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Messages - Kamaei

Pages: [1]
Min/Max 3.x / Re: Pathfinder Deadpool Possibilites?
« on: July 30, 2012, 10:10:43 PM »
Unfortunately Deadpool's ability is Regeneration which is generally not available for player characters. It was possible in 3.5 but I am not sure Pathfinder has the capability. Other than that though his actual combat abilities are nothing past what a 5th level character could do.
Though I know Regeneration is far superior, can fast-healing be used as a substitute?

Min/Max 3.x / Pathfinder Deadpool Possibilites?
« on: July 30, 2012, 08:33:31 PM »
Going to taking part in a new dungeon starting at level 5. Only Pathfinder books are allowed, must be a human race. Will update whenever i receive more details about the dungeon because DM is responding to me slowly. But, I had the idea or plan to make/attempt a Deadpool build, and was wondering if anyone could help me in the right direction on how to get as close as I(we) can be to making one. I've tried google to see if any else has attempted it but sadly that was for 3.5.  And of course, I can understand that it would make more than 5 levels to make the character Deadpool, hopefully we will be on fast exp. leveling  :cool

Min/Max 3.x / Re: [PF] Crossbow Fighter tips
« on: July 13, 2012, 05:13:03 PM »
Composite longbow, always.  The only exception is using a composite shortbow for mounted archery.
Not even then.
You can use a composite longbow while mounted.
Pretty much. Boy was I surprised when I realized that.
So Composite longbow it is then ;D

Have you never heard of the Mongols before?
No I haven't >.>

Min/Max 3.x / Re: [PF] Crossbow Fighter tips
« on: July 10, 2012, 10:53:24 PM »
so veekie, if I were to switch from crossbow to a bow, what kind would you recommend? long, short, heavy, composite? >.>

Min/Max 3.x / Re: [PF] Crossbow Fighter tips
« on: July 09, 2012, 10:14:02 PM »
Okay, so 2 builds for using a crossbow, and one build for just using a bow, and another disagreeing with crossbows.. hmmm

with rapid reload you don't really need a repeating crossbow (unless your going to be using the heavy crossbow of course).  since you can reload as a free action.  so the money you could spend on that repeating crossbow you could instead put toward a magical crossbow.
Since we raided a ship, I already had in possession a heavy crossbow, and i was planning to get a h. repeating as well when i earned enough, and so far, we haven't come across any magical equipment/weapons so i don't know what are the chances of finding magical crossbow in first local town we go to.

Special considerations
Stabbing Shot - Yes, you have to be an elf, but it rids you of enemies putting you in melee that you can't just 5ft step out of. You could also use Racial Heritage to cheat your way out of the -Con.

Dubious Benefit:
Shot on the Run(and its upgrades) - Again, theoretically it takes you out of melee. Actually it just takes you out of melee reach and into charge range.
Forgot to mention, that most of the people in this dungeon are human, so any other race is disliked, sadly, most of the group isn't human. And, for Shot on the Run, our DM will probably say i would still be in melee if i used a bow/crossbow because I'm highly annoying during the DM's "story time"
I came up with a crossbow sniper build a while back that you may get some mileage out of.  It's not as effective as the above rapid fire build, but the looks on your friends' faces when your crossbowman drops two dozen dice on the table for one damage roll will be priceless.

Crossbowman Fighter 7/Sniper Rogue 13
I really love the concept/design of your crossbow sniper but in this dungeon the leveling speed is substantially low(slow) because the idea behind the dungeon was for 4 people, and the last meet up we had 9 people. so the DM has to double/triple the number when we have any encounters, and instead of being possibly what the book says, level 3, we barely just hit level 2. So, if I were to go for this build, it would probably take... forever to see the results or if the dungeon finshes and the DM stops it, I won't be able to see the greatness of it  T_T;

Min/Max 3.x / Re: [PF] Crossbow Fighter tips
« on: July 09, 2012, 04:51:20 AM »
Firstly, avoid crossbows where possible, its just not made to be a primary weapon(damage won't increase, you lose a feat just to make the load time feasible, can't apply strength). Why not use bows instead?

I thought it would be possible to increase the damage of a crossbow, for some reason, someone in my group said that bows have the advantage at early levels and that crossbows would be more effective in the later levels so I assumed that crossbows would be a better choice in the longer run, if not, then I guess I should switch over to using bows.. long or short?

Min/Max 3.x / [PF] Crossbow Fighter tips
« on: July 09, 2012, 04:13:11 AM »
Hello everyone, in my first pathfinder game as a fighter, attempting to focus on using crossbows or just being ranged because they get a lot of feats and because in the party there is only 1 other ranged and its a sorcerer.  In the campaign, we are workers/slaves on a pirate ship, though being hinted that we are going to eventually mutiny.  The books we are allowed to only use are any of the PF, no d&d 3.5e allowed. 

Some house rules that we have no: 1.reagent/exp cost, 2. age/weight modifiers, 3. item capacity, 4. crit confirmations(natural 20 = max dmg, <20 = double/triple dmg), skill point training is always 1, no starving/thirst problems at most occasions

I am currently a female human, level 2, fighter. Str:16, Dex:18, Con:16, Int:13, Wis:12, Cha:13.
Feats I got are: Point-Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Rapid Reload(for the crossbow), and haven't selected my last.

Don't really know what books i should look at for more feats that would help me benefit with a crossbow, or a repeating h. crossbow which i'm saving gold up to buy if there is one at any city we enter.  Any suggestions will help and will try to respond back if anyone has any questions about the game or character

Introduce Yourself / Re: Hi! I'm Kam
« on: July 01, 2012, 11:43:08 PM »

Introduce Yourself / Hi! I'm Kam
« on: July 01, 2012, 07:04:43 PM »
Wat up, name is John
Favorite games: with my computer League of Legends, WoW, CS 1.6, Minecraft, and Dragon Age / Mass Effect.  Without computer: d&d 3.5, PathFinder, munchkins, a lot of boardgames.
Non-gaming hobbies? What is this!? But it would have to be biking, swimming and walking.
I live Lakewood, California, United States.
Only other message board, forums I lurk is Giant in the Playground.

Been playing d&d 3.5 for about 2 years now, still reading the d&d 3.5 player's handbook because i forget a lot of rules(ha ha). Trying new classes and hoping to learn more

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