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Messages - Krika

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D&D 5e / Re: Unearthed Arcana: Double Trouble (Rogue + Ranger)
« on: January 29, 2017, 09:05:25 PM » looks like the Guardian Ranger can go in and out of Guardian Soul form pretty much at will.

And with the Ancient Fortitude feature, your current hit points increase when you enter GS form, but stay the same when you leave.

So it looks like at level 7 Rangers can, over the course of a minute or two, pretty much heal up to full at no cost.

This seems broken.

Oslecamo's Improved Monster Classes / Re: Blood Hawk
« on: August 14, 2016, 10:46:01 PM »

Oslecamo's Improved Monster Classes / Re: Chaos
« on: January 22, 2016, 12:25:48 PM »
Off the top, Chaos Flame is 21, but what looks like it's the second half of the description is written under 22.

You know, I've been giving vague thoughts to an Arcane version of this - you bind Transmutation or Conjuration, say, and you get access to some powers. You'd need to layer them in tiers or whatever, though...

So, something like this, but with ability bundles closer to the domains from this?

Yeah, something like those? The trick would be adjusting them so that they work without needing to be specific Vestige levels - I'm thinking the abilities get boosted the more you beat the binding check by. Maybe a Healing "vestige" has an ability that lets you heal someone every five turns for 1d6 + Binder level, plus 1d6 more for every 5 points by which you beat the binding check? Would that work, you think?

First idea: A Factotum-like class that uses it's own special Martial Discipline that has one of each type of maneuver for each skill - so for Appraise, there'd be one Stance, one Counter, one Strike (and maybe one Rush if using that homebrew addition), for Survival there'd be another set, etc. You'd need at least 1 Rank in a skill to select their maneuvers, and there'd be a class feature that lets you gain a rank or two in a skill outside of your normal skill progression every couple levels so you can expand your available maneuvers without needing to sacrifice the progression on the skills that you want to keep maxed.

Second: Making "vestiges" that are closer to embodiments of what are normally Domains, so instead of gaining their powers from worshipping gods, clerics (reflavored Binder, or maybe another class) gain powers by binding some discrete element of the world to them - a Healing vestige, or a Knowledge one, say. The original idea involved assembling all the regular Domain powers, improved powers, devotion powers, and such to crib together powersets based off of them, but who knows how'd it actually work out.

Oslecamo's Improved Monster Classes / Re: Blood Hawk
« on: August 19, 2015, 01:08:28 AM »
Not to nitpick, but shouldn't Bloodfury Hawk be listed under the prestige class box in the index?

Oslecamo's Improved Monster Classes / Re: Blood Hawk
« on: August 14, 2015, 07:01:05 PM »
Initial critiques:
-Since you're giving it Hide as a class skill, may as well give it Move Silently.
-Says it gains animal traits but is a magical beast. Probably meant magical beast since animals don't have darkvision by default in D&D but magical beasts do.
-Needs reference that it lacks limbs capable of fine manipulation.
-Any reason why it only thirsts for humans specifically? Couldn't choose to want to nom other kinds of humanoids?
-Bloodfury save to end looks a bit more complicated than it needs to be. I would just say make it a flat Will save with a minor fixed penalty if their "favorite food" is still moving.

>Ah, yes. Overlooked that.
>Yes I did, whoopsy.
>The monster, in both editions of the Fiend Folio it appears in, has a hate-on for humans specifically. I could, I suppose?

Oslecamo's Improved Monster Classes / Re: Blood Hawk
« on: August 13, 2015, 10:58:42 PM »
Bloodfury Hawk

-Must have taken the only level in Blood Hawk

1+1+2+2+0Bloody Hatred, Bloodymindedness, +1 Dex
2+2+3+3+0Bloody Beak, Growth, +1 Con
3+3+3+3+1Bloodfury, +1 Dex

Skills: (2 + Int per level, 4x at 1st level) The Bloodfury Hawk's class skills are Hide, Intimidate, Listen, Move Silently, Spot, and Survival.

Ability Score Increase: At the 1st and 3rd levels the Bloodfury Hawk gains +1 Dex, and +1 Con at the 2nd level, for a total increase of +2 Dex and +1 Con at the 3rd level.

Bloody Hatred: If there's one thing a Bloodfury Hawk loves above all else, it's the taste of human flesh. They gain the Favored Enemy class feature as a Ranger does, except that it applies to all humans and creatures with human blood. They can also add this Favored Enemy bonus from this to critical hit confirmation rolls and to the DC of the Heal check necessary to stop the bleeding inflicted by its Blood Claw ability (but only if inflicted on a human or human-blooded creature). This counts as having the Favored Enemy class feature, and can be progressed by any class that progresses that class feature.

Bloodymindedness: The Bloodfury Hawk's staying power is even stronger. They are no longer disabled when they are at 0 HP or below, but they still take damage for taking strenuous action.

Bloody Beak: The Bloodfury Hawk's beak grows sharp and strong, all the better to tear at its enemy's flesh. It gains a secondary Beak attack that deals 1d3 points of damage. If it hits an enemy with both of its Claw attacks, it consumes a small portion of its opponents flesh, automatically dealing 1d3 points of damage, and healing itself an equal amount (it cannot use its Beak as a natural attack the same turn as using this ability). If the target is human or human blooded, then the additional damage and amount healed is increased by half the Bloodfury Hawk's Favored Enemy bonus against them. Any excess healing is instead added as Temporary HP (but this Temporary HP does not stack with itself).

Growth: At the 2nd level, the Bloodfury Hawk grows to Medium size. This increases the size of its natural weapons accordingly, but does not change its ability scores.

Bloodfury: The signature ability of the Bloodfury Hawk, letting it fly into a bloodlust-fueled frenzy. If the Bloodfury Hawk strikes makes a successful Claw or Beak attack against a target that was bleeding from its Blood Claws ability, then it can fly into a state similar to that of the Barbarian's Rage class feature. While in this state, the bleeding that it inflicts from its Blood Claws ability is 2, the critical threat range and multiplier for its natural weapons becomes 19-20/3x, and its Dexterity increases by 2. (The new critical range is considered to be the new base for the natural weapons, so if a Bloodfury Hawk had the Improved Critical feat for its claws, while it was in the state their critical threat range would be 17-20) If it is in this state while at 0 HP or lower, then it can also attack with both of its Claw attacks as a Standard action.

However, each turn must be spent attacking or moving to attack the nearest enemy it recognizes. If there are no enemies left, then it moves to attack the nearest creature. If there is nothing left for it to attack, or it falls unconscious then the state automatically ends. At the end of its turn, the Bloodfury Hawk can make a Will Save (DC 15) to end the Bloodfury. If a human, or human-blooded creature is present, the DC is 20 instead. In addition, since this is a state of heightened emotions, it can be dispelled by Calm Emotions and similar effects, as the Barbarian's Rage class feature can be.

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Oslecamo's Improved Monster Classes / Blood Hawk
« on: August 13, 2015, 10:56:20 PM »
Blood Hawk

1+1+2+2+0Bloody Avian Body, Bloody Claws, Bloody Stubborn
Skills: (2 + Int per level, 4x at 1st level) The Blood Hawk's class skills are Hide, Intimidate, Listen, Move Silently, Spot, and Survival.

Proficiencies: The Blood Hawk is proficient in its own natural weapons.

Bloody Avian Body: The Blood Hawk loses all its prior Racial traits and gains Magical Beast traits (basically Darkvision 60 ft. and low-light vision). It is a Small Magical Beast with a speed of 10 ft and a fly speed of 30 ft with Average maneuverability. Its fly speed increases by 10 feet for every HD past the first, up to 80 ft at 6 HD. It has two Claw attacks that deal 1d4 points of damage. It also has natural armor equal to half its Con mod. It has a +8 racial bonus to Spot checks during daylight, and does not possess limbs capable of fine manipulation.

Blood Claws: The Blood Hawk's claws are wickedly serrated, fit for tearing and leaving gashing wounds. Whenever it strikes an enemy with its claws, they begin taking 1 point of bleeding damage each round thereafter. This damage is cumulative with itself (so hitting the same enemy twice would cause it to bleed for 2 points of damage). This damage can be stopped by a Heal check (DC 10 + 1/2 the Blood Hawk's HD + its Dex mod), or by any healing spell or similar ability.

Bloody Stubborn: Blood Hawks do not know the meaning of the words die, quit, or peace. They add their HD and their Con mod to death threshold (so a Blood Hawk 1/Fighter 7 with a Constitution score of 15 would have a death threshold of -20). They also gain an equal bonus to the amount of damage they have to take before making a massive damage save (so the previous example would have to take 60 points of damage in a single instance before they would have to make a save against massive damage), and gain a bonus to the saving throw for massive damage equal to 1/2 their HD.

Finally, when below 0 HP, they do not fall unconscious - they remain disabled and can continue to take actions, but they still take damage for stressful activity.

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Oslecamo's Improved Monster Classes / Re: Rat/Dire Rat
« on: August 09, 2015, 07:44:05 PM »
Dire rat class for the rat race? Bigger, meanier, faster?

That'd be my suggestion. Maybe something with upgrading/getting more use out of their Rat Race feature aside from the obvious size/mechanical improvements.

Oslecamo's Improved Monster Classes / Re: Rat/Dire Rat
« on: August 06, 2015, 06:39:52 PM »
Yeah, I'd personally use your Rat race and make a 1-level Dire Rat class in a Racial Paragon class-style dealio.

For the record, I have Blood Hawk and Incarnuum Dragon classes in the works. Just so people are aware.

Oslecamo's Improved Monster Classes / Re: Bogun
« on: August 03, 2015, 06:48:24 AM »
What DavidWL said, could be done as a 1 level, in particular since Bogun is CR 1.

Also I don't see the need to count as a plant. A wood golem doesn't count as a plant. A stone golem doesn't count as an earth elemental.

It was a little nod to the druidic bent of the monster, combined with the idea that it could easily be a construct made out of growing, living organic matter. (The monster's description says that both living or non-living organic matter could be used to construct the body, but since it's a druid thing I've always assumed it to be living) It's no big deal to drop since it was just a little flavor thing.

As for the rest of, the 2 HD on the Bogun bother me, but I don't have any particular other ideas for this. Shifted everything into one level. Also added a slight upgrade to the casting since it's really not that powerful of an ability, and it furthers the idea of them being from magic infusing its body.

I don't know about the Bogun in particular, but CR=class length is the general rule of thumb around here. So if it's CR1, you've done your job admirably.

Huh. I'd forgotten about that - then again, it's been a while since I've made a monster class, and my other one has the CR = HD.

Oslecamo's Improved Monster Classes / Re: Bogun
« on: August 02, 2015, 11:30:52 PM »
What DavidWL said, could be done as a 1 level, in particular since Bogun is CR 1.

Also I don't see the need to count as a plant. A wood golem doesn't count as a plant. A stone golem doesn't count as an earth elemental.

It was a little nod to the druidic bent of the monster, combined with the idea that it could easily be a construct made out of growing, living organic matter. (The monster's description says that both living or non-living organic matter could be used to construct the body, but since it's a druid thing I've always assumed it to be living) It's no big deal to drop since it was just a little flavor thing.

As for the rest of, the 2 HD on the Bogun bother me, but I don't have any particular other ideas for this. Shifted everything into one level. Also added a slight upgrade to the casting since it's really not that powerful of an ability, and it furthers the idea of them being from magic infusing its body.

Oslecamo's Improved Monster Classes / Bogun
« on: July 29, 2015, 08:56:45 PM »

1+0+0+0+0Bogun Body, Clumsy, Nettles, Nature Infusion
Skills: (2 + Int per level, 4x at 1st level) The Bogun's class skills are Handle Animal, Hide, Knowledge(nature), and Move Silently.

Proficiencies: The Bogun is proficient with its own natural weapons.

Bogun Body: The Bogun loses all racial traits and features, and gains the construct type and traits. These include:
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A Bogun is a tiny sized construct with a land speed of 20ft, plus a clumsy flight speed of 20 ft, which increases by 5 ft per HD beyond the first to a maximum of 50 ft, and increases maneuverability by one step per 2 HD beyond the first, to a maximum of Good. It has the same equipment slots as a regular humanoid.

Clumsy: As a recently created creature, a Bogun is clumsy and uncoordinated as the magic animating it conflicts with the often-still living matter that it is made of. They are treated as small whenever it would not be beneficial for them. When it reaches 5 HD, the magic animating the Bogun has adjusted itself, and it loses this ability, being treated as tiny all the time.

Nettles: The Bogun's body is covered in spiky thorns. It can use this as a natural attack with 1d4 + Str. If you successfully grapple another creature, or are successfully grappled, they deal 1 point of damage to the other creature, and do so every turn the grapple is maintained. At 5 HD, the damage from grappling becomes 1d4.

The Nettles also exude a mild poison. It deals 1d6 points of Dexterity damage on both the primary and secondary save (DC 10 + 1/2 HD + Wis mod). It can only inflict this damage on a successful attack, not on the damage it deals when grappling or grappled. At 10 HD, it ignores immunity to poison, but people who would be immune to poison gain a +5 bonus to the save. In addition, it can now inflict poison through its Nettles when grappled.

Nature Infusion: The druidic magic infusing the Bogan manifests itself more directly. You can select a number of 0th level Druid spells equal to your base Wisdom modifier. You can use them as SLAs a total number of times per day equal to your HD, shared among all the spells you know. At 5 HD, and every 5 HD after that, you learn an additional 0th level Druid spell. At 12 HD, the nature magic has suffused the Bogun's body - it now can use them as Supernatural abilities, rather than Spell-Like ones.

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Oslecamo's Improved Monster Classes / Re: Laser-Equipped Creature
« on: July 18, 2015, 11:31:32 AM »
Added another ability to Custom Rig.

Is this good, is there anything more that needs to be changed?

Oslecamo's Improved Monster Classes / Re: Laser-Equipped Creature
« on: July 06, 2015, 06:58:29 PM »
The 2nd prerequisite has a redudant clause, since artificers get Craft Wondrous item by default.

It's not redundant. Either levels in the Artificer class, or with the Craft Wondrous Item feat.

Just because an Artificer could qualify for both parts of this prereq, doesn't mean the second one isn't beneficial as you don't have to be an Artificer to get Craft Wondrous Item. Additionally, levels in Artificer, doesn't specify how many levels, could be two, or one.

Before I get into changes, this is the correct reading.

>Added an (or similar) clause to the Artificer bit so that people with levels in other crafting-focused classes (such as prestige ones) could qualify, if the Artificer class specifically isn't allowed due to campaign restrictions, etc.
>Removed the "all levels" thing since everybody hates it and it wasn't something I put too much thought into putting in there.
>Table fixed
>Added Custom Rig to the 3rd level as well
>Hopefully cleaned up the damage wording for Attached Laser?

Would making Beam Spam a once per encounter thing instead of a daily break things? I've been considering it.

EDIT: Changed "level" references in the Custom Rig options to HD, for clarification. Added a clarification to Burn For Me regarding the potential of Force-damage Lasers suddenly setting things on fire. Clarified that Beam Spam is an exception to the normal number of attacks per round that you can use.

Oslecamo's Improved Monster Classes / Re: Laser-Equipped Creature
« on: July 03, 2015, 11:28:13 PM »
Alright, thanks for the advice. I tend to lean towards the low-power side when I do homebrew stuff, so this isn't exactly unexpected for me.

Changes made:
>BAB increased to full, Fortitude save is now good, more skill points.
>Changed the damage of the laser completely so it should hopefully scale a lot better now.
>Stronger Than You Expected altered a bit to comply with the new damage scaling since increasing the damage die just got a lot better.
>I Have A Second Mode now gives you more damage types, eventually giving you all of them.
>Dance For Me is overhauled a bit so that the multi-attacking is now no longer a limited resource, and has an additional effect for focus-firing.
>I Will Reach Out And Touch You is now much better, and has the original capstone I had envisioned in place - namely a range of "can you see it?".
>Burn for me is overhauled, and hopefully much better.
>Beam Spam given a breath-weapon-esque cooldown.

Alright, how much better is this?

Oslecamo's Improved Monster Classes / Laser-Equipped Creature
« on: July 03, 2015, 03:41:16 PM »
Laser-Equipped Creature

-Must undergo surgery to implant themselves with a laser beam. This takes 24 hours (this includes rest time afterwards - the actual implantation only takes about 6 hours), and requires someone with either levels in the Artificer (or similar) class, or with the Craft Wondrous Item feat to perform the surgery, and 1500 GP for the materials to craft the implant.

HD: d6
1+1+2+2 +0 Attached Laser
2+2+3+3 +0 Custom Rig
3+3+3+3 +1 Custom Rig, Laser Spam
Skills: 4+int modifier. The Laser-Equipped Creature's class skills are the same as the monster class used to qualify for this class. If they had more than one monster class before taking the first level in this class, they must pick one.

Proficiencies: The Laser-Equipped Creature gains no proficiencies

Attached Laser (Sp): The Laser-Equipped Creature, as its name would imply, has a laser beam implanted into its body. This gives it the ability to make a ranged touch attack as a standard action with a range of 50 feet, that deals 1d6 fire damage plus another 1d6 for every three HD it has. They can use this as part of a full attack, but they can only use it once per round.

Custom Rig (Sp): Not satisfied with the basic laser apparatus, the Laser-Equipped Creature further customizes its implant. Select one of the following options. You cannot select an option more than once.

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Beam Spam (Sp): There is something beautiful about firing your laser at everything you can see. Once per day, you can as a Full Round Action make an attack against each enemy within range of your Attached Laser that you can see. This is an exception to the normal number of attacks per round that you can make with your Attached Laser. However, doing so strains your implant and you cannot use your Attached Laser for 1d4+1 rounds.

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Min/Max 3.x / Re: Fun Finds v6.0
« on: February 21, 2015, 03:10:49 PM »
I grabbed the wrong URL.

But yeah. 15 HD for a CR 18 creature.

EDIT: The Restless Prey template also has a pretty borked special ability, Restless Prey Symbiosis.

They get a +2 Profane bonus to their Charisma score for every other Restless Prey within 30', which stacks. And you can apply this template to any Animal or Vermin. Have a backpack full of Restless Prey rats or whatever, and Ability Rip Restless Prey Symbiosis from one of them.

You can fit 8 Diminutive creatures in a 5' square; for every 5' square you fill, you get a +16 bonus to your Charisma score.

1. Make a Large flying throne.
2. Fill the base with Restless Prey Rats. 32 of them should do.
3. Ability Rip Restless Prey Symbiosis from a separate creatures.
4. Get a +64 Profane bonus to Charisma.
5. ???
6. Profit.
Again, 3e, but pretty easy to convert.

So, I'm going back to here as I was reading through this thread for the first time, and I considered how Swarms interact with this template. Swarms are a couple-hundred creatures by RAW, but does that mean the effective swarm's Charisma is astronomical, or does each Swarm count as an individual creature, meaning you'd need multiple Swarms? (I've also been considering if Hivemind rules would also be borked here, but even if they were, the bonuses aren't particularly significant on your typical swarm - you'd need a swarm of Fine creatures for the bonuses to actually mean something)

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