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Messages - whitetyger009

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Gaming Advice / Re: Ultimate Undead Crafter, am I missing anything?
« on: June 24, 2013, 06:23:44 AM »
Kasz that won't work.  Graft Flesh can only be applied to living creatures.

unless that PrC says otherwise.  what book is that in?

Gaming Advice / Re: "Free" metamagic?
« on: June 23, 2013, 12:03:45 PM »
eh. I developed this tactic while playing with a group who had a horrible time killing big enemies.  little stuff they had no trouble with but with big 'end' guys, demons, dragons, anything that was a single large creature the party just could not lay out the damage to kill it without taking massive damage.  I play a duskblade in plate armor and a great sword.  had the sword enchanted with a +2, spell storing, and shock (+1d6 electric damage).  I could burn a huge amount of spells FAST and deal a huge amount of damage.  use the smiting spell (twined shocking grasp), end action.  next turn move adjacent to monster, cast true strike, end action.  cast blade of blood as swift action, channel twined shocking grasp, discharge twined shocking grasp, burn level 3 spell slot for arcane strike.  level 12

+43 to hit 2d6+1d6 electrical+3d6+3d4+30d6 electrical+10 (36d6+3d4+10)

with the big monsters the DM was using it was enough to cripple the monster.  I could only do this like 4 times a day.  then I started taking levels of PrC dragon disciple.  if you want I can dig up the build its around here somewhere and I can post it or pm you with it.  point buy system. 

you have to be very careful how you expend your spells.  if you use too much on smaller guys then you can't go nuke when you need to.  my duskblade took more prep and more careful expenditure of magical resources than the wizard of our group.  we had a wizard8/fighter4, a psiblade12, a rouge12, a NPC cleric12 and then me. 

if your group isn't having as much trouble holding its own then I would suggest a slightly modified version of the above build.  or you can take the build as is and only use the nuke as a last resort.

Gaming Advice / Re: "Free" metamagic?
« on: June 22, 2013, 06:34:40 PM »
what is DotU?

Gaming Advice / Re: "Free" metamagic?
« on: June 22, 2013, 06:15:21 AM »
two different types of charge.  one is a feat applied metamagic and the other is a class ability that casts as you swing your weapon.  if you have a book reference to look at, however, I would be glad to entertain the discussion that it does conflict.

Gaming Advice / Re: "Free" metamagic?
« on: June 21, 2013, 07:42:02 AM »
a feat l liked for my duskblade is smiting spell.  phb2 pg 93.  for a +1 to the level of the spell you can cast a touch spell that stays charged in your weapon until you hit someone with it or a minute passes.  this allows you to drop 2 shocking grasp (one from smiting spell and one from your normal channel ability) and hit an opponent with 10d6 of damage. 

another thing I did was take PrC spellsword complete warrior.  it has a channel feature that you can use in place of a move action. so the sequence of events is cast smiting spell shocking grasp, move to within striking distance of enemy.  next round move action channel shocking grasp (or lightning bolt), swift action to cast blade of blood, standard action to channel shocking grasp and strike.  your looking at 18d6+weapon damage. 

if you can get twin spell on a metamagic rod you can double that.

Nanshork well I don't normally allow PCs to take monsters with HD as a playable character.  when I do I usually use the class advancement for race.  so the racial HD and bonuses become a character class.

very rarely have I allowed the characters to play a monster with a HD, when I do I make all PC have the same starting HD so they are all equal (use the advancement for the base monster) and then start them at first level in their classes.  have never had a problem and never had a complaint.  which is funny cause players will find all kinds of things to complain about.

ksbsnowowl my take on it?  very simple.  monsters are not characters.  they do not adhere to the same rules in the same way that characters do.  I say that monster HD do not stack with character classes to determine epic status.  think of it as an insight bonus stacking with an enhancement bonus.  as long as they come from two different typed bonus they stack.  in this case character levels and monster HD. 

Gaming Advice / Re: Sickening Grasp & Duskblade Channeling
« on: June 20, 2013, 05:30:47 AM »
I know you talk about the vampiric touch spell being the 'bread and butter' of the duskblade, but I didn't go that way.  I ran my duskblade on shocking grasp.  using the feat smiting spell (phb2 pg92) allowing me to 'channel' a spell into my weapon (shocking grasp), it then stays there for up to a minute.  next round as a swift action cast blade of blood and pay the 5 hp, as my standard action cast shocking grasp I hit for 13d6+weapon damage.  it gets better when I used twin spell (23d6+ weapon damage).

yea I took vampiric touch as a spell I could use but I generally didn't use it as I was pumping all my upper spell slots with shocking grasp.

here you go I will be a dick for you.  when did the dragon take the PrC?  if we say the dragon takes it as soon as it qualifies for it then read it right off the chart and add it on.  he then adds the rest of his HD in and that isn't subject to the epic limits. 

or he takes them after he is maxed out and then takes them as epic and adds it that way.

well the disenchanter is given as a magical experiment.  so you could have it created by a mad wizard.

fiend folio pg 62

removes enchantments, though it is random.

Gaming Advice / Re: Splitting loot
« on: June 19, 2013, 02:44:48 PM »
the issue with the absent character spending his/her money on magic items that may be better than what the group has looted isn't much of an issue as long as every member is given the option of being DM.  that will still keep them on a near equal footing.

Gaming Advice / Re: Beast of Xvim/Bane and Poison...
« on: June 19, 2013, 02:28:35 PM »
stupid question.

what book is this template in?

Gaming Advice / Re: Splitting loot
« on: June 16, 2013, 01:20:19 PM »
characters who leave the group for a time don't get a share of the party loot.  they are not there to get a cut.  pretty simple.  now what I have done is give the character an amount of cash equal to a standard share.  if they have been gone for a level or two then I instead give them the WBL difference for their time absent and let them buy equipment with that.  once they rejoin the group, there may be some spare equipment they can use.  some groups have sold off spare stuff and others have held on to it, so no way to tell.  but that is between the group and the character.  generally this doesn't make the absent character stronger than anyone else.

Gaming Advice / Re: Quick question on Duskblade channeling
« on: June 14, 2013, 12:49:44 PM »
ok to channel a spell with an attack you need a standard action.  its all one action.  my wording was misleading before I apologize. 

@Gazzien yes you can trip using an unarmed attack to do so.  other wise you need a weapon that allows a trip attack.  without improved unarmed strike you can not channel a spell with your unarmed strike because you don't have a weapon.  improved unarmed strike lets you always count as being armed, thus able to channel the duskblade spells.

armor spikes do nothing for your unarmed attack, they do add damage during grapple.  and again if you are in a grapple you can't channel.

according to the PHB 159 yes your trip attacks are made as a touch attack even with the weapon.  now if your channeling a spell the spell will discharge if you are successful.  your weapon makes contact the spell goes off.

Gaming Advice / Re: Quick question on Duskblade channeling
« on: June 14, 2013, 11:17:16 AM »
what is the AFB you mentioned?

Gaming Advice / Re: Quick question on Duskblade channeling
« on: June 14, 2013, 10:21:58 AM »
I would have to say no.

the reasoning behind this is that you can channel and attack as part of a full round action.  anything that would interfere with spell casting would not allow you to channel the spell.  so unless the spell has no somatic or material components you could not cast it during a grapple. 

also the channel ability allows you to cast the spell through your weapon, and unless you have improved unarmed strike you do not count as having a weapon when you are unarmed.

with a trip attack, again, it says unarmed attack.  however, with weapons that allow you to make a trip attack I would say that you could also channel the touch spell.  in this case you would not get the weapon damage just the spell discharge damage and the trip effect. 

page 119 BoED

looks like exactly what your looking for.

Gaming Advice / CR question
« on: June 09, 2013, 09:49:07 PM »
gestalt Wizard: Necromancer/cleric 5 true necromancer 10
severed evolved spellstitched lich human
str 12 dex 18 con 16 int 20 wis 20 cha 18
AC 27 touch 27 Flat Footed 23
feats: eschew materials, improved toughness, scribe scroll, extra turning, spell focus: necromancy, touch of power, death's blessing, weapon focus: ranged spells, ranged spell specialization, dragon familiar
SR 19
DR 25/+3
fast heal 3
domains death and undeath
prohibited schools illusion and enchantment

Arcane Nexus
    mage armor constant
    channel energy ray
    searing energy fire and electricity
    arcane shield
    summon nexus

I am coming up with a CR of 15.  not counting the skeletal white dragon wyrmling familiar.

Gaming Advice / Re: WBL for new PCs above 1st level
« on: June 09, 2013, 08:22:34 PM »
I see the WBL as what the character has managed to keep up to this level. 

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