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Messages - ZeroKelvin

Pages: [1]
Min/Max 3.x / Re: A little help with Wizard build
« on: July 03, 2012, 04:05:00 PM »
Hmm, I'll take that in consideration.
By the way, which of these two would be better to get more levels? Archmage or Fatespinner?
I understand that, with the last one, I'd have insane DC's for my debuffs and even make the enemy reroll
his saves. But I also thought about the Spell Like Ability from Archmage (I mean, sacrificing my specialist slots for time stop or shapechange), but I really think this is a little too much cheese already.

So darqueseid, I looked at your builds and came up with this then:

Conjurer 3/MS 2/Incantatrix 10/Archmage 1/Fatespinner 4  (the only thing I'm still at doubt is the Archmage/Fatespinner balance)

Min/Max 3.x / Re: A little help with Wizard build
« on: July 03, 2012, 03:31:39 PM »
Thanks for the help, guys.
I guess I'll get to be a Conjurer, with dips in Master Specialist, Incantatrix and Archmage. One final question: would MotAO be good to expand even more my versatility? The only other arcane spellcaster in my group will heavily be relying in Illusion (plus, he's a sorcerer).
So, I thought like this:

Conjurer 3/Master Specialist 2/Incantatrix 4/MotAO 7/Archmage 4

Min/Max 3.x / Re: A little help with Wizard build
« on: July 03, 2012, 12:17:54 PM »
Replying to your questions:
Our campaign will set us for traveling for many locations across Faerun and sometimes we'll have to be alone due to the story.
Our DM doesn't want to spoil too much so he has kept us a little in the dark. But we sure plan to go to the high levels.

Also, I've read Treantmonklvl20's guide to being a GOD and stuff but, seriously, there are so MANY options that I'm kinda lost here. xD
I've been digging up on those schools and sometimes I wonder if Conjuration will be THAT great, especially in the later levels.

Now, abou the classes, wouldn't Iot7V 6 be awesome? I mean, the 6th veil is truly amazing by what I've read. But then, I wouldn't get 10th level of Incantatrix so... tough choice.

And finally... NO, no Leadership cheese hehe

Introduce Yourself / Re: Hi i'm Kelvin
« on: July 03, 2012, 12:12:15 PM »
The temperature jokes! Not again! hahaha xD

and seriously, my mind was blown when I started reading about that  :D

Min/Max 3.x / Re: A little help with Wizard build
« on: July 02, 2012, 10:30:56 PM »
Probably I'd stay away for abou 2 sessions, which gives me some battles to fight by myslef. Especially because I'll be traveling.

Min/Max 3.x / A little help with Wizard build
« on: July 02, 2012, 10:05:43 PM »
Hello everyone, I'm new here but I'm in sore need of your help, guys.
My group is starting a new campaign and I got to be the do-every
thing guy in the party.
Our group normally just played with PH1, DMG, MM, FRCS, Drac, CArc, CW and that's it.
Now, our DM has allowed any book that we can put our hands on.
The details:
-we're starting at level 5
-any race up to LA+2
-45 point-buy (yes, it's not a typo), but we lose the first attribute point at level 4 (nice tradeoff if you ask me)
-I'm probably going to start alone, so you might have that in mind

Also, my DM doesn't know much about other new books we might find, so I'll try to get Domain Wizard, but I'd also like some advice with Conjurers and Transmuters, if he doesn't allow the previous one.
I guess for race I'd pick Strongheart Halfling.
And finally, I really wish you can help me with PrC's. Initiate of The Sevenfold Veil, Incanatrix, Archmage... so MANY options! I really can't decide D:

Help here, guys  :)

Introduce Yourself / Hi i'm Kelvin
« on: July 02, 2012, 09:26:22 PM »
Hello guys, my name is Kelvin. =D
I'm just a dude from Brazil. Yes, a brazillian. Just don't come with the hate, that is really tiresome.
If somebody wish to talk to me, just search Kelvin Milach in Facebook. Let's chat  :)

Pages: [1]