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Messages - Westhane

Pages: [1]
Legends of the Heroes / EotE: Hard Sci Fi on Xeno Killing
« on: October 16, 2014, 05:48:26 PM »

Apparently in one panel of one comic of one small, tiny corner of the Star Wars expanded universe (and not explicitly, at that), a Xenomorph appears in the background. Therefore, xenos are canon. A following B, our GM in Edge of the Empire has decided we should suffer them. It's already done, no use arguing with him.

However, the xenos have ridiculous soak (DR to dnd players), deflect or at least minimize blaster fire, and generally are as unkillable as in the movies. Unfortunately, a quick search of the internet did not reveal a comprehensive list of methods to kill the damn things. Fortunately, I have some ideas.

EotE core is woefully unable to handle the xenos, so I am engaging in extracurricular weapons design. I wish to back up some of my ideas with hard science, but am not equipped to do so. Here are my thoughts:

I. Shock Therapy -
Xeno's, as organics with nervous systems, are vulnerable to electric attack. A gas, plasma, or shrapnel grenade that could conduct an electric charge over a large area would allow us to clear larger swaths at once. Would that even work?

II. Titan Slaying -
Any melee weapon able to penetrate a xeno melts, and acid blood gets all over. Not ideal. So, a superheated weapon would be able to cauterize the wound. No, lightsabers are not an option. To solve the wear and tear of heat and acid blood, expendable blades would be necessary. Ergo, a kind of modular sword with a hilt and detachable blades kept in a "toaster" may be good for us. Thoughts?

III. Emilio Koyama -
Gore Tex based armor and PVC coated equipment should resist even "molecular" acid. Failing that, something must. I want to procure this equipment, but what functional limitations would I be facing?

IV. Need a Light? -
Traditionally, in Aliens, flamethrowers have been used against xeno's. That doesn't seem optimal to me, fuel wise or damage wise. Xeno's can survive extremely low temperatures, so it stands to reason that despite their dislike of fire, extremely high ones may not be lethal either. Is that logical?

There are practically no limitations beyond science on what can be accomplished; our group is poised to perform a hostile takeover of Nar Shadaa. Only the Xenomorphs are stopping us.

Gaming Advice / Legend of the Five Rings: Bloodspeaker rules
« on: May 14, 2012, 08:19:04 PM »
So, I finally convinced someone other than me to DM a game in my group. He's a big MtG fan, so he decided a Kamigawa-style campaign was in order. Cool beans, so I pointed him toward OA and the Rokugan third party materials.

In this campaign, I have decided to run a strictly non-optimized Shugenja 3/Bloodspeaker Cultist 10/?? 7. I say ?? for the last bit because I am unclear on mechanics behind Bloodspeaker's capstone ability, which states, and I quote:
Blood Path: At 10th level the cultist gains sorcerer as a favored class, and may continue to gain levels in the sorcerer class after he finishes this class. His spell progression continues from the last point that it left off.
Emphasis mine. You don't need sorcerer to get into the class, yet it specifically calls that class out, and does not define "last point". If I were to take the last 7 as sorcerer, would I be casting as a Lv 13 Shugenja /Lv 20 Sorcerer?
I understand the wording is really, really vague, and that its third party material, but before I get the DM to houserule I was wondering if this was exploitable.

Bloodspeaker Cultist is from Legend of the Five Rings: Way of the Shugenja, p.91

Introduce Yourself / Hello
« on: April 23, 2012, 09:03:41 PM »
My preferred internet moniker is Westhane, but you'll find I am not the most active of posters.

That said, I enjoy DnD (3.5, 3rd, and AD&D only), GURPS, and PC gaming, but my passion has been MtG for some time. What with the power creep going on there, that might not last though. Non gaming hobbies are mythical creatures, in my humble opinion.
I'm from the United States, and can be found (with effort) elsewhere online.

I primarily joined the boards out of respect for the amazing work done here. I prefer caster classes, and have found the overwhelming level of support (tangible that is, not opinion) on the boards of no end of use.

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