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Messages - balmung

Pages: [1]
Handbook Discussion / Re: Fiend of Corruption Handbook Discussion
« on: August 10, 2012, 11:24:03 PM »
Divine disciple from the players guide to faerun pg51 at 5th level it gives outsider type and evil subtype if your diety and you are evil. Needs 4th level divine spells though.

Introduce Yourself / Hi
« on: August 10, 2012, 11:06:57 PM »
Hello, I am Balmung (or Rob). I live in Pennsylvania. I play plenty of board games but never enough D&D. I have some of my dads AD&D books and some 4e but I'm more interested in 3.5. I have been doing some DMing with a small group of friends at school but still havent gotten a firm grasp on the story telling aspect. I am mostly interested in flavorful builds that do cool stuff rather that "win" the game.

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