Author Topic: World Warper [WIP]  (Read 17209 times)

Offline bobthe6th

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World Warper [WIP]
« on: September 26, 2012, 10:54:03 PM »
Veklim's World Warper. 
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Much gratitude to sirpercival for the remarkably easy to follow instructions for table formats on these boards...  ;)

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World Warper  Hit Dice:D8
Alignment: Any






1st+0+0+0+2 Wild Talent, Natural Attunement, Elemental Motes, Maelstrom 3
2nd+1+0+0+3 Sense Elements, Enhance Maelstrom 1/encounter 4
3rd+2+1+1+3 1st Circle Weaves 5
4th+3+1+1+4 Attuned Resistance 6
5th+3+1+1+4 Maelstrom (1 Mote), Core Control 7
6th+4+2+2+5 Enhance Maelstrom 2/encounter 8
7th+5+2+2+5 2nd Circle Weaves 9
8th+6/+1+2+2+6  10
9th+6/+1+3+3+6 Core Command 11
10th+7/+2+3+3+7 Maelstrom (2 Motes), Enhance Maelstrom 3/encounter 12
11th+8/+3+3+3+7 3rd Circle Weaves 13
12th+9/+4+4+4+8 Attuned Immunity 14
13th+9/+4+4+4+8 Greater Control 15
14th+10/+5+4+4+9 Enhance Maelstrom 4/encouter 16
15th+11/+6/+1+5+5+9Maelstrom (3 Motes), 4th Circle Weaves 17
16th+12/+7/+2+5+5+10  18
17th+12/+7/+2+5+5+10 Core Contingency 19
18th+13/+8/+3+6+6+11 Enhance Maelstrom 5/encounter 20
19th+14/+9/+4+6+6+11 5th Circle Weaves 21
20th+15/+10/+5+6+6+12 Elemental Apotheosis 22

Class Skills (4+Int): Autohypnosis (Wis), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Handle Animal (Cha), Heal (Wis), Knowledge (nature) (Int), Knowledge (psionics)(Int), Knowledge (the planes)(Int), Listen (Wis), Profession (Wis), Psicraft (Int), Ride (Dex), Spot (Wis), Survival (Wis), and Swim (Str)

The World Warper is proficient with all simple weapons, light and medium armour and all shields except for tower shields.

Wild Talent.
At 1st level, the World Warper gains Wild Talent as a bonus feat.

Natural Attunement. (Su)
At 1st level, a World Warper chooses an element to focus on, and gains unique abilities based on that choice. This element is referred to as your Attuned Element, however, each element has an opposed element which imposes certain restrictions on your choices. Each element also has an energy and mundane damage type associated with it, both of which are listed with their element below along with what types of abilities each element specialises in. If you have a weakness or vulnerability to an element when you obtain this ability, you may not attune to that element. Choose from one of the following:
  • Air. Electricity and piercing damage (movement abilities). Opposed element: Earth.
  • Earth. Acid and bludgeoning damage (defences). Opposed element: Air.
  • Fire. Fire and slashing damage (offence). Opposed element: Water.
  • Water. Cold and subdual damage (insightful abilities). Opposed element: Fire.

Once made, this choice is permanent and may never be changed, not even with a Wish or Miracle. The element chosen is inextricably linked to your very soul.

Elemental Motes. (Su)
From 1st level onwards, the World Warper gains control of a certain number of tiny elemental conduits called Motes, made real by his psionic power. Each Mote connects to a single element, chosen when you gain access to each Mote individually, and once chosen it remains of that element. However, at 4th level and every 4 levels thereafter, you may choose to reassign the element of a number of Motes you control equal to your Wisdom modifier. This is the only way a World Warper may change the element of a Mote he controls, it is otherwise permanent. You gain a number of Motes as listed on the table.

You may treat any non-opposed Mote as a Mote of your Attuned Element, but may never do so with an opposed element Mote (for example, you choose Air as your Attuned Element, you may treat any Fire or Water Mote you control as being an Air Mote, but cannot do so with any Earth Mote you control). As such, you need never choose a Mote of your Attuned element, but you may still do so if you wish.

Mote abilities usually require you spend a certain number of specific Motes, and many abilities also require the investiture of one or more Motes to maintain the effect. Spent Motes are returned to your control at the beginning of your turn unless you elect to invest them, any Motes invested in the upkeep of an ability are invested when you activate the ability and may be recovered as a free action, but the effects they were maintaining immediately end. You may not spend or invest (or more likely, a combination of both) more than 1 + 1/2 class level (minimum 1) Motes on any single ability use, and all Mote abilities which require a save have a DC of 10 + 1/2 class level + Wisdom modifier

Core Weave.
You begin knowing only one Mote ability, referred to as your Core Weave. Which one you gain is determined by your Attuned element as follows:
  • Like The Wind. (Air) As a move action you may invest Air Motes to gain a +10ft / Mote bonus to all your base speeds for as long as you keep them invested.
  • Earth Whispers. (Earth) As a move action you may invest Earth Motes to gain tremorsense with a radius of 10ft / Mote for as long as you keep them invested.
  • Body Aflame. (Fire) As a move action you may invest Fire Motes to literally ignite your body for as long as you keep them invested. This deals no damage to you or your equipment, but whenever a creature successfully attacks you in melee they immediately receive 2 / Mote fire damage.
  • Surface Ripples. (Water) As a move action you may invest Water Motes to gain a +1 / Mote insight bonus to initiative and saves for as long as you keep them invested.

Maelstrom. (Su)
Beginning at 1st level, the World Warper gains the ability to channel their Attuned Element into a destructive blast of energy at will. Doing so is treated as a ranged attack with which you are proficient, affects a single target, has a range of 50ft + 5ft / class level, a critical of 20/x2 and deals elemental damage of the type for your Attuned Element equal to 1D8 / 2 class levels (minimum 1D8) plus your Wisdom modifier. This is treated as if it were a weapon attack, it may benefit from iterative attacks due to a high base attack bonus and may be selected for feats like weapon focus.

At 5th level you gain the ability to enhance your Maelstrom with the investment of a single Mote (this counts toward your Mote limit if combined with an Enhanced Maelstrom). This requires a swift action and the Mote is invested as long as you wish, or until the start of your next turn, whichever is longer. You may not invest an opposed Mote in this manner (so a Fire Warper could not add the effects of a Water Mote to his Maelstrom). Depending upon which element you use, you will gain one of the following effects:
  • Air. You may move 5ft as a free action every time your Maelstrom attack hits.
  • Earth. You gain a stacking +1 deflection bonus (max. +5) to AC until the beginning of your next turn for every time your maelstrom hits.
  • Fire. You gain a stacking fire damage bonus equal to +1 / damage die (max. +5) until the end of your turn for each maelstrom attack which hits.
  • Water. Every successful attack on a target gives you a stacking +2 bonus (max. +10) to hit that same target until the beginning of your next turn.

At 10th level, you may invest two different elemental Motes into your Maelstrom ability, gaining the effects of both. You still may not invest an opposed Mote.
At 15th level, you may invest three different elemental Motes into your Maelstrom ability, gaining the effects of all three. You still may not invest an opposed Mote.

Sense Elements. (Su)
As the Shugenja ability except using your World Warper level and Psicraft instead of Shugenja level and Spellcraft.

Enhance Maelstrom. (Su)
At 2nd level, and every 4 levels thereafter, the Warper gains the ability to adapt and change their Maelstrom ability a certain number of times per encounter as listed in the table. As a standard action you may expend a use of Enhance Maelstrom and the listed number of Motes to imbue a single Maelstrom attack with any one or more enhancements you know, as long as you can pay the combined Mote cost for all enhancements applied. Only non-opposed Motes may be used to pay for enhancements. Enhanced Maelstroms do not have a critical range or multiplier. Each time you gain this ability you learn one of the enhancements listed below:

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Weaves. (Su)
Beginning at 3rd level, the Warper steps fully onto the path of the Warper and learns his first true Weaves. These require a standard action to perform and are much akin to psionic powers or spells, with one or two differences. Firstly, to use a Weave, you must spend Motes of the correct element to activate it. When activated the Weave is either instantaneous or lasts for 1 round, but many Weaves have an option called Maintenance which allows you to invest Motes to increase this duration (maximum maintained duration is listed in brackets). This is called maintaining the Weave.

Maintaining the Weave.
Motes used for maintenance are invested as a non-action when the Weave's basic duration expires (duration before the parentheses). You may keep these Motes invested for as long as the maintenance duration states (duration inside the parnetheses) after which time the Weave ends anyway and invested Motes are returned to your control. Only certain element Motes may be used for most maintenance, as per the Weave descriptions, but there is another restriction. You may not maintain a Weave of your opposed element, and you may not use Motes of your opposed element to maintain a Weave, which means there will always be Weaves you know which you cannot maintain. However, you also gain a number of Resonant Motes equal to the highest circle Weave you know (so if you had 3rd Circle Weaves, you would have 3 Resonant Motes). Resonant Motes are of your Attuned element, and may only be used to maintain the Weave, including your Core Weave. If you fall asleep, lose consciousness or die, all maintained Weaves immediately stop.

1st Circle Weaves.
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2nd Circle Weaves.
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Attuned Resistance. (Ex)
Beginning at 4th level, the Warper gains energy resistance equal to his class level towards his attuned element (for example, a 6th level Water Warper has Cold Resistance 6). This resistance stacks with any other resistance you may be getting from other sources. You may instil a portion of this resistance in others with the investment of Motes. As a standard action which does not provoke attacks of opportunity, you must touch the creature to be affected and invest an attuned Mote to grant half your Attuned Resistance to the creature touched. Any Motes invested this way may remain invested as long as you wish.

Core Control. (Ps)
At 5th level your Core Weave gains new uses as your connection to your attuned element deepens. As long as you have at least 3 Motes invested in your Core Weave, you gain use of an at-will Psi-like ability as described below, depending upon your Core Weave. Treat your class level as your caster level for these effects.
  • Like The Wind: You gain a gaseous form (as per the spell, except as noted here) which is usable a total of 5 minutes / class level in a day. You may stop this effect as an imediate action or resume this effect as a standard action whenever you wish.
  • Earth Whispers: You may use Stone Shape (as per the spell) a number of times per day equal to your class level.
  • Body Aflame: You may use Pyrotechnics (as per the spell, except as noted here) a number of times per day equal to your class level. Using this ability does not extinguish the fire used if you do not wish to do so, although you may still elect to put it out.
  • Surface Ripples: You may use Quench (as per the spell) a number of times per day equal to your class level.

Core Command. (Su)
At 9th level you begin to unlock the true potential of your elemental attunement, even mighty elementals are laid low at your presence. As long as you have at least 5 Motes invested in your Core Weave, you may turn or destroy creaturess of your opposed element. You may also rebuke, command or bolster creatures of your attuned element. These abilities may be used a combined number of times equal to 3 + Charisma modifier / day (minimum 1).

Attuned Immunity. (Ex)
From 12th level onwards, the Warper becomes immune to damage from his attuned element.

Greater control. (Ps)
At 13th level, the ability you gained from Core Control improves. As long as you have at least 7 Motes invested in your Core Weave, your Core Control ability requires only a move action to perform and gains an enhancement as follows:
  • Like The Wind: You are no longer affected by wind in your gaseous form.
  • Earth Whispers: You no longer suffer a 30% chance of failure when stone shaping moving parts, however your DM may require an appropriate craft or knowledge check depending on what you wish to shape.
  • Body Aflame: Any creature which fails it's save against your Pyrotechnics ability is set on fire and takes 2 fire damage / Mote invested in Body Aflame. Creatures get a reflex save to try and put themselves out at the start of their turns, but take 2 fire damage / Mote for every round they fail this save until they either pass or the duration of Pyrotechnics ends.
  • Surface Ripples: You may now irrigate fields or refill wells and small bodies of water (using half the normal area of the spell) with this ability.

Core Contingency. (Ex)
At 17th level, as long as you have at least 9 Motes invested in your Core Weave, you gain the ability to heal damage using your attuned element. As long as you are in contact with your chosen element, you gain fast healing equal to your Wisdom modifier. Furthermore, any damage which would be dealt to you (disregarding Attuned Resistance and Attuned Immunity) by your chosen element's energy type instead heals you of that much damage.

Elemental Apotheosis. (Ex)
At 20th level you transcend your mortality and the ravages of the elements, becoming part of that elemental force instead of bending to it. You become an Elemental (with the Augmented subtype maybe?), your Maelstrom ability becomes (Ex) and you always count as having a number of Motes invested in your Core Weave equal to your Wisdom modifier (minimum 1), even when unconsious or asleep.

« Last Edit: November 16, 2012, 10:12:41 AM by bobthe6th »
avatar by Szilard, thank you sir for the fine work!

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Re: Blaster [WIP]
« Reply #1 on: September 26, 2012, 10:54:17 PM »
avatar by Szilard, thank you sir for the fine work!

my home brew.  you should PEACH them...

Offline Veklim

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Re: Blaster [WIP]
« Reply #2 on: October 05, 2012, 04:47:00 PM »
OK then, a concept.

The Blaster is the ultimate elementalist, understanding the subtle balance between the elements, as well as how to manipulate them to explosive ends. They feel the connections created between earth, air, fire and water, and can listen to them just as easily as it can manipulate them.

They can feel the world around them through earth, they can hear distant truths on the wind, they can bring forth fire for warmth and safety in the coldest and most inhospitable of environments, and can irrigate the desert to grow crops and hanging gardens with ease. Every member of the class (unsure if blaster would fit as a name) focuses on one elemental damage type, and gains both destructive and utilitarian powers from that element. Then they gain access to some of the utility, as well as unique blasting potential, of another element at about 8th and a third at about 16th. Mixing elements is where the power-hikes occur, allowing them to keep up with mages on damage potential, without sacrificing utility, aiming T3 I guess?
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Re: Blaster [WIP]
« Reply #3 on: October 05, 2012, 05:13:28 PM »
I might suggest this for inspiration. Oooh it's HOT! Seriously though, Amechra did a fantastic job on this.
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Offline bobthe6th

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Re: Blaster [WIP]
« Reply #4 on: October 07, 2012, 01:19:50 AM »
there are a lot of elemental blasters, I was thinking a more esoteric blaster.  but an elementalist could work...  but it feels like a fighter fix.  With the other two, there was a archetype that was hard to play neatly(telekinisis was high level, and a weird super blast(all  greatswords, all the time.), or the telepath which was spell based and super broken...(though I fear the mindbender is as well...)). 

A blaster can be played though, it just is limited/funky.  spells per day...  oh, that is what I did wrong.  hell...  well, the V4 will be made into V5 proper.  ignore this. 

now, for a blaster/elementalist...  what could we do different then the spell shaping codex that works?  so far making a dedicated subsystem works...
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Offline Veklim

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Re: Blaster [WIP]
« Reply #5 on: October 07, 2012, 07:17:43 PM »
Give a progession for blast damage like a sneak attack progression, add abilities dependant on element like movement (air), damage (fire), debuff (cold), something-or-other (acid), offer adaptation and new abilities by mixing elements at higher levels. Make the blast a standard action and give choices for mixed elements as full attacks, moves and swift/immediate for certain utility boosts...

In short, the blasting aspect is the main 'power', but elemental choices and smart mixes offer range and utility. Might start fleshing out ideas if you're interested in this one...
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Offline bobthe6th

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Re: Blaster [WIP]
« Reply #6 on: October 08, 2012, 07:40:25 PM »
hmm...  but again, that has been done.  perhapce a more unique main combat abilaty...  n 5ft cubes can be made as an action, entering a cube deals y damage and has a save or get f rider? 
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Re: Blaster [WIP]
« Reply #7 on: October 08, 2012, 09:33:54 PM »
Blaster = I do lots of damage. That's basically boring, and what melee characters already do well. I'd suggest finding another theme, and having blasting only be part of what it does. It might even be the main focus, but it shouldn't be the theme.
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Re: Blaster [WIP]
« Reply #8 on: October 08, 2012, 10:01:59 PM »
Well...  actualy calling it a elemental kenetisist might make more sense, and fit the project theme.  blaster was just a starting name. 
Just thinking on a way to differentiate the class from the telekenetisist. 
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Offline Veklim

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Re: Blaster [WIP]
« Reply #9 on: October 13, 2012, 07:23:14 AM »
OK then, new but simple mechanic to avoid spells/powers but allow for similar effects...

Elemental Motes.
You begin play with one Elemental Mote, and gain an additional one at every odd level. These make up the basis for your effects, the bigger the ability, the more motes you need. You start play with one primary element, gaining access to a second at 6th, a third at 11th and the last at 16th. Effects like simple blasting stuff requires motes of one element, but the more intricate the ability the more elements you must put together, so flight might require 2 Air motes and 1 Fire mote for instance, which would then require 1 Air mote to maintain.

This way, you can present a big list of abilities, which are restricted by which elements you have chosen throughout your career. Add a list of single element abilities for each element, these are only accessible to people who chose that as their primary element (the first one they choose), then onto steam effects with fire and water motes, sonic effects using air, earth and either fire or water motes (perhaps, this might need a little thought, but the idea is solid), then eventually being able to produce force damage from 16th onwards by using at least one mote of every element, and other funky stuff like that. Basically my idea is a cut-down, at-will caster who focuses on lots of ways to deal damage, but is capable of utility by mixing elements (you could have a separate class ability which stipulates how many motes you can use to activate an ability and how many elements you may mix in a single effect, so you could restrict force damage to a higher level that way if you like).
« Last Edit: October 13, 2012, 07:31:42 AM by Veklim »
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Offline bobthe6th

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Re: Blaster [WIP]
« Reply #10 on: October 16, 2012, 12:13:56 AM »
that... is a really clever way of working it! :D
though, perhaps allow people to switch motes after a nights rest, removing the possibility of trap choices. 

Perhaps have the abilities work a bit like incarnum?  So, creating the effect requires the motes, then you have a set pool of points you can assign?  So, making a flamthrower takes 1 fire mote and 1 air mote, then you add points to make it deal more damage/fill an area... 

but then it is drifting towards psionics again... 

still, I really, really, like the concept.  got any further ideas?

edit:  thought about it...  so, how about let all elements be open at all levels, but have scaling bonuses based on what motes you chose.  going pure limits options, but each of the 4 will have decent trees of bonuses to make it worth while. 

also, perhapce instead of wind, air, water, fire... go electrical, fire, acid, sonic, cold, force, and physical(bludgioning, piercing, and slashing).  Effectively having direct control over D&D's energies. 

Also, how about abilities have affinities, oppositions, and mote costs?  so, flight has an afinity for sonic, fire, and force,  oposed physical and acid, with a mote cost of 3.  motes of an abilaties affinity can be used at cost, while off affinitys are used 1.5 to 1, and opposed cost double.  so flight could be had for 3 fire, 5 cold, or 6 acid. 

any of this sound useful?
« Last Edit: October 16, 2012, 07:53:53 AM by bobthe6th »
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Offline Veklim

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Re: Blaster [WIP]
« Reply #11 on: October 17, 2012, 03:46:57 PM »

Allow me to ramble and I may be able to get this right!

Perhaps have the abilities work a bit like incarnum?  So, creating the effect requires the motes, then you have a set pool of points you can assign?  So, making a flamthrower takes 1 fire mote and 1 air mote, then you add points to make it deal more damage/fill an area... 
No power point pools are needed, we can work with just motes for this. Firstly, you should gain 1 + (primary stat modifier) motes at first level, and an additional mote every other level (3rd, 5th, etc), this should allow for some breathing room with the mote's chosen element (more on this in a moment). Then what we do is limit the number of motes you may use on any one ability to 1 + 1/2 class level (minimum 1). This way you pay the minimum mote cost for each element to activate the ability, and may add more motes (up to this limit) to empower the ability once active. The extra motes can be of any element, but you must have the correct types for activation cost (so flight could be 2 Air & 1 Fire, but you could add any additional mote to add +10ft to your flight speed for instance). If we create the abilities well, we can make them scale this way, therefore reducing the number of total abilities without gimping options or railroading the build.

edit:  thought about it...  so, how about let all elements be open at all levels, but have scaling bonuses based on what motes you chose.  going pure limits options, but each of the 4 will have decent trees of bonuses to make it worth while.
OK, I see what you're getting at there. How about this:
You start with access to all four elements (air, earth, fire, water) and choose which motes are which element as you level up. However, from 1st level you also have one favoured element which you gain extra control over. This means you may spontaneously treat any mote of another element as your favoured element for any ability you use, offering versatility and a guaranteed set of abilities to use, without it getting too out of hand (shenanigans will occur if the player has too much freedom). As weird as this sounds, it means you never need choose motes for your favoured element, but that element's 'pure' abilities are always open to you. This is counter-intuitive perhaps, but solves a lot of issues all at once and is a simple mechanic.

also, perhapce instead of wind, air, water, fire... go electrical, fire, acid, sonic, cold, force, and physical(bludgioning, piercing, and slashing).  Effectively having direct control over D&D's energies.
Sonic and Force aren't elements, and are both more potent than elemental damage types, because few things have a way of resisting them effectively, or indeed at all. I have considered both this and the physical damages though, and had a bit of a brainwave. Each element has an ability affinity, an energy type and a physical type attached to it as follows:
Air (movement) - Electricity, piercing
Earth (defence) - Acid, bludgeoning
Fire (offence) - Fire (duh!), slashing
Water (perception) - Cold, subdual
Sonic effects require at least 1 mote each of any 3 elements (for a minimum of 4th level)
Force requires at least 2 motes each of any 3 elements (for a minimum of 10th level)

Also, how about abilities have affinities, oppositions, and mote costs?  so, flight has an afinity for sonic, fire, and force,  oposed physical and acid, with a mote cost of 3.  motes of an abilaties affinity can be used at cost, while off affinitys are used 1.5 to 1, and opposed cost double.  so flight could be had for 3 fire, 5 cold, or 6 acid. 
Nice idea, but it would get crazy complicated for both use and balance this way. How about we make it more simple, with a similar feel but less book-keeping. You cannot spontaneously convert an opposed element, so if you choose Air as your favoured element, then you can't spontaneously convert Earth motes into Air motes. Optionally, at a higher level (level 12-16 somewhere would make some sense I think) you might consider introducing a class feature which allows conversion at 2:1 ratio for opposed elements..?
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Re: Blaster [WIP]
« Reply #12 on: October 19, 2012, 12:59:52 AM »

Allow me to ramble and I may be able to get this right!

I find this to be the best way to brew...

No power point pools are needed, we can work with just motes for this. Firstly, you should gain 1 + (primary stat modifier) motes at first level, and an additional mote every other level (3rd, 5th, etc), this should allow for some breathing room with the mote's chosen element (more on this in a moment). Then what we do is limit the number of motes you may use on any one ability to 1 + 1/2 class level (minimum 1). This way you pay the minimum mote cost for each element to activate the ability, and may add more motes (up to this limit) to empower the ability once active. The extra motes can be of any element, but you must have the correct types for activation cost (so flight could be 2 Air & 1 Fire, but you could add any additional mote to add +10ft to your flight speed for instance). If we create the abilities well, we can make them scale this way, therefore reducing the number of total abilities without gimping options or railroading the build.

That make sense, and I approve.  Numbers might change as we get data.  also, might give more motes as you level.  like after 5 you get 2 each level, or something. 

Sonic and Force aren't elements, and are both more potent than elemental damage types, because few things have a way of resisting them effectively, or indeed at all. I have considered both this and the physical damages though, and had a bit of a brainwave. Each element has an ability affinity, an energy type and a physical type attached to it as follows:
Air (movement) - Electricity, piercing
Earth (defence) - Acid, bludgeoning
Fire (offence) - Fire (duh!), slashing
Water (perception) - Cold, subdual
Sonic effects require at least 1 mote each of any 3 elements (for a minimum of 4th level)
Force requires at least 2 motes each of any 3 elements (for a minimum of 10th level)

hmm...  makes sense, and seems workable. 

Nice idea, but it would get crazy complicated for both use and balance this way. How about we make it more simple, with a similar feel but less book-keeping. You cannot spontaneously convert an opposed element, so if you choose Air as your favoured element, then you can't spontaneously convert Earth motes into Air motes. Optionally, at a higher level (level 12-16 somewhere would make some sense I think) you might consider introducing a class feature which allows conversion at 2:1 ratio for opposed elements..?

That...  could work.  would make specializations work to a degree.   

also, in other news, better name for the class.  opens more to thematic conection, being the proper psychic class that takes in pyrokinisis and all sorts of other reality manipulations. 
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Re: World Warper [WIP]
« Reply #13 on: October 28, 2012, 09:39:54 PM »
bob, I'm kinda itching to flesh out this elemental mote concept. If I made a bare-bones chassis and added the motes with a work in progress, would you mind..? Any thoughts for the basics (BAB, skills, saves, HD), I'll table 'em up for you and PM it over on GitP.  ;)
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Re: World Warper [WIP]
« Reply #14 on: October 29, 2012, 02:07:17 PM »
prolly med BAB, and a good will save sound about right... 

also, I am full willing to let you make the class and credit you.  I would ask that I could edit/add content, though I will happily talk over edits here.  That was what made the telekinetisist so badass, SOOOO BBBAAADDDASSSS
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Re: World Warper [WIP]
« Reply #15 on: November 01, 2012, 07:44:32 AM »
OK, getting started on the table, filling out chassis basics right now actually. 2 things!

Thing number 1. Where do you want the class posted for construction? I could PM it to you for you to post yourself, or I can post it up where you want it, up to you!

Thing number 2. Need a brainstorming on key elemental abilities to be granted for your element specialisation. These are going to be at-will or permanent effects, many of which will be accessible later to any non-opposed element specialist, but at a mote cost. SO far the list includes (but not exhaustively, this is off the top of my head)
Air - Flight (starts outs not so great, gets better), Like The Wind (speed increases like a barbarian)
Earth - Tremorsense (starts at 10ft, gets better quite fast), Earthglide (as per the elemental ability, give or take)
Fire - Attack and damage bonus (+1 / 4 class levels or thereabouts), Body Aflame (fire armour with perks, shall elaborate later)
Water - AC and Reflex bonus (probably +1 / 4 class levels, will follow same progression as Fire), Psychic Tsunami (very cool mass debuff, will elaborate a lot later!)

Any other thoughts/ideas for such would be cool. Damage mechanic is still in mid-thought flow, will post/pm that separately as I get it down.
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Re: World Warper [WIP]
« Reply #16 on: November 01, 2012, 06:01:28 PM »
here and I can shift it up to the top. 
avatar by Szilard, thank you sir for the fine work!

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Re: World Warper [WIP]
« Reply #17 on: November 02, 2012, 09:23:38 AM »

Typed it up in GitP table format out of a force of habit, and it's not working here...

Any ideas on where to find a table making guide for these forums? Otherwise I can pop it up in the TK thread for you to transfer/link to..?
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Re: World Warper [WIP]
« Reply #18 on: November 02, 2012, 10:35:40 AM »
this is what happened when I transferred over...  look at the mind bender...  I think that does work. 
avatar by Szilard, thank you sir for the fine work!

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Re: World Warper [WIP]
« Reply #19 on: November 02, 2012, 10:39:40 AM »
if you send me the gitp stuff i can make a real table.  it's an easy conversion.
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