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Messages - Artur Hawkwing

Pages: [1]
I'm in this for way, way more than I should be. I'm one of the crown jewel backers. If they let me I'll post Picts of what I get.

I think I'm going for Vamp x 2 or 3, plus one of practically all optionals. The two little dragons look cheesy. Anybody have them? Don't need the little 'thulu things, and don't do any underwater stuff for the sadhuagin.

D&D 3.5 and Pathfinder / Best spells to Persist
« on: August 09, 2012, 09:58:11 AM »
Persistent Spell is balanced by being a +6 adjustment, however the Ultimate Magus can apply it to 5th level or lower spells resulting in mid level casters able to cast 11th level spells. Nice.

What's your favorite spells to Persist? A few of mine.

- Any of the Bite of the X series. Go for several of them to really cheese.

- Improved Blink. Wall? Through it. Hit me? Roll percentile. Visible? Nope! Warning: DMs will throw books at you.

- Nerveskitter. I move first, and I will win.

- Swift Ethereal, if you have Transdimensional Spell. Look ma, no body! More immunities than anything shy of constructs and you still affect foes.

D&D 3.5 and Pathfinder / Re: I'm a genius so I blow stuff up!
« on: August 09, 2012, 09:48:25 AM »
I would love to use the 75% of available spells that are, in my opinion, more interesting than straight up damage or save vs die.

However it all boils down to the DM: do you have a reverse gentleman's agreement that he won't throw BBEGs at you that make such spells pointless? Will he deliberately allow weaknesses, perhaps not to save vs die, but at least to some other effect that isn't HP draining or conditionally terminal? Nothing is worse than being the wizard in a fight with foes who all have high SRs or straight up immunities and you memorized interesting spells that cannot overcome them.

So I play it safe with force effects and damage dealing stuff.


$50? I was expecting less than the original MSRP since all the IP is already created and it's just publishing and distribution costs. No way I'll spend $50 on books that I can go down to a used bookstore and get for $25 in fine enough condition. Sorry WotC, you lost my interest.

I wonder what this bodes for the sales price of 5th Ed?

Great suggestions, all. I just read the Belt of Boccob, who wouldn't want that item?! Thats one of the most powerful wondrous items I've seen. Give a fighter a full round attack, in the middle of another full round attack? FTW.

Opinions on the Boots of Side Stepping (MIC)?

I'm playing a wizard/beguiler/Ultimate magus spellslinger. I have some time and gold to spare, and am looking for some interesting/unusual/clever wondrous magic items to craft. What's your favorite? What have you used them for? Any 3.5 edition books are eligible.

Great question. I'm playing a wizard/beguiler/UltMag PC right now.

It doesn't mean you couldn't build a normal metamagic stack once you gain high enough spell levels. This is a quite useful class for that purpose...keep grabbing those metamagic feats since you can uberpower Augment your spells early on with just one feat (Quickened Wall of Force FTW!), and later on you stack the same metamagic effects per normal casting.

I don't recall if it specifies that you cannot use metamagic rods with augmented group has a gentlemen's agreement that it cannot.

Introduce Yourself / Greetings & hallucinations to all...
« on: July 13, 2012, 11:35:08 AM »
As the Wheel wills, so shall I be turned out as the Pattern needs me....

Ok, ok, I spent a fair bit of time (pre-kids) reading & rereading the Wheel of Time series. I'm currently on my 3rd, maybe 4th, time through the series with the intention of finishing it this time as the books come out (RIP, Robert Jordan).

Other than that...
~ My real name is Jay.
~ I'm a D&D 3.5 grognard. I don't engage in edition wars.
~ Outside of gaming...God, family, work, weekend home improvement warrior.
~ Louisville, KY.

Looking forward to meeting everyone.

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