Min/Max 3.x / Re: Full spell list
« on: March 29, 2023, 10:03:54 AM »
Wayback machine is failing me right now, but "The Praemal Campaign" seems to come from an article on the wotc page. (http://rpg.nobl.ca/archive.php?x=dnd/arch/cg):
I am currently writing a python script trying to parse the text file into json format.
For every new piece of spell info i process, the parser complains about missing/incorrect data which helps to correct the mistakes ^^
I am currently at schools and subschools, so it will take a while 'til i'm through.
I'm now through spell components and settled on the following json datastructure that i want to format all spells into:
I am currently writing a python script trying to parse the text file into json format.
For every new piece of spell info i process, the parser complains about missing/incorrect data which helps to correct the mistakes ^^
I am currently at schools and subschools, so it will take a while 'til i'm through.
I'm now through spell components and settled on the following json datastructure that i want to format all spells into:
Code: [Select]
"name": "Spellname",
"extends": "OtherSpellname",
"aliases": ["altName1", "altName2"],
"sources": {"sourcename1": 123, "sourcename2": 123, "websource": null},
"schools": {"School1": ["Subschool1", "Subschool2"], "School2":[]},
"descriptors": ["Descriptor1", "Descriptor2"],
"spelllists": {"Spelllist1": [1, "qualifier"], "Spelllist2": [2, ""]},
"components": ["component1", "component2"],
"casttime": ["rawstring", "formstring", "formula1", "formula2"],
"range": ["rawstring", "formstring", "formula1", "formula2"],
"effect": ["rawstring", "formstring", "formula1", "formula2"],
"target": ["rawstring", "formstring", "formula1", "formula2"],
"area": ["rawstring", "formstring", "formula1", "formula2"],
"duration": ["rawstring", "formstring", "formula1", "formula2"],
"dismissable": true,
"save": "saveinfo",
"spellres": "srinfo",
"focus": "optionalFocus",
"material": "optionalMaterial",
"xpcost": "optionalXPCost",
"text": "Spell description"