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Pages: [1]
Handbooks / Re: Useful Dragon Magazine Stuff
« on: March 22, 2012, 12:55:56 AM »
Edit: Changes have been worked in.

The bonus for the Humming bird familiar can still be doubled with the Elf Wizard racial substitution level so long as the first level substitution is not taken (and the wizard is the correct specialist).
The problem isn't being a specialist wizard. The problem with the initiative bonus is that it is not one of the following: "bonus on skill checks, saves, or hit points granted by the familiar"

To throw in some new content, there are a bunch of martial arts styles for all of the core races in dragon 303. Most of them are nothing special, but two stand out for me.

Axefury (pg 57) lets you bullrush an enemy an extra five feet at the cost of pretty much the prerequisites for Shock Trooper and Combat Brute.

Stonegrind Wrestling (pg 57-58) treats you as one size larger for the purposes of grappling; if you can get into Fist of the Forest, you got this

Some decent boosts at fairly little opportunity cost
Axefury also requires Weapon Focus, Cleave and Great Cleave. I don't see anyone taking Great Cleave.

Stonegrind Wrestling similarly requires Endurance and Great Fortitude. I don't see a grappler build wasting feat slots taking those.

Also, here's a link for the text of martial arts styles.

Dragon #338 has rules for a staff familiar ACF (applying to any class that offers a familiar).  This is pretty weak unto itself, but eventually opens the door for having a spell-trigger staff at 12th level that you can recharge with your own spell slots.  This becomes exceptionally effective at the higher levels, since the recharge rate is one charge per 5 spell levels; when "casting" 9th level spells through your staff rather than unaided, you come close to getting two of them for each 9th level slot!
You also have to spend two feats on it, Craft Staff and Recharge Staff (and a lot of money), but I see how it could be useful (burning lower-level spellslots to fuel 9th-level ones? hell yeah). Staff of Time Stop or Shapechange would be a good choice. It could also be used to avoid XP costs for spells like Gate or Wish.

Initiate of Obad-Hai (Dragon 342 – 51) gives you the ability to spontaneously cast summon nature's ally spells.
Could be used to get into druid prcs. In particular, if you got wildshape somehow (e.g. Divine Minion), you'd be able to enter Planar Shepherd. Obad-Hai isn't an Eberron god though.

The magic-blooded template is actually in Dragon 306 pg 64 -- what you're referencing is a fluff article called "Magic in the Blood" ;)
Thank you, I've updated the reference.

On the Wedded to History thing, I'll change my wording to mean "could work, ask your DM". Some of the backgrounds are nice, but very niche-y. So it's basically included because of the assumption that it's meant to provide a character with a lifetime of hundreds or thousands of years (even if the character were to 'age normally' after the start of the game).

I need to go to bed now. I'm not going to lie to you, updating the OP to include the new stuff will not happen for some time. But I hear ya, and I will try to do it before the thread moves off the first page of the handbooks forum.

Handbooks / Re: Monsters with innate spellcasting
« on: December 02, 2011, 02:22:13 PM »
Well, it's been a few days, I guess I'll go.. these should fit nicely into your table

Artaaglith(Demon) 5th lvl ClericOutsider5CRGhostwalk
Decaton(Hierarch Modron) 10th lvl ClericOutsider108PWE
Nonaton(Hierarch Modron) 12th lvl ClericOutsider1110PWE
Octon(Hierarch Modron) 14th lvl ClericOutsider1211PWE
Septon(Hierarch Modron) 16th lvl Cleric and 12th lvl SorcererOutsider1312PWE
Hexton(Hierarch Modron) 18th lvl ClericOutsider1413PWE
Quinton(Hierarch Modron) 20th lvl ClericOutsider1514PWE
Quarton(Hierarch Modron) 20th lvl ClericOutsider1615PWE
Tertian(Hierarch Modron) 20th lvl Cleric and 20th lvl SorcererOutsider1716PWE
Secundus(Hierarch Modron) 20th lvl Cleric and 20th lvl SorcererOutsider1819PWE

PWE = Manual of the Planes Web Enhancement
Those modrons also have a ton of spell-likes and some psionics too
NOTE:yes, these modrons are 3.0 and Dragon (IIRC) updated modrons to 3.5 but I like these better  :plotting
AFB right now, will update that ghostwalk guy's CR later

Err. See, I'm the last one to want to rain on anyone's parade, but... sorry, I can't accept 3.0 material that has actually been updated to 3.5. If they're identical (for the purposes of this thread) and you just want the source to be Manual of the Planes, please say so. I will mention it, but I also want the Issue of the Dragon that updates them.

Handbooks / Re: Useful Dragon Magazine Stuff
« on: November 26, 2011, 05:14:09 PM »
dead eye also appeared in the dragon compendium book, might be useful to include all sources.

excellent point about the dragon dex. ^^

I only list the most recent source. That'd be the Dragon Compendium. Will change the OP to reflect this. Thanks.

I've also change the style of the OP significantly, in an effort to make it more pleasing to the eyes and less of a wall of text. Suggestions/feedback is always welcome.

Handbooks / Re: Useful Dragon Magazine Stuff
« on: November 26, 2011, 04:28:31 PM »
you should be made aware of the DragonDex


i imagine it will be useful in finding specifics. it is sans rules descriptives. however, that keeps it safe from hasbro lawyers, so, can't complain much.

Thanks, I already knew of DragonDex. The reason I didn't use page numbers from DragonDex is because iirc they always list the beginning of the article as the page. But since that's better than no page number...

I've added page numbers from DragonDex to Dead Eye (feat) and Extra Curses (feat).

Martial Monk (alternate base class), choose monk bonus feats from the fighter bonus feat list. Monk bonus feats don't need to meet prerequisites. Grab Weapon Supremacy and Shock Trooper in 2 levels of monk. [DR #310 p45]
Perhaps this is the wrong place for to say this, but I don't think it actually does bypass the prerequisite restriction. The monk feature refers to "these feats": "A monk need not have any of the prerequisites normally required for these feats to select them."

However, the monk feature is called "bonus feat", which only achieves any pluralization by listing a number of specific feats. My case is that the clause applies only to those listed feats.

Like everything Monk, this was a hot topic on BG. I'm not touching it with a 10' pole. Please open a new thread if you want to argue that point.

But I will remove the elven generalist + hummingbird familiar combo.
Quote from: Races of the Wild, p. 157
Natural Link (Su): At 3rd level, an elf wizard’s link to her familiar strengthens. The bonus on skill checks, saves, or hit points granted by the familiar doubles.
That's clearly an exclusive list.

Handbooks / Useful Dragon Magazine Stuff
« on: November 25, 2011, 03:32:25 AM »
Old thread: [BG] Useful Dragon Magazine Stuff

Let's make this a compilation thread for all the stuff from Dragon Magazine that COers use more frequently.

See also: [BG] Useful Dungeon Magazine Finds for stuff from Dungeon Magazine.

I don't want this to grow into a list of all dragon magazine stuff (though something like that would be handy), I just wanted to have a list of nifty things people may want to use if allowed. Stuff that was updated to 3.5 in Dragon would be handy, though. Sources are important in cases of someone having access only to certain issues of Dragon. If anything like this already exists, let me know (Google or The Web Archive will have copies).

Alternate classes/class features
  • Hummingbird familiar (alternate familiar) [Dragon #323 p98]
    Grants +4 to init. You're a wizard. You're probably playing rocket tag. Increased init means increased chances that you shoot your rocket first.

  • Imbued Staff + Recharge Staff (ACF + feat) [Dragon #338 p58 + p60]
    Lose your familiar. Gain a staff familiar. Take the Craft Staff and Recharge Staff feats. You can now recharge your staff at a rate of 5 spell levels for 1 charge. It's a way to avoid XP costs for some spells by burning leftover spell slots instead. It can also effectively convert 2 lower-level spell slots into a 9th-level one. You do the math.

  • Martial Monk (alternate base class) [Dragon #310 p45]
    Choose monk bonus feats from the fighter bonus feat list. Monk bonus feats don't need to meet prerequisites. Grab Weapon Supremacy and Shock Trooper in 2 levels of monk.

  • Mystic Ranger (alternate base class) [Dragon #336 p105]
    Grants improved spell progression and spell list in exchange for an animal companion and slower access to combat style mastery (ranged only). Best used with the Sword of the Arcane Order [CoV p34] feat.

Base classes, prestige classes, races, templates
  • Death Master (class) [Dragon Compendium Volume 1, p29]
    The class has Animate Dead as 2nd level spell. This means that Artificers can make scrolls of Animate Dead at level 1.

  • Green Whisperer (prestige class) [Dragon #311 p69]
    The ideal class to fill the gaps in a Fochlucan Lyrist build. Advances bard and druid casting and bardic knowledge+music.

  • Half-Minotaur (template) [Dragon #313 p94]
    +4 str +2 con -2 int, Scent, Track, Gore Attack, +2 NA, miscellaneous stuff, and a size increase if the base creature was small or medium, netting 10ft to all movement modes, an additional +4str –2dex +2con –1 AB&AC if the base creature was small or +8str –2dex +4con +2NA –1 AB&AC if it was medium. All for a measely +1 LA.

  • Heartfire Fanner (prestige class) [Dragon #314 p23]
    Known for its ability to grant bonus feats to allies. Must be a fighter feat or a feat the HF possesses. Five levels, full casting, full bardic music progression. Also grants bardic music as Bard 5 if the character doesn't have the bardic music class feature already. Hard entry requirements for non-bards (need perform and diplomacy as class skills).

  • Magic-blooded, "Spark" (template) [Dragon #306 p64]
    +2 Cha, -2 wis, and some other minor bonuses, for +0 LA. Not to be confused with the feat "magic in the blood".

  • Tome Dragon (monster/race) [Dragon #343, p42]
    As wyrmling, grants 3 sorc casting levels for 3HD and +5LA. Gets all sorc conjuration/divination spells and spells from the knowledge domain as bonus spells known.

  • Unseelie Fey (template) [Dragon Compendium Volume 1, p222]
    -2 str, +2 dex, -2 con, +2 cha, a choice between: permanent magic circle-like ability, a no-save 5ft debuff aura (-saves = cha-mod), targeted dispel magic cha+1/day or the ability to remove dazed, nauseated, fatigued, and exhausted conditions at will; also random wings and vision and some DR/cold iron depending on HD, for the price of +0LA.

  • Alternative Source Spell (metamagic feat) [Dragon #325 p61] (link)
    Makes you able to prepare a spell as either divine or arcane at -2 CL (mind the prereqs).

  • Chaos Music (feat) [Dragon #326 p80] (link)
    Think Practiced Spellcaster, only for bardic music.

  • Customize Domain (feat) [Dragon #325 p61] (link)
    Swap one domain's spells out for some more to your liking from "any spell list you have access to". There's some rather harsh restrictions for standard domains, too.

  • Dead Eye (feat) [Dragon Compendium Volume I, p106] (link)
    Add dex to damage with ranged weapons you took Weapon Focus for, up to 30ft. The errata for Dragon Compendium change the BAB requirement back to +1.

  • Easy Metamagic (feat) [Dragon #325 p62] (link)
    Lowers the cost of one metamagic feat by one.

  • Enspell Familiar (feat) [Dragon Compendium Volume 1, p97] (link)
    You're considered to be in contact with your familiar as long as it's within 1 mile of you. So, for example, you can share buffs with it while it's sneaking into a castle. Or have it deliver touch spells while you're at a distance.

  • Extra Curse (feat) [Dragon #339 p93]
    Simple: gain more uses of your Hexblade's Curse ability.

  • Extra Familiar (feat) [Dragon #280 p62] (link)
    1 extra familiar per feat used. The win is obvious.

  • Faerie Mysteries Initiate (greyhawk regional feat) [Dragon #319 p58] (link)
    Replaces con with int to determine HP.

  • Focused Performance (feat) [Dragon #338 p89]
    Spend bardic music uses for a variety of effects, the biggest among which are: 1) doubling the bonuses/penalties of bardic music; only affects one creature 2) maintaining two instances of bardic music in parallel.

  • Initiate of Obad-Hai (feat) [Dragon #342 p51] (link)
    As a divine spellcaster with patron deity Obad-Hai, you'll be able to spontaneously cast summon nature's ally spells just like a druid can. Compare Spontaneous Summoner [CD p85].

  • Keen Intellect (rokugan regional feat) [Dragon #318 p38]
    Replaces wis with int for will saves and heal, sense motive, spot and survival

  • Kung Fu Genius (feat) [Dragon Compendium Volume 1, p101] (link)
    Use intelligence for all your monk abilities. Mostly used to get around the LG restriction on Carmendine Monk.

  • Serenity (feat) [Dragon #306 p100] (link)
    Makes your paladin abilities use wis instead of cha, including turning. Good in prestige paladin builds if you want to dump cha.

  • Secret of the Firebrands (greyhawk feat) [Dragon #306 p98]
    Paladins can now make (and use) renaissance firearms (afaics, the pistol and the musket, as per DMG p145), even though the rest of the world hasn't figured them out yet. It's 3.0 and tied to a greyhawk deity, though, so be careful. Better on a cohort, imho.

  • Troll-Blooded (greyhawk regional feat) [Dragon #319 p61] (link)
    Grants regeneration 1 and makes you fatigued in sunlight. I'll type that again. It's a feat that grants regeneration 1. Tied to a greyhawk region, though.

  • Wedded to History (feat) [Dragon #354 p54]
    Can only be taken at 1st level, gives you a background of being really really old. One background makes UMD a class skill (usable untrained, reduced chance of mishap), and another makes you impervious to attacks based on your creature type (only available for 'living' characters). Yet another lets you communicate in any language with a DC15 int check (and use any skill untrained with a -2 penalty). It is implied (but not required) that DMs should assign the Endless (Ex) quality to you, making maximum age irrelevant for you. Talk to your DM.

Updated to 3.5
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Handbooks / Monsters with innate spellcasting
« on: November 25, 2011, 02:17:31 AM »
One day I thought a list of monsters with associated spellcasting might be handy. For DMs who want to challenge their players, and for players in gestalt games with too much ECL on their hands.

Another use that is slightly more broken is to use polymorph, manipulate form or acquire special quality/attack to gain one of these. Although I didn't know why at the time, this preliminary list is sorted according to type (which is useful info for polymorph). Note: Only Arkamoi, Hobgoblin Warcaster, Hobgoblin Warsoul (MMV) and Lilitu (FCI) have (Ex) spellcasting and are completely kosher for this sort of thing.

Sources covered so far:
  • Epic Level Handbook / Epic SRD section
  • Fiend Folio
  • Fiendish Codex I (thanks Emy)
  • Book of Exalted Deeds (thanks salt_crow)
  • Forgotten Realms - Underdark (thanks ksbsnowowl)
  • Lords of Madness & XPH (thanks Agita)
  • Bestiary of Krynn (thanks Ivory Knight)

I'd be happy to have your additions.

Link to old thread: [BG] Monsters with innate spellcasting

For players looking to play these races: The ECL-SPL column includes ECL - spellcaster level. A rating of 0-1 is excellent, 2-3 is good, the rest is mediocre to outright garbage. If the number is marked with a "b", it's possible to buy off one LA in a ECL20 build. If it is marked with "bb", two LA can be bought off.

Name                        Spellcasting/Manifesting   Type                    HD      LA      CR      ECL-SPLSource
Drider6th lvl Cleric or Sorc or WizAbberation6+474SRD
Elder Brain20th lvl SorcererAbberation2625LoM
Elder Brain, Psionic20th lvl TelepathAbberation2625LoM
Ethergaunt, Black17th lvl WizardAbberation16+4173FF
Ethergaunt, Red9th lvl WizardAbberation5+793FF
Ethergaunt, White13th lvl WizardAbberation11+5133FF
Mind Flayer, Psionic9th lvl TelepathAbberation8+786MMI/XPH
Mind Flayer, Ulitharid Psionic13th lvl TelepathAbberation12+9126LoM
Naga, Dark7th lvl SorcererAbberation98SRD
Naga, Guardian9th lvl Sorcerer1Abberation1110SRD
Naga, Spirit7th lvl Sorcerer1Abberation99SRD
Naga, Water7th lvl SorcererAbberation77SRD
Draconian, Vapor4th lvl MysticDragon4+353bBestiary of Krynn
Draconian, Lightning6th lvl PaladinDragon6+575Bestiary of Krynn
Linnorm, Corpse Tearer17th lvl ClericDragon2828MMII
Linnorm, Dread18th lvl SorcererDragon2025MMII
Linnorm, Gray17th lvl ClericDragon1320MMII
Tylor5th lvl SorcererDragon7+2264bbBestiary of Krynn
Elemental Weird18th lvl SorcererElemental1512MMII
Immoth12th lvl SorcererElemental10+697MMII
Cheshire Cat3rd lvl SorcererFey3+333bbWeb
Gloura7th lvl BardFey7+272bbUnd
Huldrefolk8th lvl SorcererFey6+886Bestiary of Krynn
Nymph7th lvl DruidFey6+776SRD
Fensir5th lvl WizardGiant4+554FF
Androsphinx6th lvl ClericMagical Beast12+5 2911SRD
Aranea3rd lvl SorcererMagical Beast3+444bbSRD
Arcanist Varrangoin9th lvl WizardMagical Beast8? 711FF
Chronotyryn12th lvl SorcererMagical Beast17? 619FF
Lammasu7th lvl ClericMagical Beast7+585SRD
Spirit of the Air7th lvl ClericMagical Beast11? 611FF
Threskisphinx6th lvl DruidMagical Beast10+5 289Sand
Abeil Queen16th lvl DruidMonstr. Humanoid1312MMII
Arkamoi4th lvl Sorcerer (Ex)Monstr. Humanoid4+444bMMV
Hobgoblin Warcaster4th lvl Wizard (Ex)Monstr. Humanoid4+343bMMV
Hobgoblin Warsoul9th lvl Wizard (Ex)Monstr. Humanoid10+485MMV
Jackal Lord8th lvl ClericMonstr. Humanoid8+484FF
Kyrie3rd lvl MysticMonstr. Humanoid4+324bBeastiary of Krynn
Marrutact5th lvl WizardMonstr. Humanoid7+355bSand
Protean Scourge8th lvl SorcererMonstr. Humanoid1312MMIII
Redspawn Arcaniss6th lvl SorcererMonstr. Humanoid8+466bMMIV
Spell Weaver12th lvl Sorcerer3Monstr. Humanoid10+7105MMII
Unbodied4th lvl TelepathMonstr. Humanoid4+444bXPH
Arcanaloth9th lvl SorcererOutsider12+71710MMII
Couatl9th lvl Sorcerer1Outsider9+7107SRD
Firre (Eladrin)12th lvl ClericOutsider8+10106BoED
Formian Queen17th lvl SorcererOutsider2017SRD
Ghaele (Eladrin)12th lvl ClericOutsider10+10138SRD/SS
Klurichir (Tanar'ri)10th lvl SorcererOutsider20? 625FF
Lilitu (Tanar'ri)9th lvl Cleric4 (Ex)Outsider1412FCI
Lillend6th lvl BardOutsider7+67SRD
Planetar17th lvl ClericOutsider1416SRD
Rakshasa7th lvl SorcererOutsider7+7107SRD
Rakshasa, Ak'chazar12th lvl SorcererOutsider17+51510MMIII
Shator8th lvl SorcererOutsider15? 616FF
Solar20th lvl ClericOutsider2223SRD
Sylph7th lvl Sorcerer5Outsider3+551MMII
Trumpet Archon14th lvl ClericOutsider12+8146SRD
Ursinal (Guardinal)12th lvl WizardOutsider10+8106BoED
Bone Naga14th lvl SorcererUndead1511MMII
Icegaunt5h lvl Druid (no fire spells)Undead106Frost

1 can also choose from the cleric list
2 (cohort)
3 actually it's HD+2, with a maximum of 30 racial HD
4 uses Cha as casting stat, no spontaneous cure/inflict
5 actually it's HD+4, with a maximum of 9 racial HD
6 LA was not mentioned in 3.5 booklets updating FF (not even LA —)
7 same as 6, but can advance by character class (should have had an LA listed)

Special mention:
True Dragons (various), various casting abilities. See dragon PC races.
Phaerimm (LEoF), sorcerer casting equal to "character level" as SLAs
Sharn (Anauroch: The Empire of Shade), 6th/6th sorcerer/favored soul casting; 4HD, +5LA, CR8; cast spells as SLAs; can't be polymorphed into
Swarms (various); hive-minds gain sorcerer casting according to the number of individuals in a swarm; Cranium Rat Swarms (FF) gain psion casting of choice

Here is a list of domains accessible by monsters with cleric casting or sorcerer casting with clerical access. A (list) entry means that the domains' spells are added to that monster's spell list.

Domain access
Drider (cleric casting only)Two of: Chaos, Destruction, Evil, Trickery
Naga, GuardianGood and Law (list)
Naga, SpiritChaos and Evil (list)
Linnorm, Corpse TearerDestruction and Evil (list)
Linnorm, GrayDestruction and Evil (list)
AndrosphinxTwo of: Good, Healing, Protection
LammasuTwo of: Good, Healing, Knowledge, Law
Spirit of the AirAir and Luck
Jackal LordAnimal and Evil
CouatlAir, Good, and Law (list)
Firre (Eladrin)Chaos, Fire, Good, and Magic (list)
Ghaele (Eladrin)Two of: Air, Animal, Chaos, Good, Plant, (deity's domains)
Lilitu (Tanar'ri)Demonic and Trickery
PlanetarTwo of: Air, Destruction, Good, Law, War, (deity's domains)
SolarTwo of: Air, Destruction, Good, Law, War, (deity's domains)
Trumpet ArchonTwo of: Air, Destruction, Good, Law, War, (deity's domains)

Epic stuff:
Name                        Spellcasting                Type                          HD      LA      CR      Source
Ha-Naga21st lvl SorcererAbberation2022ELH/SRD
Neh-Thalggu (Brain Collector)13th lvl SorcererAbberation3226ELH/SRD
Titan, Elder29th lvl Wizard or ClericOutsider7030ELH/SRD

What's still to come?
  • I will add the domain information that's contained in my spreadsheet eventually. Done. 2012/11/28
  • Will now work on ECL-spellcasting column. Done. 2011/11/25

Handbooks / Re: Tier System for PrCs - Reboot
« on: November 25, 2011, 01:37:14 AM »
I don't understand. Do you mean the "Why Down Two PrCs are Down Two Tiers" etc. threads for PrCs? There's only two I could find of those. More would be better!

That's exactly what I meant.

Now I just need to figure out how many posts we need in the thread itself before I can let people post.

There's ~500 PrCs in my index, and that excludes most Eberron stuff. Character limit on this forum is 40,000. My suggestion is you reserve around 8-10 posts.

Handbooks / Re: Tier System for PrCs - Reboot
« on: November 25, 2011, 12:56:32 AM »
Quick question: Would you mind it if we restarted the "Why each class is in it's tier" threads as a sticky in the main Minmax section?

I don't understand. Do you mean the "Why Down Two PrCs are Down Two Tiers" etc. threads for PrCs? There's only two I could find of those. More would be better!

Or do you mean this thread should somehow be subsumed in a new thread? That would be fine, too, but I would appreciate it if you told me before I do more work on this thread.

If this is just about JaronK's Tiers, you have the wrong guy.

edit: Either way, I don't mind. If someone wants to take over from here, I'd actually be grateful.

Handbooks / Re: Tier System for PrCs - Reboot
« on: November 24, 2011, 11:50:22 PM »
Reserved Post #2

This is the last post to be reserved.

Handbooks / Re: Tier System for PrCs - Reboot
« on: November 24, 2011, 11:49:47 PM »
Reserved Post #1

This and the next post are reserved for by-prc information.

Handbooks / Tier System for PrCs - PrCs By Book
« on: November 24, 2011, 11:48:07 PM »
Book of Exalted Deeds
(click to show/hide)

Book of Vile Darkness
(click to show/hide)

Champions of Ruin
(click to show/hide)

Champions of Valor
(click to show/hide)

(click to show/hide)

Complete Adventurer
(click to show/hide)

Complete Arcane
(click to show/hide)

Complete Divine
(click to show/hide)

Complete Mage
(click to show/hide)

Complete Psionics
(click to show/hide)

Complete Scoundrel
(click to show/hide)

Complete Warrior
(click to show/hide)

(click to show/hide)

Drow of the Underdark
(click to show/hide)

Dungeon Master's Guide
(click to show/hide)

Eberron Campaign Setting
(click to show/hide)

Expanded Psionics Handbook
(click to show/hide)

Expedition to the Demonweb Pits
(click to show/hide)

Faiths and Pantheons
(click to show/hide)

Faiths of Eberron
(click to show/hide)

(click to show/hide)

Heroes of Battle
(click to show/hide)

Heroes of Horror
(click to show/hide)

Libris Mortis
(click to show/hide)

Lords of Madness
(click to show/hide)

Lost Empires of Faerûn
(click to show/hide)

Magic of Incarnum
(click to show/hide)

Miniatures Handbook
(click to show/hide)

Planar Handbook
(click to show/hide)

Player's Guide to Faerûn
(click to show/hide)

Races of Destiny
(click to show/hide)

Races of Eberron
(click to show/hide)

Races of Faerûn
(click to show/hide)

Races of Stone
(click to show/hide)

Races of the Dragon
(click to show/hide)

Races of the Wild
(click to show/hide)

(click to show/hide)

Serpent Kingdoms
(click to show/hide)

Shattered Gates of Slaughtergarde
(click to show/hide)

Shining South
(click to show/hide)

(click to show/hide)

Tome of Battle
(click to show/hide)

Tome of Magic
(click to show/hide)

Unapproachable East
(click to show/hide)

(click to show/hide)

Handbooks / Tier System for PrCs - PrCs By Tier
« on: November 24, 2011, 11:46:44 PM »
Marvelous Tier prestige classes (+2)
(click to show/hide)

Good to Great Tier prestige classes (+1)
(click to show/hide)

Mediocre Tier prestige classes (+0)
(click to show/hide)

Bad to Awful Tier prestige classes (-1)
(click to show/hide)

Catastrophic Tier prestige classes (-2)
(click to show/hide)

Handbooks / Tier System for PrCs - Reboot
« on: November 24, 2011, 11:46:08 PM »

Now that the forum moved, I thought I might pick up where I left and actually finish something I started.

The rules that govern this resource have evolved over a period of time, with input from many members of this and other boards. In the following, I will try to codify what we worked out so far, and hope to clear up some common confusions that tend to pop up every time this system is mentioned to someone new to the concept.

What are Tiers for? What makes a PrC powerful?

Tiers are a way of comparing different levels of power, in this case among prestige classes.

As to what constitutes power, we've come to a consensus that to be powerful, a PrC must improve the build it is inserted to, and to be weak, a PrC must worsen the build it is inserted into.

Now, there are a million and more ways to construct a build, and we would have a hard time to account for every one of them. But, my postulation is, that's not absolutely necessary. Considering the case where only base classes are taken before the PrC is entered, the relative power of a PrC can be accurately captured by how much it improves the combination of base classes that benefits the most from entering this PrC, compared to taking more base-class levels. We call this the logical entry build. Recent ratings of PrCs always include logical entry, so that we can see what the reference build for the rating is and see how the PrC makes that a better build, and by how much.

We currently ignore the case where multiple PrCs are entered for synergy, for two main reasons. First of all, with so many options, it will not be easy for a rater to find the best possible combination of PrCs, feats, etc. to make it all shine as bright as can be. Even if one poster thinks he's got the best deal possible, there is tremendous room for disagreement. So this point can be summed up as: Logical entries containing PrCs are hard.
Secondly, there is the issue of applicability. For this resource to be useful, it needs to apply to a reasonably wide range of cases. If one specialized build jumps a Tier because of a PrC, that doesn't tell us much about the PrC and more about the build. I think the use case of base class only entries is huge on its own and gives a great approximation of the overall crunch the PrC brings to the table.

There are exceptions to this rule, though. Sometimes, the character needs to be of a certain race, or group of races. In cases where this is an issue (such as Soul Eater, Drow Judicator), the race is an integral part of the prestige class and must be considered part of the prestige class. You would try to pick the race with the lowest ECL possible, unless that cripples the build overmuch, since you want the power rating of a PrC to be as independent of the power of the race as possible (using races that are made of win to rate a PrC just doesn't reflect much on the PrC). Also, most racial HD are not made of win and so the lowest ECL is better anyway (you'd pick lesser drow for drow judicator, for example).
The same goes for classes with specialized SLA requirements, like Fiend of Possession. The ECL of the entry race must be considered in the rating, since there simply is no 'cheaper' way to enter the PrC.
If the sample build for the PrC (including: logical entry, at least 1/2 the levels in the PrC, and the race's ECL adjustments) is above ECL20, it is not a valid build to rate this PrC with. If there is no build of at most ECL20, then the PrC is unplayable/unrateable.

Another issue we must concern ourselves with is how a lot of PrCs have unevenly distributed goodies. Some are front-loaded, some are late-bloomers. 'Dipping' is common practice on these boards for just that reason. So, what gives us a good measure of a PrC as a whole? If you just take one or two levels and then ditch it, is the prestige class really that good? If the last two levels give only shitty abilities, is the class automatically bad? I think not. Therefore, the rule is that any build analyzed to rate a prestige class must contain at least 1/2 the levels in the prestige class, rounded up (in case of fractions). For PrCs that require a race with ECL2+ (see previous paragraph), racial levels do not count for this calculation. For PrCs that are 'too short', all levels must be taken. This 'shortness' limit currently hovers somewhere around the 5 levels mark (use sound judgement).

Terminology, or What does that mean, an "up two" PrC? Is a Tier 4 class with a +2 PrC now Tier 2?

We get those questions a lot whenever someone new to the concept gets introduced to it. The short answer to the latter question is no, a Tier 4 class with a "+2" PrC is not automatically Tier 2.

The more detailed answer:

Perhaps it is best to have a fresh start for the (confusing) terminology in this system. In brief, we have categorized PrCs into five broad categories:
  • Marvelous prestige classes

    These PrCs improve the power of their entry classes dramatically, either by building on strengths or by adding powerful new ones.  Expect characters with these to blow their base-classed peers out of the water. Or to earn FLAC from the DM, because some of these open doors to ridiculous power. To be included in this set, a prestige class must raise the logical entry's tier by one or more (though not every PrC that boosts a logical entry by one tier is a marvelous prestige class). What constitutes a Tier 0 or lower character is subject to board-wide consensus.
    For historical reasons, and for brevity, we call these the "up two" or +2 prestige classes.

  • Good to Great prestige classes

    These PrCs generally improve their entry classes substantially, without affecting game balance quite so abundantly as marvelous prestige classes (they may still gain a tier).
    For historical reasons, and for brevity, we call these the "up one" or +1 prestige classes.

  • Mediocre prestige classes

    These PrCs are roughly on par with their logical entries overall, trading strengths in certain areas for strengths in others, or providing moderate gains for a moderate investment (e.g. required feats or unfavorable multiclassing).  Expect characters with these to stay on very much the same power level.
    For historical reasons, and for brevity, we call these the "even" or +0 prestige classes.

  • Bad to Awful prestige classes

    These PrCs are generally strictly inferior to their logical entries, losing out on important features in order to gain things that are likely not to matter in the long run, without screwing you over quite as much as catastrophic prestige classes (they may still drop a tier).
    For historical reasons, and for brevity, we call these the "down one" or -1 prestige classes.

  • Catastrophic prestige classes

    These PrCs completely fail to do whatever they were trying to do, or make heavy sacrifices for little to no gain.  Expect characters with these to be unplayable without heavy optimization effort, or some cunning trick. In some cases, it is preferable to play a straight Truenamer. Again, to be included in this set, a PrC must lower the logical entry's Tier by one or more (though not every PrC that lowers a logical entry by one tier is a catastrophic prestige class).
    For historical reasons, and for brevity, we call these the "down two" or -2 prestige classes.

Basically, the set of marvelous prestige classes is the treasure chest, the set of catastrophic prestige classes is the poison well. Mediocre prestige classes don't give much, but also don't take much; the logical entry is exactly as well-off or screwed as before. The other two sets are continuums between those three.

How to rate a PrC

A simple 5-step process without unexpected ???s followed by "Profit!":

1. Figure out what the logical entry for this prestige class is.
The logical entry is a build stub detailing a progression of base classes, i.e. Ranger 1/Scout 2/Ranger +2

You should think of the build that, in your opinion, would profit most from entering this prestige class, at the lowest sensible ECL.

It should not use early-entry tricks. Feats/skills/etc. should be picked only if it's a requirement for the PrC.

2. Make an exemplary build
An exemplary build consists of the logical entry and at least 1/2 the levels of the PrC (rounded up). Pick race only if necessary. Must be ECL20 or lower (without LA buy-off).

3. Make a reference build
A reference build is a fairly optimized but reasonable build consisting of the logical entry and more base-class levels at the same ECL as the other build.

4. Compare the two builds
Note: Neither build needs full documentation. You just need them for the following thought experiment.

Compare what one gains over the other.

If the character doesn't learn a new trick and doesn't get significantly better at the things it's already good at, you've got a good +0 candidate right there.

If the gains of the exemplary build significantly exceed the losses, compared to the reference build, it's likely to be +1. If you believe it might be +2, prepare for all-out war with the forum regulars (or say "+1 (might be +2)" ).

If the losses of the exemplary build greatly exceed the gains, compared to the reference build, analyze just *how* crippled it is compared to the reference build. If it's near unplayable (one million miles away from being an appropriate challenge for the reference build), then it's probably a -2. All other cases are likely to be -1.

5. Post your results (including logical entry)
People will agree or disagree with you; either way, we'll all have a much better understanding of the prestige class, thanks to you. Yay you!

About this resource

Books included so far and average tier:
(click to show/hide)

Books that are missing are mostly my fault for being lazy. Most of them have been rated. When I've caught up with the current feedback, I will add more books to the lists and I will post a (thankfully short) list of books which are still unrated.

Older versions of this thread and related material
Why Down Two PrC are Down Two Tiers. by Gr1lledcheese
Why up 2 tier prcs are up 2 tiers by HCL

Tier System for PrCs - Your help needed - the predecessor thread
[GitP] Zeal's (in-progress) Tier System for PrCs - Zeal's GitP post
[BG] Zeal's (in-progress) Tier System for PrCs - Zeal's original thread

The spreadsheet with all the collected information:
spreadsheet in *.ods (OpenOffice) format
spreadsheet in *.xls (Excel) format (zipped)

The scripts I use to convert information from the spreadsheet into BBCode for this forum:
Generate Lists by Tier or by Book @ Rapidshare
Generate List of Books with Average Tier @ Rapidshare

They are written in javascript and come in the form of small, self-contained html files. They have been tested in the newest versions of Chromium, Internet Explorer, Firefox and Opera (the functionality should survive even older browsers, though the styling may not). I've recently cleaned them up and made them easier to understand and thus, easier to modify.

If anyone wants a file host other than rapidshare, tell me and I'll try to upload it there (if it's free). It's just that as of today (2011-11-25), RS is and has been for a few months, the only hoster that's fast, ads-free and doesn't make you wait.

Introduce Yourself / Re: It's a-me, Kuroimaken.
« on: November 07, 2011, 07:20:16 PM »
I choose your thread to deposit my second post.

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