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Messages - Bearchucks

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Maze would work, if the character failing the int checks isn't unreasonable.

Invisible Blade gets feint as a swift action.  The weapons also fit swashbuckler (although, admittedly, they aren't quite as big), but a rogue/swash/IB with daring outlaw isn't that bad off.

Min/Max 3.x / Re: I want a crossbow that shoots exploding swords
« on: July 18, 2013, 11:14:09 PM »
I seem to recall a story about a runecaster doing something similar.

Well, it was an arrowsplit rune, but I think that might add an additional degree of effectiveness for the crossbow.  Maybe a Gate rune so it doesn't shoot swords, it shoots a crossbow bolt and a pit fiend.

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Pimp my warmage
« on: June 22, 2013, 02:22:50 PM »  Warmage handbook--including thoughts on the whole "small list [middle-back of C. Arc, after the feat selection], but knows everything on it" Rainbow servant handbook--including early entry trickery.

Also consider Kauper's Quickblast modified with something like Born of Three Thunders to do damage and possibly daze an opponent.  It isn't technically on the list, but it fits with their theme.

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Arcane Disciple Thread
« on: May 05, 2013, 04:49:05 PM »
What's your target, starting level, etc?  Could be there's a different way to do what you want to do (Rainbow Warsnake / Weavermage comes to mind  Here's a collection of some -good- domains to pick up.  Here's the exact text.  Pick a deity and you can Arcane Disciple yourself a domain.

Min/Max 3.x / Re: I need to make a DC20+ will save at level 5.
« on: May 05, 2013, 04:28:56 PM »
Don't forget the obvious Cloak of Resistance.  EDIT: It might help if you mentioned what your save calculation looks like already.  Wis, Base Save, etc.

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Fear Bard
« on: October 25, 2012, 05:12:47 PM »
Improvisation.  Best bard spell in the game, if you're not using it you should.  Bard1, improves with caster level, works for your attack rolls and skill checks (for stuff like tripping this is great).  Something to throw down at the start of a combat as you move to close.  It's also cheap, flexible, and no gm in their right mind would say it's overpowered (unlike bladeweave, lieber gott).  Very very useful.

D&D 3.5 and Pathfinder / Re: [3.P] Warblade, Crusader, Swordsage, ?
« on: October 25, 2012, 02:25:37 PM »
Bards -are- full casters.  What do you think sublime chord exists for?  Tack on War Weaver to cover lots of people, or Mage of the Arcane Order to get -just- that spell they need...They've also got UMD as a class skill so you can play around with whatever things you find, and they cover a bunch of skills.

Seconding Beguiler as well.  Skill, limited-list high-utility casting.

far as combos...Warblade//Fighter/Bloodstorm Blade is your BFC, throwing your pinballing greatsword around knocking things down with the dungeoncrasher stuff.
Crusader//Dragon Shaman or DFA or even Warlock makes for an interesting pseudocleric.

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Best Class for low stats
« on: August 03, 2012, 05:20:36 PM »
Another vote for bard/SC or buffer wizard that goes into War Weaver.  Bard also has the fun little trick of being able to be king of all the obscure skills (Jack of All Trades + Bardic Knack).  Bit of spotlight, helpful bonuses...and you're a bard, there's a lot of fun story options with that one.

Gaming Advice / Re: Training a DM
« on: July 28, 2012, 03:33:18 PM »
If they're strong storytellers and they can handle "living worlds" a game based around a city on an island is great.  All kinds of interesting terrain, interesting encounters, assorted factions to negotiate with / be friendly towards / ignore / murder.  It's also of limited scope: sure, the outside world is there, and you might need to go to the cave of excellent adventure on quest for theodore and william, but everything you need's in the city.

I've thought a couple times about adapting Morrowind as a campaign setting--a bunch of cities, a bunch of ruins and tombs.  If they've got games they like or a setting they like, see about helping them make a world in that spirit (or expressly in that world in an alternate time or some such).

Far as tracking statuses and init, I keep a little scratchpad with me.  Dry erase is another great way of handling it.  Magnetic boards.  On init: if there's a group of goblins, I have them all go on the same init.  Simplifies the game.  Goblins on wargs would have their own init, etc.

If they've got a laptop, having the SRD available gives them click-click-click access to any rules they're unsure of, along with "standards" for skill checks.  Balance, for example, gives the whole collection of modifiers and standards.  The less they need to keep in their heads regarding the rules, the better.  Their heads are where the game happens.

Gaming Advice / Re: Training a DM
« on: July 27, 2012, 12:00:13 AM »
Improvisation.  Flexibility.  Having a living world rather than a static plotline or a flowchart--both of the other times my brother tried a flowchart to GM we ended up going outside of planned contingencies. 

(One case was my Jedi going door-to-door like a cop looking for someone who didn't show up to work for a senator that day, thinking that he'd find the assassin he'd been advised about trying to impersonate them or find a body or something.  The other involved attempting to talk our way out of an encounter with a Sith 6 levels up on us instead of fight our way out.)

Can they keep a handle on everything?  Battlefield status, character status, opponent status?  Running an encounter's a lot different from fighting one.  Has either of them been the party leader-type?  Not necessarily the face or the BFC, but the one ultimately dictating where people went or what happened.  That personality can be useful to have running a game.

Gaming Advice / Re: Shutting Down Psionic Manifestors
« on: July 15, 2012, 11:10:32 AM »
Catapsi would make it more expensive and tougher... Id Insinuation or one of the assorted "confusion" effects?  Grappling/pinning still works.

Gaming Advice / Re: Sub-... 'optimal' gaming group
« on: May 23, 2012, 12:01:06 AM »
Useful party buffs.  Show the bard all the Inspire Courage tricks
Lingering Song Feat (Complete Adventurer 111): Your Bardic Music lasts for 1 minute (10 rounds) after you stop performing instead of 5.

Song of the Heart Feat (Eberron Campaign Setting 60): +1.  Other feats get bonuses too, but those don't matter for our purposes.  Nyah.

Eberron Campaign Setting 34 states a Bard may take this feat in place of a new form of Bardic Music at level 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, or 18.  Since these are "bonus feats," you can debatably skip the prereqs.  If you can, then in short, you can dump Inspire Competence to take this and, say, Dragonfire Inspiration at level 3.

Words of Creation Feat (Book of Exalted Deeds 48): DOUBLES your Inspire Courage bonus with any instrument.  Saner interpretations say this is only from levels, but RAW says 'doubles.'  You also take icky subdual damage unless you're immune.

If the whole party hits and does decent damage, you don't outshine them as much.

You could tweak the crusader to go for more lockdown and play more "setup" with the druid.  Remind the rogue's player about sneak attack (if you're deliberately setting up a situation where your opponents are blinded/flat-footed/stunned/otherwise vulnerable, it looks good, especially if you can come up with some kind of in character reason to serve them up like that). 

Mention to the guy with the wizard that he can use a spell to do Xd6 damage or he can use that same spell level to, say, grease an enemy and give the rogue a bunch of d6s on every attack.  If he wants to do damage, there's lots of very nice ways to do that, more frequently by using other people.  My last game ended because my brother's dervish was just too efficient a delivery mechanism for my bard's well-honed Inspire Courage ability.

Or point the wizard guy at Mage of the Arcane Order taken via sorcerer (arcane preparation).  Cast "basically every spell if you want", and yet still have a focus you're very good at.  Or the Rainbow Warsnake if you think the game will get that far.  Because if any spell on the cleric list any time you want isn't enough spells, he's doing something wrong.  =P
Let them be what they want, but just offer the options and relax a bit.  So long as they're not actively being a problem, you can always go beast mode and "win" the encounter, keep the panic button in your back pocket.

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Bard-based gish builds?
« on: May 08, 2012, 02:39:04 PM »
Don't forget Words of Creation (BoED) to double your Inspire Courage bonus, and/or a Vest of Legends [the bard version of the Monk's Belt] (MIC) to push your effective bard level higher.  Any legal combination of Bard, Swiftblade, Sublime Chord, and Abjurant Champion would probably work just fine for what you're looking for.

DR, miss chances, being out of range...glaring easily exploited weaknesses of individual spells is why you grab a little from column A, a little from column B.  The metamagic feats that have the best overall coverage, the spells that (together) cover the most things.
But yes, for underlooked spells it's definitely a very nice trick.

Jedi's a very broad concept, armored doubly so.  Generally they come in two "flavors", warrior-monk (lightsaber-based offense, Force-based defense, feels like a traditional gish), and Force Mage (lots of offensive powers).

Definitely want to start in a class that's not Jedi.  I like a Soldier/Jedi/ET/JK build that runs on Jedi-based defenses and a neat little ET talent from CWCG Improved Stunning Strike that eliminates an opponent's standard action if you beat an opponent's damage threshold.  Charging (esp. Powerful Charge) helps with that, use Block and Deflect for your defenses.

It's easy enough to see how you might get encounters one CR lower.  Attacking a bandit headquarters?  Smith and Jones have pegasus flu, so they can't guard the room, leaving just Johnson, Jackson, Sanders, and Baker.  There's lots of different ways for the CRs to drop.

One death every two and a half levels.  Given you're (theoretically) supposed to have 13 encounters/level (yeah, right), that's...around 33 encounters.  A 1/day reroll and only failing the save on a 1 would get you 1:400 odds. 1/33 is easy by comparison.  A 1/day reroll and failing on 1-3 would get you around a 1:36 chance of dying...if I'm running the math right.

Min/Max 3.x / Re: 3.5 Low level mounted fighting, any suggestions?
« on: April 08, 2012, 12:14:40 AM »
Feat/gear-wise, damage goes real fast when you throw around lances and a few enchantments.

Off the top of my head, a level in marshal for cha to charge damage would help.  You're taking Paladin levels (presumably)
  A Valorous weapon (lance, ideally) gives double damage on a charge.  The Rhino's Rush spell doubles charge damage for a round. (

Feats: Mounted Combat opens the door to Spirited Charge (feat-based double damage)...this gets you up to 4x charge damage.  Then there's leap attack, shock trooper, all the power attack silliness.  If you're in CWar anyway, you have worse options than the Cavalry Charger tactical feat, if just for the Ride check damage bonus (which multiplies through).  Any static damage bonuses you can get your hands on will multiply through (Power Attack, Shock Trooper, Leap Attack, etc.).  That's what you want on the delivery end.

Incidentally, he might consider seeing what he can do about picking of From Smite to Song to give himself a full-combat-duration morale bonus to damage.

19 This might be a good place to start.  There was a post a while back that flight was expected by ECL5, the ability to deal with grapplers by ECL7, reach by such and such a point...just the trends.

General D&D Discussion / Re: Edit your RL character sheet!
« on: April 03, 2012, 01:30:37 AM »
I'd probably go more Beguiler and less Healer.  Law instead of medicine.  Also have a chat with the James Randi people and make a million bucks with Dancing Lights.  Or go full-on Cloistered Cleric.

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