Min/Max 3.x / Re: Interesting stuff in Pathfinder
« on: September 13, 2016, 02:05:25 PM »
Check out the Cooperative Crafting feat from the Advanced Players Guide. Prereq is 1 rank in a Craft skill and one Item Creation feat. Anyone who has the feat and helps when making a magic item gives a +2 to Craft or Spellcraft to make an item, anyone involved can satisfy prereqs, etc. But the real gem is anyone using this to help you craft doubles the gold value of what you can craft that day.
Take the Leadership feat, and fill your ranks with level 1 Humans with this feat(or some other race with a flaw), and suddenly crafting takes no time at all. This should also work with a Dedicated Wright in 3.P, as it shares your feats and skills(so in this case you'd have to take the feat as well).
Edit: Any crafting Wizard should also take the Valet familiar archetype, as it acts as if it has the feat for purposes of crafting.
Take the Leadership feat, and fill your ranks with level 1 Humans with this feat(or some other race with a flaw), and suddenly crafting takes no time at all. This should also work with a Dedicated Wright in 3.P, as it shares your feats and skills(so in this case you'd have to take the feat as well).
Edit: Any crafting Wizard should also take the Valet familiar archetype, as it acts as if it has the feat for purposes of crafting.