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Messages - Sardonic_Raven

Pages: [1]
Introduce Yourself / New to boards
« on: May 12, 2012, 10:19:05 AM »

Honestly the main reason I'm joining is to be able to use quote on Sirpercival's Morphling homebrew class! I wanted to look at the code on that table and hopefully copy it into the long rules for our home game. I may modify it a bit too to fit, since we're running Kirth Gersen's Kirthfinder rules as well and they make most of the classes stronger. We're adapting the class to be a barbarian archetype.

I'd rather not share my name, I go by Raven or Dawn on most of the boards I frequent.
Favorite games: MMO's! And I'm getting into tabletop gaming.
Non-gaming hobbies: Kitesurfing >.> Best thing in the world.
Live: Currently in the U.S., born and raised Irish.

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