Author Topic: Gargoyle  (Read 6089 times)

Offline Garryl

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« on: March 23, 2013, 10:06:55 PM »
So, here's a Gargoyle. They don't have much in the way of racial traits, so I had to make up a lot. I also cut down their massive ability modifiers (+4, +4, +8, -4, -4) to half of that. Enjoy.

Gargoyle Racial Traits
  • +2 Con, -2 Int, -2 Cha
  • Medium Monstrous Humanoid: Gargoyles are medium monstrous humanoids and have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.
  • Earth Subtype: Gargoyles have the earth subtype.
  • Base Speed 30 feet
  • Darkvision: Gargoyles have darkvision out to a range of 60 feet.
  • Gargoyles have a +2 racial bonus on Hide, Listen, and Spot checks. The Hide bonus increases by +8 (to a total of +10) when a gargoyle is concealed against a background of stone.
  • Gliding (Ex): A Gargoyle can use her wings to glide, negating damage from a fall of any height and allowing 20 feet of forward travel for every 5 feet of descent. Gargoyles glide at a speed of 40 feet (average maneuverability). Even if a Gargoyle's maneuverability improves, she can't hover while gliding. A Gargoyle can't glide while carrying a medium or heavy load. If a Gargoyle becomes unconscious or helpless while in midair, her wings naturally unfurl and powerful ligaments stiffen the wings. The Gargoyle descends in a tight corkscrew and takes only 1d6 points of falling damage, no matter what the actual distance of the fall.
       Flight (Ex): When a Gargoyle reaches 5 Hit Dice, she becomes able to fly at a speed of 40 feet (average maneuverability). A Gargoyle can't fly while carrying a medium or heavy load or while fatigued or exhausted. Gargoyles can safely fly for a number of rounds equal to their Constitution modifier (minimum 1 round). They can exert themselves to fly for up to twice as long, but then they're fatigued at the end of the flight. Gargoyles are likewise fatigued after spending a total of more than 10 minutes per day flying. Because Gargoyles can glide before, after, and between rounds of actual flight, they can remain aloft for extended periods (even if they can only use flight for 1 round at a time without becoming fatigued).
       When they reach 10 Hit Dice, Gargoyles have enough stamina and prowess to fly for longer periods. They can fly at a speed of 60 feet (average maneuverability), and flying requires no more exertion than walking or running. A Gargoyle with flight can make a dive attack. A dive attack works like a charge, but the Gargoyle must move a minimum of 30 feet and descend at least 10 feet. A Gargoyle can make a dive attack only when wielding a piercing weapon; if the attack hits, it deals double damage. A Gargoyle with flight can use the run action while flying, provided she flies in a straight line.
  • Claws: Gargoyles have a pair of claw attacks that deal 1d4 damage.
  • Favored Class: Fighter.
  • Automatic Languages: Common, Terran.
  • Bonus Languages: Auran, Dwarven, Elven, Giant, Gnome, Halfling.
Gargoyle Stoneguard Racial Class
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« Last Edit: January 17, 2014, 01:08:30 AM by Garryl »

Offline Garryl

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Re: Gargoyle
« Reply #1 on: March 26, 2013, 11:33:58 AM »
So, to the three-ish people who may or may not be paying attention to this, how's it look?

Offline littha

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Re: Gargoyle
« Reply #2 on: March 28, 2013, 04:09:26 PM »
Freeze needs an action or a statement about modifying the disguise skill. Personally I would make it a standard action to activate and a free action to release but grant some hardness or something while frozen.

I would also have the sla uses scale up at higher levels (10 hd?) and make the DR turn to adamantine in an effort to prevent it from becoming useless at higher levels.

Offline Garryl

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Re: Gargoyle
« Reply #3 on: March 28, 2013, 04:36:10 PM »
I just noticed that Stony Ambush doesn't have a save DC. Whoops.

How about at 11 HD (just after the quantity stops improving), the DR turns to /magic and adamantine? Or at 8 HD, when you have DR 8/magic (the same number as stone's hardness).

I don't think the SLAs necessarily need more uses apiece. You already get a lot of uses (other than the at-will cantrips, you get 14 total uses per day of various SLAs). At the very least, a straight scaling up doesn't feel right. Maybe, instead, rewriting it to be like the PLAs for my Psychic Impressionist, where you have a shared pool and higher-end SLAs cost additional daily uses? Alternatively, just making them at will at certain points.

Maybe for Freeze, at a certain point, it would just transform your DR into hardness? There's definitely more that can be done with Freeze.

Hmm, now I have to make a PrC for this to turn you into a Weeping Angel.

Offline littha

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Re: Gargoyle
« Reply #4 on: March 28, 2013, 04:54:03 PM »
11hd is probably your best choice for the DR change, that is a out the point where enemies with magic weapons start turning up in large quantities.

SLAs don't really need to scale really, especially considering it might turn an already long ability into a wall of text. It's just a consideration towards usefulness at higher levels, making them at will after a certain point seems like a good idea but I wouldn't know what level.

Offline Garryl

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Re: Gargoyle
« Reply #5 on: April 09, 2013, 04:12:19 PM »
Tweaked. Also added in Greater Magic Fang so you're assured of having something useful to do with your SLAs.

Offline picklejuice

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Re: Gargoyle
« Reply #6 on: August 01, 2013, 12:03:14 PM »
Very nice. I like the ability penalties, the tone, and the balance. Very well-fleshed out and compliant with everything I, a min-maxing rules lawyer, knows about D&D.

*glides from a skyscraper to descend upon evildoers*

Offline SolEiji

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Re: Gargoyle
« Reply #7 on: January 17, 2014, 12:14:37 AM »
You make very good stuff, as usual.  Previously you have me blanket permission to transfer some of your things to the D&D wiki.  Necroing this a bit as a heads up that I intend to.  I'll post again when I have done so.

Offline Garryl

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Re: Gargoyle
« Reply #8 on: January 17, 2014, 01:08:12 AM »
Thanks for the heads up (which also made me notice a couple of typos I just corrected). Keep on going with whatever you find worthwhile.

Offline SolEiji

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Re: Gargoyle
« Reply #9 on: January 20, 2014, 11:28:44 PM »
The transfer is done.

Gargoyle and the paragon class.  I added fluff and whatnot I felt was fitting/was based on what I could get from the monster manual, but tell me if you need anything altered.

One thing I noticed though.  These gargoyles need to eat, breathe, and sleep.  Is that intentional?

Offline Garryl

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Re: Gargoyle
« Reply #10 on: January 20, 2014, 11:49:51 PM »
It was intentional only as far as I hadn't noticed that gargoyles don't need to eat/drink/breathe. I'm thinking about how best to add it in. It could just be another racial trait, but not needing to breathe has mechanical implications (ie: it's a non-meaningless power boost), and the basic Gargoyle race is strong enough as it is. Most likely, it would be a lesser independence (no need to eat or drink, and only half the need to breathe) with the basic race, with complete breathlessness being granted with the Stoneguard class. Does that sound about right to you?

Thanks for the fluffing. What I've read looks great so far. I don't suppose you would be interested in fluff for some of my other material? It's the thing that I can never get done in homebrewing.

Offline SolEiji

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Re: Gargoyle
« Reply #11 on: January 21, 2014, 12:01:26 AM »
Lol, alright.  Well, feel free to place it anywhere, be it something racial or part of the class, or both.  I'll make the appropriate changes when needed wikiside.

On the fluff its a mix of monster manual and what just seemed correct (I'm actually a little surprised the MM version of gargoyle are mindless murder machines, they always struck me as LE, or lawful something, what with the guardianship aspect of their lore).  I also took half-orc stats for height and whatnot, and just put some ages that seemed right.  I also figured they would be immortal, being long-lived half-statues.  So there was that.

I'll try and grant fluff to your other stuff, sure.  Just point the direction and I'll get to it when I can.