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Messages - BrutticusForce

Pages: [1]
General D&D Discussion / Re: D&D stereotypes you can't stand
« on: September 24, 2012, 12:32:42 PM »
Gr'rok  the half orc hitpoint bag... barbarian What gets me is that this was actually mechanically justified. Half orcs are pidgeon holed into melee... the INT hit takes skill points and wizardry out of the picture. The charisma hit makes sense in a non racist way (its hard to be a half orc in a humans world) but the Int hit is unjustifiable. Gr'okk has to become a barbarian or a fighter, or he is mechanically hindered. He can not make use of his only racial feature.

Also, while I'm this topic, if the DM isnt careful, Dungeons and Dragons can become something of a racial genocide, with the "good" races sending armies and adventurers to kill every member of an "evil" race they can find, take their possessions, and assassinate their leaders... All these orcish hordes, does anyone wonder why they keep coming back? What the orcs could possibly want? Could it be something understandable? like arable farmland or prime hunting ground? or maybe humans, those irreproachable explorers keep settling on orcish land?

Nope. They are evil. Go kill them adventurers. take their stuff. I have shinys and magic items for you when you return

D&D 3.5 and Pathfinder / Re: Why do fighters suck?
« on: September 22, 2012, 11:12:51 PM »
Personally, i always felt fighters were held back by the flavor assumption that he be purely constrained by the laws of physics. It bugged me that the fighter had to rely on power attack while the rogue could tear it up with sneak attack. IF the rogue could do 10d6 with the flanking, the fighter (who should be the best at fighting) should be able to do 10d6 whenever. I never got why they made the fighter as weak as they did, except they either made the game with intentional flaws to reward "good" players, or they only play tested the lowest levels.

How would you fix the fighter? did pathfinder do a good job? Does their fix leave something to be desired? I think they were on the right track, but i would go further. I would do all good saves, d12 hd, and probably Tremendous Strength as a class feature. This in addition to the pathfinder features (Armor and Weapon feats as free class features) as well as the bonus feats.

tl;dr fighter fixes are a dime a dozen, but how would you fix the fighter?

Introduce Yourself / Hey there
« on: May 19, 2012, 10:03:10 PM »
Hey everyone, Im Brutticus Force. Brutticus was the name of my first RPG character. He was a Noldor Elf fighter from a middle earth themed Rolemaster game. I use it as a moniker of sorts as i lurk the internet. Ive been playing a lot of dungeons and dragons later (3.5 and 4e). Im also experienced with oWoD. One of the deciding factors for my joining was a pbp forum, something i havent done in a while but sorely miss. I also dabble in M:tG, and am pretty good at competitive pokemon.

Im in my early 20s and i live in the metro detroit area. Ive been through the local convention circuit, so if youve been to youmacon or fanfare, you might have seen me. Ive been to san diego as well, and those were pretty amazing experiences.

So yeah, dont mind me as i lurk and learn. And dont be afraid to say hi

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