throw Crescent Knives as if they were a small ranged weapon, allowing us to use Palm Throw with them. But Bloodstorm Blade also allows us to treat those ranged attacks as melee attacks, meaning we still get the doubled attacks of a crescent knife.

The Red Mage makes her a staff of Divine Power. The Kobold/Illithid/Lizzipede uses a dorje of Form of Doom (bought) until it works, then uses her 19 UMD to use it the staff of Divine Power, giving her 20 BAB.

This gives her 7 attacks (20/17/14/11/8/5/2 from Maho-Bujin). Whirling Frenzy adds another for 8. Flailing Strike (which we can use now, since Shou Disciple levels let us use all weapons in a flurry) gives a maximum of 4 more (and since this is going for tops, that's what we'll use) for 12 total. Rapid Shot adds one more for 13. Eagle's Fury adds another for 14. Thousand Cuts doubles this to 28. Sakkratar's Triple Strike gives two more for 30 (and makes all our crescent knife attacks keen and flaming burst to boot). Palm Throw doubles this to 60.  Using Crescent Knives doubles all these, meaning she makes 120 main-hand attacks.

That means each of our off-hand attack routines make 120 base attacks.

She has 9 already with Girallon's Blessing. The Wizard casts Arms of Plenty for two more clawed limbs. These and her 8 tentacles (2 from half-farspawn, 6 from Psuedonatural) make use of Gloves of Man. Using Aboleth Tentacle Grafts, we gain 16 more tentacles (one above each of our permanent arms, and one replacing each of our useless insectiel arms), also using Arms of Man. Totemist's Girallon's Arms bound to the Totem Chakra add two more, so use 2 more Gloves of Man. With her 12 heads using mouthpick weapons, that's 49. She also, though, has 4 tentacles on each head, thanks to the multi-headed template, and giving each of those Gloves of Man adds 48 more. Her 100 centipede legs each use a Leg of Squid pirate Peg-leg, turning 100 legs into 1000 tentacles, all using Gloves of Man. Her Prehensile Tail is another. The Serpent Arm graft adds an arm with a snake head at the end. With the Multi-headed template, this head also has a gore and 4 tentacles as soon as it attaches to her, adding (after gloves and mouthpick weapon) 5 more offhands. Using a Staff of Fearsome Grapple adds 4 more tentacles that she uses GoM on, for 4 more. Form of Doom adds 4 more that she uses GoM on. That's 1111 off-hand attack sequences that use crescent knives, each making 120 attacks. That alone nets her 133320 attacks, but Thousand Cuts doubles this, for 266640, and Palm Throw doubles this again, for 533280. Crescent Knives doubles this again, making it 1066560, or 1066680 attack so far.

She also has armor spikes and unarmed attacks for 120 more each, doubled for thousand cuts, giving a total of 480 more, or 1067160 attacks so far.

Her Half-Minotaur gives a gore attack, which all her heads get due to benefits of the Multi-headed template for 13 total, and since we're going all out, let's do 13 braid blades, limiting it to one per head, but still doubled for thousand cuts. This gives her 52 more attacks.

This gives a total of:

1,067,212 attacks in a single full round action.

To be safe, use the dorje of astral seed again while Form of Doom is up.

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Special thanks to Callix and Aftercrescent for the vast increases in the build.

Thoughts? Concerns? Improvement ideas?

Also, to note; this blatantly ignores wealth by level, but with a psion and wizard as cohorts, just choose your method of breaking the standard wealth scheme.

The templates can be abused even more, though I kept it to bare minimum for the attacks here.

Offline EjoThims

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Re: 1,067,212 attacks in a single action
« Reply #1 on: November 14, 2011, 07:46:34 PM »
Gonna start moving the old versions here.

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Lizoctataur no PAO

(click to show/hide)

Special thanks to Callix and Aftercrescent for the vast increases in the build.

Offline EjoThims

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Re: 1,067,212 attacks in a single action
« Reply #2 on: November 14, 2011, 07:46:47 PM »
To do:

Look up details of Skeletal Hand from Libris Mortis p 80 and apply.

Do math on squeezing in Blessed of Gruumsh with more IS levels.
« Last Edit: November 14, 2011, 07:49:38 PM by EjoThims »

Offline zook1shoe

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Re: 1,067,212 attacks in a single action
« Reply #3 on: November 15, 2011, 12:26:47 AM »
None of my crazy template ideas? :P
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Offline EjoThims

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Re: 1,067,212 attacks in a single action
« Reply #4 on: November 15, 2011, 07:49:14 PM »
None of my crazy template ideas? :P

 :beathorse  :P

Already been over those...

Though, if you have any suggestions that would fit into the current scheme and be, slightly less ambiguous, especially to grant extra limbs, then be my guest.

Offline Cannotthink

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Re: 1,067,212 attacks in a single action
« Reply #5 on: November 16, 2011, 03:31:53 AM »
Might I add the Arm spell from the Villain Design Handbook (Kingdoms of Kalamar campaign setting). The spell causes the target to grow one additional arm.

Offline zook1shoe

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Re: 1,067,212 attacks in a single action
« Reply #6 on: November 16, 2011, 10:30:50 AM »
how about a million different were-animals then add the Petitioner template and use that "Strength of the Beast" spell
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Offline EjoThims

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Re: 1,067,212 attacks in a single action
« Reply #7 on: November 16, 2011, 08:45:36 PM »
how about a million different were-animals then add the Petitioner template and use that "Strength of the Beast" spell

Not familiar with that spell, but unless it grants extra limbs, it wouldn't automatically grant extra attacks with the same attack mode.

Offline zook1shoe

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Re: 1,067,212 attacks in a single action
« Reply #8 on: November 17, 2011, 02:09:10 AM »
I guess I was thinking more of Str bonuses and maybe some bonus feats to swap out

Edit: what about a symbiotic jermlaine / petitioner mob of pseudonatural half-illithid multiheaded dungeonbred chimeric death dogs?

None of my crazy template ideas? :P


Already been over those...

Though, if you have any suggestions that would fit into the current scheme and be, slightly less ambiguous, especially to grant extra limbs, then be my guest.

Rereading the part about templates in MM1, I only see "assume" never that the creature "must" have a template.

Yeah, yeah, beating a dead horse. But I view my point valid.
« Last Edit: November 17, 2011, 03:15:27 AM by zook1shoe »
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Offline EjoThims

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Re: 1,067,212 attacks in a single action
« Reply #9 on: November 17, 2011, 08:53:07 PM »
Rereading the part about templates in MM1, I only see "assume" never that the creature "must" have a template.

I have no idea how this is relevant to, well... Anything?  :huh :huh :huh

Of course monsters don't need to have a template.

Offline zook1shoe

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Re: 1,067,212 attacks in a single action
« Reply #10 on: November 18, 2011, 01:20:19 AM »
I have no idea how this is relevant to, well... Anything?  :huh :huh :huh

Of course monsters don't need to have a template.

That's not what I meant

Quote from: SRD
Certain creatures are created by adding a template to an existing creature. A templated creature can represent a freak of nature, the individual creation of a single experimenter, or the first generation of offspring from parents of different species.

Acquired And Inherited Templates
Some templates can be added to creatures anytime. Templates such as these are referred to as acquired templates, indicating that the creature did not always have the attributes of the template.

Other templates, known as inherited templates, are part of a creature from the beginning of its existence. Creatures are born with these templates.

It’s possible for a certain kind of template to be of either type.

Inherited says it was born with it. What about before birth but already "conceived"? The creature can gain different templates in any order (unless restricted by an actual template), then is born and can no longer gain "inherited only" templates.

What about a unborn mob of fetal tarrasques? :P
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Offline EjoThims

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Re: 1,067,212 attacks in a single action
« Reply #11 on: November 18, 2011, 07:16:21 PM »
Inherited says it was born with it. What about before birth but already "conceived"?

Such a heavily loaded question:

"When does a creature count as a creature?"

At conception? At physical birth?

Is there a fetal template? Can you gain experience before leaving the womb?

All questions pondered, I believe, in a separate thread.

Offline Garryl

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Re: 1,067,212 attacks in a single action
« Reply #12 on: November 18, 2011, 11:10:56 PM »
There is one template that specifically occurs before birth. Scion of Darkness or something like that? I think it's from Heroes of Horror or Libris Mortis.

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Re: 1,067,212 attacks in a single action
« Reply #13 on: November 18, 2011, 11:33:25 PM »
Yeah, Unholy Scion in Heroes of Horror
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Re: 1,067,212 attacks in a single action
« Reply #14 on: November 19, 2011, 12:39:33 AM »
im sure im wrong  :rolleyes

but it looks like palm throw the other doublers were stacked on each other.

maybe its all just to much to read at once.
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Offline EjoThims

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Re: 1,067,212 attacks in a single action
« Reply #15 on: November 19, 2011, 07:11:23 PM »
im sure im wrong  :rolleyes

but it looks like palm throw the other doublers were stacked on each other.

maybe its all just to much to read at once.

Yes. Because of the PTWF interaction.

Each of our off-hands are granetd as many attacks as our main hand makes and are still independently affected by any abilities that add attacks.

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Re: 1,067,212 attacks in a single action
« Reply #16 on: November 26, 2011, 05:41:01 PM »
Perfect Multiweapon Fighting lets you make as many attacks with your off hands as with your main hand, but Palm Throw doesn't double the number of attacks you can make, it just lets you throw two weapons as a single attack. So I don't think you can double the double. And now that I think of it, you can't use Palm Throw to double your number of attacks at all, since it doesn't double your attacks in the first place, just the number of weapons being thrown.

Also, Palm Throw is specifically limited to darts, daggers, and shuriken. Anything else is at the DM's discretion. So despite having Throw Anything, I don't think you can use Palm Throw with Crescent Knives.

Unless I'm missing something, which is certainly possible.

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Re: 1,067,212 attacks in a single action
« Reply #17 on: November 27, 2011, 01:25:07 AM »
Perfect Multiweapon Fighting lets you make as many attacks with your off hands as with your main hand, but Palm Throw doesn't double the number of attacks you can make, it just lets you throw two weapons as a single attack. So I don't think you can double the double. And now that I think of it, you can't use Palm Throw to double your number of attacks at all, since it doesn't double your attacks in the first place, just the number of weapons being thrown.

Also, Palm Throw is specifically limited to darts, daggers, and shuriken. Anything else is at the DM's discretion. So despite having Throw Anything, I don't think you can use Palm Throw with Crescent Knives.

Unless I'm missing something, which is certainly possible.

IIRC, the reason palm throw is usable here (been a while and I'm still on medication), is the specific wording of Crescent Knives, making two separate attacks each time they would normally do damage from one. This causes separate rolls and allows the PTWF interaction.

And they are the same size as daggers, so clearly count as 'little' if daggers do.

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Re: 1,067,212 attacks in a single action
« Reply #18 on: November 27, 2011, 05:01:28 AM »
IIRC, the reason palm throw is usable here (been a while and I'm still on medication), is the specific wording of Crescent Knives, making two separate attacks each time they would normally do damage from one. This causes separate rolls and allows the PTWF interaction.

And they are the same size as daggers, so clearly count as 'little' if daggers do.
The Crescent Knife allows it's wielder to make two simultaneous attack rolls each time he attacks with it. Palm Throw lets you throw two of each weapon with a single attack roll. As far as I can tell, a single attack roll is a single attack. Also, Palm Throw specifies "(darts, shuriken, and daggers; the DM may allow other weapons)"; I'm not sure it's clear that Crescent Knives count.

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Re: 1,067,212 attacks in a single action
« Reply #19 on: November 28, 2011, 02:47:35 PM »
Palm Throw specifies "(darts, shuriken, and daggers; the DM may allow other weapons)"; I'm not sure it's clear that Crescent Knives count.

Actually,Complete Warrior specifies "little thrown weapons (darts, shurikens, and daggers; the DM may allow other weapons)".

A small, but important difference. What you quoted would imply an exhaustive list that changes could possibly be made to. What is actually written is a list of examples with a note that the list is not, in fact, exhaustive.

For the rest I'll have to look up the exact wording on Crescent Knives to show the logic again (it's three threads old), but I am still currently away from that source.