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Messages - Threadnaught

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And updated by popular demand.

Also anyone knows where the Kluchirir is? Because searching online only brings me back here. Typo?

Fiendish Codex I: Hordes of the Abyss, updated from Fiend Folio.

D&D 5e / Re: Barbarian to fight Tiamat
« on: December 05, 2017, 10:09:26 AM »
The stuff in quotation marks were myself quoting the player verbatim. Fixed it, now it looks so much better.
Yeah, Pirate gives Proficiency to Athletics and Perception.

How are the numbers in 5e so low?  :(

Okay, more quotes from the player. I'm neither a player nor a DM in this situation btw, I'm the middle man between the player and the boards. :smirk

Quote from: The Player
As a multiclass Fighter: the only benefit I would want/get would be the Dueling which would give me +2 to my attacks if I only equip one weapon and then get to level 3 with it to obtain an Archetype. Champion would just allow me to score a critical hit on 19 or 20 rather than just 20. Battle Master would allow me to choose 3 Battle Maneuvers such as Lunge Attack, Parry, etc. I think I may just do Totem Warrior Barbarian + Battle Master Fighter whilst gaining the Feats Lucky, Great Weapon Master and Sentinel. (Post this to the thread haha)
Both Fighter Archetypes are very helpful when it comes to Barbarians
The Dip would just be a struggle
Or I may just go straight Barbarian
And the DM hasn't mentioned Magic Items yet

Oslecamo's Improved Monster Classes / Re: General Discussion and Sugestions
« on: December 05, 2017, 09:53:27 AM »
Not enough book keeping.  :plotting

D&D 5e / Barbarian to fight Tiamat
« on: December 04, 2017, 08:46:57 PM »
So a guy in an RPG group I'm in is beginning a 5e Campaign. Rules for Character Building are Elite Array, PHB+1, no homebrew.

He was thinking Totem Warrior/Rager with the Fighter Subclass: Champion.
The DM is wanting the party to take on Tiamat at level 20, so this is a 20th level build.

Let's see...
Quote from: The Player
I just need some help in the right direction. How does a Half-Orc Barbarian CN STR based Berserker Pirate with Perception, Intimidation and Athletics sound?
So far haha
Also having a fighter for multiclass to have the level  3 bonus and subclass champion

Not knowing what any of that means, but attempting to help anyway. I've found myself stuck, using a system I don't enjoy. Plz help.

Aw look at your two, learning to use the forum. Welcome to the boards.

What are you talking about? I've been here, fiddling with this stuff for a few years now.

Sorry it too a while to answer your summons. I pulled the emergency brake to come to a full stop when learning a new system (Mutants & Masterminds), but fear not, I shall return (and soon dump more posts in a single day than probably anyone on this forum).

That's what I'm hoping for... At least, once the Class has been edited, again.

1) First of all, put all of your abilities into full sentences. Use prose to explain anything about the class including levels at which abilities gain and operate. After that tables are helpful. Just remember that text trumps tables in D&D. For instance, "Feeding Aura(dark): enemies who enter this aura begin to feel their life sap away and bolster the dark auraist, feeding on all enemies who enter.  (1d6 + 1d6 per 3 levels + wisdom mod)" contains sentence fragments.

In my experience, it's better to have a table with the Chassis and no features listed on the table. With the features being worked on to fine tune when each feature is gained.
Tables are a quick guide for the Class' progression. Though most of my experience is messing around sending PMs to myself until it looks right. Yeah, I wouldn't generally ask for advice, unless I was really stuck or close to completion.

2) You might want organize things differently. This doesn't feel complete to me. There are 12 abilities lists and D&D defaults to 20 levels for a base class. Plays don't like dead levels and DMs will expect saves/SR/hit rolls on abilities that affect others. Does this class have anything to do with tanking?

It's based on a Support Class from an RPG under development. I'm not privy to the mechanics of that game, but the numbers 9000 damage and 90000HP cropped up a few times. The Auraist was in dire need of balancing in that game, so I'd suggested here as the smaller numbers of D&D would be more manageable and once translated into the other system, would be less... "Ugh".

See the Quote button on our posts?
That'll allow you to take the content of the post, or in this case, message as its base coding.

To modify a post, click the button that only exists on your own posts, labeled Modify.
Once you're done fixing the formatting of the Class, you'll probably get some responses here that are more helpful in getting this thing functional as more than just a sack of HP. Pay very close attention to the things they have to say, just try not to forget about the rest of us, we have ideas too.

For the chassis, you can effectively just copy the Cleric on the d20srd.
You don't need to state that the Saves are Good or Poor and the Base Attack Bonus is self explanatory from the Table.

Each Aura, is going to have to specify how it works. If it "weakens" enemies, you'll have to explain whether that's by Ability Damage, Ability Drain, Level Drain or a Penalty to something.

Edit: I'll do you a little favour, I'm going to give you your entire post with everything already explained, all set up and formatted. Just Quote the message, Copy the text, Modify the OP of this thread and Paste.

Oslecamo's Improved Monster Classes / Re: General Discussion and Sugestions
« on: November 20, 2017, 04:40:53 PM »
Just keeping track of party loot must be a nightmare too then, huh?  :-\

I legit saw a single sheet being used for equipped items, assorted inventory items in the backpack, currency and art objects. It offends me to this day how it was a single sheet, performing the job of at least four sheets.

Oslecamo's Improved Monster Classes / Re: Crysmal(WIP)[PEACH]
« on: July 27, 2017, 05:57:14 PM »
I believe that to be a typo and Versatility_Nut only meant Con mod. Should be fixed anyway.

Aye, I thought it was a typo when I saw it too, I hope its a typo. The Damage Reduction being so soon afterward has just made it bug me all day.

Oslecamo's Improved Monster Classes / Re: Crysmal(WIP)[PEACH]
« on: July 27, 2017, 05:17:21 PM »
Uh, Raineh? Osle?

What about the Constition Score +1 Natural Armour Bonus? I could probably handle DR 5/Bludgeoning at 1st level, but an AC of 33 (20 Con and 12 Dex), however... No, just no. Not on a 1st level whatever.

Oslecamo's Improved Monster Classes / Re: Crysmal(WIP)[PEACH]
« on: July 27, 2017, 11:12:08 AM »
Crysmal Body: Crysmals are innately Psionic, crystaline, Tiny-sized Earth Elementals. The hardness of their bodies gives them 1+Con NA, as well as DR equal to their Constitution modifier that is bypassed by Bludgeoning damage, due to their bodies being quite brittle. They gain a +2 racial bonus to Constitution and Charisma, for their hard bodies and innate mental power, and a -2 penalty to Intelligence, due to being significantly more instinctive and emotional than the average humanoid, and they also have a single Sting natural attack, dealing 1d2 damage at their initial Tiny size.

That Natural Armour and Damage Reduction seem rather overpowered when combined. That's at least +6 Natural Armour at 1st level, +11 with a point buy system.

Give this thing the maximum and at 1st level it has +21 Natural Armour, Damage Reduction 5/Bludgeoning and 13HP.

Give it all five levels and throw everything into Constitution and you have +30 Natural Armour, with Damage Reduction 9/Bludgeoning, 10 Fire and Cold Resistance, 5 Electricity Resistance and 57-85HP.

Before working on any PrCs, this thing needs severely weakening.

Eh, I've started on it now.

Good man, I look forward to its completion.

Oslecamo's Improved Monster Classes / Re: Hydra
« on: July 23, 2017, 06:35:52 AM »
If you want good grammar, I expect hard cash as payment. But alas this isn't my paying work, so you get whatever quality I feel like at the moment.

Isn't there an alternative to paying you?
Like maybe, actually doing the work for you? Pretty sure that's been done before.

Oslecamo's Improved Monster Classes / Re: Crysmal(WIP)[PEACH]
« on: July 23, 2017, 06:26:37 AM »
Monster Entry states no armour, which means no armour proficiency. Fix that.

Table has nothing but stat increases at 4th level, Class lacks interesting 4th level ability. Fix that.
Either reduce the levels, or squeeze a little more out of this.

Again... No Armour Proficiency.

Edit: I went back to my only currently published Class to fix some wording, if you want to check it out. It should be in the Animals folder, but it currently isn't. That's using the base CR as a guide.

Look VN, if you want to play a 20 level build that requires conventional Classes, rather than these ones, you can. However, these Classes are fully capable of being made into part of a 20 level build.
You don't get to benefit from these Classes as though playing a Gestalt game, unless you're actually playing Gestalt.

If you want the benefits these Classes provide, make it into part of the build. There are many official Classes with interesting abilities which also ruin 20 level builds, I don't see you complaining about how bad Monk is for an Incantatrix build.

So, I notice that there's not an actual Animated Object monster class, just an Awakened one. And Awakened, itself, lacks a monster class, even though several of the Awaken spells give permanent HD. Some of them just make creatures from scratch. It'd be a great choice for a general monster PRC that isn't an outright template. As for what to do with Awakened, I can come up with the following right away:

3 level class
+4 Int each level
Nonability/below 2 Int prerequisite
d10 HD
3/4 BAB
Strong Fort/Will saves
Legacy Champion style progressing what's already there
4+Int skill ranks

Basically, you get a good chassis and 12 Int with one or two levels of progressing parts of what you already have. Parts being important, selecting a limited number of features to add levels of progression to rather than a whole class.

There are numerous problems here.

1: Awakened is assumed for all Classes based on creatures with less than 3 Intelligence, as otherwise you're either playing as an Animal, or a mindless creature incapable of thinking. Something Players and indeed PCs need to do a lot of. Without the ability to think like a PC (3 Int minimum), a character ceases to be a character and becomes more like an animal companion, or Skeletal Minion.

2: Awaken as a Spell provides 3d6 Intelligence, minimum Intelligence is 3, with a cap of 18. Yours caps at 12 Intelligence.
Since Awaken Construct works the same way as Awaken works when cast on trees for mental stats, each Mindless Construct PC is given PC levels of Intelligence. Awaken Construct and Awaken Undead do not provide HD.

3: As a Spell, Awaken only grants +2HD for Animals, not +3.

Not only is it completely unnecessary, but your Class also fails to perform as well as any of the Awaken Spells.

Osle, I'd like you to edit your first post here so Tortoise, Dire, is in the Animals Spoiler as Dire Tortoise. Just so all the animals are in the same place.

I'd do it myself right now, but I'm really tired and not in the mood to wrestle with manually made tables. Or copying over templates. Or actually working

Well you said it, not us. You certainly don't seem to be in the mood to do any work around here. :smirk

Intentional misquote to make a valid point aside, I have a handful of Monster Classes, Bloodlines and Legacy Items in progress. There are no threads for them, until they're ready to show the world, they're locked up in messages to myself. I did the same for Ironthorn and Dustform Creature before sending Osle the concepts which required fleshing out. Nothing I work on is seen by another user unless I'm satisfied with it.

Osle, you can remove Clockwork Horrors from the waiting list. You'd already finished those.

Oslecamo's Improved Monster Classes / Re: Hydra
« on: July 21, 2017, 04:03:58 PM »
7. I have issues with the wording on the item slot restrictions. I'm fine with being limited to two head/neck slot items, but I kinda wish there was wording saying that you can have one head item and one neck item on each head, but only two of each can be active at a time. Swapping active items requiring removal of associated head, of course, to prevent rapid swapping stuff. Mostly, it's just wanting bling-encrusting of Hydras.

7) That sounds like a potential feat to me. Most characters wont have so many items of the same slot, but it can be useful if it comes up. And since the Hydra is going to be wearing a bunch of golf chains and shit, I suggest we should go the comedic route and call the feat Hydra Bling.

Doesn't have to be a Feat. You can wear as much as you want, provided you only benefit from two head and two neck slots.

Just like with Rings, most people have eight fingers, two thumbs and can wear multiple rings per finger, let's assume twenty eight rings in total. Yet, by game rules, they can only reap the benefit of two at a time with the exception of certain Feats.
Though a Feat would be a good idea if you wanted to have more Magic Item slots. As in, the ability to benefit from more than two head and neck items at once.

Current Campaign has me run ragged, but hopefully these dozen new books and magazines'll come in handy.

Just throwing out some things in case anyone else decides to fix these up before I get around to them, as y'all are so quick at doing so. I'm working on all of them, but some are just at the most basic play style ideas. So no worries if someone can flesh them out faster.

Chaturans from Dragon #358.
Pawn 2 levels
King 9 levels
Pawn Prestige Classes (because that's how Chess works)
Knight 2 levels
Bishop 3 levels
Rook 5 levels
Queen 7 levels

I'm surprised Osle, you've brought a few things from Dragon into this project, including Tome Dragon and Gray Shiver from Dragon 343. I checked the Dragon and Golem sections to discover that Hex Dragon and Rune Golem haven't been written up or even requested.

Effigy Creature Template 1 level (Complete Arcane)
Dry Lich Template 3 levels (Sandstorm)
Shivhad 21 levels (Frostburn)
Brood Spawn Template 3 levels (Elder Evils) [a gift to you Osle, I wanted to surprise you, but haven't figured out how to do it]

I'm gonna take a look at the Clockwork Horrors, since they remind me of the Replicators.

And Monster of Legacy 3 levels (guess which book  :p), just because.

Just got a dozen books and Dragon magazines, including MM2 and 3, and Dragon 343. Gonna see if there's anything to provide inspiration for the Boneyard's bite and/or "summoning".

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