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Messages - Cagemarrow

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D&D 3.5 and Pathfinder / Re: Let's build the ultimate vault.
« on: May 10, 2017, 08:01:09 AM »
I'll have to carefully think about my options. Unfortunately I am hindered by following the tenants of Exalted Good so I'll have to be very careful about the death trap options. Capture and containment are more desirable in character. Still I think a lot of these ideas could be integrated somehow.

Isn't there a metamagic that makes spells only harm evil creatures?

D&D 3.5 and Pathfinder / Re: Let's build the ultimate vault.
« on: May 06, 2017, 04:17:28 PM »

Love the ideas so far. I'll have to start integrating them into the vault. The Luminous Order has giving my artificer permission to start building it in the basement of their keep, the Shining Citadel. We're all Luminary Champions of the order now too.

D&D 3.5 and Pathfinder / Re: Let's build the ultimate vault.
« on: May 04, 2017, 01:27:00 AM »
Lead lining, always a good choice for blocking all kinds of divination magic. Good call.

I like the idea of making it an intelligent cohort, I may go the item familiar route instead. Any specific pros or cons for this?

Time loops, while fun and effective may be difficult to get approval for from the DM. Definitely something to add if we get into Epic levels though.

Are there any protection spells that can keep it from being stolen with teleport, wish, or miracle? Any idea if there are methods for Evil Artifacts to corrupt the construct if it's a cohort or familiar? Would a protection from evil be enough?

D&D 3.5 and Pathfinder / Let's build the ultimate vault.
« on: May 03, 2017, 04:15:26 AM »
So I am playing an artificer character in the Forgotten Realms. We've completed the Shattered Gates of Slaughtergarde and we've captured the Tome of Slaughtergarde.  It's an Artifact so my character can't simply eat it for XP. So instead he's decided to build an impenetrable chest or vault to safely store it until it can be redeemed or destroyed.

Assuming price is no object how would you build such an item? Let's start assuming a caster level of 9 and adding individual upgrades until it reaches Epic prices.

My initial requirement thoughts are as follows.

  • Protection from mundane breakage -   Make it from Riverine, this also protects it from Incorporeal thieves.
  • Protection from  Scrying -  We don't want the bad guys to find it easily.
  • Bigger on the Inside - Use shrink item to increase it's carrying capacity
  • Permanent Dragoneye Rune ( Dragon Magic, pg 66) - We want to find it if it somehow gets entirely moved.
  • Spell Immunity to Knock, Disintegrate, and Disjunction - any other spells  open or destroy Riverine?

These are just my initial thoughts. Eventually I'd like to make it an intelligent animated object with the special purpose of collecting evil items and keeping them safe until they can be redeemed or destroyed.

What would you add?  :D

D&D 3.5 and Pathfinder / Re: Stealth takedowns in DnD
« on: October 26, 2016, 11:26:56 PM »
Label potions of Painless Death from Ghostwalk as Cure Light Wounds. :smirk

D&D 3.5 and Pathfinder / Re: How to qualify for Mulhorandi Divine Minion?
« on: October 26, 2016, 11:21:20 PM »
Ghostwalk Ghost is a +0 Lvl adjust incorporeal outsider template. If you have Cha 15+ you can take the Ghost touch feat from Libris Mortus and treat all items as Ghost touch to overcome the limitations of being incorporeal.

My standard answer these days for mundane gear is lots of shapesand from the Sandstorm book, you can even craft it with your alchemy skill. Just shape it into blocks on your belt when not needed and then pull one off and make your wisdom check to make it into any tool you need.  :D

D&D 3.5 and Pathfinder / Re: Sources of magical crafting supplies needed
« on: August 08, 2016, 09:47:03 PM »
I wonder how high I can get a craft check without any additional ranks.

(+4) INT Modifier + (+5) Enhancement bonus from Crafting Magical Item + (+4) Sacred bonus from Words of Creation + (+2) Circumstance bonus from Masterwork Tools + (+2) Circumstance bonus from Bigby's Helpful Hand spell + (+5) Competence bonus from Magecraft Spell + (+2) Morale bonus from Heroism spell = 4+5+4+2+2+5+2 = +24 before ranks

Should be doable I think with the resources I'll have available at 6th level with my Artificer. Since most Masterwork items only need a check of 25 that should cover the majority of what I need. Too bad I can't rely on taking 10 as well, since the setting of World's Largest Dungeon disallows taking 10 or 20 on skill checks. Did I miss any other sources of bonuses? Or would anything be a better investment than items with the above spells? I'll probably have to start with Eternal Wands of the arcane spells to cast before I use Fabricate itself. Which will limit the number of times per day I can max my check to 2 for the near future anyway

D&D 3.5 and Pathfinder / Re: Sources of magical crafting supplies needed
« on: August 01, 2016, 09:53:24 PM »
As a DM I probably would add some sort of society with tradesmen and the like, but the book itself in the intro basically says "Don't think about where these monsters came from, it's magic. . . " I'm paraphrasing of course.

Unfortunately I'm not the DM this time so I just have to figure things out as we go. The DM is being pretty literal in the descriptions and encounters so far so I don't have much leeway to work with. He's family though so I can't really call him out on it. We've talked about trading off DMing when we reach a new level of the dungeon so we'll see if anyone else wants to pick up next. I would, but then I don't get to play this character anymore and I really want to see how it works out in the long run.

Blood magus really wouldn't work because of that whole being brought back from the dead requirement. Candle caster has interesting flavor but also doesn't give any advantages over just being an artificer.

I think I may have convinced my DM to allow for a Good Variant Tainted Sorcerer though. Since the party has an Astral Deva adventuring with us 24/7 exposing the party to her Supernatural Goodness at all times. She's agreed to provide a feather for a quill and blood for use in ink as long as they are used for healing or good spells anyway. I figure that would easily count as exposure to a good tainted source and she can also work as the opposite of learning the magic from a summoned demon or devil.

Now I just have to survive to 6th level with -4 con and wis to get the first level in the class and all our material component woes vanish. Blood Component can substitute for any material component for a spell, and Fabricate is a 3rd level Trapsmith spell so... :love

It will be interesting to play the game as adventurers with no need to loot anything in the long term. We can concentrate our efforts on what is the most Good thing to do instead. I so plan to take Craft Rune Circle and start crafting circles of create food and water at each of our camp sites attuned to Good alignments for any other poor souls who get trapped in the dungeon like we have. I'll probably set up healing circles as well as long as I have enough craft xp available.

Not that this fits for my character but could a Tainted Sorcerer from Unearthed Arcana reasonably take the full damage (23 HP) each day it takes to craft an item to pay for the component cost of magic item creation using their blood component ability? Or would it be limited to offsetting the cost of items that use spells that have expensive components? I'm leaning toward the later but even that would be massively advantageous for an evil crafter.

Well for a quill I was waiting until our Astral Deva grows her wings at 3rd level. Good call about the dark mantels. I was thinking of making potion darts from the stirge proboscis. We have a full Krenshar pelt now too. Spent some time roasting that's meat since we know we are trapped in the dungeon now in character and will need to conserve food.

I'm still debating what to do for my third level feat. Would Ancestral Relic be worth it or should I take another Magical Artisan feat attached to Legendary Artisan? I already have one attached to Extraordinary Artisan. My DM is allowing them to stack since they give reduced cost reductions each time it's taken. I worry about being able to find consecrated ground to do the prayers needed for Ancestral Relic.

I'm definitely going to need to find enough supplies for an alchemy lab and magic crafting station. I had originally wanted to bring enough Shapesand to cover that, but couldn't realistically have crafted that myself to start with at first level. Need 40lbs for an alchemy lab with the assumption that it takes the same weight of sand to make an object.

Well, I've managed to find a supply of materials for crafting scrolls at least. DM is allowing me to voluntarily collect blood from our party's Astral Deva character and mixing that with powdered gold and silver from loot to make ink for crafting scrolls. I'll have to spend some resources healing her after each item but it'll work for now. I just have to carefully reuse the parchment from the scrolls as they get wiped from using the spells. It'll keep my total number of scrolls available down till I can start making parchment.

I've survived to level two so far and will need to start replacing my used scrolls soon. I'm down to one lesser vigor, and one lesser restoration. I'm so glad the tank is a Crusader so he can provide some healing as well. The dark mantles and stirges suck so far and we barely survived an ambush by kobolds that had a 4th level wizard. Color spray dropped both other party members in that fight but thankfully they decided to grab their wounded and run instead of killing my artificer while he was alone.

I already have eschew materials, true creation could be an option at higher levels when I can craft scrolls of that with craft reserve xp eaten from the magical traps we come across. I really don't expect xp to be an issue as long as we can take time for me to do that when I get the ability at 5th level. I'll even be able to secure the rooms while we wait since wall of stone is a 3rd level Trapsmith spell.  :D

Marvelous pigments are a good idea once I get to a level that can make them. I'm limited by the spell level for major creation. I'll need some seed materials but then I can make more supplies then it costs to make one of these magic items with some left over. Time will be the biggest issue then.

I wish multiple dedicated wrights could be used to craft more than one object at a time.

When we were making characters the GM was still deciding between "World's Largest Dungeon" and "Age of Worms" I tried to make a character that would be useful in both, especially since no one else wanted to make a skill character for dealing with traps. So now I'm just looking for a way to make it work. I usually like to read the intro and look through the tables for any player notes/rules before we begin, but the GM asked us not to this time. Not really sure why since he almost always asks me for rules clarification anyway.

I did find a consolidated list of spell components and since I took Eschew Materials I think I can limit what I need for item creation to things like iron, gold, and silver dust or wire for the needed magical components. Other than Gems for specific spells everything else seems to be valued at less than a gold anyway. So now I just need to file away at any coins we find to build up the right amount by crafting the materials I need, and since crafting an item only takes 1/3 the amount of raw resources to its value. . .  :smirk

I can't wait until I can make my dedicated wright to do all the needed crafting in the background. I've got so many ideas for items the party needs. Like a liner of continuous shrink item to put into a Packmate humonculous so I can have Suitcase from the Colour of Magic series. Since we can't get bags of holding or the like. :)

If only it were that simple, all summoning, teleportation, dimensional travel, and extra dimensional spaces are forbidden due to the heavy handed house rules instilled by the book.

I may have to take the ancestral relic feat to make the make whole or fabricate item that I want first.

I know it's going to be rough, if I can find a source of crafting materials though my character will become indespensible to the party. We're eventually going to run out of ammunition at the very least if I can't make more. Until then I'm making my way as the party trap finder and disarm specialist using my shape sand tools. Wish I could have afforded more than one jug.

Are there rules for scavenging material from existing items? I know you can repair things with a craft check but what about parting them out? Other than the artificer's eat items for xp ability?

D&D 3.5 and Pathfinder / Sources of magical crafting supplies needed
« on: April 24, 2016, 11:12:03 PM »
I just started playing in a game running the World's Largest Dungeon and I need a reliable source of crafting supplies that an Artificer can use without having to go back to town. So far I know about the dark crafting gold/xp from ritual sacrifice in The Book of Vile Darkness and the True Creation spell from the Eberron books. Are there any other official sources available? Both of the previous are out of reach due to alignment and level restrictions right now.

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Help with an Anima Mage/Factotum gestalt
« on: September 25, 2013, 09:21:25 PM »
Well with the Tennebrous vestige you get unlimited turns, one at a time. Great for fueling the devotion feats or other divine feats. Water gets you an at will water elemental, sun can have your weapon glow with true sunlight if you expect to face vampires, travel can let you take a move as a swift action, holy vigor can give fast healing to all living allies equal to your charisma modifier for a minute.

What could be even better is 2 levels of chameleon on the factotum side for the changeable bonus feat for these.

Maybe look into shadow craft mage on the factotum side also. You could end up with unlimited lower level spells if you can use the illusions from haures or the other vestiges to create the shadow conjuration/evocation effects. Haures gives at will major image and another one gives persistent image, but I can't remember which one.

Also don't forget to read the binder summoning handbook for zceryll.

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Would 2 Favored classes , do anything at all?
« on: September 19, 2013, 10:59:10 PM »
There is a way to have more than one per RAW. Just means you don't have to keep either of them within 2 levels to avoid the penalty.

The Judged by Aurifar feat from Sandstorm adds cleric as an additional favored class to your character in addition to giving bonuses vs desert saves and +2 vs undead affected by sunlight (like vampires) if you need that for some reason. It does have some role-playing prerequisites, restrictions, and you can permanently lose the benefits if you break faith with Aurifar but could be useful if you need a single level dip of cleric for a good character.

Looks like you're right. Hadn't read it that closely for a long time.

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