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Messages - Slz the Resolute

Pages: [1]
My group has done this many times. The reason for this is because several people, my self included, are sort of uncomfortable with the combat situations( my group loves to duel and the like). So usually we switch DMs when we get into a fight, and then switch back for to social part of our session. This makes the session more fluid and generally does not end up in an argument  over a specific and random ruling( I.E whether or not someone is flanking due to X feat and Y position).

When and if our session goes to long, we end the session and a new DM picks up were the other one left off. Not sure if that is on topic but our group likes to not have one DM for several sessions... We all like to play!

Introduce Yourself / Re: Hello, glad the boards are back
« on: November 07, 2011, 02:16:48 AM »
Hi I agree, and I like the new set up :)

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