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Messages - Selie

Pages: [1]
Min/Max 3.x / Re: Full spell list
« on: Yesterday at 05:44:38 AM »

i fiddled around in excel and indexed all spells in your file
i also made it filterable by class (it's not the prettiest way, but it works as far as i can tell)

check your PM


looking at the class filter right now and i'm seeing a lot of possible errors, will be working on the VBA a little and i'll get back to y'all on that.

i think it's complete, ran into a boat load of misinput in the previous file, but now i think i'm getting either close to done, or done entirely.
Excel file is now filterable by class/ level, components, school, etc.

i'm still cleaning the file up while i have some spare time left.
making things like "Close (25ft. + 5ft / 2 CL.)" uniform so it doesn't show up 25 times in the filter with an extra space or a missing '.'

Introduce Yourself / Selie.
« on: Yesterday at 05:23:46 AM »

i like dnd 3.5 stuff.
and i like excel.


Pages: [1]