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Gaming Advice / Ways to cast evil spells... without being evil.
« on: March 09, 2017, 05:35:46 AM »
Hey guys, does anyone know ways to cast evil spells or do evil stuff without counting as evil?

I only know these:
– Malconvocer (Cast evil conjuration spells)
– Hellbred (Cast evil spells)
– Get the atonement spell after (if committed evil acts willingly costs 500xp)

Gaming Advice / Change Casting Stat
« on: September 05, 2015, 07:04:30 AM »
Hi there,

I need your quick help, where is the feat which allows changing your primary casting stat? (In my case, I need to change my cleric casting to int or cha)
Thanks in advance :)

/edit: found it, it's Academic Priest in Legends of the Twins! Doesn't change DCs but it should be enough to let a cleric cast spells even with wis 10 or lower.

Handbook Discussion / Re: The Skill Handbook Discussion Thread
« on: September 01, 2014, 06:32:10 AM »
-- Updated list of what Skills can do, including later editions.
No offense, but this seems to be the first thing in this guide, that seems helpful to me. I got a start of that list at home, maybe I can send it to you
-- Updated list of Alternative Ways to get Class Skills
Start with that one
-- List of Synergies
-- List of abilities which modify skills (i.e make Climb Dex based etc)
Use this list
-- List of spells which provide boosts to Skills/Ability Scores
Both lists already exist, don't waste your time on this one
-- Anything else related to skills - please make suggestions
How about the important parts that are interesting and useful with skills, such as features that grant skills new uses, skill tricks, ways to take less penalties on skill uses, ways to take 10 on skills and all sorts of not-so-known tricks with skills

Gaming Advice / Re: Fellow player wants a REALLY big sword
« on: April 25, 2014, 12:48:41 PM »
Now I remember what we missed:
Monkey Grip.
I mean... Monkey Grip
It stacks with Powerful Build or Strongarm Bracer, so you can just take a Drow with Monkey Grip, Strongarm Bracer, Titan Bloodline and EWP: Platinum Full Blades would be able to swing a Gargantuan Platinum Fullblade (-2 attack for oversized with 12d6 base damage).

2d8 base damage
size -> large Monkey Grip (also -2 attack)
size -> huge Strongarm Bracer (also +2 dmg if taking -2 or more for PA)
size -> gargantuan Titan Bloodline (also PA and some other gimmicks)
weapon damage -> colossal Heavy Weapon by being a Platinum Weapon
and d8s get 6d6 by getting from Large to Colossal

But I'm afraid you won't be able to use Weapon Finesse with it  :P

Gaming Advice / Re: Fellow player wants a REALLY big sword
« on: April 25, 2014, 06:21:13 AM »
Most things are already said:
- Titan ability (maybe by bloodline)
- Powerful Build/Jotunbrud Feat
- Strongarm Bracer (MiC)
- Use an exotic weapon that is already really big, like a Full Blade.

Gaming Advice / Re: Flexible Flamer
« on: April 25, 2014, 05:54:24 AM »
The initiate of Amaunator feat (Power of Faerun, p58) says "You can spontaneously cast any spell on your spell list that has the fire descriptor.  This ability works like spontaneously casting cure spells does." 

Can I lose a 3rd-level spell to spontaneously cast summon monster III, choosing a small fire elemental as the creature I summon?  Since I'm summoning a creature with the fire subtype, the spell has the fire descriptor.  Is what matters the spell as I cast it or the spell in its primordial state?  That is, does the feat see "fire" when it checks the descriptor, or does it see "see text." 
It's a fire spell, not in general, but in the case of SM3: small fire elemental. That's enough.

Suppose I have the energy substitution (acid) feat (Complete Arcane, p79).  Can I lose a 5th-level spell to cast flame strike, but modified to deal acid damage?  It's a fire spell in its primordial state, but not as I'm casting it. 
Since that would be an acid spell, you can't cast it spontaneously.

Suppose I have the energy substitution (fire) feat.  Can I lose a 2nd-level spell to cast shatter, but modified to deal fire damage?  It's a fire spell as I'm casting it, but not in its primordial state. 
It's a fire spell, so yes. That works.

Suppose I have the snowcasting feat (Frostburn, p50) and the energy substitution (fire) feat.  I can add the cold descriptor to any spell I cast.  I can change an energy descriptor (like cold) to the fire descriptor on any spell I cast.  I can cast anything as a fire spell.  Does that mean I can spontaneously cast every single spell on my spell list?
As long as you cast it as a fire spell and it is a valid target for both the snowcasting and the energy substitution: fire feat, yes.

Nice find btw.
And I like "Flexible Flamers", especially in forums xD

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Strange 5th Wheel Builds
« on: April 24, 2014, 09:52:25 AM »
Honestly, I'd optimize teleport + telepathy. Maybe a bit of divination/ scrying to find out where to teleport to. Sure, I'd be useless in combat, but we'd get where we needed to be! And I've always wanted to try using Plane Shift offensively...
A traveling shopkeeper, maximize starting gold(wizard1, sell your spellbook, mercantile background etc...), knowledge and appraisal type stuff and some way to bring a fully equipped item shop along with the party(an animal pulling something early on, and a full blown extra dimensional... whatever, later on).
I think those two can be kind of combined if you play some sort of Rogue/Wizard/Unseen Seer to a trickery caster that focuses on scrying and transportation of all sorts. You find a trap? Disarm it and take it with you. You find an adamantine door? Fabricate it into MW Dwarvencraft Daggers, teleport them away and sell them later (you don't need to be a dwarf, just to gain the original dwarven crafting knowledge). You will get rich as ****, just make sure that you have some ranks in appraise, knowledge (architecture and engineering) and craft.

Gaming Advice / Adamantine price (per cubic ft.)
« on: April 15, 2014, 11:45:53 AM »
Hey guys,

what market price would a cubic ft. of adamantine have? I guess since 1 cubic ft. is 28.3 liters and adamant should have a concentration of 3-5g/cm^3, since 1g/cm^3 equals 1kg/liter and 1kg equals like 2 daggers (1lb each).
One dagger of admantine has a market price of 3302gp, the material costs 1/3 of that.

If I'm correct, one cubic foot should then have a market price of 28.3*3.5*2*3302/3 = 218k gp (using 3.5g/cm^3).

(So if you see a really big piece of adamantine, you can just make about 200k gp cubes worth of adamantine per CL of fabricate)

D&D 3.5 and Pathfinder / Re: How to Make Dragons More Impressive?
« on: April 10, 2014, 09:13:20 AM »

We like dragons?

dungeons are nice too

Uhh ... lol wut  :twitch
You seem to be new here... Let us show you the boards... xD

Once he goes that route, the Rogue could start Sneak Attacking him pretty easily (though it would have to be against his normal AC of 41, unless they think to make some flasks of Acid; actually... the Orb of Acid spells should be able to fire into an AMF**, so the sneak attacking would hurt a lot).
I didn't get that one. If the dragon grapples someone, he looses dex to AC and thus can be sneaked (AC flat-footed, not normal AC). If you mean the dragon could get flanked while grappling... If it's a regular flanking, a creature of that size can usually position himself in a way that it can't be flanked for more than one or two attacks.
Concerning the grapple... if you can give the dragon Improved Grab (maybe + multigrab if modifiers are relevant) the dragon may grapple without loosing dex to AC and it's threat reach (and thus doesn't get auto-sneaked).
Also, you may give your dragon a fortification, but it's usually most fun for a rogue, if the enemy isn't straight immune, but just resistant (maybe 50% crit immune).

Animate Dread Warrior? That one animates a corpse with it's class features. Source: Unapproachable East, p48

D&D 3.5 and Pathfinder / Re: How to Make Dragons More Impressive?
« on: April 08, 2014, 12:09:16 PM »
Extra bonus: it is (SU), it works in AMF.
Supernatural abilities do not function inside AMFs. Indeed, Incorporeal Undead can't even enter an AMF at all. They "wink out". Linky

Wow, thank god I have never used such a combo, my players would not let me hear the end of it.
Even if you used and AMF against them properly, they still probably wouldn't let you hear the end of it. :P I once had a dragon in an AMF using grapple against the party... the only one who survived was the monk, because he was the fastest and started running in the first round of combat.  :lmao

I can't help wondering why some DMs create ridiciously overpowered monsters and then wonder when their well-optimized flaw-less supertanky insta-killing terminators of doom manage to wipe a party. But I guess every DM does so once-in-a-while.

AMF may be really annoying if used just for that "you can't use your abilities and now you get smashed by a colossal creature" but may be really fun when coupled with otherwise low-ER encounters.

Gaming Advice / Re: Wolf Fang Strike: Fixed Penalty?
« on: April 08, 2014, 10:06:57 AM »
It is a nice, easy way to get a weak version of Pounce.  Also works well with Skirmish of course.
Pounce is usually strong because it is still a charge. You might as well take Double Hit (I think that was the attack-twice-with-TWF-on-charge-feat).
Double Hit is the one that lets you attack with both weapons on an AoO.
You're right, I meant Two-Weapon Pounce (PHB2, p84).

Gaming Advice / Re: Wolf Fang Strike: Fixed Penalty?
« on: April 08, 2014, 09:28:24 AM »
It is a nice, easy way to get a weak version of Pounce.  Also works well with Skirmish of course.
Pounce is usually strong because it is still a charge. You might as well take Double Hit (I think that was the attack-twice-with-TWF-on-charge-feat).

On-topic: Yes, it's just making two attacks, that have to be with diffrent weapons (US counts) and hit the same enemy. It has no TWF-penalties whatssoever, but all usual penalties (i.e. for Power Attack, nonproficiency or wielding an oversized weapon).

D&D 3.5 and Pathfinder / Re: FAMILIARITY BETA
« on: April 08, 2014, 08:58:39 AM »
This one is really nice. I played a lot of wizards using familiars (using them, not just having them) and it's always a whole lot of fun. Enspell Familiar is my favorite feat, it grants huge utility and is really mighty, especially at level 5+
Last wizard, I had a Lantern Archon PAOed into an Eladrin (RP-reasons), he had his Feat Chaos-Reshuffled into something else (I think it was Martial Study). He had Maze 1/day by the Epic Feat Familiar Spell and some lower-level-spells by that Imbue Familiar with Spell Ability spell, also he had tons of utility equipment, especially debuff-counter-consumables like Potions and scrolls. He had Superior Resistance, Moment of Prescience, Greater Mage Armor, the Heart of... spells, Foresight, Dragonskin... He also had some Teleportation options, which is really powerful.

Celerity + Used on Familiar + Teleportation from Familiar or Wall cast by Familiar is a not-so-cheesy use of Celerity, that doesn't make you dazed (it just dazes your familiar).
Or you share the Celerity (so you gain the bonus action yourself) and then use Time Stop (and you can share that, too).

/edit: on your Spell-Linked Familiar note: I once played a metamagic rogue 1/wiz X/unseen seer with ECL 9-12, I had a raven back then and I had spell-linked familiar for one simple reason: Even though IFwSA (imbue familiar...) is much better, I never had enough firing power to really last through the day, so the additional Rays helped. I use spells like Acid Splash combined with a shared CL-buffed Hunter's Eye (ranger spell via Unseen Seer added to wiz list that grants +1d6 SA per 3 CL) for damage with attacks against the flat-footed touch AC of my enemies.

Roundabout kick, without ways to boost critical threat range, is too situational and I would only take it if I had an extra feat lying around. It does work with Decisive strike though, so that is the direction I am wanting out of this thread.
Why would anyone use that without boosting crit range?

So, you should go for crit boosting. Robe-and-Dart (Dragon Mag), Precision Assault (EtFoW 131), Improved Crit and maybe Disciple of Dispater 8 (BoVD) with Aptitude (ToB) for a range of 9-20/x2 or 13-20/x2 and Roundabout Kick still in effect (although the interpretation of this Aptitude-Roundabout Kick-thing might vary).
Combine that with Dancing Mongoose and Great Cleave, also you gain +3 attack and +3 (or +9 limited times) to damage just by the Aptitude-Disciple-Combo. If you can improve that crit range just a bit more, you should have infinite attacks. Btw, Blood in the Water might be nice for crit confirm/dpa.

D&D 3.5 and Pathfinder / Re: How to Make Dragons More Impressive?
« on: April 04, 2014, 12:57:43 PM »
Two of the main differences that I noticed between the dragons I fought in DnD and the dragons I know from books are
1. In DnD the dragons I fought fought. They fought like a Pidgey from Pokemon... just doing their combat moves until they die. Dragons in books never do that, they either kill or just make a conversation or flee if things doesn't go as planned. Dragons age for hundreds to thousands of years, so a dragon that looses almost half of it's HP would almost never continue a fight. With one big exception: the offspring. If there is one thing in a dragons life that is worth risking his almost-eternal-living, it's his offspring, but any amount of gold, any hoard he might have will never be worth dying for.
2. The dragons are sometimes first noticed when the encounter with the dragon starts. Dragons in books on the other hand are mostly implemented with a highly theatrical introduction, that mostly also is implemented right in the campaign. So think thrice before you just let a dragon appear. And if you do so anyway, let the adventurers at least feel the dragon before they meet him, maybe you describe some broken trees and the ruins of a burned home, or let them hear a loud majestic scream.
3. Use minions. More minions. Dragons often rule for hundreds of years over kobold tribes, so make their political might count.

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Two Weapon Fighting With Reach
« on: April 04, 2014, 09:07:38 AM »
There are several general ways:

1. Take multiple two-handed weapons with reach. I.e. play a diopsid (Dragon Compendium LA +1 race with 4 hands)
2. Take multiple weapons with reach, but use them as one-handed weapons. I.e. play an orc with two Spiked Chains, that are designed for small creatures.
3. Take multiple weapons with reach by using one in two hands and one without hands. I.e. play a monk with a spiked chain (Unarmed Strike/Spiked Chain) or use armor spikes as secondary weapon or hidden weapons...
4. Increase the reach of regular weapons. Examples:
Getting Reach
Warshaper 3, ecl 8, PrC (CW), +5': so easy and beneficial. Be a changeling or take a level in Bear Warrior for easy entry.
Atavist 5 (aggressive spirit), ecl 10, PrC (RoE), +5': I think this is not a thing to pick up, but might be green for monks or Mind Blade users.
Umbral Disciple 10, ecl 15, (MoI), PrC +5' per essentia: Nothing easy to pick up, but gets blue in some self-flanking rogue-builds that deal incredible dps at ranged melee.
Shadowblade 9, ecl 14, PrC (ToM), +10', limited use: That class would be good for a rogue if it would have more skill points.
Deformity (tall), Vile Feat (HoH), +5': Two feats for +5ft reach ok.
Inhuman Reach, Aberrant Feat (LoM), +5': Depending on your DM you might get it by being a changeling or Elan
Long Reach, Feat (UE), +5' with short or longspears, on your turn only: It's a fighter feat that has it's uses for keeping foes at bay.
Long Arm, Graft (FF), +5': Really cheap, but gets you easily evil, although the wis dmg can be overcome pretty easy.
Mark of Malbolge, Feat (FC2) +5' for 1 round, see text: I'm not really familiar with this, but since it uses actions it won't be too great.
Bestial Charge, Feat (CC), +5', see text: This is a pretty strong feat for a charging druid.
Lunging Strike, Feat (PHB2), +5', see text: full round action for a single attack is really bad.
Dancing Blade Form, Stance, (ToB) +5' only on your turn: It's only during your turn and a level 5 stance. Not too great.
Reach, Power, +5': If you want it better, be psionic... Really cheap for 3points 1r/lvl.

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Fun Finds v5.0
« on: April 03, 2014, 12:47:19 PM »
Not sure if mentioned before...
The Demonwrecker (PrC from Expedition to the Demonweb Pits) gains a class feature in it's arcane variant that allows him to gain a bonus equal to your primary spellcasting ability modifier on your attackrolls and damage rolls for any damage dealing spell that requires an attack roll. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to work with split ray/twin spell, but it does in fact work with any sort of damage dealing spells. Spells like Ray of Stupidity can be pretty lethal, imagine you get hit for 1d4+12 int damage...
Also, Repeat Spell might work for this.

Note this is 1/day and only against evil.

Gaming Advice / Re: LA & BAB in Epic Level
« on: January 27, 2014, 04:21:42 PM »
From the 3.5 FAQ

(click to show/hide)

So with a +6 LA, I would say you keep getting BAB until you hit 20 HD (ECL 26).

(click to show/hide)

Hope that helps
Wow that helps a lot. Thanks.

Gaming Advice / LA & BAB in Epic Level
« on: January 26, 2014, 02:45:54 PM »
Hey guys,

a character with +6 LA will qualify for epic feats at ECL 20 (so when he has 14 HD), but he will have at most +14 BAB, if that character now takes 6 more full bab class levels, will he get +1 epic attack bonus every two levels or will he get his BAB until +20?

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