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Messages - mrorangesoda

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I'm loving my current Beguiler character. I've become a real fan of solving encounters through means other than slashing/blasting.

A Night Below is pretty epic (and a horrible misnomer. It's at least several months below)

Min/Max 3.x / Re: What spells do I put on a Spell Storing Ring?
« on: April 23, 2013, 07:59:37 PM »
Draconic Polymorph?
Luminous Armor?
Grim Revenge!?

What feat would I want to copy with Heroics? Threads on the spell suggest Martial stuff from ToB, but we don't use that in our game. It hardly seems worth arguing for the use of a SpC spell for- my little guy's got Str under 10 and does a whole lot more staying on the fringes of combat.

Everything else sounds far too broken for our game, although reading about Grim Revenge made me laugh. Thanks for that.

Min/Max 3.x / What spells do I put on a Spell Storing Ring?
« on: April 23, 2013, 01:52:36 PM »
I'm playing a 7th level Gnome Beguiler who recently came into a Ring of Spell Storing from a God of Magic temple as my reward for saving the city. I've now got 5 levels of spells to put on the ring and I'm at a loss. I had thought initially to have a friendly wizard or cleric put some low level spells that would save my life in a pinch, but I scratched that when spell #1 on that list (Feather Fall) doesn't exactly meet the requirement of "Spells on the ring take a minimum of 1 standard action to cast". I have yet to run out of spells in a day, so it seems like a waste to fill it with spells from my own list. Any thoughts on what I should do?

Thanks for your help
Background: 3.5- Players Handbooks I and II only for spells (I have SpC access for my Advanced learning only and don't want to push it for this). We're based out of one of the world's major cities and have access to casters that are friendly (though they'll need to get paid). There are a level 6 and level 4 druid, paladin, and lsorcerer in the party as well (though other than utility stuff, I don't really want to steal their spotlight castings)

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Beguiler planning
« on: April 23, 2013, 12:05:02 PM »
Just some thoughts from someone who's playing a level 7 beguiler gnome right now:
-Improved Initiative was the best feat I chose to take- so incredibly useful.
-I chose to play straight beguiler to avoid some of the pitfalls you mentioned (also, I'm CG, so Mindbender is out). I've had my second Advanced Learning spell (Ray of Stupidity) for two game sessions now and I think it's pretty baller- knocked a wizard down a peg and mind killed a bear.
- If you're looking to get both Enchantment Foci feats, I probably wouldn't be in such a rush to switch away your (possible) Gnomish Illusion bonus. I've found myself using Illusions more often than Enchantments (both due to circumstances in game and my opinion that the Beguiler list offers more commonly useful Illusion spells than Enchantments), enough so that I'd want to keep any DC bonus I can get- I really want the BBEG to go blind while I turn invisible.

Best of luck. It's a really enjoyable class to play for the lateral thinking player.

Legends of the Heroes / Re: The Nights Below
« on: June 25, 2012, 08:51:34 AM »
Aww. Night below was my first experience playing a tabletop rpg. It took my group forever to finish, but was lots of fun. We couldn't remember jellenith's name to save our lives (it was usually "that girl we're looking for" or "Gwendolean?)
(click to show/hide)
Best of luck! I look forward to reading another group's experience.

Gaming Advice / Re: terms
« on: June 21, 2012, 10:47:39 PM »
Not all of it is super overpowered, most TO skill use or things like the ranger who can shoot in 10 mile range increments (but cant spot people at that range) are not what I would call overpowered.
Spot rules are pretty dumb sometimes. I haven't done the math, but I'm willing to bet the -1 per 10 feet rule makes the sun effectively invisible, even with however much of that is negated by its size categories.

I'm bored and curious tonight-
The distance between the earth and sun is 92,960,000 miles= 490,828,800,000 feet= -49,082,880,000 to spot check.
The Sun's diameter is 864,938 miles= 4,566,872,640 feet= 913,374,528 medium sized units. How do I convert this to a proper size modifier? I thought this was going to be simple math when I started and now I need access to algebra/calc I haven't used in a while...

Min/Max 3.x / Re: 3.5 spell selection for a focused conjurer
« on: June 21, 2012, 09:57:35 PM »
Doesn't this only apply to ranged attackers/spellcasters? We've mainly been facing melee enemies, and our two main damage dealers are a duskblade and a barbarian, so wouldn't fog cloud just hinder them?

Keep in mind Net of Shadows (since it grants concealment to the subject) is going to do the same thing if used on someone that the duskblade or barbarian is/is going to attack.

Min/Max 3.x / Re: 3.5 spell selection for a focused conjurer
« on: June 21, 2012, 10:46:15 AM »
This may just be me (and my beguiler) but I was disappointed in Net of Shadows. I think there are better ways to cut off an enemy groups' vision, and with wall of smoke (and silent image if you're willing to concentrate) you've already got targeted versions available to you at 1st level and ,if you're willing to burn a 2nd level spell, have glitterdust to blind them while denying them a concealment bonus.

Gaming Advice / Re: Imaginary Friend
« on: June 20, 2012, 12:54:11 AM »
I'd have it be an actual imaginary pet bear for a long long time- until you use it as an adventure hook that ends with him rescuing the celestial bear who's been communicating with him and gaining a magic figurine to summon the thing.

Play By Post / Re: [3.5]Iron Kingdoms- Jack of All Sides
« on: June 17, 2012, 10:26:40 AM »
I'm potentially interested. I'd need to look over the books too as I'm not familiar with the setting. Soun

Also, I've never been in a play by post game before (you may not want a newbie in your group). How often do we have to post?

D&D 3.5 and Pathfinder / Re: Alternative to item weight in Inventory
« on: June 13, 2012, 09:13:19 PM »
A handy haversack/bag of holding is probably the best alternative.

Legends of the Heroes / Re: Stealing Seven Samurai
« on: June 09, 2012, 11:58:42 PM »
You could always jsut say that the villagers know how to build the fortifications but do not know how to fight and need training to fight. That could keep the group occupied adn let your villagers build the walls you want or have the villagers do it under the advice of the pcs. Do something to keep the PCs busy (like a scouting expedition that they had in the movie) and while they are gone the villagers are busy building away and you can make best judgement on how far the villagers got.

In my head, the villagers would be doing the work, but most likely under the direction of the pcs- because why accept responsibilities for defenses you didn't have any input in (and also, that's what the movie is like- the villagers do the work but under the direction of Kambei). The whole thing could be gridded out and the pcs get to chose x squares of wall, y squares of ditches, z squares of spiked logs, or whatever else they come up with per day. If there's not rules for that somewhere, I guess I could just make them up (with the idea that there are some limits to resources like time).
I had considered the training thing as well. Since they're halflings, I figured most would have their commoner proficiency with slings/stones/thrown weapons, but by training with the pcs could pick up a proficiency in another weapon (likely one that the town blacksmith could make enough of. In my head, short spears cause that's what the villagers in the movie used- but they might have other ideas). If they train them, I'd also considered having them each make a cha roll, and if it came up high enough their individual platoon would get an inspiration bonus whenever they were fighting within x feet of the PC (kind of like how some of the villagers were in awe of Kyūzō and some grew to respect Kikuchiyo).

They could also do some hit-and-run types of skirmish attacks against the bandits, to lead them on a wild goose chase and distract them. This would give them something to do, give the villagers time to work on the fortifications, and reduce the number of bandits they have to fight. As long as the PCs have a way to get away somehow (a ready boat in the river, etc), it could work.

Knowing some of the players. "Lets go get the bandits" will be something that comes up. I think it's smart as long as it doesn't get out of control/get them killed. I guess the biggest challenge is figuring out the number of bandits that will make it a defend the village adventure I'm aiming for (as opposed to "kick the dungeon door down and waste some monsters"- which is fun, but we do that a lot) while not overwhelming them and killing everyone's character. Any advice in that direction? I'm not really familiar with CR/ECL.

thanks for all the feedback so far.

Legends of the Heroes / Re: Stealing Seven Samurai
« on: June 06, 2012, 09:41:48 PM »
Thanks for the recommendation- unfortunately after checking it out online, it only has info for building your own keep, not building simple walls/fences, digging ditches, etc.
No wands/magic in general is probably for the best- less for me to keep track of.

Creating an image of nothing when there is something actually there is a glamer effect...
Is that stated explicitly in the rules?  Not doubting, just want to see it.

Edit:  That was easy
A glamer spell changes a subject’s sensory qualities, making it look, feel, taste, smell, or sound like something else, or even seem to disappear.

For further reference, here's the article series where they expand/discuss the descriptions- The whole series is really informative- when reading through the ph when prepping my own beguiler, I thought some things needed more clarification. My dm and I had a talk about illusions and what we both thought they could and couldn't do.

That MI4 clip is really cool. I think that'd be really hard for a spell to change on the fly without a fancy camera- I'd just make the party invisible...

Legends of the Heroes / Re: Stealing Seven Samurai
« on: June 04, 2012, 08:16:55 PM »
Thanks for the advice about the adventure in general. I certainly don't want a TPK (my beguiler needs protection when he gets back after all). It does seem like the main problem is in balancing having some kind of plan as to how to make this fun/survivable with the openness to allow the players to improvise how they see fit.

Gnolls do make good bandits, but I think they'd eat a little community of halflings rather than demand their harvest at a later date and give them time to recruit a bit of help (also, we're fighting some in our current adventure that are helping an evil baron).

I think I'm looking at using a group of Shifters, as I do like that animalistic vibe, or Tieflings, which would be fun for the Paladin. Both are 1/2 CR for Warrior 1, so the squads the group would fight at the correct EL would be 10-12 under ideal conditions for a 4th level party of 4 (if things were to proceed along movie lines, I'd assume they'd fight off 3 squads the first day, one broken up overnight, and half again as many in the final battle for a total of over 60 bandits) . Part of the idea/problem is that defending the village with just seven samurai four adventurers is supposed to stretch things a little thin, those squads wouldn't go to the same place over and over and (again, if things progressed like the movie) would test out all of the fortifications (possibly splitting the party in the process- though it's likely they'll have a group of villagers with spears to help out).

The leader is going to be a sorcerer/rogue with a high umd score, who I think will have a wand of something that they had stolen from somewhere (enlarged magic missile?) that will replace the threat of the rifles from the movie. (Basically that the enemies have a way to snipe at you from far away if care/cover is not taken). Does this sound reasonable or is the threat of defending a village enough without adding more?

Are there any rules anywhere about building basic fortifications and how long that takes? I want to give them time to prep the village, but they shouldn't get to turn it into a keep. Just what they and the villagers could do in the time they have to prepare (something like x wall units a day, y ditch units, ect)

Gaming Advice / Re: Downloading Stuff: The Poll
« on: June 04, 2012, 05:53:33 PM »
It's probably worth distinguishing things that are still commercially available -- e.g., Pathfinder, D&D 4E -- and things that are not and have been out of print for a long time.  I find it hard to feel too bad about downloading copies of AD&D sourcebooks.  I will hardly ever look at them, but I like them for nostalgia and occasionally for idea food.  Given that the game has been out of print for decades, and that space is at a premium (I own the old Necromancer's Handbook, but don't have room for it in my current apartment), online downloads are an ideal solution.

Speaking of which, it also annoys me that more companies do not make their gaming materials available on pdf to purchase.  This is the age of the tablet and laptop.  More and more gamers will be phasing out the rucksack of books that used to characterize gamers.  This is doubly true for people like me, who live in NYC, and have to carry everything.  If I could just toss it in the trunk of my car I'd probably care a bit less.  But, with my ipad I can carry my entire rpg library in pdf, and I can also modify the documents to suit my tastes.  I can cut out just the pages for ship rules from Stormwrack, for instance, and just keep them handy or open, even though the book is on my shelf.

I'm in agreement with this. I was happy to pay for my 2 Pathfinder downloads, but I'm not paying more than msrp for a used copy of Tome of Battle knowing none of the money goes to the people/company that made the work in the first place.

He won't be able to make an invisible illusion without Invisible Spell yeah, though it could be argued that you could create an image of NOTHING where there is something actually there.

Creating an image of nothing when there is something actually there is a glamer effect, whereas silent image is a figment spell. It could be rule 0ed, but I don't see how you could really argue for it.

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Beguiler equipment advice
« on: May 29, 2012, 08:59:40 PM »
Definitely the haversack.

But here's my list of stuff for a Beguiler (this was a level 7 WBL selection, with a shout-out to Bunko's Bargain Basement):

Headband of Conscious Effort   MIC 109   2000
Rod of Ropes   C Scoundrel 116   4000
Anklet of Translocation   MIC 71   1400
Ring of Silent Spells    MIC 127   2000
Rind of the Darkhidden   MIC 122   2000
Heward's Handy Haversack   DMG 259   2000
+1 Blueshine Mithril Chain Shirt   MIC 7   3600
Shiftweave outfit   MIC 133   500

Thanks for the input. A lot of that stuff sounds supercool, but (unfortunately) I don't have access to MIC.

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Beguiler equipment advice
« on: May 29, 2012, 03:21:13 PM »
Sounds sensible. Thanks for your input!

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