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Messages - Zovc

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Min/Max 3.x / Re: Kobold Rage Mage
« on: September 18, 2012, 11:21:25 AM »
This is not actually a rule.  A lot of DMs think it is, for some reason... and it's certainly allowed for them to houserule it, but it is not stated anywhere.
I could have sworn that I had read it somewhere myself. Isn't it in the DMG around where they give you your first few prestige classes?

Anyway, a kobold barbarian is a hilarious thing.  That strength penalty and small small size will be killer, though... how do you actually want to go about fighting?
You know, that's going to be a lot harder than I thought. I thought kobolds only had a -2 to Strength.

How does your DM feel about homebrew?  I can probably guess, but I figured I'd ask anyway.
He generally assumes that it's people wanting to make brokesauce content. He asked me if I was asking him about a homebrew PrC or the one in Complete Warrior, so he might be willing to take a homebrew Rage Mage.

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Kobold Rage Mage
« on: September 18, 2012, 10:56:36 AM »
I'd say we can optimize quite a bit... but your DM probably won't like it, even if the overall power level is around Tier 3.
Good point, he still tends to consider source-diversity-and-complexity to be powergaming and nothing else.

The Trick:
Yeah, it will be quite a feat convincing DM that all of that is "Necessary to make a rage mage viable."

Now, with all that being said, I strongly advise disregarding everything I just said and not taking 10 levels of Rage Mage.  Seriously, the class's iconic ability comes at level 1.
This is the route I will try taking, but I might also have trouble convincing DM to let me only take one level of Rage Mage. Much like he enforces multiclassing restrictions, he likes to enforce the rule that you're supposed to follow through with PrCs if you are able to. He also thinks combining PrCs is flavorfully absurd.

This doesn't fall within your stated sources, but I'm going to point it out anyway.  The rage casting feat (Dragon 310, p30) lets you cast swift and immediate-action spells while raging.

I'll see how DM feels about that feat. Perhaps I can just avoid Rage Mage altogether with that feat and take a gish PrC.

Min/Max 3.x / Kobold Rage Mage
« on: September 17, 2012, 10:04:54 PM »
Hello all, Zovc here.

My friend invited me to play in a campaign he will be running soon. I've become smitten with the idea of playing a Kobold Rage Mage.

I know, this sounds disastrously bad. But the idea has some merit to it: my friends have a poor understanding of 3.5's 'theory' and optimization. The character concept is very colorful, and very prone to being killed mercilessly (in character) in the event of anything going wrong in terms of balance or power level.

Right now, this is the basic character concept: Kobold has Napoleon complex, feels as though he should be treated with respect and reknown because he is descended from a dragon. Kobold tries to prove to humans and elves and dwarves that he is capable and strong and better, but they no listen. Kobold get upset, things get exploded.

So, provided the character is too powerful by some bizarre turn of events, Kobold will just be especially abrasive towards townsfolk and rather than trying to prove himself by being helpful, he will try to prove himself by attacking villages. XD

The basic concept I was thinking of was Battle Sorceror and Barbarian going into Rage Mage. This probably can be refined quite a bit, but I need to provide the preface that my DM dislikes using 'too many' books to build characters.

tl;dr, Here are the things I would like to ask for assistance with: (AFB on weekdays.)

1. How much can you optimize a kobold who takes all 10 levels of Rage Mage and tries to utilize the class' features and flavor.
2. How can you make the above character playable at levels leading up to Rage Mage?
3. What classes would you use in place of Barbarian and Sorcerer, if you wanted to?
4. What adjustments to Rage Mage would you make in order to make it a more balanced ('around tier 3') class?
5. What adjustments to Barbarian and/or Battle Sorcerer would you make in order to make them more playable prior to accessing Rage Mage?

The fewer books used, the better, but any WotC printed 3.5 book is likely a fine source. This character will likely be played from level 1 up, his fluff is somewhat undefined (world/campaign dependent), but starting as either class is probably acceptable.

Thanks in advance, and I hope helping me explore this is enjoyable!

Introduce Yourself / Blue Warrior needs CharOP Badly
« on: September 17, 2012, 09:24:52 PM »
Herro, my name is Alex. I sometimes go by Zovc, Garkoth, Crappy, or Crap-daddy as well.

My favorite games include numerous board, card, tabletop, and video games. I primarily play Magic: the Gathering and League of Legends right now.

My non gaming hobbies include full-contact medieval combat recreation.

I live in Louisiana, here within the United States. Lately I've been jumping around the state a lot.

I tentatively visit other communities such as GiantITP, Wizards Community, and MtGSalvation. I often reference Brilliant Gameologists as a resource.

You can find me on Facebook by searching for Alexander John Crappel (or Garkoth), though I will probably decline an unsolicited request unless you are a pretty lady (and maybe even then).

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