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Messages - Zonugal

Pages: [1] 2 3 4 5
Min/Max 3.x / Re: need help with an human artificer
« on: March 04, 2012, 01:13:49 PM »
Look at picking up Shape Soulmeld (Mage's Spectacles) instead of Skill Focus (Use Magical Device) as it'll provide signifigantly better bonuses.

Off Topic Fun / Re: The Small Rants Thread, Continued...
« on: January 17, 2012, 08:44:13 PM »
So my family's dog of 18 years had to be put down today because of a cavalcade of medical issues plagueing her for the past five months.

This is the first time I have cried in twelve years.

And tonight I will drink a thousand beers in remembrance.

Legends of the Heroes / Re: Help needed; making Gambit from X-Men
« on: January 09, 2012, 04:36:16 PM »
Wiggins, I'd watch out on spreading your character too thin. You have a lot of focuses and you don't want to fall into the trap of a Jack of All Trades.

I honestly think an Ascetic Mage build works fairly well. A build like Monk 2/Sorcerer X can be rocking charisma to AC, using the Fiery Burst reserve feat to imitate Gambits power and with Slippers of Battledancing you can be using Cha for attacks & damage.

Legends of the Heroes / Re: Super Reduction: Superheroes in E6
« on: December 22, 2011, 07:48:50 PM »
This sounds so cool, but I don't know anything about E6. I thought it was just a 6th-level dungeon campaign or something. You can get infinite feats?
Technically yes. Basically you stop advancing levels at level 6, and just get more feats from then on.

And because of this defense/health can continue to be raised at a rate far-outmatching any offensive optimization of a character.

Legends of the Heroes / Re: Super Reduction: Superheroes in E6
« on: December 22, 2011, 07:47:51 PM »
I'd say make Gambit a Monk 2/Warlock 4 - his blasts don't seem to have much of a limit to them, and the "deal with the devil" fluff seems appropriate. You occasionally get him charging huge objects to explode for massive damage, which I suppose you could handle with items.

What about a Monk 2/Sorcerer 4 with the Ascetic Mage feat (for Cha to AC which Gambit certainly pulls off) who flurries with a quarterstaff and uses the Fiery Burst reserve feat to simulate his signature ability?

For Storm, maybe a warmage. PF druid has a few ACFs (and the ability to take a domain instead of an animal companion) which simulate her better.

Someone over at GitPG suggested going with Shugenja 6 with a the fire elemental focus (& using Energy Substitution: Electricity).

Colossus needs the Fling Ally feat. :p Maybe make him a warforged, since IIRC his metal form doesn't need to breathe.

I would probably end up staying away from having him be a Warforged as I could do a lot of re-flavoring but in the end Colossus isn't a robot and that's what he'd be... Plus with Warforged you can qualify for feats like Fling Ally/Enemy & Knock-Back.

Wolverine doesn't have the Healing Factor feat? :p
Oh certainly. I think Wolverine has every Shifter feat he can manage to pick-up.

The classic "Hulk" build is Goliath barbarian/war hulk; you only qualify for war hulk while raging. Throw in Reckless Rage while you're at it. Sandstorm has an ACF which trades Improved Uncanny Dodge for a bonus feat.

The problem I have with this type of build is it completely throws any aspect of Bruce Banner 'under the bus.' I think buffing and polymorph-like affects do a good enough job at transforming one into the Hulk while also allowing for the intelligence & versatility of Banner.

(Arch)angel = Raptoran... something.

Or a Lesser Aasimar with the Winged template?

Legends of the Heroes / Super Reduction: Superheroes in E6
« on: December 17, 2011, 04:25:22 PM »
Lately I have come upon the realization that beyond the conventional 20th-level characters or epic characters of D&D 3.5 that the E6 variant may be the best “system” to model, adapt and construct superhero characters into the realm of the traditional D&D realm. While functioning at a significantly lower level, as a result of the boundaries of E6, the access to what is effectively unlimited feats presents the ability to flesh-out & make much more durable superheroes than one might find in a traditional D&D game. Through feats like Toughness, Improved Natural Armor, Roll With it, Thick-Skinned, Extra Spell, Open Minded and much more we may find ourselves able to apply a greater customization to these comic books characters.

The purpose of this thread to mull over such a concept and see what comes about. I have my own ideas, which I will present below and would love to hear thoughts, criticisms and ideas regarding some of them. For the purposes of this though I am making some assumptions regarding the E6 variant, the most prominent being that there are no 4th-level or high spells. What this means is an Artificer stops progressing, spell-wise, at 4th level. But with that said let us progress. 

The Fantastic Four

(click to show/hide)

The X-Men

(click to show/hide)

The Avengers

(click to show/hide)

Those are just some of my ideas but what do you folks think?

D&D 3.5 and Pathfinder / Re: Mastery of strategery
« on: December 14, 2011, 06:04:01 PM »
Knowledge Devotion represents this a bit, although you could probably home-brew a teamwork benefit akin to either the Nightsong Infiltrator's Teamwork Infintration as mentioned below or an Assassin's death attack model (analyze a battle for three-rounds than grant yourself an insight bonus to stuff).


D&D 3.5 and Pathfinder / Re: Our Town is Under Attack!
« on: December 08, 2011, 06:00:23 PM »
I imagine there would be castles and such but most of the important structures would have an underground level as a means of safety/escape during a magical/aerial attack. Something akin to the white house.

Off Topic Fun / Re: Criticism of Moderation
« on: December 07, 2011, 03:42:02 PM »
Man, for someone who apparently holds no respect for anybody/anything here he sure does make it a point to keep visiting.

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Let's Optimize Chuck Norris!
« on: December 05, 2011, 03:56:43 PM »
But for a realistic approach to someone like Chuck Norris I'd probably put him down as a 4th-level Unarmed Swordsage with focus on Setting Sun, Stone Dragon and the jumping maneuvers of Tiger Claw.

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Let's Optimize Chuck Norris!
« on: December 05, 2011, 03:53:47 PM »
I personally like this quote:

When I was having dinner with Chuck Norris I did ask him: "If you and Bruce would be in a real fight to death, who would win?", and he said without thinking: "Bruce of course. Nobody can beat him."

John Benn, in audio commentary on DVD of The Way of the Dragon (US title: Return of the Dragon).

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Let's Optimize Chuck Norris!
« on: December 05, 2011, 03:18:42 PM »
You cannot optimize Chuck Norris.  Optimizing him would imply room for improvement.
Thread over.

Also, haven't you guys heard that Bruce Lee = Chuck Norris = Pun-Pun? It's like that whole Trinity thing in Christianity. Don't think about it too hard...  :D

Oh, and Vin Diesel is their prophet.

Except Bruce Lee was significantly better than Chuck Norris.

So equality is not the name of the game.

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Let's Optimize Chuck Norris!
« on: December 04, 2011, 09:19:50 PM »
What does 4chan consider Norris?

God with a heaping helping of asskicking.

Than what does that make Bruce Lee?

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Best Ur-Priest builds, including Psionics
« on: December 03, 2011, 04:42:07 PM »
I'm a fan of Human 3rd-Level Paladin of Tyranny/3rd-Level HexBlade/2nd-Level Ur-Priest/10th-Level Bone Knight.

Off Topic Fun / Re: Criticism of Moderation
« on: November 30, 2011, 03:52:46 PM »
I think the problem that I have seen from the moderators is a consistent length to which they will allow a poster to bring a community down. It seems like as long as a poster doesn't do something horrendously mean (like Andrew Ryan) they can continue to simply be antagonistic and bring the community down.

I'm not advocating a harsher perspective for banning or anything but it would be nice if the mods could come down on those type of individuals with a warning like, "Hey, stop being an asshole."

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Caelic's E6 Build Compendium
« on: November 30, 2011, 02:30:26 AM »
Shang Tsung, E6 Edition

Race: Lolth-Touched Elan

Alignment: Lawful Evil

Build: Hexblade 3/Paladin of Tyranny 2/Soul Eater 1

1. Improved Unarmed Strike, Alertness, Weapon Focus (Unarmed Strike)
3. Supreme Unarmed Strike
6. Ability Focus (Energy Drain)

Stats:  BaB: +6  Saves: F: +12 [+15]  R: +7 [+10]  W: +8 [+11] [Against Spells & Spell-like Abilities]

Assuming a 25-point buy:
Str: 20
Dex: 13
Con: 16
Int: 10
Wis: 10
Cha: 16

Hexblade Curse (1/day; DC 14)
Energy Drain (1/round; 1 negative level)

Post Sixth-Level Feats:
Improved Natural Attack, Snap Kick, Power Attack, Leap Attack, Flying Kick

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Caelic's E6 Build Compendium
« on: November 28, 2011, 08:16:10 PM »
I have also taken a liking to E6.

The Batman, E6 Edition

Race: Human

Alignment: Lawful Good

Build: Rogue 3/Fighter 1/Rogue 1/Chameleon 1

1. Able Learner, Jack of All Trades, Investigate, Mercantile Background
3. Knowledge Devotion
6. Leadership

Stats:  BaB: +4  Saves: F: +3  R: +6  W: +3

Assuming a 32-point buy & being Middle-Aged:
Str 10
Dex 14
Con 12
Int 18
Wis 14
Cha 10

Sneak Attack +3d6
Uncanny Dodge
Hit & Run Tactics (Dex to Flat-footed Foes & +2 to Initiative)
2nd-level Arcane or Divine Spells

Post Sixth-Level Feats
Practiced Spellcaster (Chameleon), Martial Stance (Assassin's Stance), ShadowBlade, Weapon Finesse, Craft Wondrous Item and basically every other feat you can continue to nab. 


D&D 3.5 and Pathfinder / Re: Where to start... making a vampire BBEG
« on: November 27, 2011, 05:00:01 PM »
Vampire Lord template?

Yes, thats even better.  I'll use that one, but what class or race would fit with it?

What type of Vampire boss are you hoping to build?

One thing I've found here is that despite this being an optimization board, most here aren't really cut out for that at all. They might think that they are optimizing, because they are making something better while ignoring that the goal is not to make something better, it is to make it good enough. Having 2 dollars is more money than having 1 dollar. You still do not have enough cash to make any significant purchases.

Obviously someone has never ventured into the beauty of a dollar store.

Yes, because many things that are not actually one dollar and that are of very low quality constitutes a solid rebuttal. Oh wait, it doesn't.

Obviously someone has never tasted the beauty of a Sasta 3-liter soda.

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