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Messages - rilem

Pages: [1]
Hey, just noticed this -- glad to see somebody's taken an interest in poor ol' Sam.

I had put together the Samurai Handbook back on the WotC boards -- I've pasted the original draft below. Doesn't have everything the old thread did (I see that Binder multi classing is missing, for one thing) but does include some decent stuff.

There's the occasional 3.0 thing in it, like Khazra Reborn's idea to use Golden Wakazashis (which are power attackable) from FRCS, but nearly everything else is 3.5 legit. All of the OA-dependent stuff, for example, should be kosher, since OA was officially updated.

The key theme throughout — and this is somewhat different from the Sensational Samurai thread — is an effort to make Two Swords as One actually useful. I think that's a valid goal, as many people seem attached to the idea of a heavily armored TWF-er, regardless of whether it's mechanically effective or not.

Hope it helps:

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Introduce Yourself / Hello
« on: October 11, 2012, 09:31:58 PM »
Hey, rilem -- used to be on the wotc boards a lot and getting re-acclimated to the game. D&D 3.5, Greyhawk mostly.

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