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Messages - DreamQuestin

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You are going to be a mediocre divine spellcaster, especially next to an Oracle. The party lacks versatility in divine spellcasting as both of you are spontaneous - you will have to coordinate with the Oracle's spell selection so that you don't unnecessarily duplicate situational spells known.
That is the plan.  Hoping the other player picks up the slack some, maybe fighter/cleric or something. 

Keeping both Str and Dex near the maximum is an odd choice. What fighting style are planning to go into primarily? It might be better to focus on one of the stats.
Str/Dex and Wis are the "required" abilities for both classes.  I chose a slightly lower Wis because only get lvl 6 spells.  What would you recommend for the abilities locations?
I was thinking typical ranger bow, but I do want to be able to use the Scimitar, not sure how much focus to put on it.

Ranger has a great chassis with mediocre class features. Thankfully, it has a lot of ACFs.
Of special note, Urban Companion is a great replacement for the weak Ranger Animal Companion, as HP directly scale with your own at the full rate, not half rate.
I will certainly look for that, I have not seen it as yet.

Thank you for sharing your wisdom :D

Greetings and good morrow folks!

My long time tabletop game group is retiring our current Level 16 Gestalt/Mythic characters to start a new group.  My last character was definitely not Min/Max and the rest of the group was, so this time I really want to do "better".

We play Pathfinder 1e, any source that isn't completely broken is allowed.  Some of the campaign is converted from D&D, so that is option as well.  The DM is a great guy and if you can come up with a reasonable reason your character knows or can do something, he is ok with it.  That being said we do not do the "dipping into" other classes that I see a lot of board folks doing.

So our stat array is: 18 18 16 14 14 12.  There are three other party members, so far one is a Kitsune Paladin/Oracle and one is a Catfolk Psychic/Slayer.  Third player hasn't decided yet.

I am planning a Gestalt Inquisitor/Ranger, though I would consider alternatives, we are starting at level 3 and going to be playing modified Age of Worms.  I am kind of mentally seeing her as a Halfling female Geralt of Rivia, routing out undead and evil in Golarion.  Thinking she is a follower of Sarenrae.

I was thinking
Str:  18  -2 for halfling leave it at 16
Dex: 16  +2 for halfling has it at 18
Con: 14
Int:  18
Wis: 14 
Cha: 12 +2 for halfling has it at 14

Let's start there and see what Min/Maxing suggestions there are from this point before I start going into traits/skills and feats.

Thank you so very much for any thoughts and suggestions,

Introduce Yourself / Just another Min/Max Boards Newb :D
« on: June 26, 2024, 10:13:13 AM »
Greetings and good morrow folks!

While I am new to Min/Max Boards and Min/Maxing, if I am being honest, I am -=not=- new to RPG!  I started playing RPGs in 1980 with RuneQuest.  Back then it was tough to convince a lot of guys that girls could even roleplay *g* but I found an enlightened group.

Since then I have played and DMd several different games.  RuneQuest, D&D (2nd ed to 3.5), Pathfinder 1e (my personal favourite system), TMNT, Robotech, Amber, Homebrew Highlander (Hitler was an immortal in that game!) being the most recognizable.  I am currently in a tabletop game we have played since 2016 (with an almost 2 year break because of Covid).

I do confess I joined the boards here to help create as min/max a character as possible for my tabletop game.  We have decided to retire our Level 16 Gestalt/Mythic team and start fresh.  Mostly because they have SO many quests/story line foci that we are more than a little inundated...and I think the DM is overwhelmed too.  I think it will be a great new adventure, but I am not the sort to Min/Max.  I like to play fun, quirky characters but this group needs me to pull up the bootstraps :)

Thank you for 'listening' and letting me join the party.


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