« on: May 01, 2012, 07:44:20 AM »
I am also planing on getting mithril heavy armor as soon as I have the money.
But half weight is forgotten relms as fare as i can find, and we aint allowed to use it.
But still need to find out what kind of feat I should take.
So fare I was plaing on taking
Power Attack, for PrC, deepstone sentinal
Combat expertice, for more AC
Hidden Talante- as part of a chain to get armor AC to touch AC
And future plans were
Improved Combat expertice, for more AC, I plan on being the wall so that I can stand i the way of the enemy, chance are we will do alot of indore fighting for medium creatures
Heavy Armor optimacion, + 1 AC, and needed for the next one
Deflectiv Armor, Grant Armor AC to touch AC
And Sheild Speciliaction to get
Sheild ward, Sheild AC tp touch AC
And I am ofcause planing on getting animated shield so that I can use a two handed weapon
The PrC I am wanting to get is Deepstone sentinal (Is allowed by the DM)
but any idea, on if this is good, okay or terible.
And what items to get, pref thing that make me harder to hit, AC and the likes, dmg is 2nd to being a wall